230 research outputs found

    Proceedings of the 2nd EICS Workshop on Engineering Interactive Computer Systems with SCXML

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    On UML statechart with variabilities

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    El uso de métodos formales para el diseño de software contribuye a la confiabilidad y robustez del sistema a construir. A medida que los sistemas se vuelven complejos, el enfoque formal es esencial, debido a que permite la demostrabilidad y verificabilidad del diseño. El diseño formal es un proceso que comienza con la etapa de especificación, en la cual el sistema es de nido utilizando un lenguaje de modelado; luego la etapa de verificación, en la cual el sistema es analizado mediante un enfoque de corrección basado en pruebas formales utilizando herramientas matemá ticas y, por último, la etapa de implementación, en la cual la especificación se convierte en código ejecutable. El Lenguaje de Modelado Unificado (UML por sus siglas en inglés) es un lenguaje específico ampliamente utilizado en la industria y la academia. Desafortunadamente, carece de una semántica formal que permita el desarrollo de modelos utilizando un enfoque de corrección basado en pruebas formales. Este trabajo se centra en la especificación formal de familias de sistemas, y, en particular, en la semán- tica de máquinas de estados de UML (UML Statecharts) con variabilidades y sus aplicaciones a líneas de productos de software. La principal contribución es la definición de un formalismo que permite modelar el comportamiento de una familia de sistemas. Tal comportamiento se describe utilizando UML Statecharts en combinación con Diagramas de funcionalidades (Feature Diagrams), con el fin de representar las funcionalidades comunes y variantes de una familia. Para ello se define una relación de orden entre los UML Statecharts, que representa el hecho de que un statechart posee una estructura mas rica que otro. Luego se defi ne con precisión la forma de combinar diferentes extensiones de un mismo statechart. Utilizando estos conceptos, es posible definir el efecto que cada funcionalidad tiene en los productos en los cuales se encuentra presente.Estas definiciones proporcionan una forma muy simple de obtener la especificación del comportamiento de un producto de la línea como la combinación de los UML Statecharts que implementan todas las funcionalidades presentes en un producto en particular. Mas aún, se prueba que la relación de extensión propuesta constituye un refinamiento de comportamiento. El presente enfoque se compara con el estado del arte y se estudia su aplicación práctica con el n de visualizar sus bene cios y posibles debilidades. Adicionalmente, con el fin de comprobar la adecuación de la propuesta, una gran parte de las ideas fueron implementadas en un prototipo utilizando Prolog

    Adapting modeling environments to domain specific interactions

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    Software tools are being used by experts in a variety of domains. There are numerous software modeling environments tailored to a specific domain expertise. However, there is no consistent approach to generically synthesize a product line of such modeling environments that also take into account the user interaction and experience adapted to the domain. The focus of my thesis is the proposal of a solution to explicitly model user interfaces and interaction of modeling environments so that they can be tailored to the habits and preferences of domain experts. We extend current model-driven engineering techniques that synthesize graphical modeling environments to also take interaction models into account. The formal semantics of our language framework is based on statecharts. We define a development process for generating such modeling environments to maximize reuse through a novel statechart refinement technique.Les outils logiciels sont utilisés par des experts dans une variété de domaines. Il existe de nombreux environnements de modélisation logicielle adaptés á une expertise spécifique. Cependant, il n’existe pas d’approche cohérente pour synthétiser génériquement une ligne de produits de tels environnements de modélisation qui prennent également en compte l’interaction et l’expérience utilisateur adaptées au domaine. L’objectif de ma thése est la proposition d’une solution pour modéliser explicitement les interfaces utilisateur et l’interaction des environnements de modélisation afin qu’ils puissent étre adaptés aux habitudes et aux préférences des experts du domaine. Nous étendons les techniques d’ingénierie actuelles pilotées par un modéle qui synthétisent des environnements de modélisation graphique pour prendre également en compte les modèles d’interaction. La sémantique formelle de notre cadre linguistique est basée sur des statecharts. Nous définissons un processus de développement pour générer de tels environnements de modélisation afin de maximiser la réutilisation à travers une nouveau technique de raffinement de statecharts

    Semantic Web: Who is who in the field – A bibliometric analysis

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    The Semantic Web (SW) is one of the main efforts aiming to enhance human and machine interaction by representing data in an understandable way for machines to mediate data and services. It is a fast-moving and multidisciplinary field. This study conducts a thorough bibliometric analysis of the field by collecting data from Web of Science (WOS) and Scopus for the period of 1960-2009. It utilizes a total of 44,157 papers with 651,673 citations from Scopus, and 22,951 papers with 571,911 citations from WOS. Based on these papers and citations, it evaluates the research performance of the SW by identifying the most productive players, major scholarly communication media, highly cited authors, influential papers and emerging stars

    From premature semantics to mature interaction programming

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    As HCI has progressed as a discipline, perhaps just as time has passed, the engineering work of programming has become increasingly separated from the HCI, the core user interface design work. At the same time, the sophistication of digital devices, across multiple dimensions, has grown exponentially. The result is that HCI and User Experience (UX) professionals and programmers now work in very different worlds. This separation causes problems for users: the UX is attractive but the program is unreliable, or the program is reliable but unattractive or unhelpful to use, correctly implementing the wrong thing. In this chapter, we dig down from this high-level view to get to what we identify as a new sort of fundamental problem, one we call premature semantics. Premature semantics must be recognised and understood by name by UX and HCI practitioners and addressed by programmers

    Foundations of Multi-Paradigm Modelling for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    This open access book coherently gathers well-founded information on the fundamentals of and formalisms for modelling cyber-physical systems (CPS). Highlighting the cross-disciplinary nature of CPS modelling, it also serves as a bridge for anyone entering CPS from related areas of computer science or engineering. Truly complex, engineered systems—known as cyber-physical systems—that integrate physical, software, and network aspects are now on the rise. However, there is no unifying theory nor systematic design methods, techniques or tools for these systems. Individual (mechanical, electrical, network or software) engineering disciplines only offer partial solutions. A technique known as Multi-Paradigm Modelling has recently emerged suggesting to model every part and aspect of a system explicitly, at the most appropriate level(s) of abstraction, using the most appropriate modelling formalism(s), and then weaving the results together to form a representation of the system. If properly applied, it enables, among other global aspects, performance analysis, exhaustive simulation, and verification. This book is the first systematic attempt to bring together these formalisms for anyone starting in the field of CPS who seeks solid modelling foundations and a comprehensive introduction to the distinct existing techniques that are multi-paradigmatic. Though chiefly intended for master and post-graduate level students in computer science and engineering, it can also be used as a reference text for practitioners

    An Executable Formal Semantics for a UML State Machine Kernel Considering Complex Structured Data

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    We present a comprehensive formal semantics for a UML state machine kernel which also considers the use and manipulation of complex structured data. We refer to the UML standard Version 2.1.1 which was published in year 2007. There has been no work that completely integrates complex structured data into a UML state machine semantics. We follow a ”semantics-first” approach (in opposite to a ”complete-notation-first” approach) in which we consider a sound basic kernel of the UML state machine notation, and extend this kernel only ater a thorough investigation of the impacts. We define an operational semantics which is intended to be implemented in a standard programming language. Currently we use such an implementation to automatically generate test cases out of a state machine specification. This document is intended to be adapted if necessary. We will indicate that by the version number given above, whereat the major version number indicates changes of the considered subset and the minor version number indicates adoptions and corrections

    The Structure of (Information) Infrastructure: Origins, History, and Theory of the Flow Chart

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    Applying the Engineering Statechart Formalism to the evaluation of soft real-time in operating systems : a use case tailored modeling and analysis technique

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    Multimedia applications that have emerged in recent years impose unique requirements on an underlying general purpose operating system (GPOS). The suitability of a GPOS for multimedia processing is judged by its soft real-time capabilities. To date, the question of how these capabilities can be assessed has scarcely been addressed: this is a gap in GPOS research. By answering questions on the impacts of the Interrupt Handling Facility (IHF) on the overall soft real-time capabilities of a GPOS, this thesis contributes to the filling of this blank space. The Engineering Statechart Formalism (ESF), a use case tailored formal method of modeling real-world OS, is syntactically and semantically defined. Models of the IHF of selected real-world operating systems are then created by means of this technique. As no appropriate real-time concept fitting the goals of this thesis as yet exists, a suitable definition is constructed. By projecting this system-wide idea to the interrupt subsystem, specific indicators for this subsystem are erived. These indicators are then evaluated by applying formal techniques such as graph-based analysis and temporal logic model checking to the ESF models. Finally, the assertions derived from this evaluation are interpreted with respect to their impacts on real-time multimedia processing in different general purpose operating systems.Multimedia-Anwendungen haben in den letzten Jahren weite Verbreitung erfahren. Solche Anwendungen stellen besondere Anforderungen an das Betriebssystem (BS), auf dem sie ausgeführt werden. Insbesondere Echtzeitfähigkeiten des Betriebssystems sind von Bedeutung, wenn es um seine Eignung für Multimedia-Verarbeitung geht. Bis heute wurde die Frage, wie sich diese Fähigkeiten konkret innerhalb eines BS manifestieren, nur unzureichend untersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag zur Füllung dieser Lücke in der BS-Forschung. Die Effekte des Subsystems zur Unterbrechungsbehandlung in BS auf die Echtzeitfähigkeit des Gesamtsystems werden detailliert auf Basis von Modellen dieses Subsystems in verschiedenen BS analysiert. Um eine formale Auswertung zu erlauben, wird eine auf den Anwendungsfall zugeschnittene formale Methode zur BS-Modellierung verwendet. Die spezifizierte Syntax und Semantik dieses Engineering Statechart Formalism (ESF) basieren auf dem klassischen Statechart-Formalismus. Da bislang kein geeigneter Echtzeit-Begriff existiert, wird eine konsistente Definition hergeleitet. Durch die Abbildung dieser sich auf das Gesamtsystem beziehenden Eigenschaft auf die Unterbrechungsbehandlung werden spezifische Indikatoren für dieses Subsystem hergeleitet. Die Ausprägungen dieser Indikatoren für die verschiedenen untersuchten Betriebssyteme werden anhand formaler Methoden wie graphbasierter Analyse und Temporal Logic Model Checking ausgewertet. Die Interpretation der Untersuchungsergebnisse liefert Aussagen über die Effekte der Implementierung der Unterbrechungsbehandlung auf die Echtzeitfähigkeit der untersuchten Betriebssysteme bei der Verarbeitung von multimedialen Daten

    A simulation modelling approach to improve the OEE of a bottling line

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    This dissertation presents a simulation approach to improve the efficiency performance, in terms of OEE, of an automated bottling line. A simulation model of the system is created by means of the software AnyLogic; it is used to solve the case. The problems faced are a sequencing problem related to the order the formats of bottles are processed and the buffer sizing problem. Either theoretical aspects on OEE, job sequencing and simulation and practical aspects are presented
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