204 research outputs found

    Kaedah pengesanan automatik salur darah retina untuk imej digital fundus

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    Retinaialahsatulapisanmembranyangterletakpadabelakangmatayangboleh menggambarkankeseluruhanimejsalurdarahmenggunakankamerafundus.Struktur salur darahpadaretinamampumemberikanpetunjukpentinguntukmengenalpasti penyakit-penyakityangberkaitanmatadanbadan.Penyakitberkaitanoftalmikdapat dibuktikan denganperubahandiameter,sudutpercabangan,dankekerintinganpada salur darahretina.Olehyangdemikian,prosessaringandigalakkan,namunbegitu pemeriksaanyangdilakukanadalahsecaramanualdanmemerlukankepakaran,masa, dan kosyangtinggikeranaperalatanyangcanggih.Suatukaedahpengesanansalur darah secaraautomatikdiperlukanuntukmendapatkanimejkeseluruhanrangkaian salur darahyanglebihefektifberbandingpengesanansecaramanual.Hasilnya, keseluruhanstruktursalurdarahretinadapatdikesandengancepatdantepat.Walau bagaimanapun,pengesanansalurdarahmerupakanprosesyangrumitkeranasalur darah retinamempunyairangkaiansalurdarahyangrumitdengankepelbagaiansaiz dan lebar.Selainitu,imejretinamempunyaihingar,kontrayangrendah,danvariasi kecerahanpadaimejyangsamamenyebabkansukaruntukmembezakansalurdarah dan latarbelakang.Kehadiranlingkarancakeraoptikpadaimejretinaperludiuruskan denganbaikkeranaiamerupakankawasanpalingcerahdanpembuluhdarahberasal daripadapusatnya.Objektifutamakajianiniadalahbagimembangunkankaedah pengesananautomatiksalurdarahretinauntukimejdigitalfundusyangcekap.Ia mampu mengesansalurdarahsecaraoptimumbermuladaripadalingkarancakera optik sehinggahujungstruktursalurdarah.Penyelidikaninimencadangkantigafasa utama, iaitupra-pemprosesan,segmentasirangkaiansalurdarah,danpasca pemprosesan. Fasapra-pemprosesaninimenyediakanimejretinayanglebihbaik berbanding imejasaluntukmeningkatkankontraantarasalurdarahretinadanlatar belakang. Seterusnya,fasakeduamerupakansegmentasirangkaiansalurdarah menggunakan modelberasaskangarispengesanansudut.Kaedahinidapatmengesan piksel yangmewakilisalurdarahberdasarkanpencirianyangtelahdilakukan.Akhir sekali, fasayangketigaialahfasapascapemprosesanyangterbahagikepadadua,iaitu pengesananpikseldanpenuraspikselberkepentingan.Prosespengesanandijalankan denganmenggunakankaedahheuristikdanOtsuterubah.Prosesinimenukarkanimej skala kelabukepadaimejperduaanbagipengesanansalurdarahretina,manakalabagi proses penuraspikselberkepentingan,iaterbahagikepadapenyingkirantitiktidak berkepentingandanmemperbaikipikselyanghilang.Prosesinidijalankandengan menggunakan sudutpengagihanhistogramuntukmenentukantaburanyangdiperoleh daripadapikselkejiranan.Maklumatinikemudiannyadigunakanuntuk menyingkirkanpikselhingardanmenyambungkanpikselyanghilangyangjuga merupakansebahagiandaripadasalurdarah.Dapatankajiantelahmembuktikan kaedah yangdicadangkanberjayamengesansalurdarahdenganmenunjukkan peningkatan ketepatanbagipangkalandataDRIVE,HRF,danSTAREiaitu masing-masing 95.58%,93.40%,dan94.90%.Berbandingkaedahterdahuluyang hanyamencatatkanketepatansebanyak94.15%dan93.24%bagipangkalandata DRIVE danSTARE.Kesimpulannya,kajianinitelahberjayamembangunkankaedah pengesananautomatiksalurdarahretinauntukimejdigitalfundus

    Ship target recognition based on superstructure matching

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    The Automatic Target Recognition(ATR) of ship targets based on Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar(ISAR) images plays a significant role in naval warfare.To address the issue that existing superstructure-based recognition methods do not fully use superstructure shape information,we propose a novel automatic ship recognition method based on superstructure matching using the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm.Firstly,the superstructures of each class are extracted from ISAR images after preprocessing and preliminary calibration,then the DTW algorithm is used to create the superstructure templates, and eventually the target's class is determined by the DTW distance from the templates.The proposed method is robust to ship deformation from changing aspect angles and requires few training samples per class.The experimental results of applying the technique on real ISAR data demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Research on Ship Classification using Faster Region Convolutional Neural Network for Port Security

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    Huvudsyftet med studien var att se i vilken grad det gÄr att finna samarbeten genom material- och/eller energiutbyten mellan nÀrliggande anlÀggningar inom skogsindustrin i Sverige. Genom att göra en inventering av vilka anlÀggningar som finns inom skogsindustrin och sedan kontakta dessa, sammanstÀlldes en lista över de olika anlÀggningarna och deras olika samarbeten. Inventeringen gjordes med hjÀlp av olika branschorganisationer samt sökmotorer pÄ Internet. Utöver detta besöktes ocksÄ fyra intressanta fall för att ge en inblick i hur dessa samarbeten kan se ut. Studien visar pÄ att den hÀr typen av samarbeten existerar inom skogsindustrin och att drygt en tredjedel av de studerade anlÀggningarna har nÄgon form av samarbeten rörande dessa frÄgor. Detta pekar pÄ att man inom skogsindustrin Àr lÄngt framme nÀr det gÀller resursutnyttjande och att möjligheten att minimera sin energi- och materialanvÀndning hela tiden Àr en relevant frÄga. Det finns med stor sannolikhet Ànnu fler sÄdana samarbeten som inte framkommit vid undersökningen och en intressant aspekt Àr att vid de besök som gjordes upptÀcktes samarbeten som inte uppmÀrksammats vid tidigare kontakter. Av de 152 tillfrÄgade anlÀggningarna i inventeringen erhölls svar frÄn 117 stycken vilket tyder pÄ att det finns ett stort intresse för dessa frÄgor inom skogsindustrin. Flera av de anlÀggningar som inte hade nÄgra samarbeten kring dessa frÄgor svarade ocksÄ att de hela tiden undersöker möjligheten till att inleda sÄdana. MÄnga av samarbetena rörande dessa frÄgor kretsar kring leveranser av el och Änga samt spÄn och flis men en del andra intressanta samarbeten har ocksÄ framkommit. Exempelvis anvÀnds slam frÄn bioreningsdammar till brÀnsle, jordförbÀttringsmedel och som tÀckmaterial vid deponier. Sammanfattningsvis tyder detta pÄ att skogsindustrin ligger lÄngt framme gÀllande dessa frÄgor men att det fortfarande finns mer att göra om energi- och materialanvÀndningen och dÀrigenom den negativa miljöpÄverkan ska minimeras.The aim and objective with this study was to investigate to what extent co-operation through material and energy exchange between adjacent industries among the forest industry in Sweden could be found. First, an inventory of the industries in the forest industry was conducted. Secondly, each company was contacted with questions concerning this issue. Complementary field studies of four specific cases were conducted in order to give an insight to how these co-operations may function in reality. The result of this study illustrates that co-operations among the industries exist in the forest industry sector as more than a third of the investigated industries has some kind of co-operation regarding material and energy exchange with adjacent industries. A total number of 152 industries were identified during the inventory phase and 117 of those industries participated in the study with their own answers. This high participation rate enhances the impression that these are important questions to the forest industry sector. Numerous of the co-operations mentioned revolve around electricity, steam, and by products from sawmills, like woodchips and sawdust. Nevertheless, a few other interesting co-operations have also been revealed during the study, for example; sludge from some of the pulp mills are used as fuel, soil fertilizer and as covering material at landfills. An interesting point is that co-operations, which not were discovered during the earlier correspondence with the industries, in fact were revealed during the field studies. Therefore, the probability that there are more existing co-operations between adjacent industries than the findings in the study reveals, are high. To sum up, this shows that the forest industry is well in advance regarding co-operation through material and energy exchange between adjacent industries. However, there is still a lot to be done if the negative effect on the environment from the forest industry should be minimised

    The philosophy of perceptions a Wittgensteinian perspective

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    The aim of this thesis is to balance a positive account of the family of concepts included in and logically involved with the concept of perception, with critical considerations of accounts that are philosophically problematic. The problematic accounts in question will range from those of Wittgenstein’s contemporaries, or near contemporaries, such as Russell, Janes and Kohler, to those of psychologists and philosophers of our own time, some, but not all, of whom profess to embrace Wittgenstein’s position; these will include the authors of a standard textbook on visual perception (Bruce and Green), Quine, Peacocke, Vesey, Anscombe, Martin, McDowell, Mulhall and Candlish, Additionally, the general nature of the problems in question will be reflected in a positive account of the concepts of acceleration (chapter 1), identity and personal identity (chapter 5), in relation to problematic accounts given by Leibniz and Parfit respectively. Crucial to this aim will be an interpretation of Wittgenstein’s position that is distinct from all those positions that profess to be Wittgensteinian, but that in fact remain in the grip of the very Cartesian / empiricist preconceptions that Wittgenstein diagnoses as the source of the problems. This will be the key to the positive account, and will depend on showing that Wittgenstein's diagnosis is essentially the same for all problems of a philosophical nature, despite its highly specific application to problems concerning various concepts in different parts of the Investigations, whose subtle differences it is equally important to discern clearly

    Representing Dynamic Invariants in Ontologically Well-Founded Conceptual Models

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    Conceptual models often capture the invariant aspects of the phenomena we perceive. These invariants may be considered static when they refer to structures we perceive in phenomena at a particular point in time or dynamic/temporal when they refer to regularities across different points in time. While static invariants have received significant attention, dynamics enjoy marginal support in widely-employed techniques such as UML and OCL. This thesis aims at addressing this gap by proposing a technique for the representation of dynamic invariants of subject domains in UML-based conceptual models. For that purpose, a temporal extension of OCL is proposed. It enriches the ontologically well-founded OntoUML profile and enables the expression of a variety of (arbitrary) temporal constraints. The extension is fully implemented in the tool for specification, verification and simulation of enriched OntoUML models

    The militant historian: the concept of history in the work of Alain Badiou

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    This thesis pivots on two suppositions: firstly, that historicism as an approach to the past remains dominant in the 21stcentury; and secondly, the work of the philosopher Alain Badiou offers an original and altogether radical riposte to this form of historiography. The work as whole is principally focused on the second of these assumptions and seeks to offer the first wide ranging analysis of Badiou’s use, development, and transformation of the concept of history. Broken into six chapters, the first five sections center on key texts in Badiou’s still developing oeuvre and examine how the growth of his philosophical ideas serve to challenge dominant conceptions of history and the role of the historian. In a hypothetical turn, the final section addresses how these ideas could transform the practices of teaching history and what it means to ‘do history’ as a meaningful endeavour. The thesis concludes by exploring what forms the ‘militant historian’ could take outside the narrow strictures of academic life

    UML 2.0 interactions with OCL/RT constraints

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    The use of formal methods at early stages of software development contributes to the reliability and robustness of the system to be constructed. Int his context, real-time system development benefits from the construction of behavioral models in order to verify the correct satisfaction of time constraints. The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a software specification language widely used by the industry and the academia. Nevertheless, its version 2.0 lacks a formal semantics for the development of provably-correct models. In addition, its constraint specification language, Object Constraint Language (OCL), has limitations for its use in behavioral models of real-time systems. This work concerns the inter-component behavioral specification of real-time systems. Such behavior is described using the UML 2.0 Interactions language extended for the inclusion of time constraints using the OCL for Real Time (OCL/RT) language. The main problem addressed in this work is the definition of a formal semantics for the fusion of both languages. The semantics allows recognizing valid and invalid behaviors of a system with time constraints. Intended for formal verification, an analysis of the properties derived from the semantics is also done. In particular, the notions of refinement of interactions and refinement of constraints are explored. Finally, the proposal is compared with related works and its practical application is studied in order to analyze its benefits and weaknesses. This work contributes to the formalization of concepts widely used in practice and, inconsequence, to its inclusion in modeling and formal reasoning tools. More-over, the expressivity of the UML 2.0 Interactions language is augmented in order to support complex real-time constraints, not expressable until this moment
