9 research outputs found

    Towards a contextual model for data quality in precision agriculture

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    Precision agriculture is a farming management concept, based on the crop variability in the field; it comprises several stages: data collection, information processing and decision-making. After an extensive review of the literature, it appears that data quality control is an important process in precision agriculture and can be considered in the data collection process. This paper makes an approach to data architecture quality control by applying the contextual information of the acquisition system (sad) and environment context information. This approach can provide the sad the capability to understand the situations of their environment in order to improve the quality of data for decision-making.La agricultura de precisión es un concepto agronómico de gestión de parcelas agrícolas, basado en la existencia de variabilidad en campo; comprende varias etapas: recolección de datos, procesamiento de información y toma de decisiones. Después de una extensa revisión de la literatura, se observa que el control de calidad de los datos es un proceso muy importante para agricultura de precisión que puede ser considerado en la recolección de datos. En este artículo se da una aproximación a una arquitectura de control de calidad de datos utilizando la información de contexto del sistema de adquisición (SAD) y el medio ambiente. Este enfoque puede proporcionar a los SAD la capacidad de comprender las situaciones de su entorno con el fin de mejorar la calidad de datos para la toma de decisiones

    Optimal data collection in wireless sensor networks with correlated energy harvesting

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    We study the optimal data collection rate in a hybrid wireless sensor network where sensor data is collected by mobile sinks. In such networks, there is a trade-off between the cost of data collection and the timeliness of the data. We further assume that the sensor node under study harvests its energy from its environment. Such energy harvesting sensors ideally operate energy neutral, meaning that they can harvest the necessary energy to sense and transmit data, and have on-board rechargeable batteries to level out energy harvesting fluctuations. Even with batteries, fluctuations in energy harvesting can considerably affect performance, as it is not at all unlikely that a sensor node runs out of energy, and is neither able to sense nor to transmit data. The energy harvesting process also influences the cost vs. timeliness trade-off as additional data collection requires additional energy as well. To study this trade-off, we propose an analytic model for the value of the information that a sensor node brings to decision-making. We account for the timeliness of the data by discounting the value of the information at the sensor over time, we adopt the energy chunk approach (i.e. discretise the energy level) to track energy harvesting and expenditure over time, and introduce correlation in the energy harvesting process to study its influence on the optimal collection rate

    Sistema de valoración funcional para sistemas de aeronavegación no tripulados a partir de la calidad de la información

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    Unmanned aerial navigation systems are not used in many military and non-military applications. However, these systems are susceptible be operated by hackers partially or completely. Therefore, in this article based on the JDL model for safety assessment of the drone’s framework it is proposed. Metrics for each level of the merger in conjunction with a mapping system in order to determine the dependence of data between different levels are proposed, considering the contextual user ratings.Los sistemas de aeronavegación no tripulados son utilizados en múltiples aplicaciones militares y no militares. Sin embargo, estos sistemas son susceptibles de ser intervenidos por delincuentes informáticos parcial o totalmente. En este artículo se propone un framework basado en el modelo JDL para la evaluación de la seguridad de los drones y se establecen criterios de evaluación de desempeño y de calidad de la información para cada nivel de la fusión, en conjunto con un sistema de mapeo de estas métricas, con el fin de determinar la dependencia de los datos entre diferentes niveles, contemplando la valoración contextual del usuario

    Construction of Urban Design Support System using Cloud Computing Type Virtual Reality and Case Study

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    This paper contributes a design support system based on cloud-computing type virtual reality (cloud-based VR) for urban planning and urban design. A platform for Cloud-based VR technology, i.e. a VR-Cloud server, is used to open a VR dataset to public collaboration over the Internet. The digital attributes representing the design scheme of design concepts includes the land use zone, building regulations, urban design style, and other design details of architectural design, landscape, and traffic/architectural environment/sunshine/wheather/noise/inundation/tsunami/earthquake/evacuati on simulation. Then practice using this cloud-based VR urban design support system is categorized into three applicable case ‘types’, synchronized, distributed synchronized and distributed non-synchronized. The effect of the use of this system in urban design and in urban planning processes is evaluated

    MIFaaS: A Mobile-IoT-Federation-as-a-Service Model for dynamic cooperation of IoT Cloud Providers

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT) arena, a constant evolution is observed towards the deployment of integrated environments, wherein heterogeneous devices pool their capacities to match wide-ranging user requirements. Solutions for efficient and synergistic cooperation among objects are, therefore, required. This paper suggests a novel paradigm to support dynamic cooperation among private/public local clouds of IoT devices. Differently from . device-oriented approaches typical of Mobile Cloud Computing, the proposed paradigm envisages an . IoT Cloud Provider (ICP)-oriented cooperation, which allows all devices belonging to the same private/public owner to participate in the federation process. Expected result from dynamic federations among ICPs is a remarkable increase in the amount of service requests being satisfied. Different from the Fog Computing vision, the network edge provides only management support and supervision to the proposed Mobile-IoT-Federation-as-a-Service (MIFaaS), thus reducing the deployment cost of peripheral micro data centers. The paper proposes a coalition formation game to account for the interest of rational cooperative ICPs in their own payoff. A proof-of-concept performance evaluation confirms that obtained coalition structures not only guarantee the satisfaction of the players' requirements according to their utility function, but also these introduce significant benefits for the cooperating ICPs in terms of number of tasks being successfully assigned

    Distributed optimisation framework for in-network data processing

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    In an information network consisting of different types of communication devices equipped with various types of sensors, it is inevitable that a huge amount of data will be generated. Considering the practical network constraints such as bandwidth and energy limitations, storing, processing and transmitting this very large volume of data is very challenging, if not impossible. However, In-Network Processing (INP) has opened a new door to possible solutions for optimising the utilisation of network resources. INP methods primarily aim to aggregate (e.g., compression, fusion and averaging) data from different sources with the objective of reducing the data volume for further transfer, thus, reducing energy consumption, and increasing the network lifetime. However, processing data often results in an imprecise outcome such as irrelevancy, incompleteness, etc. Therefore, besides characterising the Quality of Information (QoI) in these systems, which is important, it is also crucial to consider the effect of further data processing on the measured QoI associated with each specific piece of information. Typically, the greater the degree of data aggregation, the higher the computation energy cost that is incurred. However, as the volume of data is reduced after aggregation, less energy is needed for subsequent data transmission and reception. Furthermore, aggregation of data can cause deterioration of QoI. Therefore, there is a trade-off among the QoI requirement and energy consumption by computation and communication. We define the optimal data reduction rate parameter as the degree to which data can be efficiently reduced while guaranteeing the required QoI for the end user. Using wireless sensor networks for illustration, we concentrate on designing a distributed framework to facilitate controlling of INP process at each node while satisfying the end user’s QoI requirements. We formulate the INP problem as a non-linear optimisation problem with the objective of minimising the total energy consumption through the network subject to a given QoI requirement for the end user. The proposed problem is intrinsically a non-convex, and, in general, hard to solve. Given the non-convexity and hardness of the problem, we propose a novel approach that can reduce the computation complexity of the problem. Specifically, we prove that under the assumption of uniform parameters’ settings, the complexity of the proposed problem can be reduced significantly, which may be feasible for each node with limited energy supply to carry out the problem computation. Moreover, we propose an optimal solution by transforming the original problem to an equivalent one. Using the theory of duality optimisation, we prove that under a set of reasonable cost and topology assumptions, the optimal solution can be efficiently, obtained despite the non-convexity of the problem. Furthermore, we propose an effective and efficient distributed, iterative algorithm that can converge to the optimal solution. We evaluate our proposed complexity reduction framework under different parameter settings, and show that the problem with N variables can be reduced to the problem with logN variables presenting a significant reduction in the complexity of the problem. The validity and performance of the proposed distributed optimisation framework has been evaluated through extensive simulation. We show that the proposed distributed algorithm can converge to the optimal solution very fast. The behaviour of the proposed framework has been examined under different parameters’ setting, and checked against the optimal solution obtained via an exhaustive search algorithm. The results show the quick and efficient convergences for the proposed algorithm.Open Acces

    Cognitive Models and Computational Approaches for improving Situation Awareness Systems

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    2016 - 2017The world of Internet of Things is pervaded by complex environments with smart services available every time and everywhere. In such a context, a serious open issue is the capability of information systems to support adaptive and collaborative decision processes in perceiving and elaborating huge amounts of data. This requires the design and realization of novel socio-technical systems based on the “human-in-the-loop” paradigm. The presence of both humans and software in such systems demands for adequate levels of Situation Awareness (SA). To achieve and maintain proper levels of SA is a daunting task due to the intrinsic technical characteristics of systems and the limitations of human cognitive mechanisms. In the scientific literature, such issues hindering the SA formation process are defined as SA demons. The objective of this research is to contribute to the resolution of the SA demons by means of the identification of information processing paradigms for an original support to the SA and the definition of new theoretical and practical approaches based on cognitive models and computational techniques. The research work starts with an in-depth analysis and some preliminary verifications of methods, techniques, and systems of SA. A major outcome of this analysis is that there is only a limited use of the Granular Computing paradigm (GrC) in the SA field, despite the fact that SA and GrC share many concepts and principles. The research work continues with the definition of contributions and original results for the resolution of significant SA demons, exploiting some of the approaches identified in the analysis phase (i.e., ontologies, data mining, and GrC). The first contribution addresses the issues related to the bad perception of data by users. We propose a semantic approach for the quality-aware sensor data management which uses a data imputation technique based on association rule mining. The second contribution proposes an original ontological approach to situation management, namely the Adaptive Goal-driven Situation Management. The approach uses the ontological modeling of goals and situations and a mechanism that suggests the most relevant goals to the users at a given moment. Lastly, the adoption of the GrC paradigm allows the definition of a novel model for representing and reasoning on situations based on a set theoretical framework. This model has been instantiated using the rough sets theory. The proposed approaches and models have been implemented in prototypical systems. Their capabilities in improving SA in real applications have been evaluated with typical methodologies used for SA systems. [edited by Author]XXX cicl