28 research outputs found

    Study of the effectiveness of various cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1) agonists using molecular docking and molecular dynamics modeling

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    The binding of a series of small organic molecules, acting as agonists of the cannabinoid receptor CB1, was investigated by means of three methods of computational chemistry. Binding modes were predicted by means of molecular docking, and binding free energy was estimated via docking, molecular-mechanics Poisson-Boltzmann surface area method, and multistate Bennett acceptance ratio. No evident correlation was observed for the molecules between the experimental characteristics of affinity and three computed binding free energy estimates. The reasons for the discrepancy were discussed

    Combining Molecular Docking and Molecular Dynamics to Predict the Binding Modes of Flavonoid Derivatives with the Neuraminidase of the 2009 H1N1 Influenza A Virus

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    Control of flavonoid derivatives inhibitors release through the inhibition of neuraminidase has been identified as a potential target for the treatment of H1N1 influenza disease. We have employed molecular dynamics simulation techniques to optimize the 2009 H1N1 influenza neuraminidase X-ray crystal structure. Molecular docking of the compounds revealed the possible binding mode. Our molecular dynamics simulations combined with the solvated interaction energies technique was applied to predict the docking models of the inhibitors in the binding pocket of the H1N1 influenza neuraminidase. In the simulations, the correlation of the predicted and experimental binding free energies of all 20 flavonoid derivatives inhibitors is satisfactory, as indicated by R2 = 0.75

    Identifying human diamine sensors for death related putrescine and cadaverine molecules

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    Pungent chemical compounds originating from decaying tissue are strong drivers of animal behavior. Two of the best-characterized death smell components are putrescine (PUT) and cadaverine (CAD), foul-smelling molecules produced by decarboxylation of amino acids during decomposition. These volatile polyamines act as 'necromones', triggering avoidance or attractive responses, which are fundamental for the survival of a wide range of species. The few studies that have attempted to identify the cognate receptors for these molecules have suggested the involvement of the seven-helix trace amine-associated receptors (TAARs), localized in the olfactory epithelium. However, very little is known about the precise chemosensory receptors that sense these compounds in the majority of organisms and the molecular basis of their interactions. In this work, we have used computational strategies to characterize the binding between PUT and CAD with the TAAR6 and TAAR8 human receptors. Sequence analysis, homology modeling, docking and molecular dynamics studies suggest a tandem of negatively charged aspartates in the binding pocket of these receptors which are likely to be involved in the recognition of these small biogenic diamines

    Surface Plasmon Resonance as a Tool for Ligand Binding Investigation of Engineered GPR17 Receptor, a G Protein Coupled Receptor Involved in Myelination

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the potential of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy for the measurement of real-time ligand-binding affinities and kinetic parameters for GPR17, a G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) of major interest in medicinal chemistry as potential target in demyelinating diseases. The receptor was directly captured, in a single-step, from solubilized membrane extracts on the sensor chip through a covalently bound anti-6x-His-antibody and retained its ligand binding activity for over 24h. Furthermore, our experimental setup made possible, after a mild regeneration step, to remove the bound receptor without damaging the antibody, and thus to reuse many times the same chip. Two engineered variants of GPR17, designed for crystallographic studies, were expressed in insect cells, extracted from crude membranes and analyzed for their binding with two high affinity ligands: the antagonist Cangrelor and the agonist Asinex 1. The calculated kinetic parameters and binding constants of ligands were in good agreement with those reported from activity assays and highlighted a possible functional role of the N-terminal residues of the receptor in ligand recognition and binding. Validation of SPR results was obtained by docking and molecular dynamics of GPR17-ligands interactions and by functional in vitro studies. The latter allowed us to confirm that Asinex 1 behaves as GPR17 receptor agonist, inhibits forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase pathway and promotes oligodendrocyte precursor cell maturation and myelinating ability

    Structural Model of the hUbA1-UbcH10 Quaternary Complex: In Silico and Experimental Analysis of the Protein-Protein Interactions between E1, E2 and Ubiquitin

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    UbcH10 is a component of the Ubiquitin Conjugation Enzymes (Ubc; E2) involved in the ubiquitination cascade controlling the cell cycle progression, whereby ubiquitin, activated by E1, is transferred through E2 to the target protein with the involvement of E3 enzymes. In this work we propose the first three dimensional model of the tetrameric complex formed by the human UbA1 (E1), two ubiquitin molecules and UbcH10 (E2), leading to the transthiolation reaction. The 3D model was built up by using an experimentally guided incremental docking strategy that combined homology modeling, protein-protein docking and refinement by means of molecular dynamics simulations. The structural features of the in silico model allowed us to identify the regions that mediate the recognition between the interacting proteins, revealing the active role of the ubiquitin crosslinked to E1 in the complex formation. Finally, the role of these regions involved in the E1–E2 binding was validated by designing short peptides that specifically interfere with the binding of UbcH10, thus supporting the reliability of the proposed model and representing valuable scaffolds for the design of peptidomimetic compounds that can bind selectively to Ubcs and inhibit the ubiquitylation process in pathological disorders

    Identification of small molecules uncoupling the Notch : Jagged interaction through an integrated high-throughput screening

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    Notch signaling plays an important role in several cellular functions including growth, differentiation, cell fate determination and stemness. Increased Notch activity has been linked to several types of cancers. Activation of Notch signaling is triggered by the interaction of Notch receptors (Notch1-4) with 5 different ligands (Jagged1-2 and Dll1-3-4) expressed on the neighbouring cells. Currently, indirect approaches to inhibit Notch signalling are based on the inhibition of the key step of Notch activation catalyzed by the \u3b3-Secretase and thereby affect several different \u3b3-Secretase substrates; conversely direct strategies get advantage of antibody-based drugs. The evidence that Jagged-mediated Notch activation plays a key role in cancer cell biology and the interplay with the surrounding microenvironment prompted us to develop a strategy to directly inhibit Notch activation by uncoupling its interaction with the Jagged, using an unprecedented approach based on small molecules. We set-up a screening strategy based on: protein::protein docking of crystallographic structures of Notch1 with Jagged1; comparative modelling of the Notch2:Jagged2 complex, based on the Notch1::Jagged1 complex; in silico high-throughput screening directed to Notch2 interaction surface of a virtual chemical library containing a large variety of molecules commercially available. The predicted pharmacological activity of the selected compounds was validated in vitro by a gene reporter and a viability assay. This approach led to the successful identification of two candidates with different anti-proliferative potency and efficacy. This represents the first step towards the rational identification of candidate molecules for the development of entirely novel drugs directed to inhibit Notch signaling in cancer

    Solvated interaction energy: from small-molecule to antibody drug design

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    Scoring functions are ubiquitous in structure-based drug design as an aid to predicting binding modes and estimating binding affinities. Ideally, a scoring function should be broadly applicable, obviating the need to recalibrate and refit its parameters for every new target and class of ligands. Traditionally, drugs have been small molecules, but in recent years biologics, particularly antibodies, have become an increasingly important if not dominant class of therapeutics. This makes the goal of having a transferable scoring function, i.e., one that spans the range of small-molecule to protein ligands, even more challenging. One such broadly applicable scoring function is the Solvated Interaction Energy (SIE), which has been developed and applied in our lab for the last 15 years, leading to several important applications. This physics-based method arose from efforts to understand the physics governing binding events, with particular care given to the role played by solvation. SIE has been used by us and many independent labs worldwide for virtual screening and discovery of novel small-molecule binders or optimization of known drugs. Moreover, without any retraining, it is found to be transferrable to predictions of antibody-antigen relative binding affinities and as accurate as functions trained on protein-protein binding affinities. SIE has been incorporated in conjunction with other scoring functions into ADAPT (Assisted Design of Antibody and Protein Therapeutics), our platform for affinity modulation of antibodies. Application of ADAPT resulted in the optimization of several antibodies with 10-to-100-fold improvements in binding affinity. Further applications included broadening the specificity of a single-domain antibody to be cross-reactive with virus variants of both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2, and the design of safer antibodies by engineering of a pH switch to make them more selective towards acidic tumors while sparing normal tissues at physiological pH

    Molecular basis of the selective binding of MDMA enantiomers to the Alpha4Beta2 nicotinic receptor subtype: synthesis, pharmacological evaluation and mechanistic studies

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    The α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) is a molecular target of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), a synthetic drug also known as ecstasy, and it modulates the MDMA-mediated reinforcing properties. However, the enantioselective preference of the α4β2 nAChR subtype still remains unknown. Since the two enantiomers exhibit different pharmacological profiles and stereoselective metabolism, the aim of this study is to assess a possible difference in the interaction of the MDMA enantiomers with this nAChR subtype. To this end, we report a novel simple, yet highly efficient enantioselective synthesis of the MDMA enantiomers, in which the key step is the diastereoselective reduction of imides derived from optically pure tert-butylsulfinamide. The enantioselective binding to the receptor is examined using [3H]epibatidine in a radioligand assay. Even though the two enantiomers induced a concentration-dependent binding displacement, (S)-MDMA has an inhibition constant 13-fold higher than (R)-MDMA, which shows a Hill's coefficient not significantly different from unity, implying a competitive interaction. Furthermore, when NGF-differentiated PC12 cells were pretreated with the compounds, a significant increase in binding of [3H]epibatidine was found for (R)-MDMA, indicating up-regulation of heteromeric nAChR in the cell surface. Finally, docking and molecular dynamics studies have been used to identify the binding mode of the two enantiomers, which provides a structural basis to justify the differences in affinity from the differential interactions played by the substituents at the stereogenic center of MDMA. The results provide a basis to explore the distinct psychostimulant profiles of the MDMA enantiomers mediated by the α4β2 nAChR subtype

    Tetrahydrobenzo[h][1,6]naphthyridine-6-chlorotacrine hybrids as a new family of anti-Alzheimer agents targeting beta-amyloid, tau, and cholinesterase pathologies

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    Optimization of an essentially inactive 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyrano[3,2-c]quinoline carboxylic ester derivative as acetylcholinesterase (AChE) peripheral anionic site (PAS)-binding motif by double O → NH bioisosteric replacement, combined with molecular hybridization with the AChE catalytic anionic site (CAS) inhibitor 6-chlorotacrine and molecular dynamics-driven optimization of the length of the linker has resulted in the development of the trimethylene-linked 1,2,3,4-tetrahydrobenzo[h][1,6]naphthyridine6-chlorotacrine hybrid 5a as a picomolar inhibitor of human AChE (hAChE). The tetra-, penta-, and octamethylene-linked homologues 5bd have been also synthesized for comparison purposes, and found to retain the nanomolar hAChE inhibitory potency of the parent 6-chlorotacrine. Further biological profiling of hybrids 5ad has shown that they are also potent inhibitors of human butyrylcholinesterase and moderately potent Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating agents, with IC50 values in the submicromolar and low micromolar range, respectively. Also, in vitro studies using an artificial membrane model have predicted a good brain permeability for hybrids 5ad, and hence, their ability to reach their targets in the central nervous system. The multitarget profile of the novel hybrids makes them promising leads for developing anti-Alzheimer drug candidates with more balanced biological activities

    A rational engineering strategy for designing protein a-binding camelid single-domain antibodies

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    Staphylococcal protein A (SpA) and streptococcal protein G (SpG) affinity chromatography are the gold standards for purifying monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in therapeutic applications. However, camelid VHH single-domain Abs (sdAbs or VHHs) are not bound by SpG and only sporadically bound by SpA. Currently, VHHs require affinity tag-based purification, which limits their therapeutic potential and adds considerable complexity and cost to their production. Here we describe a simple and rapid mutagenesis-based approach designed to confer SpA binding upon a priori non-SpA-binding VHHs. We show that SpA binding of VHHs is determined primarily by the same set of residues as in human mAbs, albeit with an unexpected degree of tolerance to substitutions at certain core and non-core positions and some limited dependence on at least one residue outside the SpA interface, and that SpA binding could be successfully introduced into five VHHs against three different targets with no adverse effects on expression yield or antigen binding. Next-generation sequencing of llama, alpaca and dromedary VHH repertoires suggested that species differences in SpA binding may result from frequency variation in specific deleterious polymorphisms, especially Ile57. Thus, the SpA binding phenotype of camelid VHHs can be easily modulated to take advantage of tag-less purification techniques, although the frequency with which this is required may depend on the source species