15 research outputs found

    An elitism-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for min-cost network disintegration

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    Network disintegration or strengthening is a significant problem, which is widely used in infrastructure construction, social networks, infectious disease prevention and so on. But most studies assume that the cost of attacking anyone node is equal. In this paper, we investigate the robustness of complex networks under a more realistic assumption that costs are functions of degrees of nodes. A multi-objective, elitism-based, evolutionary algorithm (MOEEA) is proposed for the network disintegration problem with heterogeneous costs. By defining a new unit cost influence measure of the target attack node and combining with an elitism strategy, some combination nodes’ information can be retained. Through an ingenious update mechanism, this information is passed on to the next generation to guide the population to move to more promising regions, which can improve the rate of convergence of the proposed algorithm. A series of experiments have been carried out on four benchmark networks and some model networks, the results show that our method performs better than five other state-of-the-art attack strategies. MOEEA can usually find min-cost network disintegration solutions. Simultaneously, through testing different cost functions, we find that the stronger the cost heterogeneity, the better performance of our algorithm

    Meta-Analysis of Differentiating Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Gene Expression Kinetics Reveals Early Change of a Small Gene Set

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    Stem cell differentiation involves critical changes in gene expression. Identification of these should provide endpoints useful for optimizing stem cell propagation as well as potential clues about mechanisms governing stem cell maintenance. Here we describe the results of a new meta-analysis methodology applied to multiple gene expression datasets from three mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) lines obtained at specific time points during the course of their differentiation into various lineages. We developed methods to identify genes with expression changes that correlated with the altered frequency of functionally defined, undifferentiated ESC in culture. In each dataset, we computed a novel statistical confidence measure for every gene which captured the certainty that a particular gene exhibited an expression pattern of interest within that dataset. This permitted a joint analysis of the datasets, despite the different experimental designs. Using a ranking scheme that favored genes exhibiting patterns of interest, we focused on the top 88 genes whose expression was consistently changed when ESC were induced to differentiate. Seven of these (103728_at, 8430410A17Rik, Klf2, Nr0b1, Sox2, Tcl1, and Zfp42) showed a rapid decrease in expression concurrent with a decrease in frequency of undifferentiated cells and remained predictive when evaluated in additional maintenance and differentiating protocols. Through a novel meta-analysis, this study identifies a small set of genes whose expression is useful for identifying changes in stem cell frequencies in cultures of mouse ESC. The methods and findings have broader applicability to understanding the regulation of self-renewal of other stem cell types

    Temporal Aspects in Air Quality Modeling—A Case Study in Wrocław:

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    Anthropogenic environmental pollution is a known and indisputable issue, and the importance of searching for reliable mathematical models that help understanding the underlying process is witnessed by the extensive literature on the topic. In this article, we focus on the temporal aspects of the processes that govern the concentration of pollutants using typical explanatory variables, such as meteorological values and traffic flows. We develop a novel technique based on multiobjective optimization and linear regression to find optimal delays for each variable, and then we apply such delays to our data to evaluate the improvement that can be obtained with respect to learning an explanatory model with standard techniques. We found that optimizing delays can, in some cases, improve the accuracy of the final model up to 15%

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Computer scienc

    Multiobjective Level-Wise Scientific Workflow Optimization in IaaS Public Cloud Environment

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    A Multi Agent System for Flow-Based Intrusion Detection Using Reputation and Evolutionary Computation

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    The rising sophistication of cyber threats as well as the improvement of physical computer network properties present increasing challenges to contemporary Intrusion Detection (ID) techniques. To respond to these challenges, a multi agent system (MAS) coupled with flow-based ID techniques may effectively complement traditional ID systems. This paper develops: 1) a scalable software architecture for a new, self-organized, multi agent, flow-based ID system; and 2) a network simulation environment suitable for evaluating implementations of this MAS architecture and for other research purposes. Self-organization is achieved via 1) a reputation system that influences agent mobility in the search for effective vantage points in the network; and 2) multi objective evolutionary algorithms that seek effective operational parameter values. This paper illustrates, through quantitative and qualitative evaluation, 1) the conditions for which the reputation system provides a significant benefit; and 2) essential functionality of a complex network simulation environment supporting a broad range of malicious activity scenarios. These results establish an optimistic outlook for further research in flow-based multi agent systems for ID in computer networks

    Bio-inspired optimization algorithms for multi-objective problems

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    Orientador : Aurora Trinidad Ramirez PozoCoorientador : Roberto Santana HermidaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Exatas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Informática. Defesa: Curitiba, 06/03/2017Inclui referências : f. 161-72Área de concentração : Computer ScienceResumo: Problemas multi-objetivo (MOPs) são caracterizados por terem duas ou mais funções objetivo a serem otimizadas simultaneamente. Nestes problemas, a meta é encontrar um conjunto de soluções não-dominadas geralmente chamado conjunto ótimo de Pareto cuja imagem no espaço de objetivos é chamada frente de Pareto. MOPs que apresentam mais de três funções objetivo a serem otimizadas são conhecidos como problemas com muitos objetivos (MaOPs) e vários estudos indicam que a capacidade de busca de algoritmos baseados em Pareto é severamente deteriorada nesses problemas. O desenvolvimento de otimizadores bio-inspirados para enfrentar MOPs e MaOPs é uma área que vem ganhando atenção na comunidade, no entanto, existem muitas oportunidades para inovar. O algoritmo de enxames de partículas multi-objetivo (MOPSO) é um dos algoritmos bio-inspirados adequados para ser modificado e melhorado, principalmente devido à sua simplicidade, flexibilidade e bons resultados. Para melhorar a capacidade de busca de MOPSOs, seguimos duas linhas de pesquisa diferentes: A primeira foca em métodos de líder e arquivamento. Trabalhos anteriores apontaram que esses componentes podem influenciar no desempenho do algoritmo, porém a seleção desses componentes pode ser dependente do problema. Uma alternativa para selecioná-los dinamicamente é empregando hiper-heurísticas. Ao combinar hiper-heurísticas e MOPSO, desenvolvemos um novo framework chamado H-MOPSO. A segunda linha de pesquisa também é baseada em trabalhos anteriores do grupo que focam em múltiplos enxames. Isso é feito selecionando como base o framework multi-enxame iterado (I-Multi), cujo procedimento de busca pode ser dividido em busca de diversidade e busca com múltiplos enxames, e a última usa agrupamento para dividir um enxame em vários sub-enxames. Para melhorar o desempenho do I-Multi, exploramos duas possibilidades: a primeira foi investigar o efeito de diferentes características do mecanismo de agrupamento do I-Multi. A segunda foi investigar alternativas para melhorar a convergência de cada sub-enxame, como hibridizá-lo com um algoritmo de estimativa de distribuição (EDA). Este trabalho com EDA aumentou nosso interesse nesta abordagem, portanto seguimos outra linha de pesquisa, investigando alternativas para criar versões multi-objetivo de um dos EDAs mais poderosos da literatura, chamado estratégia de evolução baseada na adaptação da matriz de covariância (CMA-ES). Para validar o nosso trabalho, vários estudos empíricos foram conduzidos para investigar a capacidade de busca das abordagens propostas. Em todos os estudos, nossos algoritmos investigados alcançaram resultados competitivos ou melhores do que algoritmos bem estabelecidos da literatura. Palavras-chave: multi-objetivo, algoritmo de estimativa de distribuição, otimização por enxame de partículas, multiplos enxames, híper-heuristicas.Abstract: Multi-Objective Problems (MOPs) are characterized by having two or more objective functions to be simultaneously optimized. In these problems, the goal is to find a set of non-dominated solutions usually called Pareto optimal set whose image in the objective space is called Pareto front. MOPs presenting more than three objective functions to be optimized are known as Many-Objective Problems (MaOPs) and several studies indicate that the search ability of Pareto-based algorithms is severely deteriorated in such problems. The development of bio-inspired optimizers to tackle MOPs and MaOPs is a field that has been gaining attention in the community, however there are many opportunities to innovate. Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) is one of the bio-inspired algorithms suitable to be modified and improved, mostly due to its simplicity, flexibility and good results. To enhance the search ability of MOPSOs, we followed two different research lines: The first focus on leader and archiving methods. Previous works have pointed that these components can influence the algorithm performance, however the selection of these components can be problem-dependent. An alternative to dynamically select them is by employing hyper-heuristics. By combining hyper-heuristics and MOPSO, we developed a new framework called H-MOPSO. The second research line, is also based on previous works of the group that focus on multi-swarm. This is done by selecting as base framework the iterated multi swarm (I-Multi) algorithm, whose search procedure can be divided into diversity and multi-swarm searches, and the latter employs clustering to split a swarm into several sub-swarms. In order to improve the performance of I-Multi, we explored two possibilities: the first was to further investigate the effect of different characteristics of the clustering mechanism of I-Multi. The second was to investigate alternatives to improve the convergence of each sub-swarm, like hybridizing it to an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm (EDA). This work on EDA increased our interest in this approach, hence we followed another research line by investigating alternatives to create multi-objective versions of one of the most powerful EDAs from the literature, the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES). In order to validate our work, several empirical studies were conducted to investigate the search ability of the approaches proposed. In all studies, our investigated algorithms have reached competitive or better results than well established algorithms from the literature. Keywords: multi-objective, estimation of distribution algorithms, particle swarm optimization, multi-swarm, hyper-heuristics

    Computational intelligence approaches to robotics, automation, and control [Volume guest editors]

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