48,756 research outputs found

    GPGCD: An iterative method for calculating approximate GCD of univariate polynomials

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    We present an iterative algorithm for calculating approximate greatest common divisor (GCD) of univariate polynomials with the real or the complex coefficients. For a given pair of polynomials and a degree, our algorithm finds a pair of polynomials which has a GCD of the given degree and whose coefficients are perturbed from those in the original inputs, making the perturbations as small as possible, along with the GCD. The problem of approximate GCD is transfered to a constrained minimization problem, then solved with the so-called modified Newton method, which is a generalization of the gradient-projection method, by searching the solution iteratively. We demonstrate that, in some test cases, our algorithm calculates approximate GCD with perturbations as small as those calculated by a method based on the structured total least norm (STLN) method and the UVGCD method, while our method runs significantly faster than theirs by approximately up to 30 or 10 times, respectively, compared with their implementation. We also show that our algorithm properly handles some ill-conditioned polynomials which have a GCD with small or large leading coefficient.Comment: Preliminary versions have been presented as doi:10.1145/1576702.1576750 and arXiv:1007.183

    Stable normal forms for polynomial system solving

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    This paper describes and analyzes a method for computing border bases of a zero-dimensional ideal II. The criterion used in the computation involves specific commutation polynomials and leads to an algorithm and an implementation extending the one provided in [MT'05]. This general border basis algorithm weakens the monomial ordering requirement for \grob bases computations. It is up to date the most general setting for representing quotient algebras, embedding into a single formalism Gr\"obner bases, Macaulay bases and new representation that do not fit into the previous categories. With this formalism we show how the syzygies of the border basis are generated by commutation relations. We also show that our construction of normal form is stable under small perturbations of the ideal, if the number of solutions remains constant. This new feature for a symbolic algorithm has a huge impact on the practical efficiency as it is illustrated by the experiments on classical benchmark polynomial systems, at the end of the paper

    The discretised harmonic oscillator: Mathieu functions and a new class of generalised Hermite polynomials

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    We present a general, asymptotical solution for the discretised harmonic oscillator. The corresponding Schr\"odinger equation is canonically conjugate to the Mathieu differential equation, the Schr\"odinger equation of the quantum pendulum. Thus, in addition to giving an explicit solution for the Hamiltonian of an isolated Josephon junction or a superconducting single-electron transistor (SSET), we obtain an asymptotical representation of Mathieu functions. We solve the discretised harmonic oscillator by transforming the infinite-dimensional matrix-eigenvalue problem into an infinite set of algebraic equations which are later shown to be satisfied by the obtained solution. The proposed ansatz defines a new class of generalised Hermite polynomials which are explicit functions of the coupling parameter and tend to ordinary Hermite polynomials in the limit of vanishing coupling constant. The polynomials become orthogonal as parts of the eigenvectors of a Hermitian matrix and, consequently, the exponential part of the solution can not be excluded. We have conjectured the general structure of the solution, both with respect to the quantum number and the order of the expansion. An explicit proof is given for the three leading orders of the asymptotical solution and we sketch a proof for the asymptotical convergence of eigenvectors with respect to norm. From a more practical point of view, we can estimate the required effort for improving the known solution and the accuracy of the eigenvectors. The applied method can be generalised in order to accommodate several variables.Comment: 18 pages, ReVTeX, the final version with rather general expression

    Counting Solutions of a Polynomial System Locally and Exactly

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    We propose a symbolic-numeric algorithm to count the number of solutions of a polynomial system within a local region. More specifically, given a zero-dimensional system f1==fn=0f_1=\cdots=f_n=0, with fiC[x1,,xn]f_i\in\mathbb{C}[x_1,\ldots,x_n], and a polydisc ΔCn\mathbf{\Delta}\subset\mathbb{C}^n, our method aims to certify the existence of kk solutions (counted with multiplicity) within the polydisc. In case of success, it yields the correct result under guarantee. Otherwise, no information is given. However, we show that our algorithm always succeeds if Δ\mathbf{\Delta} is sufficiently small and well-isolating for a kk-fold solution z\mathbf{z} of the system. Our analysis of the algorithm further yields a bound on the size of the polydisc for which our algorithm succeeds under guarantee. This bound depends on local parameters such as the size and multiplicity of z\mathbf{z} as well as the distances between z\mathbf{z} and all other solutions. Efficiency of our method stems from the fact that we reduce the problem of counting the roots in Δ\mathbf{\Delta} of the original system to the problem of solving a truncated system of degree kk. In particular, if the multiplicity kk of z\mathbf{z} is small compared to the total degrees of the polynomials fif_i, our method considerably improves upon known complete and certified methods. For the special case of a bivariate system, we report on an implementation of our algorithm, and show experimentally that our algorithm leads to a significant improvement, when integrated as inclusion predicate into an elimination method

    Computing the common zeros of two bivariate functions via Bezout resultants

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    The common zeros of two bivariate functions can be computed by finding the common zeros of their polynomial interpolants expressed in a tensor Chebyshev basis. From here we develop a bivariate rootfinding algorithm based on the hidden variable resultant method and B�ezout matrices with polynomial entries. Using techniques including domain subdivision, B�ezoutian regularization and local refinement we are able to reliably and accurately compute the simple common zeros of two smooth functions with polynomial interpolants of very high degree (�\ge 1000). We analyze the resultant method and its conditioning by noting that the B�ezout matrices are matrix polynomials. Our robust algorithm is implemented in the roots command in Chebfun2, a software package written in object-oriented MATLAB for computing with bivariate functions

    Orthogonal polynomials and Riesz bases applied to the solution of Love's equation

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    In this paper we reinvestigate the structure of the solution of a well-known Love’s problem, related to the electrostatic field generated by two circular coaxial conducting disks, in terms of orthogonal polynomial expansions, enlightening the role of the recently introduced class of the Lucas–Lehmer polynomials. Moreover we show that the solution can be expanded more conveniently with respect to a Riesz basis obtained starting from Chebyshev polynomials

    On the Complexity of Solving Quadratic Boolean Systems

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    A fundamental problem in computer science is to find all the common zeroes of mm quadratic polynomials in nn unknowns over F2\mathbb{F}_2. The cryptanalysis of several modern ciphers reduces to this problem. Up to now, the best complexity bound was reached by an exhaustive search in 4log2n2n4\log_2 n\,2^n operations. We give an algorithm that reduces the problem to a combination of exhaustive search and sparse linear algebra. This algorithm has several variants depending on the method used for the linear algebra step. Under precise algebraic assumptions on the input system, we show that the deterministic variant of our algorithm has complexity bounded by O(20.841n)O(2^{0.841n}) when m=nm=n, while a probabilistic variant of the Las Vegas type has expected complexity O(20.792n)O(2^{0.792n}). Experiments on random systems show that the algebraic assumptions are satisfied with probability very close to~1. We also give a rough estimate for the actual threshold between our method and exhaustive search, which is as low as~200, and thus very relevant for cryptographic applications.Comment: 25 page

    A Generic Position Based Method for Real Root Isolation of Zero-Dimensional Polynomial Systems

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    We improve the local generic position method for isolating the real roots of a zero-dimensional bivariate polynomial system with two polynomials and extend the method to general zero-dimensional polynomial systems. The method mainly involves resultant computation and real root isolation of univariate polynomial equations. The roots of the system have a linear univariate representation. The complexity of the method is O~B(N10)\tilde{O}_B(N^{10}) for the bivariate case, where N=max(d,τ)N=\max(d,\tau), dd resp., τ\tau is an upper bound on the degree, resp., the maximal coefficient bitsize of the input polynomials. The algorithm is certified with probability 1 in the multivariate case. The implementation shows that the method is efficient, especially for bivariate polynomial systems.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    Improved Complexity Bounds for Counting Points on Hyperelliptic Curves

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    We present a probabilistic Las Vegas algorithm for computing the local zeta function of a hyperelliptic curve of genus gg defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. It is based on the approaches by Schoof and Pila combined with a modeling of the \ell-torsion by structured polynomial systems. Our main result improves on previously known complexity bounds by showing that there exists a constant c>0c>0 such that, for any fixed gg, this algorithm has expected time and space complexity O((logq)cg)O((\log q)^{cg}) as qq grows and the characteristic is large enough.Comment: To appear in Foundations of Computational Mathematic