48,193 research outputs found

    Shape and Texture Combined Face Recognition for Detection of Forged ID Documents

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    This paper proposes a face recognition system that can be used to effectively match a face image scanned from an identity (ID) doc-ument against the face image stored in the biometric chip of such a document. The purpose of this specific face recognition algorithm is to aid the automatic detection of forged ID documents where the photography printed on the document’s surface has been altered or replaced. The proposed algorithm uses a novel combination of texture and shape features together with sub-space representation techniques. In addition, the robustness of the proposed algorithm when dealing with more general face recognition tasks has been proven with the Good, the Bad & the Ugly (GBU) dataset, one of the most challenging datasets containing frontal faces. The proposed algorithm has been complement-ed with a novel method that adopts two operating points to enhance the reliability of the algorithm’s final verification decision.Final Accepted Versio

    Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation

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    Domain adaptation from one data space (or domain) to another is one of the most challenging tasks of modern data analytics. If the adaptation is done correctly, models built on a specific data space become more robust when confronted to data depicting the same semantic concepts (the classes), but observed by another observation system with its own specificities. Among the many strategies proposed to adapt a domain to another, finding a common representation has shown excellent properties: by finding a common representation for both domains, a single classifier can be effective in both and use labelled samples from the source domain to predict the unlabelled samples of the target domain. In this paper, we propose a regularized unsupervised optimal transportation model to perform the alignment of the representations in the source and target domains. We learn a transportation plan matching both PDFs, which constrains labelled samples in the source domain to remain close during transport. This way, we exploit at the same time the few labeled information in the source and the unlabelled distributions observed in both domains. Experiments in toy and challenging real visual adaptation examples show the interest of the method, that consistently outperforms state of the art approaches

    DAugNet: Unsupervised, Multi-source, Multi-target, and Life-long Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images

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    The domain adaptation of satellite images has recently gained an increasing attention to overcome the limited generalization abilities of machine learning models when segmenting large-scale satellite images. Most of the existing approaches seek for adapting the model from one domain to another. However, such single-source and single-target setting prevents the methods from being scalable solutions, since nowadays multiple source and target domains having different data distributions are usually available. Besides, the continuous proliferation of satellite images necessitates the classifiers to adapt to continuously increasing data. We propose a novel approach, coined DAugNet, for unsupervised, multi-source, multi-target, and life-long domain adaptation of satellite images. It consists of a classifier and a data augmentor. The data augmentor, which is a shallow network, is able to perform style transfer between multiple satellite images in an unsupervised manner, even when new data are added over the time. In each training iteration, it provides the classifier with diversified data, which makes the classifier robust to large data distribution difference between the domains. Our extensive experiments prove that DAugNet significantly better generalizes to new geographic locations than the existing approaches

    JigsawNet: Shredded Image Reassembly using Convolutional Neural Network and Loop-based Composition

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    This paper proposes a novel algorithm to reassemble an arbitrarily shredded image to its original status. Existing reassembly pipelines commonly consist of a local matching stage and a global compositions stage. In the local stage, a key challenge in fragment reassembly is to reliably compute and identify correct pairwise matching, for which most existing algorithms use handcrafted features, and hence, cannot reliably handle complicated puzzles. We build a deep convolutional neural network to detect the compatibility of a pairwise stitching, and use it to prune computed pairwise matches. To improve the network efficiency and accuracy, we transfer the calculation of CNN to the stitching region and apply a boost training strategy. In the global composition stage, we modify the commonly adopted greedy edge selection strategies to two new loop closure based searching algorithms. Extensive experiments show that our algorithm significantly outperforms existing methods on solving various puzzles, especially those challenging ones with many fragment pieces

    Keypoint Transfer for Fast Whole-Body Segmentation

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    We introduce an approach for image segmentation based on sparse correspondences between keypoints in testing and training images. Keypoints represent automatically identified distinctive image locations, where each keypoint correspondence suggests a transformation between images. We use these correspondences to transfer label maps of entire organs from the training images to the test image. The keypoint transfer algorithm includes three steps: (i) keypoint matching, (ii) voting-based keypoint labeling, and (iii) keypoint-based probabilistic transfer of organ segmentations. We report segmentation results for abdominal organs in whole-body CT and MRI, as well as in contrast-enhanced CT and MRI. Our method offers a speed-up of about three orders of magnitude in comparison to common multi-atlas segmentation, while achieving an accuracy that compares favorably. Moreover, keypoint transfer does not require the registration to an atlas or a training phase. Finally, the method allows for the segmentation of scans with highly variable field-of-view.Comment: Accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Location recognition over large time lags

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    Would it be possible to automatically associate ancient pictures to modern ones and create fancy cultural heritage city maps? We introduce here the task of recognizing the location depicted in an old photo given modern annotated images collected from the Internet. We present an extensive analysis on different features, looking for the most discriminative and most robust to the image variability induced by large time lags. Moreover, we show that the described task benefits from domain adaptation

    Stratified decision forests for accurate anatomical landmark localization in cardiac images

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    Accurate localization of anatomical landmarks is an important step in medical imaging, as it provides useful prior information for subsequent image analysis and acquisition methods. It is particularly useful for initialization of automatic image analysis tools (e.g. segmentation and registration) and detection of scan planes for automated image acquisition. Landmark localization has been commonly performed using learning based approaches, such as classifier and/or regressor models. However, trained models may not generalize well in heterogeneous datasets when the images contain large differences due to size, pose and shape variations of organs. To learn more data-adaptive and patient specific models, we propose a novel stratification based training model, and demonstrate its use in a decision forest. The proposed approach does not require any additional training information compared to the standard model training procedure and can be easily integrated into any decision tree framework. The proposed method is evaluated on 1080 3D highresolution and 90 multi-stack 2D cardiac cine MR images. The experiments show that the proposed method achieves state-of-theart landmark localization accuracy and outperforms standard regression and classification based approaches. Additionally, the proposed method is used in a multi-atlas segmentation to create a fully automatic segmentation pipeline, and the results show that it achieves state-of-the-art segmentation accuracy
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