14 research outputs found

    Secure Offloading of Intrusion Detection Systems from VMs with Intel SGX

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    Virtual machines (VMs) inside clouds need to be monitored using intrusion detection systems (IDS). Since host-based IDS can be easily disabled by intruders, IDS offloading with VM introspection (VMI) is used to securely run IDS outside a target VM. However, offloaded IDS can be still attacked because it runs on top of a vulnerable operating system (OS). Various systems have been proposed to protect offloaded IDS, but no systems provide an appropriate execution environment to IDS. This paper proposes SGmonitor for enabling the secure execution of IDS offloaded from VMs inside clouds using Intel SGX. SGmonitor executes IDS in SGX enclaves and preserves confidentiality and integrity. It provides secure VMI for memory and storage by using encryption and integrity checking. To make the development of offloaded IDS easier, it provides the in-kernel API to in-enclave IDS and enables transparent access to OS data in VMs. We have implemented SGmonitor in Xen with SGX support and showed that the overhead of in-enclave IDS was 31% in compensation for much stronger security.2021 IEEE 14th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), September 5-10, 2021, Chicago, IL, US

    Critical Analysis on Detection and Mitigation of Security Vulnerabilities in Virtualization Data Centers

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    There is an increasing demand for IT resources in growing business enterprises. Data center virtualization helps to meet this increasing demand by driving higher server utilization and utilizing un-used CPU cycles without causes much increase in new servers. Reduction in infrastructure complexities, Optimization of cost of IT system management, power and cooling are some of the additional benefits of virtualization. Virtualization also brings various security vulnerabilities. They are prone to attacks like hyperjacking, intrusion, data thefts, denial of service attacks on virtualized servers and web facing applications etc. This works identifies the security challenges in virtualization. A critical analysis on existing state of art works on detection and mitigation of various vulnerabilities is presented. The aim is to identify the open issues and propose prospective solutions in brief for these open issues

    Hardening the Security of Multi-Access Edge Computing through Bio-Inspired VM Introspection

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    The extreme bandwidth and performance of 5G mobile networks changes the way we develop and utilize digital services. Within a few years, 5G will not only touch technology and applications, but dramatically change the economy, our society and individual life. One of the emerging technologies that enables the evolution to 5G by bringing cloud capabilities near to the end users is Edge Computing or also known as Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) that will become pertinent towards the evolution of 5G. This evolution also entails growth in the threat landscape and increase privacy in concerns at different application areas, hence security and privacy plays a central role in the evolution towards 5G. Since MEC application instantiated in the virtualized infrastructure, in this paper we present a distributed application that aims to constantly introspect multiple virtual machines (VMs) in order to detect malicious activities based on their anomalous behavior. Once suspicious processes detected, our IDS in real-time notifies system administrator about the potential threat. Developed software is able to detect keyloggers, rootkits, trojans, process hiding and other intrusion artifacts via agent-less operation, by operating remotely or directly from the host machine. Remote memory introspection means no software to install, no notice to malware to evacuate or destroy data. Experimental results of remote VMI on more than 50 different malicious code demonstrate average anomaly detection rate close to 97%. We have established wide testbed environment connecting networks of two universities Kyushu Institute of Technology and The City College of New York through secure GRE tunnel. Conducted experiments on this testbed deliver high response time of the proposed system

    Revisiting Isolation For System Security And Efficiency In The Era Of Internet Of Things

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    Isolation is a fundamental paradigm for secure and efficient resource sharing on a computer system. However, isolation mechanisms in traditional cloud computing platforms are heavy-weight or just not feasible to be applied onto the computing environment for Internet of Things(IoT). Most IoT devices have limited resources and their servers are less powerful than cloud servers but are widely distributed over the edge of the Internet. Revisions to the traditional isolation mechanisms are needed in order to improve the system security and efficiency in these computing environments. The first project explores container-based isolation for the emerging edge computing platforms. We show a performance issue of live migration between edge servers where the file system transmission becomes a bottleneck. Then we propose a solution that leverages a layered file system for synchronization before the migration starts, avoiding the usage of impractical networking shared file system as in the traditional solution. The evaluation shows that the migration time is reduced by 56% – 80%. In the second project, we propose a lightweight security monitoring service for edge computing platforms, base on the virtual machine isolation technique. Our framework is designed to monitor program activities from underneath of an operating system, which improves its transparency and avoids the cost of embedding different monitor modules into each layer inside the operating system. Furthermore, the monitor runs in a single process virtual machine which requires only ≤32MB of memory, reduces the scheduling overhead, and saves a significant amount of physical memory, while the performance overhead is an average of 2.7%. In the third project, we co-design the hardware and software system stack to achieve efficient fine-grained intra-address space isolation. We propose a systematic solution to partition a legacy program into multiple security compartments, which we call capsules, with isolation at byte granularity. Vulnerabilities in one capsule will not likely affect another capsule. The isolation is guaranteed by our hardware-based ownership types tagged to every byte in the memory. The ownership types are initialized, propagated, and checked by combining both static and dynamic analysis techniques. Finally, our co-design approach could remove most human refactoring efforts while avoiding the untrustworthiness as well as the cost of the pure software approaches. In brief, this proposal explores a spectrum of isolation techniques and their improvementsfor the IoT computing environment. With our explorations, we have shown the necessity to revise the traditional isolation mechanisms in order to improve the system efficiency and security for the edge and IoT platforms. We expect that many more opportunities will be discovered and various kinds of revised or new isolation mechanisms for the edge and IoT platforms will emerge soon

    VM Migration for Secure Out-of-band Remote Management with Nested Virtualization

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    Infrastructure-as-a-Service clouds provide out-of-band remote management of the systems in virtual machines (VMs). This management method enables users to manage their systems even on several types of failures inside VMs. In this method, users access virtual devices of their VMs, but virtual devices are not sufficiently protected against untrusted cloud operators. For secure out-of-band remote management, previous work securely runs shadow devices outside an untrusted virtualized system using nested virtualization. However, the states of shadow devices are lost during VM migration. In this paper, we propose USShadow for continuing secure out-of-band remote management after VM migration. USShadow enables the migration manager inside the virtualized system to transparently and securely save and restore the states of shadow devices outside it. We have implemented USShadow, which supports Xen and KVM as virtualized systems. Then, we confirmed that USShadow could continue virtual serial console and that the migration overhead was negligible.2020 IEEE 13th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2020), 18–24 October, 2020, Beijing, China(オンライン開催に変更

    Secure VM management with strong user binding in semi-trusted clouds

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    In Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) clouds, remote users access provided virtual machines (VMs) via the management server. The management server is managed by cloud operators, but not all the cloud operators are trusted in semi-trusted clouds. They can execute arbitrary management commands to users’ VMs and redirect users’ commands to malicious VMs. We call the latter attack the VM redirection attack. The root cause is that the binding of remote users to their VMs is weak. In other words, it is difficult to enforce the execution of only users’ management commands to their VMs. In this paper, we propose UVBond for strongly binding users to their VMs to address this issue. UVBond boots user’s VM by decrypting its encrypted disk inside the trusted hypervisor. Then it issues a VM descriptor to securely identify that VM. To bridge the semantic gap between high-level management commands and low-level hypercalls, UVBond uses hypercall automata, which accept the sequences of hypercalls issued by commands. We have implemented UVBond in Xen and created hypercall automata for various management commands. Using UVBond, we confirmed that a VM descriptor and hypercall automata prevented insider attacks and that the overhead was not large in remote VM management

    Análise de malware com suporte de hardware

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    Orientadores: Paulo Lício de Geus, André Ricardo Abed GrégioDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O mundo atual é impulsionado pelo uso de sistemas computacionais, estando estes pre- sentes em todos aspectos da vida cotidiana. Portanto, o correto funcionamento destes é essencial para se assegurar a manutenção das possibilidades trazidas pelos desenvolvi- mentos tecnológicos. Contudo, garantir o correto funcionamento destes não é uma tarefa fácil, dado que indivíduos mal-intencionados tentam constantemente subvertê-los visando benefíciar a si próprios ou a terceiros. Os tipos mais comuns de subversão são os ataques por códigos maliciosos (malware), capazes de dar a um atacante controle total sobre uma máquina. O combate à ameaça trazida por malware baseia-se na análise dos artefatos coletados de forma a permitir resposta aos incidentes ocorridos e o desenvolvimento de contramedidas futuras. No entanto, atacantes têm se especializado em burlar sistemas de análise e assim manter suas operações ativas. Para este propósito, faz-se uso de uma série de técnicas denominadas de "anti-análise", capazes de impedir a inspeção direta dos códigos maliciosos. Dentre essas técnicas, destaca-se a evasão do processo de análise, na qual são empregadas exemplares capazes de detectar a presença de um sistema de análise para então esconder seu comportamento malicioso. Exemplares evasivos têm sido cada vez mais utilizados em ataques e seu impacto sobre a segurança de sistemas é considerá- vel, dado que análises antes feitas de forma automática passaram a exigir a supervisão de analistas humanos em busca de sinais de evasão, aumentando assim o custo de se manter um sistema protegido. As formas mais comuns de detecção de um ambiente de análise se dão através da detecção de: (i) código injetado, usado pelo analista para inspecionar a aplicação; (ii) máquinas virtuais, usadas em ambientes de análise por questões de escala; (iii) efeitos colaterais de execução, geralmente causados por emuladores, também usados por analistas. Para lidar com malware evasivo, analistas tem se valido de técnicas ditas transparentes, isto é, que não requerem injeção de código nem causam efeitos colaterais de execução. Um modo de se obter transparência em um processo de análise é contar com suporte do hardware. Desta forma, este trabalho versa sobre a aplicação do suporte de hardware para fins de análise de ameaças evasivas. No decorrer deste texto, apresenta-se uma avaliação das tecnologias existentes de suporte de hardware, dentre as quais máqui- nas virtuais de hardware, suporte de BIOS e monitores de performance. A avaliação crítica de tais tecnologias oferece uma base de comparação entre diferentes casos de uso. Além disso, são enumeradas lacunas de desenvolvimento existentes atualmente. Mais que isso, uma destas lacunas é preenchida neste trabalho pela proposição da expansão do uso dos monitores de performance para fins de monitoração de malware. Mais especificamente, é proposto o uso do monitor BTS para fins de construção de um tracer e um debugger. O framework proposto e desenvolvido neste trabalho é capaz, ainda, de lidar com ataques do tipo ROP, um dos mais utilizados atualmente para exploração de vulnerabilidades. A avaliação da solução demonstra que não há a introdução de efeitos colaterais, o que per- mite análises de forma transparente. Beneficiando-se desta característica, demonstramos a análise de aplicações protegidas e a identificação de técnicas de evasãoAbstract: Today¿s world is driven by the usage of computer systems, which are present in all aspects of everyday life. Therefore, the correct working of these systems is essential to ensure the maintenance of the possibilities brought about by technological developments. However, ensuring the correct working of such systems is not an easy task, as many people attempt to subvert systems working for their own benefit. The most common kind of subversion against computer systems are malware attacks, which can make an attacker to gain com- plete machine control. The fight against this kind of threat is based on analysis procedures of the collected malicious artifacts, allowing the incident response and the development of future countermeasures. However, attackers have specialized in circumventing analysis systems and thus keeping their operations active. For this purpose, they employ a series of techniques called anti-analysis, able to prevent the inspection of their malicious codes. Among these techniques, I highlight the analysis procedure evasion, that is, the usage of samples able to detect the presence of an analysis solution and then hide their malicious behavior. Evasive examples have become popular, and their impact on systems security is considerable, since automatic analysis now requires human supervision in order to find evasion signs, which significantly raises the cost of maintaining a protected system. The most common ways for detecting an analysis environment are: i) Injected code detec- tion, since injection is used by analysts to inspect applications on their way; ii) Virtual machine detection, since they are used in analysis environments due to scalability issues; iii) Execution side effects detection, usually caused by emulators, also used by analysts. To handle evasive malware, analysts have relied on the so-called transparent techniques, that is, those which do not require code injection nor cause execution side effects. A way to achieve transparency in an analysis process is to rely on hardware support. In this way, this work covers the application of the hardware support for the evasive threats analysis purpose. In the course of this text, I present an assessment of existing hardware support technologies, including hardware virtual machines, BIOS support, performance monitors and PCI cards. My critical evaluation of such technologies provides basis for comparing different usage cases. In addition, I pinpoint development gaps that currently exists. More than that, I fill one of these gaps by proposing to expand the usage of performance monitors for malware monitoring purposes. More specifically, I propose the usage of the BTS monitor for the purpose of developing a tracer and a debugger. The proposed framework is also able of dealing with ROP attacks, one of the most common used technique for remote vulnerability exploitation. The framework evaluation shows no side-effect is introduced, thus allowing transparent analysis. Making use of this capability, I demonstrate how protected applications can be inspected and how evasion techniques can be identifiedMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da ComputaçãoCAPE

    Secure Communication in Disaster Scenarios

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    Während Naturkatastrophen oder terroristischer Anschläge ist die bestehende Kommunikationsinfrastruktur häufig überlastet oder fällt komplett aus. In diesen Situationen können mobile Geräte mithilfe von drahtloser ad-hoc- und unterbrechungstoleranter Vernetzung miteinander verbunden werden, um ein Notfall-Kommunikationssystem für Zivilisten und Rettungsdienste einzurichten. Falls verfügbar, kann eine Verbindung zu Cloud-Diensten im Internet eine wertvolle Hilfe im Krisen- und Katastrophenmanagement sein. Solche Kommunikationssysteme bergen jedoch ernsthafte Sicherheitsrisiken, da Angreifer versuchen könnten, vertrauliche Daten zu stehlen, gefälschte Benachrichtigungen von Notfalldiensten einzuspeisen oder Denial-of-Service (DoS) Angriffe durchzuführen. Diese Dissertation schlägt neue Ansätze zur Kommunikation in Notfallnetzen von mobilen Geräten vor, die von der Kommunikation zwischen Mobilfunkgeräten bis zu Cloud-Diensten auf Servern im Internet reichen. Durch die Nutzung dieser Ansätze werden die Sicherheit der Geräte-zu-Geräte-Kommunikation, die Sicherheit von Notfall-Apps auf mobilen Geräten und die Sicherheit von Server-Systemen für Cloud-Dienste verbessert

    Demystifying Internet of Things Security

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    Break down the misconceptions of the Internet of Things by examining the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms. This open access book reviews the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the SW stack leading up to defense-in-depth. The IoT presents unique challenges in implementing security and Intel has both CPU and Isolated Security Engine capabilities to simplify it. This book explores the challenges to secure these devices to make them immune to different threats originating from within and outside the network. The requirements and robustness rules to protect the assets vary greatly and there is no single blanket solution approach to implement security. Demystifying Internet of Things Security provides clarity to industry professionals and provides and overview of different security solutions What You'll Learn Secure devices, immunizing them against different threats originating from inside and outside the network Gather an overview of the different security building blocks available in Intel Architecture (IA) based IoT platforms Understand the threat pyramid, secure boot, chain of trust, and the software stack leading up to defense-in-depth Who This Book Is For Strategists, developers, architects, and managers in the embedded and Internet of Things (IoT) space trying to understand and implement the security in the IoT devices/platforms

    Designing and Deploying Internet of Things Applications in the Industry: An Empirical Investigation

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    RÉSUMÉ : L’Internet des objets (IdO) a pour objectif de permettre la connectivité à presque tous les objets trouvés dans l’espace physique. Il étend la connectivité aux objets de tous les jours et o˙re la possibilité de surveiller, de suivre, de se connecter et d’intéragir plus eÿcacement avec les actifs industriels. Dans l’industrie de nos jours, les réseaux de capteurs connectés surveillent les mouvements logistiques, fabriquent des machines et aident les organisations à améliorer leur eÿcacité et à réduire les coûts. Cependant, la conception et l’implémentation d’un réseau IdO restent, aujourd’hui, une tâche particulièrement diÿcile. Nous constatons un haut niveau de fragmentation dans le paysage de l’IdO, les développeurs se complaig-nent régulièrement de la diÿculté à intégrer diverses technologies avec des divers objets trouvés dans les systèmes IdO et l’absence des directives et/ou des pratiques claires pour le développement et le déploiement d’application IdO sûres et eÿcaces. Par conséquent, analyser et comprendre les problèmes liés au développement et au déploiement de l’IdO sont primordiaux pour permettre à l’industrie d’exploiter son plein potentiel. Dans cette thèse, nous examinons les interactions des spécialistes de l’IdO sur le sites Web populaire, Stack Overflow et Stack Exchange, afin de comprendre les défis et les problèmes auxquels ils sont confrontés lors du développement et du déploiement de di˙érentes appli-cations de l’IdO. Ensuite, nous examinons le manque d’interopérabilité entre les techniques développées pour l’IdO, nous étudions les défis que leur intégration pose et nous fournissons des directives aux praticiens intéressés par la connexion des réseaux et des dispositifs de l’IdO pour développer divers services et applications. D’autre part, la sécurité étant essen-tielle au succès de cette technologie, nous étudions les di˙érentes menaces et défis de sécurité sur les di˙érentes couches de l’architecture des systèmes de l’IdO et nous proposons des contre-mesures. Enfin, nous menons une série d’expériences qui vise à comprendre les avantages et les incon-vénients des déploiements ’serverful’ et ’serverless’ des applications de l’IdO afin de fournir aux praticiens des directives et des recommandations fondées sur des éléments probants relatifs à de tels déploiements. Les résultats présentés représentent une étape très importante vers une profonde compréhension de ces technologies très prometteuses. Nous estimons que nos recommandations et nos suggestions aideront les praticiens et les bâtisseurs technologiques à améliorer la qualité des logiciels et des systèmes de l’IdO. Nous espérons que nos résultats pourront aider les communautés et les consortiums de l’IdO à établir des normes et des directives pour le développement, la maintenance, et l’évolution des logiciels de l’IdO.----------ABSTRACT : Internet of Things (IoT) aims to bring connectivity to almost every object found in the phys-ical space. It extends connectivity to everyday things, opens up the possibility to monitor, track, connect, and interact with industrial assets more eÿciently. In the industry nowadays, we can see connected sensor networks monitor logistics movements, manufacturing machines, and help organizations improve their eÿciency and reduce costs as well. However, designing and implementing an IoT network today is still a very challenging task. We are witnessing a high level of fragmentation in the IoT landscape and developers regularly complain about the diÿculty to integrate diverse technologies of various objects found in IoT systems, and the lack of clear guidelines and–or practices for developing and deploying safe and eÿcient IoT applications. Therefore, analyzing and understanding issues related to the development and deployment of the Internet of Things is utterly important to allow the industry to utilize its fullest potential. In this thesis, we examine IoT practitioners’ discussions on the popular Q&A websites, Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange, to understand the challenges and issues that they face when developing and deploying di˙erent IoT applications. Next, we examine the lack of interoper-ability among technologies developed for IoT and study the challenges that their integration poses and provide guidelines for practitioners interested in connecting IoT networks and de-vices to develop various services and applications. Since security issues are center to the success of this technology, we also investigate di˙erent security threats and challenges across di˙erent layers of the architecture of IoT systems and propose countermeasures. Finally, we conduct a series of experiments to understand the advantages and trade-o˙s of serverful and serverless deployments of IoT applications in order to provide practitioners with evidence-based guidelines and recommendations on such deployments. The results presented in this thesis represent a first important step towards a deep understanding of these very promising technologies. We believe that our recommendations and suggestions will help practitioners and technology builders improve the quality of IoT software and systems. We also hope that our results can help IoT communities and consortia establish standards and guidelines for the development, maintenance, and evolution of IoT software and systems