316 research outputs found

    Sideslip estimation for articulated heavy vehicles at the limits of adhesion

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    Various active safety systems proposed for articulated heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) require an accurate estimate of vehicle sideslip angle. However in contrast to passenger cars, there has been minimal published research on sideslip estimation for articulated HGVs. State-of-the-art observers, which rely on linear vehicle models, perform poorly when manoeuvring near the limits of tyre adhesion. This paper investigates three nonlinear Kalman filters (KFs) for estimating the tractor sideslip angle of a tractor–semitrailer. These are compared to the current state-of-the-art, through computer simulations and vehicle test data. An unscented KF using a 5 degrees-of-freedom single-track vehicle model with linear adaptive tyres is found to substantially outperform the state-of-the-art linear KF across a range of test manoeuvres on different surfaces, both at constant speed and during emergency braking. Robustness of the observer to parameter uncertainty is also demonstrated.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Cambridge Vehicle Dynamics Consortiu

    A literature survey on sideslip angle estimation using vehicle dynamics based methods

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    The vehicle sideslip angle or lateral velocity is a measure both for driving stability and for occupant’s subjective perception of safety. With the introduction of vehicle dynamics control systems and automated driving functions, knowledge of this vehicle motion state is required for many control strategies. This article gives an overview on the state of the art on sideslip angle estimation. In contrast to other literature studies on this topic, it focuses on vehicle dynamics based algorithms. The following types of observers are discussed: Kalman Filter-type, recursive least squares (RLS), sliding mode observers (SMO) or nonlinear observers (NLO). Eventually, cascaded observers are used that first estimate some states, which then act as input to the sideslip angle estimator. Since the choice of an observer strategy always depends on the application, this article provides a brief insight into the work of selected research groups that have studied the topic. These examples will help to clarify the presence of many different approaches in the literature. A detailed discussion on vehicle and tire models is not included but referenced to other sources. Finally, this article provides recommendations for two main target groups: First, researchers and engineers that plan to design an algorithm for sideslip angle estimation using deterministic vehicle dynamics based approaches. Second, researchers and engineers planning to include an existing algorithm in an automated driving function that want to learn about advantages and limitations of these types of algorithms. Author

    State estimation based on unscented Kalman filter for semi-active suspension systems

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    In this paper, a novel approach to estimate vehicle vibration state information in real time is proposed; it is based on unscented Kalman filter (UKF) theory. The UKF is based on the unscented transfer technique which considers high order terms during the measurement and update stage during the estimation. The proposed observer uses easily accessible measurements such as accelerations and suspension deflections to estimate the sprung and unspring mass vertical velocity for the suspension systems of full vehicle under unknown road disturbance. And it is with low sensitivity and robust to the unknown road surfaces. Matlab/Carsim co-simulation experiments are carried out to validate the performance of the estimator under two typical road excitations. The simulation results clearly indicate that the proposed UKF sate observer is precise

    Vehicle sideslip angle measurement based on sensor data fusion using an integrated ANFIS and an Unscented Kalman Filter algorithm

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    Most existing ESC (Electronic Stability Control) systems rely on the measurement of both yaw rate and sideslip angle. However, one of the main issues is that the sideslip angle cannot be measured directly because the sensors are too expensive. For this reason, sideslip angle estimation has been widely discussed in the relevant literature. The modeling of sideslip angle is complex due to the non-linear dynamics of the vehicle. In this paper, we propose a novel observer based on ANFIS, combined with Kalman Filters in order to estimate the sideslip angle, which in turn is used to control the vehicle dynamics and improve its behavior. For this reason, low-cost sensor measurements which are integrated into the actual vehicle and executed in real time have to be used. The ANFIS system estimates a "pseudo-sideslip angle" through parameters which are easily measured, using sensors equipped in actual vehicles (inertial sensors and steering wheel sensors); this value is introduced in UKF in order to filter noise and to minimize the variance of the estimation mean square error. The estimator has been validated by comparing the observed proposal with the values provided by the CARSIM model, which is a piece of experimentally validated software. The advantage of this estimation is the modeling of the non-linear dynamics of the vehicle, by means of signals which are directly measured from vehicle sensors. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed ANFIS+UKF-based sideslip angle estimator

    On the vehicle sideslip angle estimation: a literature review of methods, models and innovations

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    Typical active safety systems controlling the dynamics of passenger cars rely on real-time monitoring of the vehicle sideslip angle (VSA), together with other signals like wheel angular velocities, steering angle, lateral acceleration, and the rate of rotation about the vertical axis, known as the yaw rate. The VSA (aka attitude or “drifting” angle) is defined as the angle between the vehicle longitudinal axis and the direction of travel, taking the centre of gravity as a reference. It is basically a measure of the misalignment between vehicle orientation and trajectory therefore it is a vital piece of information enabling directional stability assessment, in transients following emergency manoeuvres for instance. As explained in the introduction the VSA is not measured directly for impracticality and it is estimated on the basis of available measurements like wheel velocities, linear and angular accelerations etc. This work is intended to provide a comprehensive literature review on the VSA estimation problem. Two main estimation methods have been categorised, i.e. Observer-based and Neural Network-based, focusing on the most effective and innovative approaches. As the first method normally relies on a vehicle model, a review of the vehicle models has been included. Advantages and limitations of each technique have been highlighted and discussed

    Vehicle Dynamics, Lateral Forces, Roll Angle, Tire Wear and Road Profile States Estimation - A Review

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    Estimation of vehicle dynamics, tire wear, and road profile are indispensable prefaces in the development of automobile manufacturing due to the growing demands for vehicle safety, stability, and intelligent control, economic and environmental protection. Thus, vehicle state estimation approaches have captured the great interest of researchers because of the intricacy of vehicle dynamics and stability control systems. Over the last few decades, great enhancement has been accomplished in the theory and experiments for the development of these estimation states. This article provides a comprehensive review of recent advances in vehicle dynamics, tire wear, and road profile estimations. Most relevant and significant models have been reviewed in relation to the vehicle dynamics, roll angle, tire wear, and road profile states. Finally, some suggestions have been pointed out for enhancing the performance of the vehicle dynamics models

    Observer design based on nonlinear suspension model with unscented Kalman filter

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    This paper presents a new approach to estimating suspension state information and parameter in real-time. An observer with unscented Kalman filter is designed based on a nonlinear quarter car model. The proposed observer could estimate the sprung mass, vertical velocity of sprung and unsprung mass for the nonlinear suspension systems with vehicle load variation. The designed observer has low sensitivity and robust to unknown road surfaces. The efficiency of the estimator is validated through the simulations with two different types of road excitation and payload variations. The simulation results clearly indicate that compared with the extended Kalman filter estimator, the unscented Kalman filter is more accurate and robust. The estimated state information and parameters could be used in the design of suspension control systems

    Tire-Road Friction Estimation Using Slip-based Observers

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    In order to improve the security of the vehicles, the car industry focuses more and more on Active Safety. The objective is to introduce embedded electronic control systems to detect dangerous conditions, warn the driver and, in emergency situations, even take actions to avoid crash or at least reduce the violence of the impact. The tire-road friction coefficient which defines the maximum traction and braking capacities is very useful information for both the driver and electronic devices like ABS, ESP, roll-over prevention or collision mitigation. Unfortunately such a coefficient cannot be directly measured and has to be estimated from other available data. This thesis reviews the main directions followed by researchers around the world and then focuses on slip-based methods. The methods proposed in a few papers are implemented, compared and commented. Then some original solutions are proposed. First, a hybrid observer has been developed with the idea to classify roads into a few categories. The principle is very interesting and the implementation brings out many problems to take into consideration and some attempts of solutions.Secondly, a force observer and a tire friction model are combined. This natural approach works well in simulations

    Vehicle dynamics virtual sensing and advanced motion control for highly skilled autonomous vehicles

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    This dissertation is aimed at elucidating the path towards the development of a future generation of highly-skilled autonomous vehicles (HSAV). In brief, it is envisaged that future HSAVs will be able to exhibit advanced driving skills to maintain the vehicle within stable limits in spite of the driving conditions (limits of handling) or environmental adversities (e.g. low manoeuvrability surfaces). Current research lines on intelligent systems indicate that such advanced driving behaviour may be realised by means of expert systems capable of monitoring the current vehicle states, learning the road friction conditions, and adapting their behaviour depending on the identified situation. Such adaptation skills are often exhibited by professional motorsport drivers, who fine-tune their driving behaviour depending on the road geometry or tyre-friction characteristics. On this basis, expert systems incorporating advanced driving functions inspired by the techniques seen on highly-skilled drivers (e.g. high body slip control) are proposed to extend the operating region of autonomous vehicles and achieve high-level automation (e.g. manoeuvrability enhancement on low-adherence surfaces). Specifically, two major research topics are covered in detail in this dissertation to conceive these expert systems: vehicle dynamics virtual sensing and advanced motion control. With regards to the former, a comprehensive research is undertaken to propose virtual sensors able to estimate the vehicle planar motion states and learn the road friction characteristics from readily available measurements. In what concerns motion control, systems to mimic advanced driving skills and achieve robust path-following ability are pursued. An optimal coordinated action of different chassis subsystems (e.g. steering and individual torque control) is sought by the adoption of a centralised multi-actuated system framework. The virtual sensors developed in this work are validated experimentally with the Vehicle-Based Objective Tyre Testing (VBOTT) research testbed of JAGUAR LAND ROVER and the advanced motion control functions with the Multi-Actuated Ground Vehicle “DevBot” of ARRIVAL and ROBORACE.Diese Dissertation soll den Weg zur Entwicklung einer zukünftigen Generation hochqualifizierter autonomer Fahrzeuge (HSAV) aufzeigen. Kurz gesagt, es ist beabsichtigt, dass zukünftige HSAVs fortgeschrittene Fahrfähigkeiten aufweisen können, um das Fahrzeug trotz der Fahrbedingungen (Grenzen des Fahrverhaltens) oder Umgebungsbedingungen (z. B. Oberflächen mit geringer Manövrierfähigkeit) in stabilen Grenzen zu halten. Aktuelle Forschungslinien zu intelligenten Systemen weisen darauf hin, dass ein solches fortschrittliches Fahrverhalten mit Hilfe von Expertensystemen realisiert werden kann, die in der Lage sind, die aktuellen Fahrzeugzustände zu überwachen, die Straßenreibungsbedingungen kennenzulernen und ihr Verhalten in Abhängigkeit von der ermittelten Situation anzupassen. Solche Anpassungsfähigkeiten werden häufig von professionellen Motorsportfahrern gezeigt, die ihr Fahrverhalten in Abhängigkeit von der Straßengeometrie oder den Reifenreibungsmerkmalen abstimmen. Auf dieser Grundlage werden Expertensysteme mit fortschrittlichen Fahrfunktionen vorgeschlagen, die auf den Techniken hochqualifizierter Fahrer basieren (z. B. hohe Schlupfregelung), um den Betriebsbereich autonomer Fahrzeuge zu erweitern und eine Automatisierung auf hohem Niveau zu erreichen (z. B. Verbesserung der Manövrierfähigkeit auf niedrigem Niveau) -haftende Oberflächen). Um diese Expertensysteme zu konzipieren, werden zwei große Forschungsthemen in dieser Dissertation ausführlich behandelt: Fahrdynamik-virtuelle Wahrnehmung und fortschrittliche Bewegungssteuerung. In Bezug auf erstere wird eine umfassende Forschung durchgeführt, um virtuelle Sensoren vorzuschlagen, die in der Lage sind, die Bewegungszustände der Fahrzeugebenen abzuschätzen und die Straßenreibungseigenschaften aus leicht verfügbaren Messungen kennenzulernen. In Bezug auf die Bewegungssteuerung werden Systeme zur Nachahmung fortgeschrittener Fahrfähigkeiten und zum Erzielen einer robusten Wegfolgefähigkeit angestrebt. Eine optimale koordinierte Wirkung verschiedener Fahrgestellsubsysteme (z. B. Lenkung und individuelle Drehmomentsteuerung) wird durch die Annahme eines zentralisierten, mehrfach betätigten Systemrahmens angestrebt. Die in dieser Arbeit entwickelten virtuellen Sensoren wurden experimentell mit dem Vehicle-Based Objective Tyre Testing (VBOTT) - Prüfstand von JAGUAR LAND ROVER und den fortschrittlichen Bewegungssteuerungsfunktionen mit dem mehrfach betätigten Bodenfahrzeug ”DevBot” von ARRIVAL und ROBORACE validiert