5,163 research outputs found

    Ehrenfest regularization of Hamiltonian systems

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    Imagine a freely rotating rigid body. The body has three principal axes of rotation. It follows from mathematical analysis of the evolution equations that pure rotations around the major and minor axes are stable while rotation around the middle axis is unstable. However, only rotation around the major axis (with highest moment of inertia) is stable in physical reality (as demonstrated by the unexpected change of rotation of the Explorer 1 probe). We propose a general method of Ehrenfest regularization of Hamiltonian equations by which the reversible Hamiltonian equations are equipped with irreversible terms constructed from the Hamiltonian dynamics itself. The method is demonstrated on harmonic oscillator, rigid body motion (solving the problem of stable minor axis rotation), ideal fluid mechanics and kinetic theory. In particular, the regularization can be seen as a birth of irreversibility and dissipation. In addition, we discuss and propose discretizations of the Ehrenfest regularized evolution equations such that key model characteristics (behavior of energy and entropy) are valid in the numerical scheme as well

    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics

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    This paper presents an overview and introduction to Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics in theory and in practice. Firstly, we give a basic grounding in the fundamentals of SPH, showing how the equations of motion and energy can be self-consistently derived from the density estimate. We then show how to interpret these equations using the basic SPH interpolation formulae and highlight the subtle difference in approach between SPH and other particle methods. In doing so, we also critique several `urban myths' regarding SPH, in particular the idea that one can simply increase the `neighbour number' more slowly than the total number of particles in order to obtain convergence. We also discuss the origin of numerical instabilities such as the pairing and tensile instabilities. Finally, we give practical advice on how to resolve three of the main issues with SPMHD: removing the tensile instability, formulating dissipative terms for MHD shocks and enforcing the divergence constraint on the particles, and we give the current status of developments in this area. Accompanying the paper is the first public release of the NDSPMHD SPH code, a 1, 2 and 3 dimensional code designed as a testbed for SPH/SPMHD algorithms that can be used to test many of the ideas and used to run all of the numerical examples contained in the paper.Comment: 44 pages, 14 figures, accepted to special edition of J. Comp. Phys. on "Computational Plasma Physics". The ndspmhd code is available for download from http://users.monash.edu.au/~dprice/ndspmhd

    Variational Integrators and the Newmark Algorithm for Conservative and Dissipative Mechanical Systems

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    The purpose of this work is twofold. First, we demonstrate analytically that the classical Newmark family as well as related integration algorithms are variational in the sense of the Veselov formulation of discrete mechanics. Such variational algorithms are well known to be symplectic and momentum preserving and to often have excellent global energy behavior. This analytical result is veried through numerical examples and is believed to be one of the primary reasons that this class of algorithms performs so well. Second, we develop algorithms for mechanical systems with forcing, and in particular, for dissipative systems. In this case, we develop integrators that are based on a discretization of the Lagrange d'Alembert principle as well as on a variational formulation of dissipation. It is demonstrated that these types of structured integrators have good numerical behavior in terms of obtaining the correct amounts by which the energy changes over the integration run

    Numerical Methods for the Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes Equations

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    The Landau-Lifshitz Navier-Stokes (LLNS) equations incorporate thermal fluctuations into macroscopic hydrodynamics by using stochastic fluxes. This paper examines explicit Eulerian discretizations of the full LLNS equations. Several CFD approaches are considered (including MacCormack's two-step Lax-Wendroff scheme and the Piecewise Parabolic Method) and are found to give good results (about 10% error) for the variances of momentum and energy fluctuations. However, neither of these schemes accurately reproduces the density fluctuations. We introduce a conservative centered scheme with a third-order Runge-Kutta temporal integrator that does accurately produce density fluctuations. A variety of numerical tests, including the random walk of a standing shock wave, are considered and results from the stochastic LLNS PDE solver are compared with theory, when available, and with molecular simulations using a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) algorithm

    Smoothed Particle Magnetohydrodynamics III. Multidimensional tests and the div B = 0 constraint

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    In two previous papers (Price & Monaghan 2004a,b) (papers I,II) we have described an algorithm for solving the equations of Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) using the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. The algorithm uses dissipative terms in order to capture shocks and has been tested on a wide range of one dimensional problems in both adiabatic and isothermal MHD. In this paper we investigate multidimensional aspects of the algorithm, refining many of the aspects considered in papers I and II and paying particular attention to the code's ability to maintain the div B = 0 constraint associated with the magnetic field. In particular we implement a hyperbolic divergence cleaning method recently proposed by Dedner et al. (2002) in combination with the consistent formulation of the MHD equations in the presence of non-zero magnetic divergence derived in papers I and II. Various projection methods for maintaining the divergence-free condition are also examined. Finally the algorithm is tested against a wide range of multidimensional problems used to test recent grid-based MHD codes. A particular finding of these tests is that in SPMHD the magnitude of the divergence error is dependent on the number of neighbours used to calculate a particle's properties and only weakly dependent on the total number of particles. Whilst many improvements could still be made to the algorithm, our results suggest that the method is ripe for application to problems of current theoretical interest, such as that of star formation.Comment: Here is the latest offering in my quest for a decent SPMHD algorithm. 26 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Version with high res figures available from http://www.astro.ex.ac.uk/people/dprice/pubs/spmhd/spmhdpaper3.pd
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