27 research outputs found

    Nonlinear Control and Estimation with General Performance Criteria

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    This dissertation is concerned with nonlinear systems control and estimation with general performance criteria. The purpose of this work is to propose general design methods to provide systematic and effective design frameworks for nonlinear system control and estimation problems. First, novel State Dependent Linear Matrix Inequality control approach is proposed, which is optimally robust for model uncertainties and resilient against control feedback gain perturbations in achieving general performance criteria to secure quadratic optimality with inherent asymptotic stability property together with quadratic dissipative type of disturbance reduction. By solving a state dependent linear matrix inequality at each time step, the sufficient condition for the control solution can be found which satisfies the general performance criteria. The results of this dissertation unify existing results on nonlinear quadratic regulator, Hinfinity and positive real control. Secondly, an H2-Hinfinity State Dependent Riccati Equation controller is proposed in this dissertation. By solving the generalized State Dependent Riccati Equation, the optimal control solution not only achieves the optimal quadratic regulation performance, but also has the capability of external disturbance reduction. Numerically efficient algorithms are developed to facilitate effective computation. Thirdly, a robust multi-criteria optimal fuzzy control of nonlinear systems is proposed. To improve the optimality and robustness, optimal fuzzy control is proposed for nonlinear systems with general performance criteria. The Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model is used as an effective tool to control nonlinear systems through fuzzy rule models. General performance criteria have been used to design the controller and the relative weighting matrices of these criteria can be achieved by choosing different coefficient matrices. The optimal control can be achieved by solving the LMI at each time step. Lastly, since any type of controller and observer is subject to actuator failures and sensors failures respectively, novel robust and resilient controllers and estimators are also proposed for nonlinear stochastic systems to address these failure problems. The effectiveness of the proposed control and estimation techniques are demonstrated by simulations of nonlinear systems: the inverted pendulum on a cart and the Lorenz chaotic system, respectively

    Control of Constrained Dynamical Systems with Performance Guarantees: With Application to Vehicle motion Control

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    In control engineering, models of the system are commonly used for controller design. A standard control design problem consists of steering the given system output (or states) towards a predefined reference. Such a problem can be solved by employing feedback control strategies. By utilizing the knowledge of the model, these strategies compute the control inputs that shrink the error between the system outputs and their desired references over time. Usually, the control inputs must be computed such that the system output signals are kept in a desired region, possibly due to design or safety requirements. Also, the input signals should be within the physical limits of the actuators. Depending on the constraints, their violation might result in unacceptable system failures (e.g. deadly injury in the worst case). Thus, in safety-critical applications, a controller must be robust towards the modelling uncertainties and provide a priori guarantees for constraint satisfaction. A fundamental tool in constrained control application is the robust control invariant sets (RCI). For a controlled dynamical system, if initial states belong to RCI set, control inputs always exist that keep the future state trajectories restricted within the set. Hence, RCI sets can characterize a system that never violates constraints. These sets are the primary ingredient in the synthesis of the well-known constraint control strategies like model predictive control (MPC) and interpolation-based controller (IBC). Consequently, a large body of research has been devoted to the computation of these sets. In the thesis, we will focus on the computation of RCI sets and the method to generate control inputs that keep the system trajectories within RCI set. We specifically focus on the systems which have time-varying dynamics and polytopic constraints. Depending upon the nature of the time-varying element in the system description (i.e., if they are observable or not), we propose different sets of algorithms.The first group of algorithms apply to the system with time-varying, bounded uncertainties. To systematically handle the uncertainties and reduce conservatism, we exploit various tools from the robust control literature to derive novel conditions for invariance. The obtained conditions are then combined with a newly developed method for volume maximization and minimization in a convex optimization problem to compute desirably large and small RCI sets. In addition to ensuring invariance, it is also possible to guarantee desired closed-loop performance within the RCI set. Furthermore, developed algorithms can generate RCI sets with a predefined number of hyper-planes. This feature allows us to adjust the computational complexity of MPC and IBC controller when the sets are utilized in controller synthesis. Using numerical examples, we show that the proposed algorithms can outperform (volume-wise) many state-of-the-art methods when computing RCI sets.In the other case, we assume the time-varying parameters in system description to be observable. The developed algorithm has many similar characteristics as the earlier case, but now to utilize the parameter information, the control law and the RCI set are allowed to be parameter-dependent. We have numerically shown that the presented algorithm can generate invariant sets which are larger than the maximal RCI sets computed without exploiting parameter information.Lastly, we demonstrate how we can utilize some of these algorithms to construct a computationally efficient IBC controller for the vehicle motion control. The devised IBC controller guarantees to meet safety requirements mentioned in ISO 26262 and the ride comfort requirement by design

    Discrete Time Systems

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    Discrete-Time Systems comprehend an important and broad research field. The consolidation of digital-based computational means in the present, pushes a technological tool into the field with a tremendous impact in areas like Control, Signal Processing, Communications, System Modelling and related Applications. This book attempts to give a scope in the wide area of Discrete-Time Systems. Their contents are grouped conveniently in sections according to significant areas, namely Filtering, Fixed and Adaptive Control Systems, Stability Problems and Miscellaneous Applications. We think that the contribution of the book enlarges the field of the Discrete-Time Systems with signification in the present state-of-the-art. Despite the vertiginous advance in the field, we also believe that the topics described here allow us also to look through some main tendencies in the next years in the research area

    Control of chaos in nonlinear circuits and systems

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    Nonlinear circuits and systems, such as electronic circuits (Chapter 5), power converters (Chapter 6), human brains (Chapter 7), phase lock loops (Chapter 8), sigma delta modulators (Chapter 9), etc, are found almost everywhere. Understanding nonlinear behaviours as well as control of these circuits and systems are important for real practical engineering applications. Control theories for linear circuits and systems are well developed and almost complete. However, different nonlinear circuits and systems could exhibit very different behaviours. Hence, it is difficult to unify a general control theory for general nonlinear circuits and systems. Up to now, control theories for nonlinear circuits and systems are still very limited. The objective of this book is to review the state of the art chaos control methods for some common nonlinear circuits and systems, such as those listed in the above, and stimulate further research and development in chaos control for nonlinear circuits and systems. This book consists of three parts. The first part of the book consists of reviews on general chaos control methods. In particular, a time-delayed approach written by H. Huang and G. Feng is reviewed in Chapter 1. A master slave synchronization problem for chaotic Lur’e systems is considered. A delay independent and delay dependent synchronization criteria are derived based on the H performance. The design of the time delayed feedback controller can be accomplished by means of the feasibility of linear matrix inequalities. In Chapter 2, a fuzzy model based approach written by H.K. Lam and F.H.F. Leung is reviewed. The synchronization of chaotic systems subject to parameter uncertainties is considered. A chaotic system is first represented by the fuzzy model. A switching controller is then employed to synchronize the systems. The stability conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities are derived based on the Lyapunov stability theory. The tracking performance and parameter design of the controller are formulated as a generalized eigenvalue minimization problem which is solved numerically via some convex programming techniques. In Chapter 3, a sliding mode control approach written by Y. Feng and X. Yu is reviewed. Three kinds of sliding mode control methods, traditional sliding mode control, terminal sliding mode control and non-singular terminal sliding mode control, are employed for the control of a chaotic system to realize two different control objectives, namely to force the system states to converge to zero or to track desired trajectories. Observer based chaos synchronizations for chaotic systems with single nonlinearity and multi-nonlinearities are also presented. In Chapter 4, an optimal control approach written by C.Z. Wu, C.M. Liu, K.L. Teo and Q.X. Shao is reviewed. Systems with nonparametric regression with jump points are considered. The rough locations of all the possible jump points are identified using existing kernel methods. A smooth spline function is used to approximate each segment of the regression function. A time scaling transformation is derived so as to map the undecided jump points to fixed points. The approximation problem is formulated as an optimization problem and solved via existing optimization tools. The second part of the book consists of reviews on general chaos controls for continuous-time systems. In particular, chaos controls for Chua’s circuits written by L.A.B. Tôrres, L.A. Aguirre, R.M. Palhares and E.M.A.M. Mendes are discussed in Chapter 5. An inductorless Chua’s circuit realization is presented, as well as some practical issues, such as data analysis, mathematical modelling and dynamical characterization, are discussed. The tradeoff among the control objective, the control energy and the model complexity is derived. In Chapter 6, chaos controls for pulse width modulation current mode single phase H-bridge inverters written by B. Robert, M. Feki and H.H.C. Iu are discussed. A time delayed feedback controller is used in conjunction with the proportional controller in its simple form as well as in its extended form to stabilize the desired periodic orbit for larger values of the proportional controller gain. This method is very robust and easy to implement. In Chapter 7, chaos controls for epileptiform bursting in the brain written by M.W. Slutzky, P. Cvitanovic and D.J. Mogul are discussed. Chaos analysis and chaos control algorithms for manipulating the seizure like behaviour in a brain slice model are discussed. The techniques provide a nonlinear control pathway for terminating or potentially preventing epileptic seizures in the whole brain. The third part of the book consists of reviews on general chaos controls for discrete-time systems. In particular, chaos controls for phase lock loops written by A.M. Harb and B.A. Harb are discussed in Chapter 8. A nonlinear controller based on the theory of backstepping is designed so that the phase lock loops will not be out of lock. Also, the phase lock loops will not exhibit Hopf bifurcation and chaotic behaviours. In Chapter 9, chaos controls for sigma delta modulators written by B.W.K. Ling, C.Y.F. Ho and J.D. Reiss are discussed. A fuzzy impulsive control approach is employed for the control of the sigma delta modulators. The local stability criterion and the condition for the occurrence of limit cycle behaviours are derived. Based on the derived conditions, a fuzzy impulsive control law is formulated so that the occurrence of the limit cycle behaviours, the effect of the audio clicks and the distance between the state vectors and an invariant set are minimized supposing that the invariant set is nonempty. The state vectors can be bounded within any arbitrary nonempty region no matter what the input step size, the initial condition and the filter parameters are. The editors are much indebted to the editor of the World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Prof. Leon Chua, and to Senior Editor Miss Lakshmi Narayan for their help and congenial processing of the edition

    Systems Structure and Control

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    The title of the book System, Structure and Control encompasses broad field of theory and applications of many different control approaches applied on different classes of dynamic systems. Output and state feedback control include among others robust control, optimal control or intelligent control methods such as fuzzy or neural network approach, dynamic systems are e.g. linear or nonlinear with or without time delay, fixed or uncertain, onedimensional or multidimensional. The applications cover all branches of human activities including any kind of industry, economics, biology, social sciences etc

    Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systems

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Con esta tesis se pretende dar solución a algunos de los problemas más habituales que aparecen en los Sistemas de control basados en red (NCS) como son los retardos variables en el tiempo, las pérdidas y el desorden de paquetes, y la restricción de ancho de banda y de recursos computacionales y energéticos de los dispositivos que forman parte del sistema de control. Para ello se ha planteado la integración de técnicas de control multifrecuencial, de control basado en paquetes, de control basado en predictor y de control basado en eventos. Los diseños de control realizados se han simulado utilizando Matlab-Simulink y Truetime, se ha analizado su estabilidad mediante LMIs y QFT, y se han validado experimentalmente en un péndulo invertido, un robot cartesiano 3D y en robots móviles de bajo coste. El artículo 1 aborda el control basado en eventos, el cual minimiza el ancho de banda consumido en el NCS mediante un control basado en eventos periódicos y presenta un método para obtener sus parámetros óptimos para el sistema específico en que se utilice. Los artículos 2, 4 y 6 añaden el control basado en paquetes, así como el control multifrecuencia, que aborda problemas de falta de datos por bajo uso del sensor y los retardos, pérdidas y desórdenes de paquetes en la red. También afrontan, mediante tecnicas de predicción basadas en un filtro de Kalman multifrecuencia variable en el tiempo, los problemas de ruido y perturbaciones, así como la observación de los estados completos del sistema. El artículo 7 hace frente a un modelo no lineal que utiliza las anteriores soluciones junto con un filtro de Kalman extendido para presentar otro tipo de estructura para un vehículo autónomo que, gracias a la información futura obtenida mediante estas técnicas, puede realizar de forma remota tareas de alto nivel como es la toma de decisiones y la monitorización de variables. Los artículos 3 y 5, presentan una forma de obtener y analizar la respuesta en frecuencia de sistemas SISO multifrecuencia y estudian su comportamiento ante ciertas incertidumbres o problemas en la red haciendo uso de procedimientos QFT.[CA] Amb aquesta tesi es pretén donar solució a alguns dels problemes més habituals que apareixen als Sistemes de Control Basats en xarxa (NCS) com son els retards d'accés i transferència variables en el temps, les pèrdues y desordenament de paquets, i la restricció d'ampli de banda així com de recursos computacionals i energètics dels dispositius que foment part del sistema de control. Per tal de resoldre'ls s'ha plantejat la integració de tècniques de control multifreqüencial, de control basat en paquets, de control basat en predictor i de control basat en events. Els dissenys de control realitzats s'han simulat fent ús de Matlab-Simulink i de TrueTime, s'ha analitzat la seua estabilitat mitjançant LMIs i QFT, i s'han validat experimentalment en un pèndul invertit, un robot cartesià 3D i en robots mòbils de baix cost. L'article 1 aborda el control basat en events, el qual minimitza l'ampli de banda consumit a l'NCS mitjançant un control basat en events periòdics i presenta un mètode per a obtindré els seus paràmetres òptims per al sistema específic en el qual s'utilitza. Els articles 2, 4 i 6 afegeixen el control basat en paquets, així com el control multifreqüència, que aborda problemes de falta de dades per el baix us del sensor i els retards, pèrdues i desordre de paquets en la xarxa. També afronten, mitjançant tècniques de predicció basades en un filtre de Kalman multifreqüència variable en el temps. Els problemes de soroll i pertorbacions, així com la observació dels estats complets del sistema. L'article 7 fa referència a un model no lineal que utilitza les anteriors solucions junt a un filtre de Kalman estès per a presentar altre tipus d'estructura per a un vehicle autònom que, gracies a la informació futura obtinguda mitjançant aquestes tècniques, pot realitzar de manera remota tasques d'alt nivell com son la presa de decisions i la monitorització de variables. Els articles 3 y 5 presenten la manera d'obtindre i analitzar la resposta en frequencia de sistemes SISO multifreqüència i estudien el seu comportament front a certes incerteses o problemes en la xarxa fent us de procediments QFT.[EN] This thesis attempts to solve some of the most frequent issues that appear in Networked Control Systems (NCS), such as time-varying delays, packet losses and packet disorders and the bandwidth limitation. Other frequent problems are scarce computational and energy resources of the local system devices. Thus, it is proposed to integrate multirate control, packet-based control, predictor-based control and event-based control techniques. The control designs have been simulated using Matlab-Simulink and Truetime, the stability has been analysed by LMIs and QFT, and the experimental validation has been done on an inverted pendulum, a 3D cartesian robot and in low-cost mobile robots. Paper 1 addresses event-based control, which minimizes the bandwidth consumed in NCS through a periodic event-triggered control and presents a method to obtain the optimal parameters for the specific system used. Papers 2, 4 and 6 include packet-based control and multirate control, addressing problems such as network delays, packet dropouts and packet disorders, and the scarce data due to low sensor usage in order to save battery in sensing tasks and transmissions of the sensed data. Also addressed, is how despite the existence of measurement noise and disturbances, time-varying dual-rate Kalman filter based prediction techniques observe the complete state of the system. Paper 7 tackles a non-linear model that uses all the previous solutions together with an extended Kalman filter to present another type of structure for an autonomous vehicle that, due to future information obtained through these techniques, can remotely carry out high level tasks, such as decision making and monitoring of variables. Papers 3 and 5, present a method for obtaining and analyzing the SISO dual-rate frequency response and using QFT procedures to study its behavior when faced with specific uncertainties or network problems.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under Grant referenced TEC2012-31506.Alcaina Acosta, JJ. (2020). Design and implementation of event-based multi-rate controllers for networked control systems [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/159884TESISCompendi

    Robust Control

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    The need to be tolerant to changes in the control systems or in the operational environment of systems subject to unknown disturbances has generated new control methods that are able to deal with the non-parametrized disturbances of systems, without adapting itself to the system uncertainty but rather providing stability in the presence of errors bound in a model. With this approach in mind and with the intention to exemplify robust control applications, this book includes selected chapters that describe models of H-infinity loop, robust stability and uncertainty, among others. Each robust control method and model discussed in this book is illustrated by a relevant example that serves as an overview of the theoretical and practical method in robust control

    Advances in gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control techniques

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    This thesis presents some contributions to the state-of-the-art of the fields of gain-scheduling and fault tolerant control (FTC). In the area of gain-scheduling, the connections between the linear parameter varying (LPV) and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) paradigms are analyzed, showing that the methods for the automated generation of models by nonlinear embedding and by sector nonlinearity, developed for one class of systems, can be easily extended to deal with the other class. Then, two measures, based on the notions of overboundedness and region of attraction estimates, are proposed in order to compare different models and choose which one can be considered the best one. Later, the problem of designing state-feedback controllers for LPV systems has been considered, providing two main contributions. First, robust LPV controllers that can guarantee some desired performances when applied to uncertain LPV systems are designed, by using a double-layer polytopic description that takes into account both the variability due to the varying parameter vector and the uncertainty. Then, the idea of designing the controller in such a way that the required performances are scheduled by the varying parameters is explored, which provides an elegant way to vary online the behavior of the closed-loop system. In both cases, the problem reduces to finding a solution to a finite number of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which can be done efficiently using the available solvers. In the area of fault tolerant control, the thesis first shows that the aforementioned double-layer polytopic framework can be used for FTC, in such a way that different strategies (passive, active and hybrid) are obtained depending on the amount of available information. Later, an FTC strategy for LPV systems that involves a reconfigured reference model and virtual actuators is developed. It is shown that by including the saturations in the reference model equations, it is possible to design a model reference FTC system that automatically retunes the reference states whenever the system is affected by saturation nonlinearities. In this way, a graceful performance degradation in presence of actuator saturations is incorporated in an elegant way. Finally, the problem of FTC of unstable LPV systems subject to actuator saturations is considered. In this case, the design of the virtual actuator is performed in such a way that the convergence of the state trajectory to zero is assured despite the saturations and the appearance of faults. Also, it is shown that it is possible to obtain some guarantees about the tolerated delay between the fault occurrence and its isolation, and that the nominal controller can be designed so as to maximize the tolerated delay.Aquesta tesi presenta diverses contribucions a l'estat de l'art del control per planificació del guany i del control tolerant a fallades (FTC). Pel que fa al control per planificació del guany, s'analitzen les connexions entre els paradigmes dels sistemes lineals a paràmetres variants en el temps (LPV) i de Takagi-Sugeno (TS). Es demostra que els mètodes per a la generació automàtica de models mitjançant encastament no lineal i mitjançant no linealitat sectorial, desenvolupats per una classe de sistemes, es poden estendre fàcilment per fer-los servir amb l'altra classe. Es proposen dues mesures basades en les nocions de sobrefitació i d'estimació de la regió d'atracció, per tal de comparar diferents models i triar quin d'ells pot ser considerat el millor. Després, es considera el problema de dissenyar controladors per realimentació d'estat per a sistemes LPV, proporcionant dues contribucions principals. En primer lloc, fent servir una descripció amb doble capa politòpica que té en compte tant la variabilitat deguda al vector de paràmetres variants i la deguda a la incertesa, es dissenyen controladors LPV robustos que puguin garantir unes especificacions desitjades quan s'apliquen a sistemes LPV incerts. En segon lloc, s'explora la idea de dissenyar el controlador de tal manera que les especificacions requerides siguin programades pels paràmetres variants. Això proporciona una manera elegant de variar en línia el comportament del sistema en llaç tancat. En tots dos casos, el problema es redueix a trobar una solució d'un nombre finit de desigualtats matricials lineals (LMIs), que es poden resoldre fent servir algorismes numèrics disponibles i molt eficients. En l'àrea del control tolerant a fallades, primerament la tesi mostra que la descripció amb doble capa politòpica abans esmentada es pot utilitzar per fer FTC, de tal manera que, en funció de la quantitat d'informació disponible, s'obtenen diferents estratègies (passiva, activa i híbrida). Després, es desenvolupa una estratègia de FTC per a sistemes LPV que fa servir un model de referència reconfigurat combinat amb la tècnica d'actuadors virtuals. Es mostra que mitjançant la inclusió de les saturacions en les equacions del model de referència, és possible dissenyar un sistema de control tolerant a fallades que resintonitza automàticament els estats de referència cada vegada que el sistema es veu afectat per les no linealitats de la saturació en els actuadors. D'aquesta manera s'incorpora una degradació elegant de les especificacions en presència de saturacions d'actuadors. Finalment, es considera el problema de FTC per sistemes LPV inestables afectats per saturacions d'actuadors. En aquest cas, es porta a terme el disseny de l'actuador virtual de tal manera que la convergència a zero de la trajectòria d'estat està assegurada tot i les saturacions i l'aparició de fallades. A més, es mostra que és possible obtenir garanties sobre el retard tolerat entre l'aparició d'una fallada i el seu aïllament, i que el controlador nominal es pot dissenyar maximitzant el retard tolerat