23 research outputs found

    Advanced grid authorisation using semantic technologies - AGAST

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    Collaborative research requires flexible and fine-grained access control, beyond the common all-or-nothing access based purely on authentication. Existing systems can be hard to use, and do not lend themselves naturally to federation. We present an access-control architecture which builds on RDFs natural strength as an integration framework, which uses RDF scavenged from X.509 certificates, and policies expressed as ontologies and SPARQL queries, to provide flexible and distributed access control. We describe initial implementations

    Evolving a secure grid-enabled, distributed data warehouse : a standards-based perspective

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    As digital data-collection has increased in scale and number, it becomes an important type of resource serving a wide community of researchers. Cross-institutional data-sharing and collaboration introduce a suitable approach to facilitate those research institutions that are suffering the lack of data and related IT infrastructures. Grid computing has become a widely adopted approach to enable cross-institutional resource-sharing and collaboration. It integrates a distributed and heterogeneous collection of locally managed users and resources. This project proposes a distributed data warehouse system, which uses Grid technology to enable data-access and integration, and collaborative operations across multi-distributed institutions in the context of HV/AIDS research. This study is based on wider research into OGSA-based Grid services architecture, comprising a data-analysis system which utilizes a data warehouse, data marts, and near-line operational database that are hosted by distributed institutions. Within this framework, specific patterns for collaboration, interoperability, resource virtualization and security are included. The heterogeneous and dynamic nature of the Grid environment introduces a number of security challenges. This study also concerns a set of particular security aspects, including PKI-based authentication, single sign-on, dynamic delegation, and attribute-based authorization. These mechanisms, as supported by the Globus Toolkit’s Grid Security Infrastructure, are used to enable interoperability and establish trust relationship between various security mechanisms and policies within different institutions; manage credentials; and ensure secure interactions

    DRIVER Technology Watch Report

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    This report is part of the Discovery Workpackage (WP4) and is the third report out of four deliverables. The objective of this report is to give an overview of the latest technical developments in the world of digital repositories, digital libraries and beyond, in order to serve as theoretical and practical input for the technical DRIVER developments, especially those focused on enhanced publications. This report consists of two main parts, one part focuses on interoperability standards for enhanced publications, the other part consists of three subchapters, which give a landscape picture of current and surfacing technologies and communities crucial to DRIVER. These three subchapters contain the GRID, CRIS and LTP communities and technologies. Every chapter contains a theoretical explanation, followed by case studies and the outcomes and opportunities for DRIVER in this field

    On Usage Control for Data Grids: Models, Architectures, and Specifications

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    This thesis reasons on usage control in Data Grids, by presenting models, architectures and specifications. This work is a step toward a continuous monitoring and control of the data access and usage in a Data Grid. First, the thesis presents a background on Grids, security, and security for Grids, by making an abstraction to the current Grid implementations. We argue that usage control in Data Grids should be considered as a process composed by two black boxes. We analysed the requirements for Grid security, and propose a distributed usage control model suitable for Grids and distributed systems alike. Then, we apply such model to a Data Grid abstraction, and present a usage control architecture for Data Grids that uses the functional components of the currents Grids. We also present an abstract specification for an enforcing mechanism for usage control policies. To do so, we use a formal requirement engineering methodology with a bottom-up approach, that proves that the specification is sound and complete. With the methodology, we show formally that such abstract specification can enforce all the different typologies of usage control policies. Finally, we consider how existing prototypes can fit in the proposed architecture, and the advantages derived from using Semantic Grid techologies for the specification of policies subjects and objects

    3rd EGEE User Forum

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    We have organized this book in a sequence of chapters, each chapter associated with an application or technical theme introduced by an overview of the contents, and a summary of the main conclusions coming from the Forum for the chapter topic. The first chapter gathers all the plenary session keynote addresses, and following this there is a sequence of chapters covering the application flavoured sessions. These are followed by chapters with the flavour of Computer Science and Grid Technology. The final chapter covers the important number of practical demonstrations and posters exhibited at the Forum. Much of the work presented has a direct link to specific areas of Science, and so we have created a Science Index, presented below. In addition, at the end of this book, we provide a complete list of the institutes and countries involved in the User Forum

    Regionally distributed architecture for dynamic e-learning environment (RDADeLE)

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    e-Learning is becoming an influential role as an economic method and a flexible mode of study in the institutions of higher education today which has a presence in an increasing number of college and university courses. e-Learning as system of systems is a dynamic and scalable environment. Within this environment, e-learning is still searching for a permanent, comfortable and serviceable position that is to be controlled, managed, flexible, accessible and continually up-to-date with the wider university structure. As most academic and business institutions and training centres around the world have adopted the e-learning concept and technology in order to create, deliver and manage their learning materials through the web, it has become the focus of investigation. However, management, monitoring and collaboration between these institutions and centres are limited. Existing technologies such as grid, web services and agents are promising better results. In this research a new architecture has been developed and adopted to make the e-learning environment more dynamic and scalable by dividing it into regional data grids which are managed and monitored by agents. Multi-agent technology has been applied to integrate each regional data grid with others in order to produce an architecture which is more scalable, reliable, and efficient. The result we refer to as Regionally Distributed Architecture for Dynamic e-Learning Environment (RDADeLE). Our RDADeLE architecture is an agent-based grid environment which is composed of components such as learners, staff, nodes, regional grids, grid services and Learning Objects (LOs). These components are built and organised as a multi-agent system (MAS) using the Java Agent Development (JADE) platform. The main role of the agents in our architecture is to control and monitor grid components in order to build an adaptable, extensible, and flexible grid-based e-learning system. Two techniques have been developed and adopted in the architecture to build LOs' information and grid services. The first technique is the XML-based Registries Technique (XRT). In this technique LOs' information is built using XML registries to be discovered by the learners. The registries are written in Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) format. The second technique is the Registered-based Services Technique (RST). In this technique the services are grid services which are built using agents. The services are registered with the Directory Facilitator (DF) of a JADE platform in order to be discovered by all other components. All components of the RDADeLE system, including grid service, are built as a multi-agent system (MAS). Each regional grid in the first technique has only its own registry, whereas in the second technique the grid services of all regional grids have to be registered with the DF. We have evaluated the RDADeLE system guided by both techniques by building a simulation of the prototype. The prototype has a main interface which consists of the name of the system (RDADeLE) and a specification table which includes Number of Regional Grids, Number of Nodes, Maximum Number of Learners connected to each node, and Number of Grid Services to be filled by the administrator of the RDADeLE system in order to create the prototype. Using the RST technique shows that the RDADeLE system can be built with more regional grids with less memory consumption. Moreover, using the RST technique shows that more grid services can be registered in the RDADeLE system with a lower average search time and the search performance is increased compared with the XRT technique. Finally, using one or both techniques, the XRT or the RST, in the prototype does not affect the reliability of the RDADeLE system.Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu - Directorate General For Jubail Project Kingdom of Saudi Arabi

    Integration of Data Mining into Scientific Data Analysis Processes

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    In recent years, using advanced semi-interactive data analysis algorithms such as those from the field of data mining gained more and more importance in life science in general and in particular in bioinformatics, genetics, medicine and biodiversity. Today, there is a trend away from collecting and evaluating data in the context of a specific problem or study only towards extensively collecting data from different sources in repositories which is potentially useful for subsequent analysis, e.g. in the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) repository of high throughput gene expression data. At the time the data are collected, it is analysed in a specific context which influences the experimental design. However, the type of analyses that the data will be used for after they have been deposited is not known. Content and data format are focused only to the first experiment, but not to the future re-use. Thus, complex process chains are needed for the analysis of the data. Such process chains need to be supported by the environments that are used to setup analysis solutions. Building specialized software for each individual problem is not a solution, as this effort can only be carried out for huge projects running for several years. Hence, data mining functionality was developed to toolkits, which provide data mining functionality in form of a collection of different components. Depending on the different research questions of the users, the solutions consist of distinct compositions of these components. Today, existing solutions for data mining processes comprise different components that represent different steps in the analysis process. There exist graphical or script-based toolkits for combining such components. The data mining tools, which can serve as components in analysis processes, are based on single computer environments, local data sources and single users. However, analysis scenarios in medical- and bioinformatics have to deal with multi computer environments, distributed data sources and multiple users that have to cooperate. Users need support for integrating data mining into analysis processes in the context of such scenarios, which lacks today. Typically, analysts working with single computer environments face the problem of large data volumes since tools do not address scalability and access to distributed data sources. Distributed environments such as grid environments provide scalability and access to distributed data sources, but the integration of existing components into such environments is complex. In addition, new components often cannot be directly developed in distributed environments. Moreover, in scenarios involving multiple computers, multiple distributed data sources and multiple users, the reuse of components, scripts and analysis processes becomes more important as more steps and configuration are necessary and thus much bigger efforts are needed to develop and set-up a solution. In this thesis we will introduce an approach for supporting interactive and distributed data mining for multiple users based on infrastructure principles that allow building on data mining components and processes that are already available instead of designing of a completely new infrastructure, so that users can keep working with their well-known tools. In order to achieve the integration of data mining into scientific data analysis processes, this thesis proposes an stepwise approach of supporting the user in the development of analysis solutions that include data mining. We see our major contributions as the following: first, we propose an approach to integrate data mining components being developed for a single processor environment into grid environments. By this, we support users in reusing standard data mining components with small effort. The approach is based on a metadata schema definition which is used to grid-enable existing data mining components. Second, we describe an approach for interactively developing data mining scripts in grid environments. The approach efficiently supports users when it is necessary to enhance available components, to develop new data mining components, and to compose these components. Third, building on that, an approach for facilitating the reuse of existing data mining processes based on process patterns is presented. It supports users in scenarios that cover different steps of the data mining process including several components or scripts. The data mining process patterns support the description of data mining processes at different levels of abstraction between the CRISP model as most general and executable workflows as most concrete representation

    A service-oriented Grid environment with on-demand QoS support

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    Grid Computing entstand aus der Vision für eine neuartige Recheninfrastruktur, welche darauf abzielt, Rechenkapazität so einfach wie Elektrizität im Stromnetz (power grid) verfügbar zu machen. Der entsprechende Zugriff auf global verteilte Rechenressourcen versetzt Forscher rund um den Globus in die Lage, neuartige Herausforderungen aus Wissenschaft und Technik in beispiellosem Ausmaß in Angriff zu nehmen. Die rasanten Entwicklungen im Grid Computing begünstigten auch Standardisierungsprozesse in Richtung Harmonisierung durch Service-orientierte Architekturen und die Anwendung kommerzieller Web Services Technologien. In diesem Kontext ist auch die Sicherung von Qualität bzw. entsprechende Vereinbarungen über die Qualität eines Services (QoS) wichtig, da diese vor allem für komplexe Anwendungen aus sensitiven Bereichen, wie der Medizin, unumgänglich sind. Diese Dissertation versucht zur Entwicklung im Grid Computing beizutragen, indem eine Grid Umgebung mit Unterstützung für QoS vorgestellt wird. Die vorgeschlagene Grid Umgebung beinhaltet eine sichere Service-orientierte Infrastruktur, welche auf Web Services Technologien basiert, sowie bedarfsorientiert und automatisiert HPC Anwendungen als Grid Services bereitstellen kann. Die Grid Umgebung zielt auf eine kommerzielle Nutzung ab und unterstützt ein durch den Benutzer initiiertes, fallweises und dynamisches Verhandeln von Serviceverträgen (SLAs). Das Design der QoS Unterstützung ist generisch, jedoch berücksichtigt die Implementierung besonders die Anforderungen von rechenintensiven und zeitkritischen parallelen Anwendungen, bzw. Garantien f¨ur deren Ausführungszeit und Preis. Daher ist die QoS Unterstützung auf Reservierung, anwendungsspezifische Abschätzung und Preisfestsetzung von Ressourcen angewiesen. Eine entsprechende Evaluation demonstriert die Möglichkeiten und das rationale Verhalten der QoS Infrastruktur. Die Grid Infrastruktur und insbesondere die QoS Unterstützung wurde in Forschungs- und Entwicklungsprojekten der EU eingesetzt, welche verschiedene Anwendungen aus dem medizinischen und bio-medizinischen Bereich als Services zur Verfügung stellen. Die EU Projekte GEMSS und Aneurist befassen sich mit fortschrittlichen HPC Anwendungen und global verteilten Daten aus dem Gesundheitsbereich, welche durch Virtualisierungstechniken als Services angeboten werden. Die Benutzung von Gridtechnologie als Basistechnologie im Gesundheitswesen ermöglicht Forschern und Ärzten die Nutzung von Grid Services in deren Arbeitsumfeld, welche letzten Endes zu einer Verbesserung der medizinischen Versorgung führt.Grid computing emerged as a vision for a new computing infrastructure that aims to make computing resources available as easily as electric power through the power grid. Enabling seamless access to globally distributed IT resources allows dispersed users to tackle large-scale problems in science and engineering in unprecedented ways. The rapid development of Grid computing also encouraged standardization, which led to the adoption of a service-oriented paradigm and an increasing use of commercial Web services technologies. Along these lines, service-level agreements and Quality of Service are essential characteristics of the Grid and specifically mandatory for Grid-enabling complex applications from certain domains such as the health sector. This PhD thesis aims to contribute to the development of Grid technologies by proposing a Grid environment with support for Quality of Service. The proposed environment comprises a secure service-oriented Grid infrastructure based on standard Web services technologies which enables the on-demand provision of native HPC applications as Grid services in an automated way and subject to user-defined QoS constraints. The Grid environment adopts a business-oriented approach and supports a client-driven dynamic negotiation of service-level agreements on a case-by-case basis. Although the design of the QoS support is generic, the implementation emphasizes the specific requirements of compute-intensive and time-critical parallel applications, which necessitate on-demand QoS guarantees such as execution time limits and price constraints. Therefore, the QoS infrastructure relies on advance resource reservation, application-specific resource capacity estimation, and resource pricing. An experimental evaluation demonstrates the capabilities and rational behavior of the QoS infrastructure. The presented Grid infrastructure and in particular the QoS support has been successfully applied and demonstrated in EU projects for various applications from the medical and bio-medical domains. The EU projects GEMSS and Aneurist are concerned with advanced e-health applications and globally distributed data sources, which are virtualized by Grid services. Using Grid technology as enabling technology in the health domain allows medical practitioners and researchers to utilize Grid services in their clinical environment which ultimately results in improved healthcare

    Sensor web geoprocessing on the grid

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    Recent standardisation initiatives in the fields of grid computing and geospatial sensor middleware provide an exciting opportunity for the composition of large scale geospatial monitoring and prediction systems from existing components. Sensor middleware standards are paving the way for the emerging sensor web which is envisioned to make millions of geospatial sensors and their data publicly accessible by providing discovery, task and query functionality over the internet. In a similar fashion, concurrent development is taking place in the field of grid computing whereby the virtualisation of computational and data storage resources using middleware abstraction provides a framework to share computing resources. Sensor web and grid computing share a common vision of world-wide connectivity and in their current form they are both realised using web services as the underlying technological framework. The integration of sensor web and grid computing middleware using open standards is expected to facilitate interoperability and scalability in near real-time geoprocessing systems. The aim of this thesis is to develop an appropriate conceptual and practical framework in which open standards in grid computing, sensor web and geospatial web services can be combined as a technological basis for the monitoring and prediction of geospatial phenomena in the earth systems domain, to facilitate real-time decision support. The primary topic of interest is how real-time sensor data can be processed on a grid computing architecture. This is addressed by creating a simple typology of real-time geoprocessing operations with respect to grid computing architectures. A geoprocessing system exemplar of each geoprocessing operation in the typology is implemented using contemporary tools and techniques which provides a basis from which to validate the standards frameworks and highlight issues of scalability and interoperability. It was found that it is possible to combine standardised web services from each of these aforementioned domains despite issues of interoperability resulting from differences in web service style and security between specifications. A novel integration method for the continuous processing of a sensor observation stream is suggested in which a perpetual processing job is submitted as a single continuous compute job. Although this method was found to be successful two key challenges remain; a mechanism for consistently scheduling real-time jobs within an acceptable time-frame must be devised and the tradeoff between efficient grid resource utilisation and processing latency must be balanced. The lack of actual implementations of distributed geoprocessing systems built using sensor web and grid computing has hindered the development of standards, tools and frameworks in this area. This work provides a contribution to the small number of existing implementations in this field by identifying potential workflow bottlenecks in such systems and gaps in the existing specifications. Furthermore it sets out a typology of real-time geoprocessing operations that are anticipated to facilitate the development of real-time geoprocessing software.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) : School of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Newcastle UniversityGBUnited Kingdo