57 research outputs found

    Scalable and fault-tolerant data stream processing on multi-core architectures

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    With increasing data volumes and velocity, many applications are shifting from the classical “process-after-store” paradigm to a stream processing model: data is produced and consumed as continuous streams. Stream processing captures latency-sensitive applications as diverse as credit card fraud detection and high-frequency trading. These applications are expressed as queries of algebraic operations (e.g., aggregation) over the most recent data using windows, i.e., finite evolving views over the input streams. To guarantee correct results, streaming applications require precise window semantics (e.g., temporal ordering) for operations that maintain state. While high processing throughput and low latency are performance desiderata for stateful streaming applications, achieving both poses challenges. Computing the state of overlapping windows causes redundant aggregation operations: incremental execution (i.e., reusing previous results) reduces latency but prevents parallelization; at the same time, parallelizing window execution for stateful operations with precise semantics demands ordering guarantees and state access coordination. Finally, streams and state must be recovered to produce consistent and repeatable results in the event of failures. Given the rise of shared-memory multi-core CPU architectures and high-speed networking, we argue that it is possible to address these challenges in a single node without compromising window semantics, performance, or fault-tolerance. In this thesis, we analyze, design, and implement stream processing engines (SPEs) that achieve high performance on multi-core architectures. To this end, we introduce new approaches for in-memory processing that address the previous challenges: (i) for overlapping windows, we provide a family of window aggregation techniques that enable computation sharing based on the algebraic properties of aggregation functions; (ii) for parallel window execution, we balance parallelism and incremental execution by developing abstractions for both and combining them to a novel design; and (iii) for reliable single-node execution, we enable strong fault-tolerance guarantees without sacrificing performance by reducing the required disk I/O bandwidth using a novel persistence model. We combine the above to implement an SPE that processes hundreds of millions of tuples per second with sub-second latencies. These results reveal the opportunity to reduce resource and maintenance footprint by replacing cluster-based SPEs with single-node deployments.Open Acces

    A Survey on the Evolution of Stream Processing Systems

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    Stream processing has been an active research field for more than 20 years, but it is now witnessing its prime time due to recent successful efforts by the research community and numerous worldwide open-source communities. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of fundamental aspects of stream processing systems and their evolution in the functional areas of out-of-order data management, state management, fault tolerance, high availability, load management, elasticity, and reconfiguration. We review noteworthy past research findings, outline the similarities and differences between early ('00-'10) and modern ('11-'18) streaming systems, and discuss recent trends and open problems.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 5 table

    Accelerating Event Stream Processing in On- and Offline Systems

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    Due to a growing number of data producers and their ever-increasing data volume, the ability to ingest, analyze, and store potentially never-ending streams of data is a mission-critical task in today's data processing landscape. A widespread form of data streams are event streams, which consist of continuously arriving notifications about some real-world phenomena. For example, a temperature sensor naturally generates an event stream by periodically measuring the temperature and reporting it with measurement time in case of a substantial change to the previous measurement. In this thesis, we consider two kinds of event stream processing: online and offline. Online refers to processing events solely in main memory as soon as they arrive, while offline means processing event data previously persisted to non-volatile storage. Both modes are supported by widely used scale-out general-purpose stream processing engines (SPEs) like Apache Flink or Spark Streaming. However, such engines suffer from two significant deficiencies that severely limit their processing performance. First, for offline processing, they load the entire stream from non-volatile secondary storage and replay all data items into the associated online engine in order of their original arrival. While this naturally ensures unified query semantics for on- and offline processing, the costs for reading the entire stream from non-volatile storage quickly dominate the overall processing costs. Second, modern SPEs focus on scaling out computations across the nodes of a cluster, but use only a fraction of the available resources of individual nodes. This thesis tackles those problems with three different approaches. First, we present novel techniques for the offline processing of two important query types (windowed aggregation and sequential pattern matching). Our methods utilize well-understood indexing techniques to reduce the total amount of data to read from non-volatile storage. We show that this improves the overall query runtime significantly. In particular, this thesis develops the first index-based algorithms for pattern queries expressed with the Match_Recognize clause, a new and powerful language feature of SQL that has received little attention so far. Second, we show how to maximize resource utilization of single nodes by exploiting the capabilities of modern hardware. Therefore, we develop a prototypical shared-memory CPU-GPU-enabled event processing system. The system provides implementations of all major event processing operators (filtering, windowed aggregation, windowed join, and sequential pattern matching). Our experiments reveal that regarding resource utilization and processing throughput, such a hardware-enabled system is superior to hardware-agnostic general-purpose engines. Finally, we present TPStream, a new operator for pattern matching over temporal intervals. TPStream achieves low processing latency and, in contrast to sequential pattern matching, is easily parallelizable even for unpartitioned input streams. This results in maximized resource utilization, especially for modern CPUs with multiple cores

    Scalability Benchmarking of Cloud-Native Applications Applied to Event-Driven Microservices

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    Cloud-native applications constitute a recent trend for designing large-scale software systems. This thesis introduces the Theodolite benchmarking method, allowing researchers and practitioners to conduct empirical scalability evaluations of cloud-native applications, their frameworks, configurations, and deployments. The benchmarking method is applied to event-driven microservices, a specific type of cloud-native applications that employ distributed stream processing frameworks to scale with massive data volumes. Extensive experimental evaluations benchmark and compare the scalability of various stream processing frameworks under different configurations and deployments, including different public and private cloud environments. These experiments show that the presented benchmarking method provides statistically sound results in an adequate amount of time. In addition, three case studies demonstrate that the Theodolite benchmarking method can be applied to a wide range of applications beyond stream processing

    SPL: An extensible language for distributed stream processing

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    Big data is revolutionizing how all sectors of our economy do business, including telecommunication, transportation, medical, and finance. Big data comes in two flavors: data at rest and data in motion. Processing data in motion is stream processing. Stream processing for big data analytics often requires scale that can only be delivered by a distributed system, exploiting parallelism on many hosts and many cores. One such distributed stream processing system is IBM Streams. Early customer experience with IBM Streams uncovered that another core requirement is extensibility, since customers want to build high-performance domain-specific operators for use in their streaming applications. Based on these two core requirements of distribution and extensibility, we designed and implemented the Streams Processing Language (SPL). This article describes SPL with an emphasis on the language design, distributed runtime, and extensibility mechanism. SPL is now the gateway for the IBM Streams platform, used by our customers for stream processing in a broad range of application domains. © 2017 ACM

    Performance Optimizations and Operator Semantics for Streaming Data Flow Programs

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    Unternehmen sammeln mehr Daten als je zuvor und müssen auf diese Informationen zeitnah reagieren. Relationale Datenbanken eignen sich nicht für die latenzfreie Verarbeitung dieser oft unstrukturierten Daten. Um diesen Anforderungen zu begegnen, haben sich in der Datenbankforschung seit dem Anfang der 2000er Jahre zwei neue Forschungsrichtungen etabliert: skalierbare Verarbeitung unstrukturierter Daten und latenzfreie Datenstromverarbeitung. Skalierbare Verarbeitung unstrukturierter Daten, auch bekannt unter dem Begriff "Big Data"-Verarbeitung, hat in der Industrie schnell Einzug erhalten. Gleichzeitig wurden in der Forschung Systeme zur latenzfreien Datenstromverarbeitung entwickelt, die auf eine verteilte Architektur, Skalierbarkeit und datenparallele Verarbeitung setzen. Obwohl diese Systeme in der Industrie vermehrt zum Einsatz kommen, gibt es immer noch große Herausforderungen im praktischen Einsatz. Diese Dissertation verfolgt zwei Hauptziele: Zuerst wird das Laufzeitverhalten von hochskalierbaren datenparallelen Datenstromverarbeitungssystemen untersucht. Im zweiten Hauptteil wird das "Dual Streaming Model" eingeführt, das eine Semantik zur gleichzeitigen Verarbeitung von Datenströmen und Tabellen beschreibt. Das Ziel unserer Untersuchung ist ein besseres Verständnis über das Laufzeitverhalten dieser Systeme zu erhalten und dieses Wissen zu nutzen um Anfragen automatisch ausreichende Rechenkapazität zuzuweisen. Dazu werden ein Kostenmodell und darauf aufbauende Optimierungsalgorithmen für Datenstromanfragen eingeführt, die Datengruppierung und Datenparallelität einbeziehen. Das vorgestellte Datenstromverarbeitungsmodell beschreibt das Ergebnis eines Operators als kontinuierlichen Strom von Veränderugen auf einer Ergebnistabelle. Dabei behandelt unser Modell die Diskrepanz der physikalischen und logischen Ordnung von Datenelementen inhärent und erreicht damit eine deterministische Semantik und eine minimale Verarbeitungslatenz.Modern companies are able to collect more data and require insights from it faster than ever before. Relational databases do not meet the requirements for processing the often unstructured data sets with reasonable performance. The database research community started to address these trends in the early 2000s. Two new research directions have attracted major interest since: large-scale non-relational data processing as well as low-latency data stream processing. Large-scale non-relational data processing, commonly known as "Big Data" processing, was quickly adopted in the industry. In parallel, low latency data stream processing was mainly driven by the research community developing new systems that embrace a distributed architecture, scalability, and exploits data parallelism. While these systems have gained more and more attention in the industry, there are still major challenges to operate them at large scale. The goal of this dissertation is two-fold: First, to investigate runtime characteristics of large scale data-parallel distributed streaming systems. And second, to propose the "Dual Streaming Model" to express semantics of continuous queries over data streams and tables. Our goal is to improve the understanding of system and query runtime behavior with the aim to provision queries automatically. We introduce a cost model for streaming data flow programs taking into account the two techniques of record batching and data parallelization. Additionally, we introduce optimization algorithms that leverage our model for cost-based query provisioning. The proposed Dual Streaming Model expresses the result of a streaming operator as a stream of successive updates to a result table, inducing a duality between streams and tables. Our model handles the inconsistency of the logical and the physical order of records within a data stream natively, which allows for deterministic semantics as well as low latency query execution

    Middleware Architecture for Sensing as a Service

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    The Internet of Things is a concept that envisions the world as a smart space in which physical objects embedded with sensors, actuators, and network connectivity can communicate and react to their surroundings. Recent advancement in information and communication technologies make it possible to make the IoT vision a reality. However, IoT devices and consumers of data from these IoT devices can be owned by different entities which makes IoT data sharing a real challenge. Sensing as a Service is a concept that is influenced by the cloud computing term “Every Thing as a Service”. Sensing as a Service enables sensor data sharing. Sensing as a Service middleware enables IoT applications to access data generated by sensing devices owned by other entities. IoT applications are charged by the Sensing as a Service middleware for the amount of sensor data they use. This thesis addresses the architectural design of a cloud-based Sensing as Service middleware. The middleware enables sensor owners to sell their sensor data through the Internet. IoT applications can collect, and analyze sensors through the middleware API. We propose multitenancy algorithms for the middleware resource management. In addition, we propose a SQL-Like language that can be used by IoT applications for sensing service discovery, and sensor stream analytics. The evaluation of the middleware implementation shows the effectiveness of the algorithm

    Hardware-conscious query processing for the many-core era

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    Die optimale Nutzung von moderner Hardware zur Beschleunigung von Datenbank-Anfragen ist keine triviale Aufgabe. Viele DBMS als auch DSMS der letzten Jahrzehnte basieren auf Sachverhalten, die heute kaum noch Gültigkeit besitzen. Ein Beispiel hierfür sind heutige Server-Systeme, deren Hauptspeichergröße im Bereich mehrerer Terabytes liegen kann und somit den Weg für Hauptspeicherdatenbanken geebnet haben. Einer der größeren letzten Hardware Trends geht hin zu Prozessoren mit einer hohen Anzahl von Kernen, den sogenannten Manycore CPUs. Diese erlauben hohe Parallelitätsgrade für Programme durch Multithreading sowie Vektorisierung (SIMD), was die Anforderungen an die Speicher-Bandbreite allerdings deutlich erhöht. Der sogenannte High-Bandwidth Memory (HBM) versucht diese Lücke zu schließen, kann aber ebenso wie Many-core CPUs jeglichen Performance-Vorteil negieren, wenn dieser leichtfertig eingesetzt wird. Diese Arbeit stellt die Many-core CPU-Architektur zusammen mit HBM vor, um Datenbank sowie Datenstrom-Anfragen zu beschleunigen. Es wird gezeigt, dass ein hardwarenahes Kostenmodell zusammen mit einem Kalibrierungsansatz die Performance verschiedener Anfrageoperatoren verlässlich vorhersagen kann. Dies ermöglicht sowohl eine adaptive Partitionierungs und Merge-Strategie für die Parallelisierung von Datenstrom-Anfragen als auch eine ideale Konfiguration von Join-Operationen auf einem DBMS. Nichtsdestotrotz ist nicht jede Operation und Anwendung für die Nutzung einer Many-core CPU und HBM geeignet. Datenstrom-Anfragen sind oft auch an niedrige Latenz und schnelle Antwortzeiten gebunden, welche von höherer Speicher-Bandbreite kaum profitieren können. Hinzu kommen üblicherweise niedrigere Taktraten durch die hohe Kernzahl der CPUs, sowie Nachteile für geteilte Datenstrukturen, wie das Herstellen von Cache-Kohärenz und das Synchronisieren von parallelen Thread-Zugriffen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit lässt sich ableiten, welche parallelen Datenstrukturen sich für die Verwendung von HBM besonders eignen. Des Weiteren werden verschiedene Techniken zur Parallelisierung und Synchronisierung von Datenstrukturen vorgestellt, deren Effizienz anhand eines Mehrwege-Datenstrom-Joins demonstriert wird.Exploiting the opportunities given by modern hardware for accelerating query processing speed is no trivial task. Many DBMS and also DSMS from past decades are based on fundamentals that have changed over time, e.g., servers of today with terabytes of main memory capacity allow complete avoidance of spilling data to disk, which has prepared the ground some time ago for main memory databases. One of the recent trends in hardware are many-core processors with hundreds of logical cores on a single CPU, providing an intense degree of parallelism through multithreading as well as vectorized instructions (SIMD). Their demand for memory bandwidth has led to the further development of high-bandwidth memory (HBM) to overcome the memory wall. However, many-core CPUs as well as HBM have many pitfalls that can nullify any performance gain with ease. In this work, we explore the many-core architecture along with HBM for database and data stream query processing. We demonstrate that a hardware-conscious cost model with a calibration approach allows reliable performance prediction of various query operations. Based on that information, we can, therefore, come to an adaptive partitioning and merging strategy for stream query parallelization as well as finding an ideal configuration of parameters for one of the most common tasks in the history of DBMS, join processing. However, not all operations and applications can exploit a many-core processor or HBM, though. Stream queries optimized for low latency and quick individual responses usually do not benefit well from more bandwidth and suffer from penalties like low clock frequencies of many-core CPUs as well. Shared data structures between cores also lead to problems with cache coherence as well as high contention. Based on our insights, we give a rule of thumb which data structures are suitable to parallelize with focus on HBM usage. In addition, different parallelization schemas and synchronization techniques are evaluated, based on the example of a multiway stream join operation


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    The increasing demand for real-time data processing and the constantly growing data volume have contributed to the rapid evolution of Stream Processing Engines (SPEs), which are designed to continuously process data as it arrives. Low operational cost and timely delivery of results are both objectives of paramount importance for SPEs. Given the volatile and uncharted nature of data streams, achieving the aforementioned goals under fixed resources is a challenge. This calls for adaptable SPEs, which can react to fluctuations in processing demands. In the past, three techniques have been developed for improving an SPE’s ability to adapt. Those techniques are classified based on applications’ requirements on exact or approximate results: stream partitioning, and re-partitioning target exact, and load shedding targets approximate processing. Stream partitioning strives to balance load among processors, and previous techniques neglected hidden costs of distributed execution. Load Shedding lowers the accuracy of results by dropping part of the input, and previous techniques did not cope with evolving streams. Stream re-partitioning is used to reconfigure execution while processing takes place, and previous techniques did not fully utilize window semantics. In this dissertation, we put stream processing in a procrustean bed, in terms of the manner and the degree that processing takes place. To this end, we present new approaches, for window-based aggregate operators, which are applicable to both exact and approximate stream processing in modern SPEs. Our stream partitioning, re-partitioning, and load shedding solutions offer improvements in performance and accuracy on real-world data by exploiting the semantics of both data and operations. In addition, we present SPEAr, the design of an SPE that accelerates processing by delivering approximate results with accuracy guarantees and avoiding unnecessary load. Finally, we contribute a hybrid technique, ShedPart, which can further improve load balance and performance of an SPE