142 research outputs found

    Semantically-guided goal-sensitive reasoning: decision procedures and the Koala prover

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    The main topic of this article are SGGS decision procedures for fragments of first-order logic without equality. SGGS (Semantically-Guided Goal-Sensitive reasoning) is an attractive basis for decision procedures, because it generalizes to first-order logic the Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) procedure for propositional satisfiability. As SGGS is both refutationally complete and model-complete in the limit, SGGS decision procedures are model-constructing. We investigate the termination of SGGS with both positive and negative results: for example, SGGS decides Datalog and the stratified fragment (including Effectively PRopositional logic) that are relevant to many applications. Then we discover several new decidable fragments, by showing that SGGS decides them. These fragments have the small model property, as the cardinality of their SGGS-generated models can be upper bounded, and for most of them termination tools can be applied to test a set of clauses for membership. We also present the first implementation of SGGS - the Koala theorem prover - and we report on experiments with Koala

    Proceedings of the Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen: As part of the Vienna Summer of Logic – IJCAR 23-24 July 2014

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    Preface For many years the British and the German automated reasoning communities have successfully run independent series of workshops for anybody working in the area of automated reasoning. Although open to the general public they addressed in the past primarily the British and the German communities, respectively. At the occasion of the Vienna Summer of Logic the two series have a joint event in Vienna as an IJCAR workshop. In the spirit of the two series there will be only informal proceedings with abstracts of the works presented. These are collected in this document. We have tried to maintain the informal open atmosphere of the two series and have welcomed in particular research students to present their work. We have solicited for all work related to automated reasoning and its applications with a particular interest in work-in-progress and the presentation of half-baked ideas. As in the previous years, we have aimed to bring together researchers from all areas of automated reasoning in order to foster links among researchers from various disciplines; among theoreticians, implementers and users alike, and among international communities, this year not just the British and German communities

    Automated Deduction – CADE 28

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    This open access book constitutes the proceeding of the 28th International Conference on Automated Deduction, CADE 28, held virtually in July 2021. The 29 full papers and 7 system descriptions presented together with 2 invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 76 submissions. CADE is the major forum for the presentation of research in all aspects of automated deduction, including foundations, applications, implementations, and practical experience. The papers are organized in the following topics: Logical foundations; theory and principles; implementation and application; ATP and AI; and system descriptions

    First-Order Models for Configuration Analysis

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    Our world teems with networked devices. Their configuration exerts an ever-expanding influence on our daily lives. Yet correctly configuring systems, networks, and access-control policies is notoriously difficult, even for trained professionals. Automated static analysis techniques provide a way to both verify a configuration\u27s correctness and explore its implications. One such approach is scenario-finding: showing concrete scenarios that illustrate potential (mis-)behavior. Scenarios even have a benefit to users without technical expertise, as concrete examples can both trigger and improve users\u27 intuition about their system. This thesis describes a concerted research effort toward improving scenario-finding tools for configuration analysis. We developed Margrave, a scenario-finding tool with special features designed for security policies and configurations. Margrave is not tied to any one specific policy language; rather, it provides an intermediate input language as expressive as first-order logic. This flexibility allows Margrave to reason about many different types of policy. We show Margrave in action on Cisco IOS, a common language for configuring firewalls, demonstrating that scenario-finding with Margrave is useful for debugging and validating real-world configurations. This thesis also presents a theorem showing that, for a restricted subclass of first-order logic, if a sentence is satisfiable then there must exist a satisfying scenario no larger than a computable bound. For such sentences scenario-finding is complete: one can be certain that no scenarios are missed by the analysis, provided that one checks up to the computed bound. We demonstrate that many common configurations fall into this subclass and give algorithmic tests for both sentence membership and counting. We have implemented both in Margrave. Aluminum is a tool that eliminates superfluous information in scenarios and allows users\u27 goals to guide which scenarios are displayed. We quantitatively show that our methods of scenario-reduction and exploration are effective and quite efficient in practice. Our work on Aluminum is making its way into other scenario-finding tools. Finally, we describe FlowLog, a language for network programming that we created with analysis in mind. We show that FlowLog can express many common network programs, yet demonstrate that automated analysis and bug-finding for FlowLog are both feasible as well as complete

    Decidable fragments of first-order logic and of first-order linear arithmetic with uninterpreted predicates

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    First-order logic is one of the most prominent formalisms in computer science and mathematics. Since there is no algorithm capable of solving its satisfiability problem, first-order logic is said to be undecidable. The classical decision problem is the quest for a delineation between the decidable and the undecidable parts. The results presented in this thesis shed more light on the boundary and open new perspectives on the landscape of known decidable fragments. In the first part we focus on the new concept of separateness of variables and explore its applicability to the classical decision problem and beyond. Two disjoint sets of first-order variables are separated in a given formula if none of its atoms contains variables from both sets. This notion facilitates the definition of decidable extensions of many well-known decidable first-order fragments. We demonstrate this for several prefix fragments, several guarded fragments, the two-variable fragment, and for the fluted fragment. Although the extensions exhibit the same expressive power as the respective originals, certain logical properties can be expressed much more succinctly. In two cases the succinctness gap cannot be bounded using elementary functions. This fact already hints at computationally hard satisfiability problems. Indeed, we derive non-elementary lower bounds for the separated fragment, an extension of the Bernays-Schönfinkel-Ramsey fragment (E*A*-prefix sentences). On the semantic level, separateness of quantified variables may lead to weaker dependences than we encounter in general. We investigate this property in the context of model-checking games. The focus of the second part of the thesis is on linear arithmetic with uninterpreted predicates. Two novel decidable fragments are presented, both based on the Bernays-Schönfinkel-Ramsey fragment. On the negative side, we identify several small fragments of the language for which satisfiability is undecidable.Untersuchungen der Logik erster Stufe blicken auf eine lange Tradition zurück. Es ist allgemein bekannt, dass das zugehörige Erfüllbarkeitsproblem im Allgemeinen nicht algorithmisch gelöst werden kann - man spricht daher von einer unentscheidbaren Logik. Diese Beobachtung wirft ein Schlaglicht auf die prinzipiellen Grenzen der Fähigkeiten von Computern im Allgemeinen aber auch des automatischen Schließens im Besonderen. Das Hilbertsche Entscheidungsproblem wird heute als die Erforschung der Grenze zwischen entscheidbaren und unentscheidbaren Teilen der Logik erster Stufe verstanden, wobei die untersuchten Fragmente der Logik mithilfe klar zu erfassender und berechenbarer syntaktischer Eigenschaften beschrieben werden. Viele Forscher haben bereits zu dieser Untersuchung beigetragen und zahlreiche entscheidbare und unentscheidbare Fragmente entdeckt und erforscht. Die vorliegende Dissertation setzt diese Tradition mit einer Reihe vornehmlich positiver Resultate fort und eröffnet neue Blickwinkel auf eine Reihe von Fragmenten, die im Laufe der letzten einhundert Jahre untersucht wurden. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit steht das syntaktische Konzept der Separiertheit von Variablen im Mittelpunkt, und dessen Anwendbarkeit auf das Entscheidungsproblem und darüber hinaus wird erforscht. Zwei Mengen von Individuenvariablen gelten bezüglich einer gegebenen Formel als separiert, falls in jedem Atom der Formel die Variablen aus höchstens einer der beiden Mengen vorkommen. Mithilfe dieses leicht verständlichen Begriffs lassen sich viele wohlbekannte entscheidbare Fragmente der Logik erster Stufe zu größeren Klassen von Formeln erweitern, die dennoch entscheidbar sind. Dieser Ansatz wird für neun Fragmente im Detail dargelegt, darunter mehrere Präfix-Fragmente, das Zwei-Variablen-Fragment und sogenannte "guarded" und " uted" Fragmente. Dabei stellt sich heraus, dass alle erweiterten Fragmente ebenfalls das monadische Fragment erster Stufe ohne Gleichheit enthalten. Obwohl die erweiterte Syntax in den betrachteten Fällen nicht mit einer erhöhten Ausdrucksstärke einhergeht, können bestimmte Zusammenhänge mithilfe der erweiterten Syntax deutlich kürzer formuliert werden. Zumindest in zwei Fällen ist diese Diskrepanz nicht durch eine elementare Funktion zu beschränken. Dies liefert einen ersten Hinweis darauf, dass die algorithmische Lösung des Erfüllbarkeitsproblems für die erweiterten Fragmente mit sehr hohem Rechenaufwand verbunden ist. Tatsächlich wird eine nicht-elementare untere Schranke für den entsprechenden Zeitbedarf beim sogenannten separierten Fragment, einer Erweiterung des bekannten Bernays-Schönfinkel-Ramsey-Fragments, abgeleitet. Darüber hinaus wird der Ein uss der Separiertheit von Individuenvariablen auf der semantischen Ebene untersucht, wo Abhängigkeiten zwischen quantifizierten Variablen durch deren Separiertheit stark abgeschwächt werden können. Für die genauere formale Betrachtung solcher als schwach bezeichneten Abhängigkeiten wird auf sogenannte Hintikka-Spiele zurückgegriffen. Den Schwerpunkt des zweiten Teils der vorliegenden Arbeit bildet das Entscheidungsproblem für die lineare Arithmetik über den rationalen Zahlen in Verbindung mit uninterpretierten Prädikaten. Es werden zwei bislang unbekannte entscheidbare Fragmente dieser Sprache vorgestellt, die beide auf dem Bernays-Schönfinkel-Ramsey-Fragment aufbauen. Ferner werden neue negative Resultate entwickelt und mehrere unentscheidbare Fragmente vorgestellt, die lediglich einen sehr eingeschränkten Teil der Sprache benötigen

    Pseudo-contractions as Gentle Repairs

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    Updating a knowledge base to remove an unwanted consequence is a challenging task. Some of the original sentences must be either deleted or weakened in such a way that the sentence to be removed is no longer entailed by the resulting set. On the other hand, it is desirable that the existing knowledge be preserved as much as possible, minimising the loss of information. Several approaches to this problem can be found in the literature. In particular, when the knowledge is represented by an ontology, two different families of frameworks have been developed in the literature in the past decades with numerous ideas in common but with little interaction between the communities: applications of AGM-like Belief Change and justification-based Ontology Repair. In this paper, we investigate the relationship between pseudo-contraction operations and gentle repairs. Both aim to avoid the complete deletion of sentences when replacing them with weaker versions is enough to prevent the entailment of the unwanted formula. We show the correspondence between concepts on both sides and investigate under which conditions they are equivalent. Furthermore, we propose a unified notation for the two approaches, which might contribute to the integration of the two areas

    Query Answering in Probabilistic Data and Knowledge Bases

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    Probabilistic data and knowledge bases are becoming increasingly important in academia and industry. They are continuously extended with new data, powered by modern information extraction tools that associate probabilities with knowledge base facts. The state of the art to store and process such data is founded on probabilistic database systems, which are widely and successfully employed. Beyond all the success stories, however, such systems still lack the fundamental machinery to convey some of the valuable knowledge hidden in them to the end user, which limits their potential applications in practice. In particular, in their classical form, such systems are typically based on strong, unrealistic limitations, such as the closed-world assumption, the closed-domain assumption, the tuple-independence assumption, and the lack of commonsense knowledge. These limitations do not only lead to unwanted consequences, but also put such systems on weak footing in important tasks, querying answering being a very central one. In this thesis, we enhance probabilistic data and knowledge bases with more realistic data models, thereby allowing for better means for querying them. Building on the long endeavor of unifying logic and probability, we develop different rigorous semantics for probabilistic data and knowledge bases, analyze their computational properties and identify sources of (in)tractability and design practical scalable query answering algorithms whenever possible. To achieve this, the current work brings together some recent paradigms from logics, probabilistic inference, and database theory

    Analyzing Satisfiability and Refutability in Selected Constraint Systems

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    This dissertation is concerned with the satisfiability and refutability problems for several constraint systems. We examine both Boolean constraint systems, in which each variable is limited to the values true and false, and polyhedral constraint systems, in which each variable is limited to the set of real numbers R in the case of linear polyhedral systems or the set of integers Z in the case of integer polyhedral systems. An important aspect of our research is that we focus on providing certificates. That is, we provide satisfying assignments or easily checkable proofs of infeasibility depending on whether the instance is feasible or not. Providing easily checkable certificates has become a much sought after feature in algorithms, especially in light of spectacular failures in the implementations of some well-known algorithms. There exist a number of problems in the constraint-solving domain for which efficient algorithms have been proposed, but which lack a certifying counterpart. When examining Boolean constraint systems, we specifically look at systems of 2-CNF clauses and systems of Horn clauses. When examining polyhedral constraint systems, we specifically look at systems of difference constraints, systems of UTVPI constraints, and systems of Horn constraints. For each examined system, we determine several properties of general refutations and determine the complexity of finding restricted refutations. These restricted forms of refutation include read-once refutations, in which each constraint can be used at most once; literal-once refutations, in which for each literal at most one constraint containing that literal can be used; and unit refutations, in which each step of the refutation must use a constraint containing exactly one literal. The advantage of read-once refutations is that they are guaranteed to be short. Thus, while not every constraint system has a read-once refutation, the small size of the refutation guarantees easy checkability
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