173 research outputs found

    Scratchpad Management in Software Managed Manycore Architectures

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    abstract: Caches have long been used to reduce memory access latency. However, the increased complexity of cache coherence brings significant challenges in processor design as the number of cores increases. While making caches scalable is still an important research problem, some researchers are exploring the possibility of a more power-efficient SRAM called scratchpad memories or SPMs. SPMs consume significantly less area, and are more energy-efficient per access than caches, and therefore make the design of on-chip memories much simpler. Unlike caches, which fetch data from memories automatically, an SPM requires explicit instructions for data transfers. SPM-only architectures are thus named as software managed manycore (SMM), since the data movements of such architectures rely on software. SMM processors have been widely used in different areas, such as embedded computing, network processing, or even high performance computing. While SMM processors provide a low-power platform, the hardware alone does not guarantee power efficiency, if applications on such processors deliver low performance. Efficient software techniques are therefore required. A big body of management techniques for SMM architectures are compiler-directed, as inserting data movement operations by hand forces programmers to trace flow of data, which can be error-prone and sometimes difficult if not impossible. This thesis develops compiler-directed techniques to manage data transfers for embedded applications on SMMs efficiently. The techniques analyze and find out the proper program points and insert data movement instructions accordingly. The techniques manage code, stack and heap data of applications, and reduce execution time by 14%, 52% and 80% respectively compared to their predecessors on typical embedded applications. On top of managing local data, a technique is also developed for shared data in SMM architectures. Experimental results show it achieves more than 2X speedup than the previous technique on average.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Application-aware Performance Optimization for Software Managed Manycore Architectures

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    abstract: One of the main goals of computer architecture design is to improve performance without much increase in the power consumption. It cannot be achieved by adding increasingly complex intelligent schemes in the hardware, since they will become increasingly less power-efficient. Therefore, parallelism comes up as the solution. In fact, the irrevocable trend of computer design in near future is still to keep increasing the number of cores while reducing the operating frequency. However, it is not easy to scale number of cores. One important challenge is that existing cores consume too much power. Another challenge is that cache-based memory hierarchy poses a serious limitation due to the rapidly increasing demand of area and power for coherence maintenance. In this dissertation, opportunities to resolve the aforementioned issues were explored in two aspects. Firstly, the possibility of removing hardware cache altogether, and replacing it with scratchpad memory with software management was explored. Scratchpad memory consumes much less power than caches. However, as data management logic is completely shifted to Software, how to reduce software overhead is challenging. This thesis presents techniques to manage scratchpad memory judiciously by exploiting application semantics and knowledge of data access patterns, thereby enabling optimization of data movement across the memory hierarchy. Experimental results show that the optimization was able to reduce stack data management overhead by 13X, produce better code mapping in more than 80% of the case, and improve performance by 83% in heap management. Secondly, the possibility of using software branch hinting to replace hardware branch prediction to completely eliminate power consumption on corresponding hardware components was explored. As branch predictor is removed from hardware, software logic is responsible for reducing branch penalty. Techniques to minimize the branch penalty by optimizing branch hint placement were proposed, which can reduce branch penalty by 35.4% over the state-of-the-art.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Science 201

    Compiler and Runtime for Memory Management on Software Managed Manycore Processors

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    abstract: We are expecting hundreds of cores per chip in the near future. However, scaling the memory architecture in manycore architectures becomes a major challenge. Cache coherence provides a single image of memory at any time in execution to all the cores, yet coherent cache architectures are believed will not scale to hundreds and thousands of cores. In addition, caches and coherence logic already take 20-50% of the total power consumption of the processor and 30-60% of die area. Therefore, a more scalable architecture is needed for manycore architectures. Software Managed Manycore (SMM) architectures emerge as a solution. They have scalable memory design in which each core has direct access to only its local scratchpad memory, and any data transfers to/from other memories must be done explicitly in the application using Direct Memory Access (DMA) commands. Lack of automatic memory management in the hardware makes such architectures extremely power-efficient, but they also become difficult to program. If the code/data of the task mapped onto a core cannot fit in the local scratchpad memory, then DMA calls must be added to bring in the code/data before it is required, and it may need to be evicted after its use. However, doing this adds a lot of complexity to the programmer's job. Now programmers must worry about data management, on top of worrying about the functional correctness of the program - which is already quite complex. This dissertation presents a comprehensive compiler and runtime integration to automatically manage the code and data of each task in the limited local memory of the core. We firstly developed a Complete Circular Stack Management. It manages stack frames between the local memory and the main memory, and addresses the stack pointer problem as well. Though it works, we found we could further optimize the management for most cases. Thus a Smart Stack Data Management (SSDM) is provided. In this work, we formulate the stack data management problem and propose a greedy algorithm for the same. Later on, we propose a general cost estimation algorithm, based on which CMSM heuristic for code mapping problem is developed. Finally, heap data is dynamic in nature and therefore it is hard to manage it. We provide two schemes to manage unlimited amount of heap data in constant sized region in the local memory. In addition to those separate schemes for different kinds of data, we also provide a memory partition methodology.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Computer Science 201

    Exploring manycore architectures for next-generation HPC systems through the MANGO approach

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    [EN] The Horizon 2020 MANGO project aims at exploring deeply heterogeneous accelerators for use in High-Performance Computing systems running multiple applications with different Quality of Service (QoS) levels. The main goal of the project is to exploit customization to adapt computing resources to reach the desired QoS. For this purpose, it explores different but interrelated mechanisms across the architecture and system software. In particular, in this paper we focus on the runtime resource management, the thermal management, and support provided for parallel programming, as well as introducing three applications on which the project foreground will be validated.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 671668.Flich Cardo, J.; Agosta, G.; Ampletzer, P.; Atienza-Alonso, D.; Brandolese, C.; Cappe, E.; Cilardo, A.... (2018). Exploring manycore architectures for next-generation HPC systems through the MANGO approach. Microprocessors and Microsystems. 61:154-170. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2018.05.011S1541706

    HERO: Heterogeneous Embedded Research Platform for Exploring RISC-V Manycore Accelerators on FPGA

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    Heterogeneous embedded systems on chip (HESoCs) co-integrate a standard host processor with programmable manycore accelerators (PMCAs) to combine general-purpose computing with domain-specific, efficient processing capabilities. While leading companies successfully advance their HESoC products, research lags behind due to the challenges of building a prototyping platform that unites an industry-standard host processor with an open research PMCA architecture. In this work we introduce HERO, an FPGA-based research platform that combines a PMCA composed of clusters of RISC-V cores, implemented as soft cores on an FPGA fabric, with a hard ARM Cortex-A multicore host processor. The PMCA architecture mapped on the FPGA is silicon-proven, scalable, configurable, and fully modifiable. HERO includes a complete software stack that consists of a heterogeneous cross-compilation toolchain with support for OpenMP accelerator programming, a Linux driver, and runtime libraries for both host and PMCA. HERO is designed to facilitate rapid exploration on all software and hardware layers: run-time behavior can be accurately analyzed by tracing events, and modifications can be validated through fully automated hard ware and software builds and executed tests. We demonstrate the usefulness of HERO by means of case studies from our research


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    Accelerator-based -or heterogeneous- computing has become increasingly important in a variety of scenarios, ranging from High-Performance Computing (HPC) to embedded systems. While most solutions use sometimes custom-made components, most of today’s systems rely on commodity highend CPUs and/or GPU devices, which deliver adequate performance while ensuring programmability, productivity, and application portability. Unfortunately, pure general-purpose hardware is affected by inherently limited power-efficiency, that is, low GFLOPS-per-Watt, now considered as a primary metric. The many-core model and architectural customization can play here a key role, as they enable unprecedented levels of power-efficiency compared to CPUs/GPUs. However, such paradigms are still immature and deeper exploration is indispensable. This dissertation investigates customizability and proposes novel solutions for heterogeneous architectures, focusing on mechanisms related to coherence and network-on-chip (NoC). First, the work presents a non-coherent scratchpad memory with a configurable bank remapping system to reduce bank conflicts. The experimental results show the benefits of both using a customizable hardware bank remapping function and non-coherent memories for some types of algorithms. Next, we demonstrate how a distributed synchronization master better suits many-cores than standard centralized solutions. This solution, inspired by the directory-based coherence mechanism, supports concurrent synchronizations without relying on memory transactions. The results collected for different NoC sizes provided indications about the area overheads incurred by our solution and demonstrated the benefits of using a dedicated hardware synchronization support. Finally, this dissertation proposes an advanced coherence subsystem, based on the sparse directory approach, with a selective coherence maintenance system which allows coherence to be deactivated for blocks that do not require it. Experimental results show that the use of a hybrid coherent and non-coherent architectural mechanism along with an extended coherence protocol can enhance performance. The above results were all collected by means of a modular and customizable heterogeneous many-core system developed to support the exploration of power-efficient high-performance computing architectures. The system is based on a NoC and a customizable GPU-like accelerator core, as well as a reconfigurable coherence subsystem, ensuring application-specific configuration capabilities. All the explored solutions were evaluated on this real heterogeneous system, which comes along with the above methodological results as part of the contribution in this dissertation. In fact, as a key benefit, the experimental platform enables users to integrate novel hardware/software solutions on a full-system scale, whereas existing platforms do not always support a comprehensive heterogeneous architecture exploration

    Task Oriented Programming for the RC64 Manycore DSP

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    RC64 is a rad-hard manycore DSP combining 64 VLIW/SIMD DSP cores, lock-free shared memory, a hardware scheduler and a task-based programming model. The hardware scheduler enables fast scheduling and allocation of fine grain tasks to all cores. Parallel programming is based on Tasks

    Runtime-aware architectures

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    In the last few years, the traditional ways to keep the increase of hardware performance to the rate predicted by the Moore’s Law have vanished. When uni-cores were the norm, hardware design was decoupled from the software stack thanks to a well defined Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). This simple interface allowed developing applications without worrying too much about the underlying hardware, while hardware designers were able to aggressively exploit instruction-level parallelism (ILP) in superscalar processors. Current multi-cores are designed as simple symmetric multiprocessors (SMP) on a chip. However, we believe that this is not enough to overcome all the problems that multi-cores face. The runtime system of the parallel programming model has to drive the design of future multi-cores to overcome the restrictions in terms of power, memory, programmability and resilience that multi-cores have. In the paper, we introduce an approach towards a Runtime-Aware Architecture (RAA), a massively parallel architecture designed from the runtime’s perspective.This work has been partially supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s 7th FP, ERC Grant Agreement number 321253, by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under grant TIN2012-34557 and by the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. M. Moreto has been partially supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellowship number JCI- 2012-15047, and M. Casas is supported by the Secretary for Universities and Research of the Ministry of Economy and Knowledge of the Government of Catalonia and the Co-fund programme of the Marie Curie Actions of the 7th R&D Framework Programme of the European Union (Contract 2013 BP B 00243).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Runtime-guided management of scratchpad memories in multicore architectures

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The increasing number of cores and the anticipated level of heterogeneity in upcoming multicore architectures cause important problems in traditional cache hierarchies. A good way to alleviate these problems is to add scratchpad memories alongside the cache hierarchy, forming a hybrid memory hierarchy. This memory organization has the potential to improve performance and to reduce the power consumption and the on-chip network traffic, but exposing such a complex memory model to the programmer has a very negative impact on the programmability of the architecture. Emerging task-based programming models are a promising alternative to program heterogeneous multicore architectures. In these models the runtime system manages the execution of the tasks on the architecture, allowing them to apply many optimizations in a generic way at the runtime system level. This paper proposes giving the runtime system the responsibility to manage the scratchpad memories of a hybrid memory hierarchy in multicore processors, transparently to the programmer. In the envisioned system, the runtime system takes advantage of the information found in the task dependences to map the inputs and outputs of a task to the scratchpad memory of the core that is going to execute it. In addition, the paper exploits two mechanisms to overlap the data transfers with computation and a locality-aware scheduler to reduce the data motion. In a 32-core multicore architecture, the hybrid memory hierarchy outperforms cache-only hierarchies by up to 16%, reduces on-chip network traffic by up to 31% and saves up to 22% of the consumed power.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft