32 research outputs found

    Modeling the two- and three-dimensional displacement field in Lorca, Spain, subsidence and the global implications

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    Land subsidence associated with overexploitation of aquifers is a hazard that commonly affects large areas worldwide. The Lorca area, located in southeast Spain, has undergone one of the highest subsidence rates in Europe as a direct consequence of long-term aquifer exploitation. Previous studies carried out on the region assumed that the ground deformation retrieved from satellite radar interferometry corresponds only to vertical displacement. Here we report, for the first time, the two- and three-dimensional displacement field over the study area using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from Sentinel-1A images and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. By modeling this displacement, we provide new insights on the spatial and temporal evolution of the subsidence processes and on the main governing mechanisms. Additionally, we also demonstrate the importance of knowing both the vertical and horizontal components of the displacement to properly characterize similar hazards. Based on these results, we propose some general guidelines for the sustainable management and monitoring of land subsidence related to anthropogenic activities.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An investigation of ongoing displacements of active faults in the Gobi desert using persistent scatterer interferometric synthetic aperture radar technique to support the permanent disposal of high-level waste in Beishan, China

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    This research demonstrated the application of PSInSAR method in identifying and characterising the micro-displacements along active faults in Beishan to support the selection of GDF host rock. This research first distinguishes and separates the tectonic induced and non-tectonic induced deformation within three study areas at Suanjingzi, Jiujing and Xinchang. Through the application of coherence change detection, it found the granite outcrop areas characterised by high coherence provide more robust results of tectonic activity. The Quaternary sediments covered areas which are characterised by low coherence usually show higher deformation rates due to the impacts of erosion and deposition. The tectonic induced displacements generally range from -0.4 to 0.4 mma-1 and are dominated by fault bound tectonic movements. As a part of wrench faut zone, Beishan is impacted by a NE-SW trended maximum in situ compressive stress field (σ1). To correlate the visible valleys, gullies, or cracks in Google Earth imagery with the SAR image deformation discontinuities, this study mapped and characterised more than 40 active faults in the three study areas, these include (1) the NE-SW trended sinistral strike-slip faults triggered by extension and (2) the NW-SE/W-E trended reverse faults triggered by maximum compression. The fault activity is characterised by subtle (minor) displacement rate value difference between the two sides of the fault plane. This research successfully improved the understanding of local structural geology and provided moderate guidance for the selection of HLW disposal sites in China. It was indicated that Xinchang has the highest tectonic stability, and this is then followed by Jiujing and Suanjingzi. This kind of displacement rate difference is possible due to the angle difference towards the Sanweishan Fault Zone. To trace and characterise the undiscovered active fault planes, the PSInSAR approach also benefits the prediction of earthquake by improving the positioning of the potential epicentres.Open Acces

    Study of groundwater properties and behaviour using geospatial techniques

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    Groundwater contributes a significant proportion of the earth’s freshwater and is essential to sustain life on earth, but its availability in spatial and temporal dimensions is not uniform. With the advent of efficient pumps and rural electrification, global groundwater extraction increased from 312 km3/year in the 1960s to 800 km3/year in 2000s; approximately 70% of this extraction is used for agriculture. About half of domestic human water consumption in urban areas is from groundwater. The ever-increasing dependence on groundwater has led to its depletion across various parts of the world. This trend must be reversed to sustain the critical role of groundwater. Groundwater monitoring based on validated data can provide information that can guide decision making to decrease groundwater stress on local and global scales. This thesis aims to monitor spatio-temporal changes in groundwater and related phenomena (like land subsidence) using geospatial techniques like InSAR, GRACE, GIS, data analysis and data visualisation. The over-extraction or rebound of groundwater can lead to land deformation because of the change in effective stress of underground sediments. Groundwater-induced land movement can cause damage to property and resources, and hence it must be monitored for the safety and economics of a city. This thesis explores the suitability of Persistent Scatterer Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PSInSAR) to measure land deformation and different senor-software for InSAR processing. The groundwater quantity variation and resulting land deformation for London using InSAR and Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) between 2002-2010 were analysed. Long-term, decreasing, complex, non-linear patterns in the spatial and temporal domains from both InSAR and GRACE datasets were observed. The land movement velocities varied from -6 to +6 mm/year, and their reliability was validated with observed GNSS data by conducting a two-sample t-test. The average groundwater loss estimated from GRACE was found to be 9.003 MCM/year. The results demonstrate that InSAR and GRACE complement each other and can be an excellent source of monitoring groundwater for hydrologists. Then groundwater induced subsidence for London and the National Capital Territory of Delhi (NCT-Delhi) between 2016 and 2020 were studied. The land movement velocities were found to vary between -24 mm/year to +24 mm/year for London and between -18 mm/year to +30 mm/year for NCT-Delhi. This land movement was compared with observed groundwater levels and spatio-temporal variation of groundwater. A 1-D mathematical model was used to quantify land deformation for a given change in groundwater level. It was broadly observed that when large volumes of groundwater are extracted, it leads to land subsidence, and when groundwater is recharged, surface uplift is witnessed. However the local geology, did play an important role in the extent of subsidence, which was considered in the mathematical model. The increased pressure on groundwater can cause spatio-temporal changes in its quality because of various atmospheric stimulations, varied geology, variation in subsurface mineralogy and factors controlling residence times. Moreover, the variation of groundwater quality is vital for the sustainable management and safety of groundwater. Thus, the variation in groundwater quality is analysed from observed data for London between 2000 and 2020. The data samples were used from 500 wells in the London basin, and the data is provided in the free open access domain by Environment Agency. The overall groundwater in London was found to be dominant magnesium bicarbonate type which typically represents shallow fresh groundwater, and spatio-temporal variations of hardness, sodium, and dissolved oxygen (DO) were also studied. Significant variations in the range of each constituent were found, which was attributed to variation in the geology of the London Palaeogene aquifers and anthropogenic activities. All the case studies help better understand the phenomenon of spatio-temporal variation in groundwater behaviour and associated land deformation for urban cities. The research presented in this thesis can be used to determine whether groundwater is available and suitable for its intended purpose, discover pollutants, examine any spatio-temporal variations, and monitor land subsidence

    Urban Deformation Monitoring using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry and SAR tomography

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    This book focuses on remote sensing for urban deformation monitoring. In particular, it highlights how deformation monitoring in urban areas can be carried out using Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Tomography (TomoSAR). Several contributions show the capabilities of Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and PSI techniques for urban deformation monitoring. Some of them show the advantages of TomoSAR in un-mixing multiple scatterers for urban mapping and monitoring. This book is dedicated to the technical and scientific community interested in urban applications. It is useful for choosing the appropriate technique and gaining an assessment of the expected performance. The book will also be useful to researchers, as it provides information on the state-of-the-art and new trends in this fiel

    Factors determining subsidence in urbanized floodplains: evidence from MT‐InSAR in Seville (southern Spain)

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    Major rivers have traditionally been linked with important human settlements throughout history. The growth of cities over recent river deposits makes necessary the use of multidisciplinary approaches to characterize the evolution of drainage networks in urbanized areas. Since under‐consolidated fluvial sediments are especially sensitive to compaction, their spatial distribution, thickness, and mechanical behavior must be studied. Here, we report on subsidence in the city of Seville (Southern Spain) between 2003 and 2010, through the analysis of the results obtained with the Multi‐Temporal InSAR (MT‐InSAR) technique. In addition, the temporal evolution of the subsidence is correlated with the rainfall, the river water column and the piezometric level. Finally, we characterize the geotechnical parameters of the fluvial sediments and calculate the theoretical settlement in the most representative sectors. Deformation maps clearly indicate that the spatial extent of subsidence is controlled by the distribution of under‐consolidated fine‐grained fluvial sediments at heights comprised in the range of river level variation. This is clearly evident at the western margin of the river and the surroundings of its tributaries, and differs from rainfall results as consequence of the anthropic regulation of the river. On the other hand, this influence is not detected at the eastern margin due to the shallow presence of coarse‐grain consolidated sediments of different terrace levels. The derived results prove valuable for implementing urban planning strategies, and the InSAR technique can therefore be considered as a complementary tool to help unravel the subsidence tendency of cities located over under‐consolidated fluvial deposits. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Departamento de Geodinámica, Universidad de Granada, EspañaDepartamento de Ingeniería Cartográfica, Geodésica y Fotogrametría, Universidad de Jaén, EspañaCentro de Estudios Avanzados en Ciencias de la Tierra (CEACTierra), Universidad de Jaén, EspañaInstituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, EspañaInstituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra, Universidad de Granada, EspañaDepartamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Granada, EspañaInstitute for Systems and Computer Engineering, Technology and Science, Universidade de Trás‐os‐Montes e Alto Douro, PortugalInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartment of Radar Technology, Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Países BajosGrupo de Investigación Microgeodesia Jaén, Universidad de Jaén, EspañaDepartment of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Delft University of Technology, Países Bajo

    Modeling the two- and three-dimensional displacement field in Lorca, Spain, subsidence and the global implications

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    Land subsidence associated with overexploitation of aquifers is a hazard that commonly affects large areas worldwide. The Lorca area, located in southeast Spain, has undergone one of the highest subsidence rates in Europe as a direct consequence of long-term aquifer exploitation. Previous studies carried out on the region assumed that the ground deformation retrieved from satellite radar interferometry corresponds only to vertical displacement. Here we report, for the first time, the two- and three-dimensional displacement field over the study area using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data from Sentinel-1A images and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations. By modeling this displacement, we provide new insights on the spatial and temporal evolution of the subsidence processes and on the main governing mechanisms. Additionally, we also demonstrate the importance of knowing both the vertical and horizontal components of the displacement to properly characterize similar hazards. Based on these results, we propose some general guidelines for the sustainable management and monitoring of land subsidence related to anthropogenic activitie

    Geomechanics of subsurface water withdrawal and injection

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    Land subsidence and uplift, ground ruptures, and induced seismicity are the principal geomechanic effects of groundwater withdrawal and injection. The major environmental consequence of groundwater pumping is anthropogenic land subsidence. The first observation concerning land settlement linked to subsurface processes was made in 1926 by the American geologists Pratt and Johnson, who wrote that \u2018\u2018the cause of subsidence is to be found in the extensive extraction of fluid from beneath the affected area.\u2019\u2019 Since then, impressive progress has been made in terms of: (a) recognizing the basic hydrologic and geomechanic principles underlying the occurrence; (b) measuring aquifer compaction and ground displacements, both vertical and horizontal; (c) modeling and predicting the past and future event; and (d) mitigating environmental impact through aquifer recharge and/or surface water injection. The first milestone in the theory of pumped aquifer consolidation was reached in 1923 by Terzaghi, who introduced the principle of \u2018\u2018effective intergranular stress.\u2019\u2019 In the early 1970s, the emerging computer technology facilitated development of the first mathematical model of the subsidence of Venice, made by Gambolati and Freeze. Since then, the comprehension, measuring, and simulation of the occurrence have improved dramatically. More challenging today are the issues of ground ruptures and induced/triggered seismicity, which call for a shift from the classical continuum approach to discontinuous mechanics. Although well known for decades, anthropogenic land subsidence is still threatening large urban centers and deltaic areas worldwide, such as Bangkok, Jakarta, and Mexico City, at rates in the order of 10 cm/yr

    Geodetic tools for hydrogeological surveys: 3D-displacements above a fractured aquifer from GPS time series

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    International audienceDeep porous reservoirs are subject to charge and discharge of fluids (oil, gas or water), either naturally or induced by human exploitation. This leads to a variation in pressure inside the reservoir and consequently to a deformation of the overlying material. The knowledge of the ground surface displacements allows inferring the fluid migrations and the hydromechanical properties in the porous reservoir. Different kinds of geodetic tools are able to measure this ground deformation: GPS, radar interferometry InSAR, tiltmeters or leveling. Each of them has its own spatial and time characteristics and accuracies that conduct to different kind of applications. After a review of the geodetic studies applied to hydrogeological processes, we describe two examples of GPS time series measurements above the granitic fractured aquifer of Ploemeur, located in French Brittany. These time series records the 3D-displacements induced by the sum of different processes. In this site, the involved processes are mainly the ground deformation related to piezometric level variations in the aquifer that we are looking for and the ocean tide loading that can reach several centimeters in the study area. We present the protocol of the GPS data survey and the processing strategy applied to extract the effect of hydrogeological process with sufficient accuracy. Two different experiments were studied: the long term deformation corresponding to seasonal hydrological cycle and the short term deformation associated to a pumping test. For a same variation in piezometric levels, the vertical ground displacements show larger amplitude for long term signal than for short one, indicating a behavior depending on the duration of the hydrogeological load. This difference of reactivity in time can be related to the heterogeneity of the studied aquifer. Finally, this work shows that geodetic measurements provide important constraints for characterizing aquifer-system response

    Insar measurements at high latitudes.

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    This thesis contributes towards understanding of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) measurements at high latitudes. Luossavaara-Kiirunavaara Aktiebolag (LKAB) mining company, the sponsor of this Ph.D. research, intends to use the InSAR techniques for subsidence measurements around the Kiruna underground iron ore mine. The Kiruna underground iron ore mine is located in direct proximity to the city of Kiruna, with the active mining area currently about 1 km west of the city center (67°51'20" N, 20°13'30 E). At present LKAB is exploring the possibility of using InSAR measurements as an operational technique for subsidence measurements. High latitudes InSAR measurements are known to be particularly affected by long periods of ground snow cover that contributes to temporal de-correlation between subsequent radar images. The objectives of this Ph.D. research are (1) to quantify the seasonal effects in InSAR measurements and (2) to identify techniques to improve the high latitude InSAR measurements. In this research study, spatial coherence was used to quantify the seasonal effects in the Differential InSAR (DInSAR) measurements for Kiruna region. A comparison between Static Global Positioning System (Static-GPS) and Corner Reflector InSAR (CRInSAR) measurements were carried out to quantify the seasonal effects in CRInSAR measurements. Spatial ground deformation patterns were used to improve the DInSAR measurements. A theoretical analysis for compact active transponders (CAT) was carried out to improve the North-South InSAR measurements. DInSAR, CRInSAR and Coherent Target Monitoring (CTM) techniques were used to evaluate the applicability of InSAR techniques for high latitude mining induce deformation measurements. The results show seasonal variations in DInSAR, CTM and CRInSAR measurements. Furthermore, DInSAR measurements around the Kiruna iron ore mine can be improved up to sub-centimeter accuracies by using the spatial ground deformation patterns. Also, the compact active transponders identi ed as a possible candidate to improve the accuracy of the North-South InSAR measurements. It is concluded that, all InSAR techniques (DInSAR, CTM and CRInSAR) were affected by the winter snow condition, and only the summer (snow-free) months are suitable for ground deformation measurements. Moreover, the study shows that without the winter images still it is possible to achieve accurate CTM and CRInSAR time series estimations for Kiruna. The East-West vector is the least noisy deformation vector, and both East-West and vertical vectors can be used to determine the LKAB environmental criterion. At present, every year, LKAB is acquiring 45 Radarsat-2 images from three beam modes. However, this study shows that less than 35% of those data are useful for subsidence measurements