496 research outputs found

    Dual-Quaternion-Based Fault-Tolerant Control for Spacecraft Tracking With Finite-Time Convergence

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    Results are presented for a study of dual-quaternion-based fault-tolerant control for spacecraft tracking. First, a six-degrees-of-freedom dynamic model under a dual-quaternion-based description is employed to describe the relative coupled motion of a target-pursuer spacecraft tracking system. Then, a novel fault-tolerant control method is proposed to enable the pursuer to track the attitude and the position of the target even though its actuators have multiple faults. Furthermore, based on a novel time-varying sliding manifold, finite-time stability of the closed-loop system is theoretically guaranteed, and the convergence time of the system can be given explicitly. Multiple-task capability of the proposed control law is further demonstrated in the presence of disturbances and parametric uncertainties. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed control method

    Integrated Optimal and Robust Control of Spacecraft in Proximity Operations

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    With the rapid growth of space activities and advancement of aerospace science and technology, many autonomous space missions have been proliferating in recent decades. Control of spacecraft in proximity operations is of great importance to accomplish these missions. The research in this dissertation aims to provide a precise, efficient, optimal, and robust controller to ensure successful spacecraft proximity operations. This is a challenging control task since the problem involves highly nonlinear dynamics including translational motion, rotational motion, and flexible structure deformation and vibration. In addition, uncertainties in the system modeling parameters and disturbances make the precise control more difficult. Four control design approaches are integrated to solve this challenging problem. The first approach is to consider the spacecraft rigid body translational and rotational dynamics together with the flexible motion in one unified optimal control framework so that the overall system performance and constraints can be addressed in one optimization process. The second approach is to formulate the robust control objectives into the optimal control cost function and prove the equivalency between the robust stabilization problem and the transformed optimal control problem. The third approach is to employ the è-D technique, a novel optimal control method that is based on a perturbation solution to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, to solve the nonlinear optimal control problem obtained from the indirect robust control formulation. The resultant optimal control law can be obtained in closedorm, and thus facilitates the onboard implementation. The integration of these three approaches is called the integrated indirect robust control scheme. The fourth approach is to use the inverse optimal adaptive control method combined with the indirect robust control scheme to alleviate the conservativeness of the indirect robust control scheme by using online parameter estimation such that adaptive, robust, and optimal properties can all be achieved. To show the effectiveness of the proposed control approaches, six degree-offreedom spacecraft proximity operation simulation is conducted and demonstrates satisfying performance under various uncertainties and disturbances

    Neural Network-Based Adaptive Control for Spacecraft Under Actuator Failures and Input Saturations

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    In this article, we develop attitude tracking control methods for spacecraft as rigid bodies against model uncertainties, external disturbances, subsystem faults/failures, and limited resources. A new intelligent control algorithm is proposed using approximations based on radial basis function neural networks (RBFNNs) and adopting the tunable parameter-based variable structure (TPVS) control techniques. By choosing different adaptation parameters elaborately, a series of control strategies are constructed to handle the challenging effects due to actuator faults/failures and input saturations. With the help of the Lyapunov theory, we show that our proposed methods guarantee both finite-time convergence and fault-tolerance capability of the closed-loop systems. Finally, benefits of the proposed control methods are illustrated through five numerical examples


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    Over the last decade, autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have seen increased usage in industrial, defense, research, and academic applications. Specific attention is given to multirotor platforms due to their high maneuverability, utility, and accessibility. As such, multirotors are often utilized in a variety of operating conditions such as populated areas, hazardous environments, inclement weather, etc. In this study, the effectiveness of multirotor platforms, specifically quadrotors, to behave as Earth-based satellite test platforms is discussed. Additionally, due to concerns over system operations under such circumstances, it becomes critical that multirotors are capable of operation despite experiencing undesired conditions and collisions which make the platform susceptible to on-board hardware faults. Without countermeasures to account for such faults, specifically actuator faults, a multirotors will experience catastrophic failure. In this thesis, a control strategy for a quadrotor under nominal and fault conditions is proposed. The process of defining the quadrotor dynamic model is discussed in detail. A dual-loop SMC/PID control scheme is proposed to control the attitude and position states of the nominal system. Actuator faults on-board the quadrotor are interpreted as motor performance losses, specifically loss in rotor speeds. To control a faulty system, an additive control scheme is implemented in conjunction with the nominal scheme. The quadrotor platform is developed via analysis of the various subcomponents. In addition, various physical parameters of the quadrotor are determined experimentally. Simulated and experimental testing showed promising results, and provide encouragement for further refinement in the future

    On finite-time anti-saturated proximity control with a tumbling non-cooperative space target

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    For the challenging problem that a spacecraft approaching a tumbling target with non-cooperative maneuver, an anti-saturated proximity control method is proposed in this paper. First, a brand-new appointed-time convergent performance function is developed via exploring Bezier curve to quantitatively characterize the transient and steady-state behaviors of the pose tracking error system. The major advantage of the proposed function is that the actuator saturation phenomenon at the beginning can be effectively reduced. Then, an anti-saturated pose tracking controller is devised along with an adaptive saturation compensator. Wherein, the finite-time stability of both the pose and its velocity error signals are guaranteed simultaneously in the presence of actuator saturation. Finally, two groups of illustrative examples are organized and verify that the close-range proximity is effectively realized even with unknown target maneuver

    Incremental twisting fault tolerant control for hypersonic vehicles with partial model knowledge

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    A passive fault tolerant control scheme is proposed for the full reentry trajectory tracking of a hypersonic vehicle in the presence of modelling uncertainties, external disturbances, and actuator faults. To achieve this goal, the attitude error dynamics with relative degree two is formulated first by ignoring the nonlinearities induced by the translational motions. Then, a multivariable twisting controller is developed as a benchmark to ensure the precise tracking task. Theoretical analysis with the Lyapunov method proves that the attitude tracking error and its first-order derivative can simultaneously converge to the origin exponentially. To depend less on the model knowledge and reduce the system uncertainties, an incremental twisting fault tolerant controller is derived based on the incremental nonlinear dynamic inversion control and the predesigned twisting controller. Notably, the proposed controller is user friendly in that only fixed gains and partial model knowledge are required

    Review of advanced guidance and control algorithms for space/aerospace vehicles

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    The design of advanced guidance and control (G&C) systems for space/aerospace vehicles has received a large amount of attention worldwide during the last few decades and will continue to be a main focus of the aerospace industry. Not surprisingly, due to the existence of various model uncertainties and environmental disturbances, robust and stochastic control-based methods have played a key role in G&C system design, and numerous effective algorithms have been successfully constructed to guide and steer the motion of space/aerospace vehicles. Apart from these stability theory-oriented techniques, in recent years, we have witnessed a growing trend of designing optimisation theory-based and artificial intelligence (AI)-based controllers for space/aerospace vehicles to meet the growing demand for better system performance. Related studies have shown that these newly developed strategies can bring many benefits from an application point of view, and they may be considered to drive the onboard decision-making system. In this paper, we provide a systematic survey of state-of-the-art algorithms that are capable of generating reliable guidance and control commands for space/aerospace vehicles. The paper first provides a brief overview of space/aerospace vehicle guidance and control problems. Following that, a broad collection of academic works concerning stability theory-based G&C methods is discussed. Some potential issues and challenges inherent in these methods are reviewed and discussed. Then, an overview is given of various recently developed optimisation theory-based methods that have the ability to produce optimal guidance and control commands, including dynamic programming-based methods, model predictive control-based methods, and other enhanced versions. The key aspects of applying these approaches, such as their main advantages and inherent challenges, are also discussed. Subsequently, a particular focus is given to recent attempts to explore the possible uses of AI techniques in connection with the optimal control of the vehicle systems. The highlights of the discussion illustrate how space/aerospace vehicle control problems may benefit from these AI models. Finally, some practical implementation considerations, together with a number of future research topics, are summarised

    Advances in Spacecraft Systems and Orbit Determination

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    "Advances in Spacecraft Systems and Orbit Determinations", discusses the development of new technologies and the limitations of the present technology, used for interplanetary missions. Various experts have contributed to develop the bridge between present limitations and technology growth to overcome the limitations. Key features of this book inform us about the orbit determination techniques based on a smooth research based on astrophysics. The book also provides a detailed overview on Spacecraft Systems including reliability of low-cost AOCS, sliding mode controlling and a new view on attitude controller design based on sliding mode, with thrusters. It also provides a technological roadmap for HVAC optimization. The book also gives an excellent overview of resolving the difficulties for interplanetary missions with the comparison of present technologies and new advancements. Overall, this will be very much interesting book to explore the roadmap of technological growth in spacecraft systems

    Disturbance-observer-based attitude control under input nonlinearity

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    A disturbance observer-based control scheme is proposed in this paper to deal with the attitude stabilization problems of spacecraft subjected to external disturbances, parameter uncertainties, and input nonlinearities. Particularly, the proposed approach addresses the dead-zone issue, a non-smooth nonlinearity affiliated with control input that significantly increases controller design difficulties. A novel nonlinear disturbance observer (NDO) is developed, which relaxes the strong assumption in conventional NDO design that disturbances should be constants or varying with slow rates. After that, a special integral sliding mode controller (ISMC) is combined with the NDO to achieve asymptotic convergence of system states. Simulations are performed in the presence of time-varying disturbances, parameter uncertainties, and dead-zone nonlinearity to justify the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme
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