473 research outputs found

    Deep learning-based change detection in remote sensing images:a review

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    Images gathered from different satellites are vastly available these days due to the fast development of remote sensing (RS) technology. These images significantly enhance the data sources of change detection (CD). CD is a technique of recognizing the dissimilarities in the images acquired at distinct intervals and are used for numerous applications, such as urban area development, disaster management, land cover object identification, etc. In recent years, deep learning (DL) techniques have been used tremendously in change detection processes, where it has achieved great success because of their practical applications. Some researchers have even claimed that DL approaches outperform traditional approaches and enhance change detection accuracy. Therefore, this review focuses on deep learning techniques, such as supervised, unsupervised, and semi-supervised for different change detection datasets, such as SAR, multispectral, hyperspectral, VHR, and heterogeneous images, and their advantages and disadvantages will be highlighted. In the end, some significant challenges are discussed to understand the context of improvements in change detection datasets and deep learning models. Overall, this review will be beneficial for the future development of CD methods

    Deep Image Retrieval: A Survey

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    In recent years a vast amount of visual content has been generated and shared from various fields, such as social media platforms, medical images, and robotics. This abundance of content creation and sharing has introduced new challenges. In particular, searching databases for similar content, i.e.content based image retrieval (CBIR), is a long-established research area, and more efficient and accurate methods are needed for real time retrieval. Artificial intelligence has made progress in CBIR and has significantly facilitated the process of intelligent search. In this survey we organize and review recent CBIR works that are developed based on deep learning algorithms and techniques, including insights and techniques from recent papers. We identify and present the commonly-used benchmarks and evaluation methods used in the field. We collect common challenges and propose promising future directions. More specifically, we focus on image retrieval with deep learning and organize the state of the art methods according to the types of deep network structure, deep features, feature enhancement methods, and network fine-tuning strategies. Our survey considers a wide variety of recent methods, aiming to promote a global view of the field of instance-based CBIR.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figure

    Proceedings of the 2019 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    In 2019 fand wieder der jährliche Workshop des Fraunhofer IOSB und des Lehrstuhls für Interaktive Echtzeitsysteme des Karlsruher Insitut für Technologie statt. Die Doktoranden beider Institutionen präsentierten den Fortschritt ihrer Forschung in den Themen Maschinelles Lernen, Machine Vision, Messtechnik, Netzwerksicherheit und Usage Control. Die Ideen dieses Workshops sind in diesem Buch gesammelt in der Form technischer Berichte

    Proceedings of the 2019 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    In 2019 again, the annual joint workshop of the Fraunhofer IOSB and the Vision and Fusion Laboratory of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology took place. The doctoral students of both institutions presented extensive reports on the status of their research and discussed topics ranging from computer vision and optical metrology to network security, usage control and machine learning. The results and ideas presented at the workshop are collected in this book in the form of technical reports

    Pedestrian Attribute Recognition: A Survey

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    Recognizing pedestrian attributes is an important task in computer vision community due to it plays an important role in video surveillance. Many algorithms has been proposed to handle this task. The goal of this paper is to review existing works using traditional methods or based on deep learning networks. Firstly, we introduce the background of pedestrian attributes recognition (PAR, for short), including the fundamental concepts of pedestrian attributes and corresponding challenges. Secondly, we introduce existing benchmarks, including popular datasets and evaluation criterion. Thirdly, we analyse the concept of multi-task learning and multi-label learning, and also explain the relations between these two learning algorithms and pedestrian attribute recognition. We also review some popular network architectures which have widely applied in the deep learning community. Fourthly, we analyse popular solutions for this task, such as attributes group, part-based, \emph{etc}. Fifthly, we shown some applications which takes pedestrian attributes into consideration and achieve better performance. Finally, we summarized this paper and give several possible research directions for pedestrian attributes recognition. The project page of this paper can be found from the following website: \url{https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes/}.Comment: Check our project page for High Resolution version of this survey: https://sites.google.com/view/ahu-pedestrianattributes

    A Feasibility Study on Deep Learning Based Brain Tumor Segmentation Using 2D Ellipse Box Areas

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    In most deep learning-based brain tumor segmentation methods, training the deep network requires annotated tumor areas. However, accurate tumor annotation puts high demands on medical personnel. The aim of this study is to train a deep network for segmentation by using ellipse box areas surrounding the tumors. In the proposed method, the deep network is trained by using a large number of unannotated tumor images with foreground (FG) and background (BG) ellipse box areas surrounding the tumor and background, and a small number of patients (<20) with annotated tumors. The training is conducted by initial training on two ellipse boxes on unannotated MRIs, followed by refined training on a small number of annotated MRIs. We use a multi-stream U-Net for conducting our experiments, which is an extension of the conventional U-Net. This enables the use of complementary information from multi-modality (e.g., T1, T1ce, T2, and FLAIR) MRIs. To test the feasibility of the proposed approach, experiments and evaluation were conducted on two datasets for glioma segmentation. Segmentation performance on the test sets is then compared with those used on the same network but trained entirely by annotated MRIs. Our experiments show that the proposed method has obtained good tumor segmentation results on the test sets, wherein the dice score on tumor areas is (0.8407, 0.9104), and segmentation accuracy on tumor areas is (83.88%, 88.47%) for the MICCAI BraTS’17 and US datasets, respectively. Comparing the segmented results by using the network trained by all annotated tumors, the drop in the segmentation performance from the proposed approach is (0.0594, 0.0159) in the dice score, and (8.78%, 2.61%) in segmented tumor accuracy for MICCAI and US test sets, which is relatively small. Our case studies have demonstrated that training the network for segmentation by using ellipse box areas in place of all annotated tumors is feasible, and can be considered as an alternative, which is a trade-off between saving medical experts’ time annotating tumors and a small drop in segmentation performance

    Understanding Video Transformers for Segmentation: A Survey of Application and Interpretability

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    Video segmentation encompasses a wide range of categories of problem formulation, e.g., object, scene, actor-action and multimodal video segmentation, for delineating task-specific scene components with pixel-level masks. Recently, approaches in this research area shifted from concentrating on ConvNet-based to transformer-based models. In addition, various interpretability approaches have appeared for transformer models and video temporal dynamics, motivated by the growing interest in basic scientific understanding, model diagnostics and societal implications of real-world deployment. Previous surveys mainly focused on ConvNet models on a subset of video segmentation tasks or transformers for classification tasks. Moreover, component-wise discussion of transformer-based video segmentation models has not yet received due focus. In addition, previous reviews of interpretability methods focused on transformers for classification, while analysis of video temporal dynamics modelling capabilities of video models received less attention. In this survey, we address the above with a thorough discussion of various categories of video segmentation, a component-wise discussion of the state-of-the-art transformer-based models, and a review of related interpretability methods. We first present an introduction to the different video segmentation task categories, their objectives, specific challenges and benchmark datasets. Next, we provide a component-wise review of recent transformer-based models and document the state of the art on different video segmentation tasks. Subsequently, we discuss post-hoc and ante-hoc interpretability methods for transformer models and interpretability methods for understanding the role of the temporal dimension in video models. Finally, we conclude our discussion with future research directions

    Depth Estimation Using 2D RGB Images

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    Single image depth estimation is an ill-posed problem. That is, it is not mathematically possible to uniquely estimate the 3rd dimension (or depth) from a single 2D image. Hence, additional constraints need to be incorporated in order to regulate the solution space. As a result, in the first part of this dissertation, the idea of constraining the model for more accurate depth estimation by taking advantage of the similarity between the RGB image and the corresponding depth map at the geometric edges of the 3D scene is explored. Although deep learning based methods are very successful in computer vision and handle noise very well, they suffer from poor generalization when the test and train distributions are not close. While, the geometric methods do not have the generalization problem since they benefit from temporal information in an unsupervised manner. They are sensitive to noise, though. At the same time, explicitly modeling of a dynamic scenes as well as flexible objects in traditional computer vision methods is a big challenge. Considering the advantages and disadvantages of each approach, a hybrid method, which benefits from both, is proposed here by extending traditional geometric models’ abilities to handle flexible and dynamic objects in the scene. This is made possible by relaxing geometric computer vision rules from one motion model for some areas of the scene into one for every pixel in the scene. This enables the model to detect even small, flexible, floating debris in a dynamic scene. However, it makes the optimization under-constrained. To change the optimization from under-constrained to over-constrained while maintaining the model’s flexibility, ”moving object detection loss” and ”synchrony loss” are designed. The algorithm is trained in an unsupervised fashion. The primary results are in no way comparable to the current state of the art. Because the training process is so slow, it is difficult to compare it to the current state of the art. Also, the algorithm lacks stability. In addition, the optical flow model is extremely noisy and naive. At the end, some solutions are suggested to address these issues
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