468 research outputs found

    TerraSAR-X and Wetlands: A Review

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    Since its launch in 2007, TerraSAR-X observations have been widely used in a broad range of scientific applications. Particularly in wetland research, TerraSAR-X\u27s shortwave X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) possesses unique capabilities, such as high spatial and temporal resolution, for delineating and characterizing the inherent spatially and temporally complex and heterogeneous structure of wetland ecosystems and their dynamics. As transitional areas, wetlands comprise characteristics of both terrestrial and aquatic features, forming a large diversity of wetland types. This study reviews all published articles incorporating TerraSAR-X information into wetland research to provide a comprehensive study of how this sensor has been used with regard to polarization, and the function of the data, time-series analyses, or the assessment of specific wetland ecosystem types. What is evident throughout this literature review is the synergistic fusion of multi-frequency and multi-polarization SAR sensors, sometimes optical sensors, in almost all investigated studies to attain improved wetland classification results. Due to the short revisiting time of the TerraSAR-X sensor, it is possible to compute dense SAR time-series, allowing for a more precise observation of the seasonality in dynamic wetland areas as demonstrated in many of the reviewed studies

    Optical and radar remotely sensed data for large-area wildlife habitat mapping

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    Wildlife habitat mapping strongly supports applications in natural resource management, environmental conservation, impacts of anthropogenic activity, perturbed ecosystem restoration, species-at-risk recovery and species inventory. Remote sensing has long been identified as a feasible and effective technology for large-area wildlife habitat mapping. However, existing and future uncertainties in remote sensing will definitely have a significant effect on relevant scientific research, such as the limitation of Landsat-series data; the negative impact of cloud and cloud shadows (CCS) in optical imagery; and landscape pattern analysis using remote sensing classification products. This thesis adopted a manuscript-style format; it addresses these challenges (or uncertainties) and opportunities through exploring the state-of-the-art optical and radar remotely sensed data for large-area wildlife habitat mapping, and investigating their feasibility and applicability primarily by comparison either on the level of direct remote sensing products (e.g. classification accuracy) or indirect ecological model (e.g. presence/absence and frequency of use model based on landscape pattern analysis). A framework designed to identify and investigate the potential remotely sensed data, including Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC), Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM), Indian Remote Sensing (IRS), and RADARSAT-2, has been developed. The chosen DMC and RADARSAT-2 imagery have acceptable capability of addressing the existing and potential challenges (or uncertainties) in remote sensing of large-area habitat mapping, in order to produce cloud-free thematic maps for the study of wildlife habitat. A quantitative comparison between Landsat-based and IRS-based analyses showed that the characteristics of remote sensing products play an important role in landscape pattern analysis to build grizzly bear presence/absence and frequency of use models

    Monitoring wetlands and water bodies in semi-arid Sub-Saharan regions

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    Surface water in wetlands is a critical resource in semi-arid West-African regions that are frequently exposed to droughts. Wetlands are of utmost importance for the population as well as the environment, and are subject to rapidly changing seasonal fluctuations. Dynamics of wetlands in the study area are still poorly understood, and the potential of remote sensing-derived information as a large-scale, multi-temporal, comparable and independent measurement source is not exploited. This work shows successful wetland monitoring with remote sensing in savannah and Sahel regions in Burkina Faso, focusing on the main study site Lac Bam (Lake Bam). Long-term optical time series from MODIS with medium spatial resolution (MR), and short-term synthetic aperture radar (SAR) time series from TerraSAR-X and RADARSAT-2 with high spatial resolution (HR) successfully demonstrate the classification and dynamic monitoring of relevant wetland features, e.g. open water, flooded vegetation and irrigated cultivation. Methodological highlights are time series analysis, e.g. spatio-temporal dynamics or multitemporal-classification, as well as polarimetric SAR (polSAR) processing, i.e. the Kennaugh elements, enabling physical interpretation of SAR scattering mechanisms for dual-polarized data. A multi-sensor and multi-frequency SAR data combination provides added value, and reveals that dual-co-pol SAR data is most recommended for monitoring wetlands of this type. The interpretation of environmental or man-made processes such as water areas spreading out further but retreating or evaporating faster, co-occurrence of droughts with surface water and vegetation anomalies, expansion of irrigated agriculture or new dam building, can be detected with MR optical and HR SAR time series. To capture long-term impacts of water extraction, sedimentation and climate change on wetlands, remote sensing solutions are available, and would have great potential to contribute to water management in Africa

    Advanced machine learning algorithms for Canadian wetland mapping using polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) and optical imagery

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    Wetlands are complex land cover ecosystems that represent a wide range of biophysical conditions. They are one of the most productive ecosystems and provide several important environmental functionalities. As such, wetland mapping and monitoring using cost- and time-efficient approaches are of great interest for sustainable management and resource assessment. In this regard, satellite remote sensing data are greatly beneficial, as they capture a synoptic and multi-temporal view of landscapes. The ability to extract useful information from satellite imagery greatly affects the accuracy and reliability of the final products. This is of particular concern for mapping complex land cover ecosystems, such as wetlands, where complex, heterogeneous, and fragmented landscape results in similar backscatter/spectral signatures of land cover classes in satellite images. Accordingly, the overarching purpose of this thesis is to contribute to existing methodologies of wetland classification by proposing and developing several new techniques based on advanced remote sensing tools and optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. Specifically, the importance of employing an efficient speckle reduction method for polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image processing is discussed and a new speckle reduction technique is proposed. Two novel techniques are also introduced for improving the accuracy of wetland classification. In particular, a new hierarchical classification algorithm using multi-frequency SAR data is proposed that discriminates wetland classes in three steps depending on their complexity and similarity. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method is advantageous for mapping complex land cover ecosystems compared to single stream classification approaches, which have been extensively used in the literature. Furthermore, a new feature weighting approach is proposed based on the statistical and physical characteristics of PolSAR data to improve the discrimination capability of input features prior to incorporating them into the classification scheme. This study also demonstrates the transferability of existing classification algorithms, which have been developed based on RADARSAT-2 imagery, to compact polarimetry SAR data that will be collected by the upcoming RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM). The capability of several well-known deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures currently employed in computer vision is first introduced in this thesis for classification of wetland complexes using multispectral remote sensing data. Finally, this research results in the first provincial-scale wetland inventory maps of Newfoundland and Labrador using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing resources and open access Earth Observation (EO) collected by the Copernicus Sentinel missions. Overall, the methodologies proposed in this thesis address fundamental limitations/challenges of wetland mapping using remote sensing data, which have been ignored in the literature. These challenges include the backscattering/spectrally similar signature of wetland classes, insufficient classification accuracy of wetland classes, and limitations of wetland mapping on large scales. In addition to the capabilities of the proposed methods for mapping wetland complexes, the use of these developed techniques for classifying other complex land cover types beyond wetlands, such as sea ice and crop ecosystems, offers a potential avenue for further research

    Spaceborne L-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar Data for Geoscientific Analyses in Coastal Land Applications: A Review

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    The coastal zone offers among the world’s most productive and valuable ecosystems and is experiencing increasing pressure from anthropogenic impacts: human settlements, agriculture, aquaculture, trade, industrial activities, oil and gas exploitation and tourism. Earth observation has great capability to deliver valuable data at the local, regional and global scales and can support the assessment and monitoring of land‐ and water‐related applications in coastal zones. Compared to optical satellites, cloud‐cover does not limit the timeliness of data acquisition with spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors, which have all‐weather, day and night capabilities. Hence, active radar systems demonstrate great potential for continuous mapping and monitoring of coastal regions, particularly in cloud‐prone tropical and sub‐tropical climates. The canopy penetration capability with long radar wavelength enables L‐band SAR data to be used for coastal terrestrial environments and has been widely applied and investigated for the following geoscientific topics: mapping and monitoring of flooded vegetation and inundated areas; the retrieval of aboveground biomass; and the estimation of soil moisture. Human activities, global population growth, urban sprawl and climate change‐induced impacts are leading to increased pressure on coastal ecosystems causing land degradation, deforestation and land use change. This review presents a comprehensive overview of existing research articles that apply spaceborne L‐band SAR data for geoscientific analyses that are relevant for coastal land applications

    A comparison of data mining techniques and multi-sensor analysis for inland marshes delineation

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    Inland Marsh (IM) is a type of wetland characterized by the presence of non-woody plants as grasses, reeds or sedges, with a water surface smaller than 25% of the area. Historically, these areas have been suffering impacts related to pollution by urban, industrial and agrochemical waste, as well as drainage for agriculture. The IM delineation allows to understand the vegetation and hydrodynamic dynamics and also to monitor the degradation caused by human-induced activities. This work aimed to compare four machine learning algorithms (classification and regression tree (CART), artificial neural network (ANN), random forest (RF), and k-nearest neighbors (k-NN)) using active and passive remote sensing data in order to address the following questions: (1) which of the four machine learning methods has the greatest potential for inland marshes delineation? (2) are SAR features more important for inland marshes delineation than optical features? and (3) what are the most accurate classification parameters for inland marshes delineation? To address these questions, we used data from Sentinel 1A and Alos Palsar I (SAR) and Sentinel 2A (optical) sensors, in a geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) approach. In addition, we performed a vectorization of a 1975 Brazilian Army topographic chart (first official document presenting marsh boundaries) in order to quantify the marsh area losses between 1975 and 2018 by comparing it with a Sentinel 2A image. Our results showed that the method with the highest overall accuracy was k-NN, with 98.5%. The accuracies for the RF, ANN, and CART methods were 98.3%, 96.0% and 95.5%, respectively. The four classifiers presented accuracies exceeding 95%, showing that all methods have potential for inland marsh delineation. However, we note that the classification results have a great dependence on the input layers. Regarding the importance of the features, SAR images were more important in RF and ANN models, especially in the HV, HV + VH and VH channels of the Alos Palsar I L-band satellite, while spectral indices from optical images were more important in the marshes delineation with the CART method. In addition, we found that the CART and ANN methods presented the largest variations of the overall accuracy (OA) in relation to the different parameters tested. The multi-sensor approach was critical for the high OA values found in the IM delineation (> 95%). The four machine learning methods can be accurately applied for IM delineation, acting as an important low-cost tool for monitoring and managing these environments, in the face of advances in agriculture, soil degradation and pollution of water resources due to agrochemical dumping

    Detection of temporarily flooded vegetation using time series of dual polarised C-band synthetic aperture radar data

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    The intense research of the last decades in the field of flood monitoring has shown that microwave sensors provide valuable information about the spatial and temporal flood extent. The new generation of satellites, such as the Sentinel-1 (S-1) constellation, provide a unique, temporally high-resolution detection of the earth's surface and its environmental changes. This opens up new possibilities for accurate and rapid flood monitoring that can support operational applications. Due to the observation of the earth's surface from space, large-scale flood events and their spatiotemporal changes can be monitored. This requires the adaptation of existing or the development of new algorithms, which on the one hand enable precise and computationally efficient flood detection and on the other hand can process a large amounts of data. In order to capture the entire extent of the flood area, it is essential to detect temporary flooded vegetation (TFV) areas in addition to the open water areas. The disregard of temporary flooded vegetation areas can lead to severe underestimation of the extent and volume of the flood. Under certain system and environmental conditions, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) can be utilized to extract information from under the vegetation cover. Due to multiple backscattering of the SAR signal between the water surface and the vegetation, the flooded vegetation areas are mostly characterized by increased backscatter values. Using this information in combination with a continuous monitoring of the earth's surface by the S-1 satellites, characteristic time series-based patterns for temporary flooded vegetation can be identified. This combination of information provides the foundation for the time series approach presented here. This work provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant sensor and environmental parameters and their impact on the SAR signal regarding temporary open water (TOW) and TFV areas. In addition, existing methods for the derivation of flooded vegetation are reviewed and their benefits, limitations, methodological trends and potential research needs for this area are identified and assessed. The focus of the work lies in the development of a SAR and time series-based approach for the improved extraction of flooded areas by the supplementation of TFV and on the provision of a precise and rapid method for the detection of the entire flood extent. The approach developed in this thesis allows for the precise extraction of large-scale flood areas using dual-polarized C-band time series data and additional information such as topography and urban areas. The time series features include the characteristic variations (decrease and/or increase of backscatter values) on the flood date for the flood-related classes compared to the whole time series. These features are generated individually for each available polarization (VV, VH) and their ratios (VV/VH, VV-VH, VV+VV). The generation of the time series features was performed by Z-transform for each image element, taking into account the backscatter values on the flood date and the mean value and standard deviation of the backscatter values from the nonflood dates. This allowed the comparison of backscatter intensity changes between the image elements. The time series features constitute the foundation for the hierarchical threshold method for deriving flood-related classes. Using the Random Forest algorithm, the importance of the time series data for the individual flood-related classes was analyzed and evaluated. The results showed that the dual-polarized time series features are particularly relevant for the derivation of TFV. However, this may differ depending on the vegetation type and other environmental conditions. The analyses based on S-1 data in Namibia, Greece/Turkey and China during large-scale floods show the effectiveness of the method presented here in terms of classification accuracy. Theiv supplementary integration of temporary flooded vegetation areas and the use of additional information resulted in a significant improvement in the detection of the entire flood extent. It could be shown that a comparably high classification accuracy (~ 80%) was achieved for the flood extent in each of study areas. The transferability of the approach due to the application of a single time series feature regarding the derivation of open water areas could be confirmed for all study areas. Considering the seasonal component by using time series data, the seasonal variability of the backscatter signal for vegetation can be detected. This allows for an improved differentiation between flooded and non-flooded vegetation areas. Simultaneously, changes in the backscatter signal can be assigned to changes in the environmental conditions, since on the one hand a time series of the same image element is considered and on the other hand the sensor parameters do not change due to the same acquisition geometry. Overall, the proposed time series approach allows for a considerable improvement in the derivation of the entire flood extent by supplementing the TOW areas with the TFV areas

    Remote sensing technologies for the assessment of marine and coastal ecosystems

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    Abstract This chapter reviews the Remote Sensing (RS) technologies that are particularly appropriate for marine and coastal ecosystem research and management. RS techniques are used to perform analysis of water quality in coastal water bodies; to identify, characterize and analyze river plumes; to extract estuarine/coastal sandy bodies; to identify beach features/patterns; and to evaluate the changes and integrity (health) of the coastal lagoon habitats. For effective management of these ecosystems, it is essential to have satellite data available and complementary accurate information about the current state of the coastal regions, in addition to well-informed forecasts about its future state. In recent years, the use of space, air and ground-based RS strategies has allowed for the rapid data collection, Image processing (Pixel-Based and Object-Based Image Analysis (OBIA) classification) and dissemination of such information to reduce vulnerability to natural hazards, anthropic pressures, and to monitoring essential ecological processes, life support systems and biological diversityinfo:eu-repo/semantics/submittedVersio

    Moving to the RADARSAT Constellation Mission: Comparing Synthesized Compact Polarimetry and Dual Polarimetry Data with Fully Polarimetric RADARSAT-2 Data for Image Classification of Peatlands

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    For this research, the Random Forest (RF) classifier was used to evaluate the potential of simulated RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) data for mapping landcover within peatlands. Alfred Bog, a large peatland complex in Southern Ontario, was used as a test case. The goal of this research was to prepare for the launch of the upcoming RCM by evaluating three simulated RCM polarizations for mapping landcover within peatlands. We examined (1) if a lower RCM noise equivalent sigma zero (NESZ) affects classification accuracy, (2) which variables are most important for classification, and (3) whether classification accuracy is affected by the use of simulated RCM data in place of the fully polarimetric RADARSAT-2. Results showed that the two RCM NESZs (−25 dB and −19 dB) and three polarizations (compact polarimetry, HH+HV, and VV+VH) that were evaluated were all able to achieve acceptable classification accuracies when combined with optical data and a digital elevation model (DEM). Optical variables were consistently ranked to be the most important for mapping landcover within peatlands, bu

    Remote Sensing of Environmental Changes in Cold Regions

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    This Special Issue gathers papers reporting recent advances in the remote sensing of cold regions. It includes contributions presenting improvements in modeling microwave emissions from snow, assessment of satellite-based sea ice concentration products, satellite monitoring of ice jam and glacier lake outburst floods, satellite mapping of snow depth and soil freeze/thaw states, near-nadir interferometric imaging of surface water bodies, and remote sensing-based assessment of high arctic lake environment and vegetation recovery from wildfire disturbances in Alaska. A comprehensive review is presented to summarize the achievements, challenges, and opportunities of cold land remote sensing
