877 research outputs found

    Quark-nova remnants IV: Application to radio emitting AXP transients

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    (Abridged) XTE J1810-197 and 1E 1547.0-5408 are two transient AXPs exhibiting radio emission with unusual properties. In addition, their spin down rates during outburst show opposite trends, which so far has no explanation. Here, we extend our quark-nova model for AXPs to include transient AXPs, in which the outbursts are caused by transient accretion events from a Keplerian (iron-rich) degenerate ring. For a ring with inner and outer radii of 23.5 km and 26.5 km, respectively, our model gives a good fit to the observed X-ray outburst from XTE J1810-197 and the behavior of temperature, luminosity, and area of the two X-ray blackbodies with time. The two blackbodies in our model are related to a heat front (i.e. Bohm diffusion front) propagating along the ring's surface and an accretion hot spot on the quark star surface. Radio pulsations in our model are caused by dissipation at the light cylinder of magnetic bubbles, produced near the ring during the X-ray outburst. The delay between X-ray peak emission and radio emission in our model is related to the propagation time of these bubbles to the light cylinder. We predict a ~1 year and ~1 month delay for XTE J1810-197 and 1E 1547.0-5408, respectively. The observed flat spectrum, erratic pulse profile, and the pulse duration are all explained in our model as a result of X-point reconnection events induced by the dissipation of the bubbles at the light cylinder. The spin down rate of the central quark star can either increase or decrease depending on how the radial drift velocity of the magnetic islands changes with distance from the central star. We suggest an evolutionary connection between transient AXPs and typical AXPs in our model.Comment: 16 journal pages, 4 figures and 1 table [Version accepted for publication in A&A

    Time as an operator/observable in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics

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    The nonrelativistic Schroedinger equation for motion of a structureless particle in four-dimensional space-time entails a well-known expression for the conserved four-vector field of local probability density and current that are associated with a quantum state solution to the equation. Under the physical assumption that each spatial, as well as the temporal, component of this current is observable, the position in time becomes an operator and an observable in that the weighted average value of the time of the particle's crossing of a complete hyperplane can be simply defined: ... When the space-time coordinates are (t,x,y,z), the paper analyzes in detail the case that the hyperplane is of the type z=constant. Particles can cross such a hyperplane in either direction, so it proves convenient to introduce an indefinite metric, and correspondingly a sesquilinear inner product with non-Hilbert space structure, for the space of quantum states on such a surface. >... A detailed formalism for computing average crossing times on a z=constant hyperplane, and average dwell times and delay times for a zone of interaction between a pair of z=constant hyperplanes, is presented.Comment: 31 pages, no figures. Differs from published version by minor corrections and additions, and two citation

    Braking down an accreting protostar: disc-locking, disc winds, stellar winds, X-winds and Magnetospheric Ejecta

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    Classical T Tauri stars are low mass young forming stars that are surrounded by a circumstellar accretion disc from which they gain mass. Despite this accretion and their own contraction that should both lead to their spin up, these stars seem to conserve instead an almost constant rotational period as long as the disc is maintained. Several scenarios have been proposed in the literature in order to explain this puzzling "disc-locking" situation: either deposition in the disc of the stellar angular momentum by the stellar magnetosphere or its ejection through winds, providing thereby an explanation of jets from Young Stellar Objects. In this lecture, these various mechanisms will be critically detailed, from the physics of the star-disc interaction to the launching of self-confined jets (disc winds, stellar winds, X-winds, conical winds). It will be shown that no simple model can account alone for the whole bulk of observational data and that "disc locking" requires a combination of some of them.Comment: 60 pages, 29 figures Lecture held in Evry Schatzman School 201

    Axion Searches

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    The strong CP problem and its resolution through the existence of an axion are briefly reviewed. The constraints on the axion from accelerator searches, from the evolution of red giants and from supernova SN1987a combine to require ma<3103m_a < 3 \cdot 10^{-3} eV, where mam_a is the axion mass. On the other hand, the constraint that axions do not overclose the universe implies m_a \gtwid 10^{-6} eV. If ma105m_a \sim 10^{-5} eV, axions contribute significantly to the cosmological energy density in the form of cold dark matter. Dark matter axions can be detected by resonant conversion to microwave photons in a cavity permeated by a static magnetic field and tuned to the axion mass. Experiments using this effect are described, as well as several other types of axion searches.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, based on talks at the TAUP99 Conference (Sept. 6-10, 1999, Paris, France) and at Adrianfest (Sept. 24-25, 1999, Rochester, NY

    Accretion funnels onto weakly magnetized young stars

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    Aims : We re-examine the conditions required to steadily deviate an accretion flow from a circumstellar disc into a magnetospheric funnel flow onto a slow rotating young forming star. Methods : New analytical constraints on the formation of accretion funnels flows due to the presence of a dipolar stellar magnetic field disrupting the disc are derived. The Versatile Advection Code is used to confirm these constraints numerically. Axisymmetric MHD simulations are performed, where a stellar dipole field enters the resistive accretion disc, whose structure is self-consistently computed. Results : The analytical criterion derived allows to predict a priori the position of the truncation radius from a non perturbative accretion disc model. Accretion funnels are found to be robust features which occur below the co-rotation radius, where the stellar poloidal magnetic pressure becomes both at equipartition with the disc thermal pressure and is comparable to the disc poloidal ram pressure. We confirm the results of Romanova et al. 2002 and find accretion funnels for stellar dipole fields as low as 140 G in the low accretion rate limit of 109M.yr110^{-9} M_\odot.yr^{-1}. With our present numerical setup with no disc magnetic field, we found no evidence of winds, neither disc driven nor X-winds, and the star is only spun up by its interaction with the disc. Conclusions : Weak dipole fields, similar in magnitude to those observed, lead to the development of accretion funnel flows in weakly accreting T Tauri stars. However, the higher accretion observed for most T Tauri stars (M˙108M.yr1{\dot M} \sim 10^{-8} M_\odot.yr^{-1}) requires either larger stellar field strength and/or different magnetic topologies to allow for magnetospheric accretion.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted in A&

    Nonlinear optical response of a gold surface in the visible range: A study by two-color sum-frequency generation spectroscopy. III. Simulations of the experimental SFG intensities

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    International audienceWe model the amplitude line shape and absolute phase of the infrared-visible sum-frequency signals produced by a thiolated polycrystalline gold surface as a function of the visible wavelength. We follow two hypotheses: in the interband scenario, the resonant features are attributed to interband transitions, whereas in the effective surface state scenario, they stem mostly from the excitation of surface transitions. We find that both scenarios lead to a satisfactory account of the experimental data and that only free electrons may spill out of the gold bulk, as expected. For the interband scenario, the balance between free and bound electron contributions to sum-frequency generation has to be adjusted to fit the data. The surface transitions are shown to take their origin inside gold and we investigate the surface states involved in such transitions, with a comparison to the silver surfaces. We finally provide a work program dedicated to discriminate between the two scenarios

    Parametric Level Set Methods for Inverse Problems

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    In this paper, a parametric level set method for reconstruction of obstacles in general inverse problems is considered. General evolution equations for the reconstruction of unknown obstacles are derived in terms of the underlying level set parameters. We show that using the appropriate form of parameterizing the level set function results a significantly lower dimensional problem, which bypasses many difficulties with traditional level set methods, such as regularization, re-initialization and use of signed distance function. Moreover, we show that from a computational point of view, low order representation of the problem paves the path for easier use of Newton and quasi-Newton methods. Specifically for the purposes of this paper, we parameterize the level set function in terms of adaptive compactly supported radial basis functions, which used in the proposed manner provides flexibility in presenting a larger class of shapes with fewer terms. Also they provide a "narrow-banding" advantage which can further reduce the number of active unknowns at each step of the evolution. The performance of the proposed approach is examined in three examples of inverse problems, i.e., electrical resistance tomography, X-ray computed tomography and diffuse optical tomography