179 research outputs found

    Regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity in the Argentina Pampas using MODIS time-series

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    The characterization of ecosystem functioning is significant for different purposes such as biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services. A key aspect of ecosystem functioning is carbon gains, since it represents the energy available for upper trophic levels. In this sense, remote-sensing methods have allowed the study of ecosystem dynamics and spatial distribution at different spatial and temporal scales. The objectives were to describe the regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity and to establish the importance of interannual variability in the definition of Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs) in the Argentina Pampas. EFTs were obtained from carbon gains using a set of seven functional attributes and their interannual variations, which were retrieved from 14-year NDVI time-series. An ISODATA technique was applied to all the analyzed variables, and the clusters that best separate in the n-dimensional space were selected using discriminant analysis. The Argentina Pampas shows a high heterogeneity in the spatial patterns of ecosystem functional attributes. The annual integral of NDVI (i-NDVI, a linear estimator of net primary productivity), a complex of ecosystem functional attributes that describe the interannual variability, and the annual relative range of NDVI (RREL, ecosystem seasonality) had the highest relevance to distinguish nine EFTs in the study area. This study shows a novel approach for mapping ecosystem functioning, which reveals the importance of interannual variations. This methodology includes the effects of climate variability on ecosystem dynamics, thus enhancing our understanding of ecosystem functional diversity. The results obtained represent a baseline scenario to evaluate the effects of both land use change and climate variability on ecosystem functioning from a temporal perspective

    Environmental and Human Controls of Ecosystem Functional Diversity in Temperate South America

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    The regional controls of biodiversity patterns have been traditionally evaluated using structural and compositional components at the species level, but evaluation of the functional component at the ecosystem level is still scarce. During the last decades, the role of ecosystem functioning in management and conservation has increased. Our aim was to use satellite-derived Ecosystem Functional Types (EFTs, patches of the land-surface with similar carbon gain dynamics) to characterize the regional patterns of ecosystem functional diversity and to evaluate the environmental and human controls that determine EFT richness across natural and human-modified systems in temperate South America. The EFT identification was based on three descriptors of carbon gain dynamics derived from seasonal curves of the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI): annual mean (surrogate of primary production), seasonal coefficient of variation (indicator of seasonality) and date of maximum EVI (descriptor of phenology). As observed for species richness in the southern hemisphere, water availability, not energy, emerged as the main climatic driver of EFT richness in natural areas of temperate South America. In anthropogenic areas, the role of both water and energy decreased and increasing human intervention increased richness at low levels of human influence, but decreased richness at high levels of human influence

    Tendencias y respuestas de la fenología de la superficie terrestre a la variabilidad climática en la Pampa Argentina

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    Comprender la interacción entre los procesos de la superficie terrestre y la atmósfera es fundamental para predecir los efectos del cambio climático futuro sobre el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas y la dinámica del carbono. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron analizar las tendencias en métricas de la fenología de la superficie terrestre derivadas de sensores remotos, y revelar su relación con la precipitación y el fenómeno ENSO en la región pampeana de Argentina. A partir de una serie temporal de imágenes del Índice de Vegetación de Diferencia Normalizada (NDVI) de MODIS para el período 2000-2014, se obtuvo para la región pampeana de Argentina el inicio de la estación de crecimiento (SOS), la integral anual del NDVI (i-NDVI, estimador lineal de la productividad anual), el tiempo del máximo anual del NDVI (t-MAX) y el rango relativo anual de NDVI (RREL, estimador de la estacionalidad). Posteriormente, se analizaron las relaciones espaciales y temporales con el Índice Multivariado del ENSO (MEI) y la precipitación. Los resultados mostraron una tendencia negativa en la productividad anual en un 53,6% del área de estudio asociado a zonas de pastizales naturales y semi-naturales, mientras que un 40,3% de la Pampa Argentina mostró una tendencia positiva significativa en la estacionalidad de las ganancias de carbono. Este estudio también revela que la variabilidad climática tiene un impacto significativo en la fenología de la superficie terrestre de la región pampeana, aunque este impacto es heterogéneo. SOS y t-MAX mostraron una correlación negativa significativa con la precipitación, lo que indica una ocurrencia más temprana. El 23,6% y 28,4% del área de estudio mostró una correlación positiva de la productividad anual con el MEI y la precipitación, respectivamente, asociado a pastizales (en el primer caso) y sobre pastizales y áreas agrícolas en el segundo caso. La variabilidad climática no explicó la variabilidad en la estacionalidad de la fenología. Las relaciones encontradas entre las métricas de la fenología de la superficie terrestre y la variabilidad climática podrían ser importantes para la implementación de estrategias para el manejo de los recursos naturales.Understanding the interaction between land surface and atmosphere processes is fundamental for predicting the effects of future climate change on ecosystem functioning and carbon dynamics. The objectives of this work were to analyze the trends in land surface phenology (LSP) metrics from remote sensing data, and to reveal their relationship with precipitation and ENSO phenomenon in the Argentina Pampas. Using a time series of MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data from 2000 to 2014, the start of the growing season (SOS), the annual integral of NDVI (i-NDVI, linear estimator of annual productivity), the timing of the annual maximum NDVI (t-MAX) and the annual relative range of NDVI (RREL, estimator of seasonality) were obtained for the Argentina Pampas. Then, spatial and temporal relationships with the Multivariate ENSO Index (MEI) and precipitation were analyzed. Results showed a negative trend in annual productivity over a 53.6% of the study area associated to natural and semi-natural grassland under cattle grazing, whereas a 40.3% of Argentina Pampas showed a significant positive trend in seasonality of carbon gains. The study also reveals that climate variability has a significant impact on land surface phenology in Argentina Pampas, although the impact is heterogeneous. SOS and t-MAX showed a significant negative correlation with the precipitation indicating an earlier occurrence. 23.6% and 28.4% of the study area showed a positive correlation of the annual productivity with MEI and precipitation, respectively, associated to rangelands (in the first case) and to both rangeland and croplands, in the second case. Climate variability did not explain the seasonal variability of phenology. The relationships found between LSP metrics and climate variability could be important for implementation of strategies for natural resource management.Fil: Lara, Bruno Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Ciencias Básicas Agronómicas y Biológicas. Laboratorio de Investigación y Servicios en Teledetección de Azul; ArgentinaFil: Gandini, M.. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento Ciencias Básicas Agronómicas y Biológicas. Laboratorio de Investigación y Servicios en Teledetección de Azul; ArgentinaFil: Gantes, P.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable; ArgentinaFil: Matteucci, Silvia Diana. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo. Grupo de Ecología del Paisaje y Medio Ambiente; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Río de la Plata Grasslands: how did land-cover and ecosystem functioning change in the 21st century?

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    The Río de la Plata Grasslands region is one of the largest plains in the world, covering a significant portion of the southern Brazilian grasslands. This temperate sub-humid region is also one of the most diverse grassland areas globally. However, in the last decades, important land-use and land-cover changes occurred threatening the natural ecosystem and the provision of essential ecosystem services. In this chapter, we provide an overview of the primary land-use and land-cover changes that have occurred in this region over the last two decades. We also discuss some of the consequences derived from these changes on the ecosystem functioning, the supply of ecosystem services, and the human appropriation of primary production. Finally, we evaluate the observed transition trends among land-use and land-covers and speculate on the most likely changes that may occur in the next few years.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Cambios en la estacionalidad de la vegetación y la carga animal en la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina)

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    Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape.La producción de cultivos está atravesando procesos de expansión e intensificación alrededor de todo el planeta. En consecuencia, la producción ganadera está siendo desplazada hacia tierras marginales de menor capacidad de carga. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la estacionalidad de la vegetación en la provincia de La Pampa, ubicada en la región semiárida argentina; y explorar si las variaciones en la estacionalidad están relacionadas con la carga de ganado vacuno. Se plantea como hipótesis que los cambios en la carga animal y la presión de pastoreo alteran la proporción de diferentes grupos funcionales de vegetación, y de esta manera, su estacionalidad. Se predice que el sobrepastoreo de los pastos más estacionales alterará la proporción de especies leñosas, y ello repercutirá sobre los índices espectrales. Se analizó la información satelital, particularmente el Índice de Vegetación Mejorado (EVI) de MODIS y se lo relacionó con los registros de carga animal de SENASA. Este trabajo evidencia la relación entre la carga animal y el EVI, indicador de la productividad primaria de la vegetación, a la escala de departamento en las áreas naturales del Monte y el Espinal de La Pampa. Los resultados indican que al oeste de la provincia (Monte) hubo un aumento de la carga animal y una disminución de la estacionalidad de la vegetación a escala de departamento. La mayor presión de pastoreo habría conducido al sobrepastoreo de las especies herbáceas más palatables aumentando la proporción de arbustos en el paisaje.Fil: Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Beget, María Eugenia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Campos, Alfredo Nicolás. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Viglizzo, Ernesto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasFil: Jobbágy, Esteban. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y TécnicasFil: García, Alfredo Gabriel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina)Fil: Cotroneo, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (Argentina

    Changes in vegetation seasonality and livestock stocking rate in La Pampa Province (Argentina) = Cambios en la estacionalidad de la vegetación y la carga animal en la provincia de La Pampa (Argentina)

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    Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape.La producción de cultivos está atravesando procesos de expansión e intensificación alrededor de todo el planeta. En consecuencia, la producción ganadera está siendo desplazada hacia tierras marginales de menor capacidad de carga. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la estacionalidad de la vegetación en la provincia de La Pampa, ubicada en la región semiárida argentina; y explorar si las variaciones en la estacionalidad están relacionadas con la carga de ganado vacuno. Se plantea como hipótesis que los cambios en la carga animal y la presión de pastoreo alteran la proporción de diferentes grupos funcionales de vegetación, y de esta manera, su estacionalidad. Se predice que el sobrepastoreo de los pastos más estacionales alterará la proporción de especies leñosas, y ello repercutirá sobre los índices espectrales. Se analizó la información satelital, particularmente el Índice de Vegetación Mejorado (EVI) de MODIS y se lo relacionó con los registros de carga animal de SENASA. Este trabajo evidencia la relación entre la carga animal y el EVI, indicador de la productividad primaria de la vegetación, a la escala de departamento en las áreas naturales del Monte y el Espinal de La Pampa. Los resultados indican que al oeste de la provincia (Monte) hubo un aumento de la carga animal y una disminución de la estacionalidad de la vegetación a escala de departamento. La mayor presión de pastoreo habría conducido al sobrepastoreo de las especies herbáceas más palatables aumentando la proporción de arbustos en el paisaje.Instituto de Clima y AguaFil: Di Bella, Carlos Marcelo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Agronomía. Departamento de Métodos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de Información; ArgentinaFil: Beget, Maria Eugenia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Campos, Alfredo Nicolas. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional. Facultad Regional de Buenos Aires. Departamento de Electrónica; ArentinaFil: Viglizzo, Ernesto Francisco. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Anguil; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra y Ambientales de La Pampa; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales; ArgentinaFil: Jobbagy Gampel, Esteban Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis "Prof. Ezio Marchi". Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias Físico, Matemáticas y Naturales. Instituto de Matemática Aplicada de San Luis; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Alfredo Gabriel.Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sycz, Alejandra. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; ArgentinaFil: Cotroneo, Santiago. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto de Clima y Agua; Argentin

    Changes in vegetation seasonality and livestock stocking rate in La Pampa Province (Argentina)

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    Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape.Crop production is traversing expansion and intensification processes all over the planet and in consequence the large scale cattle production is being displaced to marginal lands with lower stocking capacity. The objective of this work was to assess the seasonality of vegetation in La Pampa province located in a semiarid region in Argentina and to explore if the variations in seasonality are related to the stocking rate. The hypothesis is the changes in stocking rate of rangelands and its grazing pressure alter the proportion of different vegetation functional groups and so the vegetation seasonality. It is predicted that overgrazing of seasonal grasses will alter the proportion of woody species having consequences over spectral indices. It was analyzed satellite data, particularly the MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) and related it to stocking rate records from SENASA. This work evidences the relationship between the stocking rate and the spectral index EVI, indicator of the primary productivity of vegetation, at departmental scale in the natural areas of Monte and Espinal of La Pampa. Results indicate that in western region (Monte) there was an increment in the stocking rate at department level and a decrease in vegetation seasonality. It is posed that the higher grazing pressure led to the overgrazing of the most palatable herbaceous species, increasing the shrub proportion in landscape

    Balanço de energia com base no modelo S-SEBI sobre gramíneas em Barrax, Espanha e no bioma Pampa do sul do Brasil

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    No Brasil, existem seis biomas, sendo eles Amazônia, Mata Atlântica, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal e Pampa. Cada bioma possui características únicas e importantes para a manutenção dos seus processos ecossistêmicos. Neste sentido, no bioma Pampa há uma dinâmica socioambiental que influencia a vegetação, o manejo agrícola e o modo de vida da população local. Este bioma é único no mundo porque traz na vegetação rasteira sua fonte de biomassa e energia como em nenhum outro ecossistema, seus campos nativos são os responsáveis pela conservação e preservação dos recursos hídricos, da fauna silvestre e da biodiversidade. A supressão da vegetação nativa deste bioma para a monocultura de grãos compromete a manutenção da biodiversidade e gera impactos nos recursos naturais, alterando as suas condições ambientais, a disponibilidade de água e a temperatura de superfície. Além disso, as mudanças climáticas têm modificado os componentes do Balanço de Energia (BE). Em relação ao balanço energético este bioma tem, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, a mesma importância climática que as florestas em regiões tropicais, já que cobre 63% do Estado e possui influência nas dinâmicas atmosféricas. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar as particularidades ambientais do BE e do cálculo de evapotranspiração (ET) no bioma Pampa. A ET é a responsável pelas interações da biosfera- atmosfera-hidrosfera. Estas interações se dão por utilizar energia eletromagnética para a formação de vapor d’água a partir da transpiração vegetal e da evaporação da água. O uso do Sensoriamento Remoto tem sido eficaz nas estimativas de fluxo de calor sensível e fluxo de calor latente por diferentes métodos, porém a aplicação de forma operacional, a heterogeneidade da superfície e a influência da temperatura de superfície (Ts) são desafios deste trabalho. O modelo S-SEBI para recuperação de dados de ET foi avaliado no bioma Pampa e em Barrax, um sítio de validação localizado no mediterrâneo espanhol. O modelo demonstrou ser eficaz em vegetação campestre, além de ser menos dependente da Ts em relação a outros modelos reportados na literatura. Os resultados deste trabalho visam contribuir para a geração de melhor qualidade de dados de ET em futuras análises de mudanças de uso do solo, mudanças climáticas e gestão dos recursos hídricos para todo o bioma Pampa.In Brazil, there are six biomes, namely the Amazon, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, Pantanal, and Pampa. Each biome has unique and important characteristics for the maintenance of the ecosystemic processes of each environment. In this sense, in the Pampa biome there is a socio-environmental dynamic that influences the vegetation, agricultural management, and the way of life of the local population. This biome is unique in the world because it brings in its undergrowth vegetation its source of biomass and energy like no other ecosystem; its native grasslands are responsible for the conservation and preservation of water resources, wildlife, and biodiversity. The suppression of the native vegetation of this biome for the monoculture of grains compromises the maintenance of biodiversity and generates impacts on natural resources, altering the environmental conditions of the ecosystem, water availability, and surface temperature. In addition, climate change has modified the components of the Energy Balance (EB). In relation to the energy balance, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, this biome has the same climatic importance as the forests in tropical regions, since it covers 63% of the state and influences the atmospheric dynamics. Therefore, the objective of this work is to evaluate the environmental particularities of BE and the calculation of evapotranspiration (ET) in the Pampa biome. ET is responsible for biosphere-atmosphere-hydrosphere interactions. These interactions occur by using electromagnetic energy for the formation of water vapor from plant transpiration and water evaporation. The use of Remote Sensing has been effective in estimating sensible heat flux and latent heat flux by different methods, but the application in an operational way, the heterogeneity of the surface and the influence of the surface temperature (Ts) are challenges of this work. The S-SEBI model for ET data retrieval was evaluated in the Pampa biome and in Barrax, a validation site located in the Spanish Mediterranean. The model proved to be effective in grassland vegetation, and is less dependent on Ts compared to other models reported in the literature. The results of this work aim to contribute to the generation of better quality ET data in future analyses of land use change, climate change, and water resource management for the entire Pampa biome

    Putting the Ecosystem Services idea at work: applications on impact assessment and territorial planning

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    South America is experiencing profound land use and land cover changes. Their consequences on the Ecosystem Services (ES) supply and human well-being need to be diagnosed and monitored in order to support informed decisions both in management and territorial planning. The ES concept provides a key framework to evaluate human impacts on nature. The use of spatially explicit indicators able to characterize ES supply can turn operative the ES framework, enabling for sustainability assessment. The Ecosystem Services Supply Index (ESSI) is a synoptic indicator that estimates and maps supporting and regulating ES related to water and carbon dynamics from data provided by remote sensors of free access and wide spatial coverage. The ESSI merges two attributes of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) annual dynamics: the annual average (NDVIMEAN, a proxy of total C gains) and the intra-annual coefficient of variation (NDVICV, an indicator of seasonality). In this article we proposed two objectives: 1) to describe the conceptual foundation of the ESSI and to gather the empirical support that shows its ability to explain the spatial-temporal variation in different ES, and to present a new case of empirical ESSI assessment, and 2) to synthesize the contribution of the ESSI in socio ecosystem diagnosis, monitoring and territorial planning stages in 8 existing cases of application. We also explored the links to the decision-making process by diverse stakeholders including local research and development institutions, NGOs and government agents. Cases corresponded to a wide range of situations from humid and dry forests to grasslands, and from local to subcontinental scales in southern South America. We found that ESSI was successfully applied for diagnosis, planning and monitoring processes which helped to better define interventions in management decisions and also to empower the most vulnerable stakeholders under territorial and environmental conflicts

    Forest-grassland transitions : How livestock and fire shape grassy biomes

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    Plant associations are determined by complex interactions with their environment depending on resource availability, landscape features, and periodic disturbances that shape the structure and functions of these communities. Forests, savannas and grasslands extend across the global land surface, contribute to planetary processes and provide ecosystems services sustaining local production. However, the factors that explain the distribution of trees and determine these biomes are still not well understood. In this thesis, long-standing questions about the origins and distribution of these ecosystems are discussed in light of new evidence suggesting that a feedback of fire and grasses may maintain forests, savannas and grasslands as alternative tree cover states. I also address how anthropogenic land use, including the introduction of livestock, may be affecting these dynamics, particularly in the neotropics, with consequences in terms of potential transitions in tree cover regimes. I analyze the distribution of trees in the grasslands of subtropical South America, looking at what may determine current tree cover and change dynamics (Chapters 2 & 3). The results suggest that, in non-cultivated areas, the expansion of trees into grasslands is likely limited by fire, livestock and precipitation, and that livestock likely reduces fire frequency (Chapter 2). The analyses also suggest that in the Uruguayan Campos of southeastern South America, where fire frequency is low and livestock densities are high, a release in livestock density may cause a moderate expansion of forests into grasslands (Chapter 3). To understand the consequences of a potential transition to higher tree cover by increasing precipitation, I looked at the effects of tree cover in subtropical rangelands (Chapter 5). The results indicated that isolated trees can improve the forage quality and abundance of these rangelands, with potential benefits in terms of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Lastly, I analyzed correlational patterns relating livestock density to vegetation structure across the global tropics and subtropics (Chapter 4), in an attempt to generalize the findings of Chapter 2. The results indicate that extensive livestock systems reduce fire frequency and impact vegetation structure, maintaining savannas and grasslands with low tree cover, low fire frequency and a higher presence of shrubs and dwarf trees.</p