265 research outputs found

    이기종 무선 네트워크에서의 협대역 시스템 보호 기법

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    학위논문 (박사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 전기·컴퓨터공학부, 2013. 8. 김종권.최근 다양한 무선 네트워크 기술들(와이파이, 블루투스, 지그비)이 2.4GHz 대역의 ISM 밴드에 공존함으로 인하여 이들 간의 상호공존이 큰 문제로 나타나고있다. 특히 지그비 네트워크는 현저히 높은 전송 파워로 통신하는 와이파이 네트워크가 동일한 주파수 대역에 존재할 때 통신이 불가능해 질 정도의 심각한 성능 저하를 겪게 된다. 본 논문에서는 지그비 네트워크의 통신을 와이파이 네트워크의 간섭으로 부터 보호할 수 있는 좁은 대역 보호 방법(Narrow Band Protection)을 제안한다. 자가 감지 보호자는 좁은 대역 보호 방법의 핵심 기술로 사전에 정의된 PN 시퀀스에 대해 상호 상관 기법을 이용하여 스스로 지그비 패킷을 발견할 수 있어 최소한의 오버헤드로 지그비 네트워크를 보호할 수 있다. 또한, 자가 감지 보호자는 신뢰성 있는 상호 상관 기법을 통해 기존 방법에서 발생하는 제어 패킷 손실로 인한 두 네트워크의 이용효율 감소를 대폭 줄일 수 있다. 마지막으로, 시맨틱이 부여된 PN 코드북을 통해 저전력 동작을 수행하는 지그비 네트워크의 다량 패킷 전송을 효율적으로 감지하여 지그비 네트워크의 높은 처리량을 지원해 줄 수 있는 장점이 있다. 제안하고 있는 자가 감지 보호자는 시맨틱이 부여된 PN 시퀀스를 지그비 패킷의 프리앰블(Preamble) 앞에 임베딩 하는 기법을 사용한다. 이는 해당 기법을 적용하지 않는 지그비 노드들의 동기화를 방해하지 않는다. 즉, 좁은 대역 보호 방법은 기존 지그비 네트워크와 하위 호환성(backward compatibility)을 유지하며 기존 방법에 비해 단일 패킷에 대해서 1.77배 가량 높은 처리량을 제공해 줄 수 있으며, 다량 패킷 전송 보호시 보호하는 패킷의 수가 증가함에 따라 선형으로 이득이 증가하게 된다. 또한, 실제 USRP/GNURadio 플랫폼에 핵심 기능을 구현하여 실효성을 입증하였으며, 수학적인 분석과 확장된 NS-2 시뮬레이션을 통해 다양한 시각에서 상호공존 문제를 해석하고 있어 향 후 관련 분야에 큰 기여를 할 연구이다.Recent deployment of various wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and ZigBee in the 2.4GHz ISM band has led to the heterogeneous devices coexistence problem. The coexistence problem is particularly challenging since wireless technologies use different PHY/MAC specifications. This thesis deals with the ZigBee and Wi-Fi coexistence problem where a less capable ZigBee device may often experience unacceptably low throughput due to the interference from a powerful Wi-Fi device. We propose a novel time reservation scheme called Narrow Band Protection (NBP) that uses a protector to guard ongoing ZigBee transmissions. The NBP protector detects a ZigBee transmission by cross-correlating the ZigBee signals with pre-defined Pseudo-random Noise (PN) sequences. A cross-correlation, designed for apprehending certain patterns in signals, not only reduces the control overhead but also guarantees robustness against collisions. In addition, a ZigBee node can still encode its packet length as a PN sequence such that the protector guards a proper length of channel time. We show the feasibility of NBP by implementing it on the USRP/GNURadio platform. We also evaluate the performance of NBP through mathematical analysis and NS-2 simulations. The results show that NBP enhances the ZigBee throughput by up to 1.77x compared to an existing scheme.1 Introduction 1.1 Background 1.2 Goal and Contribution 1.3 Thesis Organization 2 Related Work 2.1 The Cross-technology Interference Problem 2.2 The Cross-technology Interference Solutions 2.3 Signal Correlation 3 Motivation 3.1 Overview of ZigBee and Wi-Fi 3.2 Collision between ZigBee and Wi-Fi packets 3.3 The Limitation of the Protector Approach 4 A Narrow Band Protection Technique 4.1 Overview 4.2 Cross-correlation with PN Codebook 4.3 Protection Coverage 4.4 Protecting Wireless Sensor Networks 4.5 Security Issues 4.6 Discussions 5 Mathematical Analysis 5.1 Assumptions and Notations 5.2 Collision Probability 5.3 Network Performance 5.4 Multiple Packet Transmissions 6 Performance Evaluation 6.1 USRP Experiments 6.2 NS-2 Simulations 7 Conclusion BibliographyDocto

    Evaluation of WiseMAC and extensions onwireless sensornodes

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    In the past five years, many energy-efficient medium access protocols for all kinds of wireless networks (WSNs) have been proposed. Some recently developed protocols focus on sensor networks with low traffic requirements are based on so-called preamble sampling or low-power listening. The WiseMAC protocol is one of the first of this kind and still is one of the most energy-efficient MAC protocols for WSNs with low or varying traffic requirements. However, the high energy-efficiency of WiseMAC has shown to come at the cost of a very limited maximum throughput. In this paper, we evaluate the properties and characteristics of a WiseMAC implementation in simulation and on real sensor hardware. We investigate on the energy-consumption of the prototype using state-of-the-art evaluation methodologies. We further propose and examine an enhancement of the protocol designed to improve the traffic-adaptivity of WiseMAC. By conducting both simulation and real-world experiments, we show that the WiseMAC extension achieves a higher maximum throughput at a slightly increased energy cost both in simulation and real-world experiment

    Wake-up radio systems : design, development, performance evaluation and comparison to conventional medium access control protocols for wireless sensor networks

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    During the recent years, the research related to Wake-up Radio (WuR) systems has gained noticeable interest. In WuR systems, a node initiating a communication first sends a Wake-up Call (WuC) by means of its Wake-up Transmitter (WuTx), to the Wake-up Receiver (WuRx) of a remote node to activate it in an on-demand manner. Until the reception of the WuC, the node's MCU and main data transceiver are in sleep mode. Hence, WuR drastically reduce the power required by wireless nodes. This thesis provides a complete analysis of several WuR designs vs. conventional MAC protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The research is performed in an incremental fashion and includes hardware, softwar and simulation topics. WuR systems enable energy savings in plenty of different applications, e.g., retrieving information from environmental pollution sensors placed in a city by a mobile collector node, or activating a sleeping wireless AP. They are easy to program in and provide implicit synchronization. However, achieving a good WuRx design may become a challenge because power amplifiers cannot be used for the sake of energy. The system proposed in chapter 2 is a successful WuR system prototype. The so-called SµA-WuRx is less complex than commercial WuR systems, it is cheaper from the monetary point of view, requires several times less energy and allows for up to 15 meters of communication, an adequate value for WuR systems. However, the system can be improved by including several desirable features, such as longer operational ranges and/or addressing mechanisms. The so-called Time-Knocking (TicK) addressing strategy, analyzed in chapter 3, enables energy efficient node addressing by varying the time between WuCs received by a MCU. TicK allows for variable length addresses and multicast. A WuR system may not fit any possible application. Thus, while the SµA-WuRx and TicK efficiently solved many of the requirements of single-hop and data-collector applications, they lack of flexibility. Instead, SCM-WuR systems in chapter 4 feature an outstanding trade-off between hardware complexity, current consumption and operational range, and even enable multi-hop wake-up for long remote sensor measure collection. To contextualize the WuR systems developed, chapter 5 provides an overview of the most important WuR systems as of 2014. Developing a MAC protocol which performs acceptably in a wide range of diverse applications is a very difficult task. Comparatively, SCM-WuR systems perform properly in all the use cases (single and multi-hop) presented in chapter 6. Bluetooth Low Energy, or BLE, appears as a duty-cycled MAC protocol mainly targeting single-hop applications. Because of its clearly defined use cases and its integration with its upper application layers, BLE appears as an extremely energy-efficient protocol that cannot be easily replaced by WuR. Because of all these aspects, the performance of BLE is analyzed in chapter 7. Finally, chapter 8 tries to solve one of the issues affecting WuR systems, that is, the need for extra hardware. While this issue seems difficult to solve for WuRx, the chapter provides ideas to use IEEE 802.11-enabled devices as WuTx.Durant els últims anys, la investigació relativa als sistemes de Ràdios de Wake-up (de l'anglès Wake-up Radio, WuR) ha experimentat un interès notable. En aquests sistemes, un node inicia la comunicació inal.làmbrica transmetent una Wake-up Call (WuC), per mitjà del seu transmissor de Wake-up (WuTx), dirigida al receptor de Wake-up (WuRx) del node remot. Aquesta WuC activa el node remot, el microcontrolador (MCU) i la ràdio principals del qual han pogut romandre en mode "sleep" fins el moment. Així doncs, els sistemes WuR permeten un estalvi dràstic de l'energia requerida pels nodes sense fils. Aquesta tesi proposa diferents sistemes WuR i els compara amb protocols MAC existents per a xarxes de sensors sense fils (Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN). La investigació es realitza de forma progressiva i inclou hardware, software i simulació. Els sistemes WuR permeten un estalvi energètic notable en moltes aplicacions: recol¿lecció d'informació ambiental, activació remota de punts d'accés wi-fi, etc. Són fàcils de programar en software i comporten una sincronització implícita entre nodes. Malauradament, un consum energètic mínim impossibilita l'ús d'amplificadors de potència, i dissenyar-los esdevé un repte. El sistema presentat en el capítol 2 és un prototip exitós de sistema WuR. De nom SµA-WuR, és més senzill que alternatives comercials, és més econòmic, requereix menys energia i permet distàncies de comunicació WuR majors, de fins a 15 metres. L'estratègia d'adreçament Time-KnocKing, presentada en el capítol 3, permet dotar l'anterior SµA-WuR d'una forma d'especificar el node adreçat, permetent estalvi energètic a nivell de xarxa. TicK opera codificant el temps entre diferents WuC. Depenent del temps entre intervals, es desperten el/s node/s desitjats d'una forma extremadament eficient. Tot i els seus beneficis, hi ha aplicacions no implementables amb el sistema SµA-WuR. Per a aquest motiu, en el capítol 4 es presenta el sistema SCM-WuR, que ofereix un rang d'operació de 40 a 100 metres a canvi d'una mínima complexitat hardware afegida. SCM-WuR cobreix el ventall d'aplicacions del sistema SµA-WuRx, i també les que requereixen multi-hop a nivell WuR. El capítol 5 de la tesi compara els dos sistemes WuR anteriors vers les propostes més importants fins el 2014. El capítol 6 inclou un framework de simulació complet amb les bases per a substituir els sistemes basats en duty-cycling a WuR. Degut a que desenvolupar un protocol MAC que operi acceptablement bé en multitud d'aplicacions esdevé una tasca pràcticament impossible, els sistemes WuR presentats amb anterioritat i modelats en aquest capítol representen una solució versàtil, interessant i molt més eficient des del punt de vista energètic. Bluetooth Low Energy, o Smart, o BLE, representa un cas d'aplicació específica on, degut a la gran integració a nivell d'aplicació, la substitució per sistemes de WuR esdevé difícil Per a aquesta raó, i degut a que es tracta d'un protocol MAC extremadament eficient energèticament, aquesta tesi conté una caracterització completa de BLE en el capítol 7. Finalment, el capítol 8 soluciona un dels inconvenients del sistemes WuR, el disseny de WuTx específics, presentant una estratègia per a transformar qualsevol dispositiu IEEE 802.11 en WuTx

    Highly reliable, low-latency communication in low-power wireless networks

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    Low-power wireless networks consist of spatially distributed, resource-constrained devices – also referred to as nodes – that are typically equipped with integrated or external sensors and actuators. Nodes communicate with each other using wireless transceivers, and thus, relay data – e. g., collected sensor values or commands for actuators – cooperatively through the network. This way, low-power wireless networks can support a plethora of different applications, including, e. g., monitoring the air quality in urban areas or controlling the heating, ventilation and cooling of large buildings. The use of wireless communication in such monitoring and actuating applications allows for a higher flexibility and ease of deployment – and thus, overall lower costs – compared to wired solutions. However, wireless communication is notoriously error-prone. Message losses happen often and unpredictably, making it challenging to support applications requiring both high reliability and low latency. Highly reliable, low-latency communication – along with high energy-efficiency – are, however, key requirements to support several important application scenarios and most notably the open-/closed-loop control functions found in e. g., industry and factory automation applications. Communication protocols that rely on synchronous transmissions have been shown to be able to overcome this limitation. These protocols depart from traditional single-link transmissions and do not attempt to avoid concurrent transmissions from different nodes to prevent collisions. On the contrary, they make nodes send the same message at the same time over several paths. Phenomena like constructive interference and capture then ensure that messages are received correctly with high probability. While many approaches relying on synchronous transmissions have been presented in the literature, two important aspects received only little consideration: (i) reliable operation in harsh environments and (ii) support for event-based data traffic. This thesis addresses these two open challenges and proposes novel communication protocols to overcome them

    Pervasive service discovery in low-power and lossy networks

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    Pervasive Service Discovery (SD) in Low-power and Lossy Networks (LLNs) is expected to play a major role in realising the Internet of Things (IoT) vision. Such a vision aims to expand the current Internet to interconnect billions of miniature smart objects that sense and act on our surroundings in a way that will revolutionise the future. The pervasiveness and heterogeneity of such low-power devices requires robust, automatic, interoperable and scalable deployment and operability solutions. At the same time, the limitations of such constrained devices impose strict challenges regarding complexity, energy consumption, time-efficiency and mobility. This research contributes new lightweight solutions to facilitate automatic deployment and operability of LLNs. It mainly tackles the aforementioned challenges through the proposition of novel component-based, automatic and efficient SD solutions that ensure extensibility and adaptability to various LLN environments. Building upon such architecture, a first fully-distributed, hybrid pushpull SD solution dubbed EADP (Extensible Adaptable Discovery Protocol) is proposed based on the well-known Trickle algorithm. Motivated by EADPs’ achievements, new methods to optimise Trickle are introduced. Such methods allow Trickle to encompass a wide range of algorithms and extend its usage to new application domains. One of the new applications is concretized in the TrickleSD protocol aiming to build automatic, reliable, scalable, and time-efficient SD. To optimise the energy efficiency of TrickleSD, two mechanisms improving broadcast communication in LLNs are proposed. Finally, interoperable standards-based SD in the IoT is demonstrated, and methods combining zero-configuration operations with infrastructure-based solutions are proposed. Experimental evaluations of the above contributions reveal that it is possible to achieve automatic, cost-effective, time-efficient, lightweight, and interoperable SD in LLNs. These achievements open novel perspectives for zero-configuration capabilities in the IoT and promise to bring the ‘things’ to all people everywhere

    Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4a ultra wideband physical layer through wireless sensor network simulations in OMNET++

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    Wireless Sensor Networks are the main representative of pervasive computing in large-scale physical environments. These networks consist of a large number of small, wireless devices embedded in the physical world to be used for surveillance, environmental monitoring or other data capture, processing and transfer applications. Ultra wideband has emerged as one of the newest and most promising concepts for wireless technology. Considering all its advantages it seems a likely communication technology candidate for future wireless sensor networks. This paper considers the viability of ultra wideband technology in wireless sensor networks by employing an IEEE 802.15.4a low-rate ultra wideband physical layer model in the OMNET++ simulation environment. An elaborate investigation into the inner workings of the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB physical layer is performed. Simulation experiments are used to provide a detailed analysis of the performance of the IEEE 802.15.4a UWB physical layer over several communication distances. A proposal for a cognitive, adaptive communication approach to optimize for speed and distance is also presented. AFRIKAANS : Draadlose Sensor Netwerke is die hoof verteenwoordiger vir deurdringende rekenarisering in groot skaal fisiese omgewings. Hierdie tipe netwerke bestaan uit ’n groot aantal klein, draadlose apparate wat in die fisiese wêreld ingesluit word vir die doel van bewaking, omgewings monitering en vele ander data opvang, verwerk en oordrag applikasies. Ultra wyeband het opgestaan as een van die nuutste en mees belowend konsepte vir draadlose kommunikasie tegnologie. As al die voordele van dié kommunikasie tegnologie in ag geneem word, blyk dit om ’n baie goeie kandidaat te wees vir gebruik in toekomstige draadlose sensor netwerke. Hierdie verhandeling oorweeg die vatbaarheid van die gebruik van die ultra wyeband tegnologie in draadlose sensor netwerke deur ’n IEEE 802.15.4a lae-tempo ultra wyeband fisiese laag model in die OMNET++ simulasie omgewing toe te pas. ’n Breedvoerige ondersoek word geloots om die fyn binneste werking van die IEEE 802.15.4a UWB fisiese laag te verstaan. Simulasie eksperimente word gebruik om ’n meer gedetaileerde analiese omtrent die werkverrigting van die IEEE 802.15.4a UWB fisiese laag te verkry oor verskillende kommunikasie afstande. ’n Voorstel vir ’n omgewings bewuste, aanpasbare kommunikasie tegniek word bespreek met die doel om die spoed en afstand van kommunikasie te optimiseer.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Enhancing Mobility in Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In the early stages of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), low data rate traffic patterns are assumed as applications have a single purpose with simple sensing task and data packets are generated at a rate of minutes or hours. As such, most of the proposed communication protocols focus on energy efficiency rather than high throughput. Emerging high data rate applications motivate bulk data transfer protocols to achieve high throughput. The basic idea is to enable nodes to transmit a sequence of packets in burst once they obtain a medium. However, due to the low-power, low-cost nature, the transceiver used in wireless sensor networks is prone to packet loss. Especially when the transmitters are mobile, packet loss becomes worse. To reduce the energy expenditure caused by packet loss and retransmission, a burst transmission scheme is required that can adapt to the link dynamics and estimate the number of packets to transmit in burst. As the mobile node is moving within the network, it cannot always maintain a stable link with one specific stationary node. When link deterioration is constantly detected, the mobile node has to initiate a handover process to seamlessly transfer the communication to a new relay node before the current link breaks. For this reason, it is vital for a mobile node to (1) determine whether a fluctuation in link quality eventually results in a disconnection, (2) foresee potential disconnection well ahead of time and establish an alternative link before the disconnection occurs, and (3) seamlessly transfer communication to the new link. In this dissertation, we focus on dealing with burst transmission and handover issues in low power mobile wireless sensor networks. To this end, we begin with designing a novel mobility enabled testing framework as the evaluation testbed for all our remaining studies. We then perform an empirical study to investigate the link characteristics in mobile environments. Using these observations as guidelines, we propose three algorithms related to mobility that will improve network performance in terms of latency and throughput: i) Mobility Enabled Testing Framework (MobiLab). Considering the high fluctuation of link quality during mobility, protocols supporting mobile wireless sensor nodes should be rigorously tested to ensure that they produce predictable outcomes before actual deployment. Furthermore, considering the typical size of wireless sensor networks and the number of parameters that can be configured or tuned, conducting repeated and reproducible experiments can be both time consuming and costly. The conventional method for evaluating the performance of different protocols and algorithms under different network configurations is to change the source code and reprogram the testbed, which requires considerable effort. To this end, we present a mobility enabled testbed for carrying out repeated and reproducible experiments, independent of the application or protocol types which should be tested. The testbed consists of, among others, a server side control station and a client side traffic ow controller which coordinates inter- and intra-experiment activities. ii) Adaptive Burst Transmission Scheme for Dynamic Environment. Emerging high data rate applications motivate bulk data transfer protocol to achieve high throughput. The basic idea is to enable nodes to transmit a sequence of packets in burst once they obtain a medium. Due to the low-power and low-cost nature, the transceiver used in wireless sensor networks is prone to packet loss. When the transmitter is mobile, packet loss becomes even worse. The existing bulk data transfer protocols are not energy efficient since they keep their radios on even while a large number of consecutive packet losses occur. To address this challenge, we propose an adaptive burst transmission scheme (ABTS). In the design of the ABTS, we estimate the expected duration in which the quality of a specific link remains stable using the conditional distribution function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of received acknowledgment packets. We exploit the expected duration to determine the number of packets to transmit in burst and the duration of the sleeping period. iii) Kalman Filter Based Handover Triggering Algorithm (KMF). Maintaining a stable link in mobile wireless sensor network is challenging. In the design of the KMF, we utilized combined link quality metrics in physical and link layers, such as Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and packet success rate (PSR), to estimate link quality fluctuation online. Then Kalman filter is adopted to predict link dynamics ahead of time. If a predicted link quality fulfills handover trigger criterion, a handover process will be initiated to discover alternative relay nodes and establish a new link before the disconnection occurs. iv) Mobile Sender Initiated MAC Protocol (MSI-MAC). In cellular networks, mobile stations are always associated with the nearest base station through intra- and inter-cellular handover. The underlying process is that the quality of an established link is continually evaluated and handover decisions are made by resource rich base stations. In wireless sensor networks, should a seamless handover be carried out, the task has to be accomplished by energy-constraint, resource-limited, and low-power wireless sensor nodes in a distributed manner. To this end, we present MSI-MAC, a mobile sender initiated MAC protocol to enable seamless handover

    Enhancing Mobility in Low Power Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In the early stages of wireless sensor networks (WSNs), low data rate traffic patterns are assumed as applications have a single purpose with simple sensing task and data packets are generated at a rate of minutes or hours. As such, most of the proposed communication protocols focus on energy efficiency rather than high throughput. Emerging high data rate applications motivate bulk data transfer protocols to achieve high throughput. The basic idea is to enable nodes to transmit a sequence of packets in burst once they obtain a medium. However, due to the low-power, low-cost nature, the transceiver used in wireless sensor networks is prone to packet loss. Especially when the transmitters are mobile, packet loss becomes worse. To reduce the energy expenditure caused by packet loss and retransmission, a burst transmission scheme is required that can adapt to the link dynamics and estimate the number of packets to transmit in burst. As the mobile node is moving within the network, it cannot always maintain a stable link with one specific stationary node. When link deterioration is constantly detected, the mobile node has to initiate a handover process to seamlessly transfer the communication to a new relay node before the current link breaks. For this reason, it is vital for a mobile node to (1) determine whether a fluctuation in link quality eventually results in a disconnection, (2) foresee potential disconnection well ahead of time and establish an alternative link before the disconnection occurs, and (3) seamlessly transfer communication to the new link. In this dissertation, we focus on dealing with burst transmission and handover issues in low power mobile wireless sensor networks. To this end, we begin with designing a novel mobility enabled testing framework as the evaluation testbed for all our remaining studies. We then perform an empirical study to investigate the link characteristics in mobile environments. Using these observations as guidelines, we propose three algorithms related to mobility that will improve network performance in terms of latency and throughput: i) Mobility Enabled Testing Framework (MobiLab). Considering the high fluctuation of link quality during mobility, protocols supporting mobile wireless sensor nodes should be rigorously tested to ensure that they produce predictable outcomes before actual deployment. Furthermore, considering the typical size of wireless sensor networks and the number of parameters that can be configured or tuned, conducting repeated and reproducible experiments can be both time consuming and costly. The conventional method for evaluating the performance of different protocols and algorithms under different network configurations is to change the source code and reprogram the testbed, which requires considerable effort. To this end, we present a mobility enabled testbed for carrying out repeated and reproducible experiments, independent of the application or protocol types which should be tested. The testbed consists of, among others, a server side control station and a client side traffic ow controller which coordinates inter- and intra-experiment activities. ii) Adaptive Burst Transmission Scheme for Dynamic Environment. Emerging high data rate applications motivate bulk data transfer protocol to achieve high throughput. The basic idea is to enable nodes to transmit a sequence of packets in burst once they obtain a medium. Due to the low-power and low-cost nature, the transceiver used in wireless sensor networks is prone to packet loss. When the transmitter is mobile, packet loss becomes even worse. The existing bulk data transfer protocols are not energy efficient since they keep their radios on even while a large number of consecutive packet losses occur. To address this challenge, we propose an adaptive burst transmission scheme (ABTS). In the design of the ABTS, we estimate the expected duration in which the quality of a specific link remains stable using the conditional distribution function of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of received acknowledgment packets. We exploit the expected duration to determine the number of packets to transmit in burst and the duration of the sleeping period. iii) Kalman Filter Based Handover Triggering Algorithm (KMF). Maintaining a stable link in mobile wireless sensor network is challenging. In the design of the KMF, we utilized combined link quality metrics in physical and link layers, such as Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and packet success rate (PSR), to estimate link quality fluctuation online. Then Kalman filter is adopted to predict link dynamics ahead of time. If a predicted link quality fulfills handover trigger criterion, a handover process will be initiated to discover alternative relay nodes and establish a new link before the disconnection occurs. iv) Mobile Sender Initiated MAC Protocol (MSI-MAC). In cellular networks, mobile stations are always associated with the nearest base station through intra- and inter-cellular handover. The underlying process is that the quality of an established link is continually evaluated and handover decisions are made by resource rich base stations. In wireless sensor networks, should a seamless handover be carried out, the task has to be accomplished by energy-constraint, resource-limited, and low-power wireless sensor nodes in a distributed manner. To this end, we present MSI-MAC, a mobile sender initiated MAC protocol to enable seamless handover

    Ultra Low Power Communication Protocols for UWB Impulse Radio Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This thesis evaluates the potential of Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio for wireless sensor network applications. Wireless sensor networks are collections of small electronic devices composed of one or more sensors to acquire information on their environment, an energy source (typically a battery), a microcontroller to control the measurements, process the information and communicate with its peers, and a radio transceiver to enable these communications. They are used to regularly collect information within their deployment area, often for very long periods of time (up to several years). The large number of devices often considered, as well as the long deployment durations, makes any manual intervention complex and costly. Therefore, these networks must self-configure, and automatically adapt to changes in their electromagnetic environment (channel variations, interferers) and network topology modifications: some nodes may run out of energy, or suffer from a hardware failure. Ultra Wideband Impulse Radio is a novel wireless technology that, thanks to its extremely large bandwidth, is more robust to frequency dependent propagation effects. Its impulsional nature makes it robust to multipath fading, as the short duration of the pulses leads most multipath components to arrive isolated. This technology should also enable high precision ranging through time of flight measurements, and operate at ultra low power levels. The main challenge is to design a system that reaches the same or higher degree of energy savings as existing narrowband systems considering all the protocol layers. As these radios are not yet widely available, the first part of this thesis presents Maximum Pulse Amplitude Estimation, a novel approach to symbol-level modeling of UWB-IR systems that enabled us to implement the first network simulator of devices compatible with the UWB physical layer of the IEEE 802.15.4A standard for wireless sensor networks. In the second part of this thesis, WideMac, a novel ultra low power MAC protocol specifically designed for UWB-IR devices is presented. It uses asynchronous duty cycling of the radio transceiver to minimize the power consumption, combined with periodic beacon emissions so that devices can learn each other's wake-up patterns and exchange packets. After an analytical study of the protocol, the network simulation tool presented in the first part of the thesis is used to evaluate the performance of WideMac in a medical body area network application. It is compared to two narrowband and an FM-UWB solutions. The protocol stack parameters are optimized for each solution, and it is observed that WideMac combined to UWB-IR is a credible technology for such applications. Similar simulations, considering this time a static multi-hop network are performed. It is found that WideMac and UWB-IR perform as well as a mature and highly optimized narrowband solution (based on the WiseMAC ULP MAC protocol), despite the lack of clear channel assessment functionality on the UWB radio. The last part of this thesis studies analytically a dual mode MAC protocol named WideMac-High Availability. It combines the Ultra Low PowerWideMac with the higher performance Aloha protocol, so that ultra low power consumption and hence long deployment times can be combined with high performance low latency communications when required by the application. The potential of this scheme is quantified, and it is proposed to adapt it to narrowband radio transceivers by combining WiseMAC and CSMA under the name WiseMAC-HA