6,967 research outputs found

    Development and characterisation of a novel LDMOS macro-model for smart power applications

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    Multi-objective optimisation for battery electric vehicle powertrain topologies

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    Electric vehicles are becoming more popular in the market. To be competitive, manufacturers need to produce vehicles with a low energy consumption, a good range and an acceptable driving performance. These are dependent on the choice of components and the topology in which they are used. In a conventional gasoline vehicle, the powertrain topology is constrained to a few well-understood layouts; these typically consist of a single engine driving one axle or both axles through a multi-ratio gearbox. With electric vehicles, there is more flexibility, and the design space is relatively unexplored. In this paper, we evaluate several different topologies as follows: a traditional topology using a single electric motor driving a single axle with a fixed gear ratio; a topology using separate motors for the front axle and the rear axle, each with its own fixed gear ratio; a topology using in-wheel motors on a single axle; a four-wheel-drive topology using in-wheel motors on both axes. Multi-objective optimisation techniques are used to find the optimal component sizing for a given requirement set and to investigate the trade-offs between the energy consumption, the powertrain cost and the acceleration performance. The paper concludes with a discussion of the relative merits of the different topologies and their applicability to real-world passenger cars

    How OEMs and Suppliers can face the Network Integration Challenges

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    International audienceSystems integration is a major challenge in many industries. Systematic analysis of the complex integration effects, especially with respect to timing and performance, significantly improves the design process, enables optimizations, and increases the quality and profit of a product. And it helps to improve supply-chain communications. This paper surveys a set of interesting experiments we have conducted on a real-world automotive communication network using our new SymTA/S schedulability analysis technology. We demonstrate that, and how, analysis technology helps answering key integration questions, thereby carefully respecting the established business models

    Defining procedures and simulation tools to test high levels of automation for cars in realistic traffic, driving and boundary conditions

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    Il crescente livello di automazione nella guida dei veicoli su gomma rende sempre più complesse e articolate le procedure di testing e validazione dei dispositivi. La tendenza alla realizzazione di sistemi che sostituiscano il guidatore in tutto o in parte, determina un cambiamento paradigmatico nell'ambito della validazione, la quale non può più occuparsi esclusivamente del test del corretto funzionamento del dispositivo da validare, ma dovrà testare le logiche di guida e le "scelte" che opera al variare dei contesti. Come ampiamente evidenziato nella letteratura scientifica di settore1 i processi di validazione rappresenteranno il più grande ostacolo alla realizzazione e messa in produzione dei sistemi di quarto e quinto livello SAE2 di automazione. Numerose ricerche hanno dimostrato3 che il testing su strada non rappresenta una soluzione che possa dare risultati attendibili in tempi sufficientemente brevi, ma a tutt'oggi non esistono software sufficientemente complessi da realizzare simulazioni che tengano conto di tutte le variabili necessarie. La ricerca intende definire le corrette procedure di testing di veicoli ad elevato grado di automazione in condizioni di traffico realistiche, avvalendosi di software di simulazione specifici di ogni settore coinvolto nel processo, realizzando uno strumento di testing integrato sufficientemente efficace

    Analysis of CLL voltage-output resonant converters using describing functions

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    A new ac equivalent circuit for the CLL voltage output resonant converter is presented, that offers improved accuracy compared with traditional FMA-based techniques. By employing describing function techniques, the nonlinear interaction of the parallel inductor, rectifier and load is replaced by a complex impedance, thereby facilitating the use of ac equivalent circuit analysis methodologies. Moreover, both continuous and discontinuous rectifier-current operating conditions are addressed. A generic normalized analysis of the converter is also presented. To further aid the designer, error maps are used to demonstrate the boundaries for providing accurate behavioral predictions. A comparison of theoretical results with those from simulation studies and experimental measurements from a prototype converter, are also included as a means of clarifying the benefits of the proposed techniques

    Validation of Worst-Case and Statistical Models for an Automotive EMC Expert System

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    Previous papers have presented algorithms for an EMC expert system used to predict potential electromagnetic compatibility problems in a vehicle early in the design process. Here, the accuracy of inductive and capacitive coupling algorithms are verified through representative measurements of crosstalk within an automobile. Worst-case estimates used by the algorithms are compared to measured values and are compared to values estimated using statistical methods. The worst-case algorithms performed well up to 10-20 MHz, but overestimated measured results by several dB in some cases and up to 10-15 dB in others. An approximate statistical variation of the current expert system algorithms also worked well and can help avoid overestimation of problems; however, worst-case estimates better ensure that problems will not be missed, especially in the absence of complete system information

    Assessment of the Energy Consumption and Drivability Performance of an IPMSM-Driven Electric Vehicle Using Different Buried Magnet Arrangements

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    © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)This study investigates the influence of the buried magnet arrangement on the efficiency and drivability performance provided by an on-board interior permanent magnet synchronous machine for a four-wheel-drive electric car with two single-speed on-board powertrains. The relevant motor characteristics, including flux-linkage, inductance, electromagnetic torque, iron loss, total loss, and efficiency, are analyzed for a set of six permanent magnet configurations suitable for the specific machine, which is controlled through maximum-torque-per-ampere and maximum-torque-per-voltage strategies. Moreover, the impact of each magnet arrangement is analyzed in connection with the energy consumption along four driving cycles, as well as the longitudinal acceleration and gradeability performance of the considered vehicle. The simulation results identify the most promising rotor solutions, and show that: (i) the appropriate selection of the rotor configuration is especially important for the driving cycles with substantial high-speed sections; (ii) the magnet arrangement has a major impact on the maximum motor torque below the base speed, and thus on the longitudinal acceleration and gradeability performance; and (iii) the configurations that excel in energy efficiency are among the worst in terms of drivability, and vice versa, i.e., at the vehicle level, the rotor arrangement selection is a trade-off between energy efficiency and longitudinal vehicle dynamics.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Design of an RC Oscillator for Automotive Applications

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    Tato práce je zaměřena na návrh integrovaného relaxačního oscilátoru pro automobilové aplikace, které jsou charakteristické extrémními provozními podmínkami a vysokými požadavky na robustnost. Z dostupné literatury byla provedena rešerše, která umožnila postihnout nezbytný teoretický základ pro komparativní studii nedávno představených designů integrovaných oscilátorů a také pomohla navrhnout architekturu oscilátoru, která v implementaci zahrnuje princip IEF. Za účelem předpovězení negativních vlivů na výkon systému a optimálních parametrů bloků byly provedeny simulace vysokoúrovňového modelu. V práci je diskutována implementace jednotlivých bloků a prezentovány výsledky simulace kritických parametrů. Simulace navrženého oscilátoru prokázaly konzistenci konceptu IEF pro praktickou realizaci. Realizovaný systém však potřebuje další vylepšení.The thesis is aimed on the integrated relaxation oscillator design for automotive applications, that are characterized by harsh operation conditions and high robustness requirements. Literature research was conducted to acquire necessary theoretical basis for comparative study of the recently proposed integrated oscillator designs to choose the oscillator architecture utilizing integrated-error feedback for the implementation. High-level model simulations were conducted to predict negative influences on the system performance and to suggest blocks optimal parameters for the design. The implementation of the designed blocks was discussed, and simulation results of the critical parameters were presented. The designed oscillator simulations proved the consistency of the integrated-error feedback concept for practical realization. However, the designed system needs further improvements