854 research outputs found

    Batch-adaptive rejection threshold estimation with application to OCR post-processing

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    An OCR process is often followed by the application of a language model to find the best transformation of an OCR hypothesis into a string compatible with the constraints of the document, field or item under consideration. The cost of this transformation can be taken as a confidence value and compared to a threshold to decide if a string is accepted as correct or rejected in order to satisfy the need for bounding the error rate of the system. Widespread tools like ROC, precision-recall, or error-reject curves, are commonly used along with fixed thresholding in order to achieve that goal. However, those methodologies fail when a test sample has a confidence distribution that differs from the one of the sample used to train the system, which is a very frequent case in post-processed OCR strings (e.g., string batches showing particularly careful handwriting styles in contrast to free styles). In this paper, we propose an adaptive method for the automatic estimation of the rejection threshold that overcomes this drawback, allowing the operator to define an expected error rate within the set of accepted (non-rejected) strings of a complete batch of documents (as opposed to trying to establish or control the probability of error of a single string), regardless of its confidence distribution. The operator (expert) is assumed to know the error rate that can be acceptable to the user of the resulting data. The proposed system transforms that knowledge into a suitable rejection threshold. The approach is based on the estimation of an expected error vs. transformation cost distribution. First, a model predicting the probability of a cost to arise from an erroneously transcribed string is computed from a sample of supervised OCR hypotheses. Then, given a test sample, a cumulative error vs. cost curve is computed and used to automatically set the appropriate threshold that meets the user-defined error rate on the overall sample. The results of experiments on batches coming from different writing styles show very accurate error rate estimations where fixed thresholding clearly fails. An original procedure to generate distorted strings from a given language is also proposed and tested, which allows the use of the presented method in tasks where no real supervised OCR hypotheses are available to train the system.Navarro Cerdan, JR.; Arlandis Navarro, JF.; Llobet Azpitarte, R.; Perez-Cortes, J. (2015). Batch-adaptive rejection threshold estimation with application to OCR post-processing. Expert Systems with Applications. 42(21):8111-8122. doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2015.06.022S81118122422

    Automated framework for robust content-based verification of print-scan degraded text documents

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    Fraudulent documents frequently cause severe financial damages and impose security breaches to civil and government organizations. The rapid advances in technology and the widespread availability of personal computers has not reduced the use of printed documents. While digital documents can be verified by many robust and secure methods such as digital signatures and digital watermarks, verification of printed documents still relies on manual inspection of embedded physical security mechanisms.The objective of this thesis is to propose an efficient automated framework for robust content-based verification of printed documents. The principal issue is to achieve robustness with respect to the degradations and increased levels of noise that occur from multiple cycles of printing and scanning. It is shown that classic OCR systems fail under such conditions, moreover OCR systems typically rely heavily on the use of high level linguistic structures to improve recognition rates. However inferring knowledge about the contents of the document image from a-priori statistics is contrary to the nature of document verification. Instead a system is proposed that utilizes specific knowledge of the document to perform highly accurate content verification based on a Print-Scan degradation model and character shape recognition. Such specific knowledge of the document is a reasonable choice for the verification domain since the document contents are already known in order to verify them.The system analyses digital multi font PDF documents to generate a descriptive summary of the document, referred to as \Document Description Map" (DDM). The DDM is later used for verifying the content of printed and scanned copies of the original documents. The system utilizes 2-D Discrete Cosine Transform based features and an adaptive hierarchical classifier trained with synthetic data generated by a Print-Scan degradation model. The system is tested with varying degrees of Print-Scan Channel corruption on a variety of documents with corruption produced by repetitive printing and scanning of the test documents. Results show the approach achieves excellent accuracy and robustness despite the high level of noise

    Text detection and recognition in images and video sequences

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    Text characters embedded in images and video sequences represents a rich source of information for content-based indexing and retrieval applications. However, these text characters are difficult to be detected and recognized due to their various sizes, grayscale values and complex backgrounds. This thesis investigates methods for building an efficient application system for detecting and recognizing text of any grayscale values embedded in images and video sequences. Both empirical image processing methods and statistical machine learning and modeling approaches are studied in two sub-problems: text detection and text recognition. Applying machine learning methods for text detection encounters difficulties due to character size, grayscale variations and heavy computation cost. To overcome these problems, we propose a two-step localization/verification approach. The first step aims at quickly localizing candidate text lines, enabling the normalization of characters into a unique size. In the verification step, a trained support vector machine or multi-layer perceptrons is applied on background independent features to remove the false alarms. Text recognition, even from the detected text lines, remains a challenging problem due to the variety of fonts, colors, the presence of complex backgrounds and the short length of the text strings. Two schemes are investigated addressing the text recognition problem: bi-modal enhancement scheme and multi-modal segmentation scheme. In the bi-modal scheme, we propose a set of filters to enhance the contrast of black and white characters and produce a better binarization before recognition. For more general cases, the text recognition is addressed by a text segmentation step followed by a traditional optical character recognition (OCR) algorithm within a multi-hypotheses framework. In the segmentation step, we model the distribution of grayscale values of pixels using a Gaussian mixture model or a Markov Random Field. The resulting multiple segmentation hypotheses are post-processed by a connected component analysis and a grayscale consistency constraint algorithm. Finally, they are processed by an OCR software. A selection algorithm based on language modeling and OCR statistics chooses the text result from all the produced text strings. Additionally, methods for using temporal information of video text are investigated. A Monte Carlo video text segmentation method is proposed for adapting the segmentation parameters along temporal text frames. Furthermore, a ROVER (Recognizer Output Voting Error Reduction) algorithm is studied for improving the final recognition text string by voting the characters through temporal frames

    Character Recognition

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    Character recognition is one of the pattern recognition technologies that are most widely used in practical applications. This book presents recent advances that are relevant to character recognition, from technical topics such as image processing, feature extraction or classification, to new applications including human-computer interfaces. The goal of this book is to provide a reference source for academic research and for professionals working in the character recognition field

    Multi Criteria Mapping Based on SVM and Clustering Methods

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    There are many more ways to automate the application process like using some commercial software’s that are used in big organizations to scan bills and forms, but this application is only for the static frames or formats. In our application, we are trying to automate the non-static frames as the study certificate we get are from different counties with different universities. Each and every university have there one format of certificates, so we try developing a very new application that can commonly work for all the frames or formats. As we observe many applicants are from same university which have a common format of the certificate, if we implement this type of tools, then we can analyze this sort of certificates in a simple way within very less time. To make this process more accurate we try implementing SVM and Clustering methods. With these methods we can accurately map courses in certificates to ASE study path if not to exclude list. A grade calculation is done for courses which are mapped to an ASE list by separating the data for both labs and courses in it. At the end, we try to award some points, which includes points from ASE related courses, work experience, specialization certificates and German language skills. Finally, these points are provided to the chair to select the applicant for master course ASE

    Estimating proportions of objects from multispectral scanner data

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    Progress is reported in developing and testing methods of estimating, from multispectral scanner data, proportions of target classes in a scene when there are a significiant number of boundary pixels. Procedures were developed to exploit: (1) prior information concerning the number of object classes normally occurring in a pixel, and (2) spectral information extracted from signals of adjoining pixels. Two algorithms, LIMMIX and nine-point mixtures, are described along with supporting processing techniques. An important by-product of the procedures, in contrast to the previous method, is that they are often appropriate when the number of spectral bands is small. Preliminary tests on LANDSAT data sets, where target classes were (1) lakes and ponds, and (2) agricultural crops were encouraging

    Document analysis at DFKI. - Part 1: Image analysis and text recognition

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    Document analysis is responsible for an essential progress in office automation. This paper is part of an overview about the combined research efforts in document analysis at the DFKI. Common to all document analysis projects is the global goal of providing a high level electronic representation of documents in terms of iconic, structural, textual, and semantic information. These symbolic document descriptions enable an "intelligent\u27; access to a document database. Currently there are three ongoing document analysis projects at DFKI: INCA, OMEGA, and PASCAL2000/PASCAL+. Though the projects pursue different goals in different application domains, they all share the same problems which have to be resolved with similar techniques. For that reason the activities in these projects are bundled to avoid redundant work. At DFKI we have divided the problem of document analysis into two main tasks, text recognition and text analysis, which themselves are divided into a set of subtasks. In a series of three research reports the work of the document analysis and office automation department at DFKI is presented. The first report discusses the problem of text recognition, the second that of text analysis. In a third report we describe our concept for a specialized document analysis knowledge representation language. The report in hand describes the activities dealing with the text recognition task. Text recognition covers the phase starting with capturing a document image up to identifying the written words. This comprises the following subtasks: preprocessing the pictorial information, segmenting into blocks, lines, words, and characters, classifying characters, and identifying the input words. For each subtask several competing solution algorithms, called specialists or knowledge sources, may exist. To efficiently control and organize these specialists an intelligent situation-based planning component is necessary, which is also described in this report. It should be mentioned that the planning component is also responsible to control the overall document analysis system instead of the text recognition phase onl

    Content Recognition and Context Modeling for Document Analysis and Retrieval

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    The nature and scope of available documents are changing significantly in many areas of document analysis and retrieval as complex, heterogeneous collections become accessible to virtually everyone via the web. The increasing level of diversity presents a great challenge for document image content categorization, indexing, and retrieval. Meanwhile, the processing of documents with unconstrained layouts and complex formatting often requires effective leveraging of broad contextual knowledge. In this dissertation, we first present a novel approach for document image content categorization, using a lexicon of shape features. Each lexical word corresponds to a scale and rotation invariant local shape feature that is generic enough to be detected repeatably and is segmentation free. A concise, structurally indexed shape lexicon is learned by clustering and partitioning feature types through graph cuts. Our idea finds successful application in several challenging tasks, including content recognition of diverse web images and language identification on documents composed of mixed machine printed text and handwriting. Second, we address two fundamental problems in signature-based document image retrieval. Facing continually increasing volumes of documents, detecting and recognizing unique, evidentiary visual entities (\eg, signatures and logos) provides a practical and reliable supplement to the OCR recognition of printed text. We propose a novel multi-scale framework to detect and segment signatures jointly from document images, based on the structural saliency under a signature production model. We formulate the problem of signature retrieval in the unconstrained setting of geometry-invariant deformable shape matching and demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in signature matching and verification. Third, we present a model-based approach for extracting relevant named entities from unstructured documents. In a wide range of applications that require structured information from diverse, unstructured document images, processing OCR text does not give satisfactory results due to the absence of linguistic context. Our approach enables learning of inference rules collectively based on contextual information from both page layout and text features. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of mining general web user behavior data for improving document ranking and other web search experience. The context of web user activities reveals their preferences and intents, and we emphasize the analysis of individual user sessions for creating aggregate models. We introduce a novel algorithm for estimating web page and web site importance, and discuss its theoretical foundation based on an intentional surfer model. We demonstrate that our approach significantly improves large-scale document retrieval performance

    Information Preserving Processing of Noisy Handwritten Document Images

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    Many pre-processing techniques that normalize artifacts and clean noise induce anomalies due to discretization of the document image. Important information that could be used at later stages may be lost. A proposed composite-model framework takes into account pre-printed information, user-added data, and digitization characteristics. Its benefits are demonstrated by experiments with statistically significant results. Separating pre-printed ruling lines from user-added handwriting shows how ruling lines impact people\u27s handwriting and how they can be exploited for identifying writers. Ruling line detection based on multi-line linear regression reduces the mean error of counting them from 0.10 to 0.03, 6.70 to 0.06, and 0.13 to 0.02, com- pared to an HMM-based approach on three standard test datasets, thereby reducing human correction time by 50%, 83%, and 72% on average. On 61 page images from 16 rule-form templates, the precision and recall of form cell recognition are increased by 2.7% and 3.7%, compared to a cross-matrix approach. Compensating for and exploiting ruling lines during feature extraction rather than pre-processing raises the writer identification accuracy from 61.2% to 67.7% on a 61-writer noisy Arabic dataset. Similarly, counteracting page-wise skew by subtracting it or transforming contours in a continuous coordinate system during feature extraction improves the writer identification accuracy. An implementation study of contour-hinge features reveals that utilizing the full probabilistic probability distribution function matrix improves the writer identification accuracy from 74.9% to 79.5%

    Enabling More Accurate and Efficient Structured Prediction

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    Machine learning practitioners often face a fundamental trade-off between expressiveness and computation time: on average, more accurate, expressive models tend to be more computationally intensive both at training and test time. While this trade-off is always applicable, it is acutely present in the setting of structured prediction, where the joint prediction of multiple output variables often creates two primary, inter-related bottlenecks: inference and feature computation time. In this thesis, we address this trade-off at test-time by presenting frameworks that enable more accurate and efficient structured prediction by addressing each of the bottlenecks specifically. First, we develop a framework based on a cascade of models, where the goal is to control test-time complexity even as features are added that increase inference time (even exponentially). We call this framework Structured Prediction Cascades (SPC); we develop SPC in the context of exact inference and then extend the framework to handle the approximate case. Next, we develop a framework for the setting where the feature computation is explicitly the bottleneck, in which we learn to selectively evaluate features within an instance of the mode. This second framework is referred to as Dynamic Structured Model Selection (DMS), and is once again developed for a simpler, restricted model before being extended to handle a much more complex setting. For both cases, we evaluate our methods on several benchmark datasets, and we find that it is possible to dramatically improve the efficiency and accuracy of structured prediction