3,659 research outputs found

    Representing and coding the knowledge embedded in texts of Health Science Web published articles

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    Despite the fact that electronic publishing is a common activity to scholars electronic journals are still based in the print model and do not take full advantage of the facilities offered by the Semantic Web environment. This is a report of the results of a research project with the aim of investigating the possibilities of electronic publishing journal articles both as text for human reading and in machine readable format recording the new knowledge contained in the article. This knowledge is identified with the scientific methodology elements such as problem, methodology, hypothesis, results, and conclusions. A model integrating all those elements is proposed which makes explicit and records the knowledge embedded in the text of scientific articles as an ontology. Knowledge thus represented enables its processing by intelligent software agents The proposed model aims to take advantage of these facilities enabling semantic retrieval and validation of the knowledge contained in articles. To validate and enhance the model a set of electronic journal articles were analyzed

    Conceptual Design Model of Computerized Personal-Decision AID (ComPDA)

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    To date, the attentions given to the improvement of decision support at organizational level has been enormous. On the contrary, academic research in improving the performance of computerized decision aid (CDA) for personal decision is lacking, in which some are dated. Nowadays, the existence of CDA which handles personal decision is mushrooming and progressively getting attention from users. Despite that, users’ perceptions of the suitable decision strategy and technique for CDA have not been subjected to systematic investigation. Literature reviews also indicate that most users do not go for complex mathematical techniques despite the fact that these techniques are better at handling the risks and uncertainties in decisions. In fact, more often than not, the development process of CDAs does not seem to adhere to any conceptual and theoretical model. In view of that, this study aims to propose a conceptual design model for computerized personal-decision aid (ComPDA). The following objectives are outlined to support the general aim: (i) to identify appropriate decision strategy and technique for ComPDA, (ii) to incorporate identified strategy and technique in the construction of conceptual design model for ComPDA (iii) to validate the conceptual design model in different situations via prototyping method and (iv) to measure the users’ perceived helpfulness of the ComPDA prototypes. Participatory design method was implemented in order to achieve objective i and ii. The findings were incorporated into the construction of the conceptual design model of ComPDA. In achieving objective iii, the conceptual design model was validated in two different case studies via prototyping: A- choosing development methodology in mobile computing course (md-Matrix); and B- purchasing a mobile phone (ep-Matrix). In achieving objective iv, an instrument (named as Q-HELP) was developed to measure the helpfulness (HLP) of the prototypes. This study identified four relevant constructs pertinent to helpfulness; reliability (REL), decision making effort (EFF), confidence (CON), and decision awareness (AWR). Altogether, 122 respondents participated where 63 were from case study A and 59 from case study B. Eight hypotheses were formulated comprising testing for correlation between all the constructs in Q-HELP with helpfulness, testing the average time spent to make a selection with and without the proposed ComPDA and testing if the mean score of helpfulness of the proposed ComPDA is high. Paired Samples t Test, Pearson Correlation analyses and descriptive analyses were utilized to validate the hypotheses. The results show that: REL and HLP are significantly correlated, EFF and HLP are significantly correlated, CON and HLP are significantly correlated, AWR and HLP are significantly correlated, the use of md-Matrix and ep-Matrix significantly reduces the time spent to make selection, mean score of helpfulness of md-Matrix is fairly high and mean score of helpfulness of ep-Matrix is high. However, it is concluded that the overall results exhibit sufficient indication that md-Matrix and ep-Matrix were found helpful to users in terms of reliability, lessening the decision making effort, increasing confidence and also awareness in decision making. This study has produced the following outcomes, along with achieving all of its objectives: (i) a conceptual design model for ComPDA which incorporates suitable decision strategies and techniques identified via systematic investigations; (ii) two functional ComPDA prototypes to validate the conceptual design model and to demonstrate its applicability in different situations, (iii) an instrument for measuring helpfulness which includes dimensions from outcome and process aspects; and (iv) comparative analyses of decision models, strategies and techniques which provide basis for future studies.

    Development of a humanities-informed course on aging in occupational therapy

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    Many health professions are exploring the unique qualities of humanities for insights about humanistic practices, however humanities-based pedagogy has particular relevance to occupational therapy. Given the pressures to standardize and rely on quantitative evidence in occupational therapy practice, it is particularly important to provide students with a strong foundation in humanistic principles that are at the core of the profession. This doctoral project used the pedagogy of John Dewey and evidence in health humanities to develop a humanities-informed course in occupational therapy titled, Perspectives on Disability and Health and Older Adults. The course design integrates physical and biological sciences, social sciences and humanities to offer multi-focal insights into the perspectives of others, and to foster self-awareness and reflexivity. Students will engage with interdisciplinary faculty and older adults in experiences with visual art, performance, and literature to explore human experiences relating to occupation. The course aims for students to advance their understanding of the artistry of practice, to foster client-centered practice, and to advance critical thinking. An evaluation using both formative and summative methods will be used to improve the course and assess its impact on students. The project provides an example for other faculty who are inspired to use humanities to teach client centeredness, artistry of practice and critical thinking. Deweyan informed humanities based learning may contribute to wise occupational therapy practices and growth of the profession

    Corporate Social Responsibility: Perception and Disclosure in Response to CSR Award with the Moderating Effect of Family Group Affiliation in Yemen

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    In the recent years the Yemeni Government is increasingly calling companies to participate in the country’s economic developments as their social responsibility. Driven by this measure, this study aims to give a picture of CSR perception and disclosure in Yemen and to contribute to the CSR literature by investigating the level of CSR perception and disclosure in the 73 most active shareholding companies registered in Yemen. The study also identified factors that influence the level of CSR perception and disclosure by considering the CSR Award and moderating effect of family group affiliation. A survey questionnaire was used to determine the level of CSR perception while content analysis procedures were used to measure the level of CSR disclosure made in annual reports, websites, and newspapers. The results indicate that while the CSR perception is high the CSR disclosure level is low. However, companies have increased the CSR disclosure in response to CSR Award announcement. The ordinary least squares regression (OLS) analysis results indicate that the level of CSR disclosure is associated with company’s characteristics (size,industry type and profitability) and manager’s characteristics (age, and working experience), while the level of CSR perception is associated with company’s characteristics (size and industry type) and manager’s characteristics (age, and working experience). Interestingly, the moderated multiple regression (MMR) analysis results reveal that family group affiliation has significant moderating effect on the relationships between company’s characteristics, manager’s characteristics and the level of CSR perception and disclosure. These findings can be used to further improve the CSR perception and disclosure amongst companies in Yemen with understanding the effect of family group affiliation and CSR Award. Also the findings may be useful to the policy makers in preparing regulations on CSR disclosure as well as to provide opportunities for more research in Yemen on the subject

    Penerapan pemikiran kritis dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran pensyarah Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG)

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    Critical thinking is an intellectual process that occurs actively and in a disciplined manner that requires conceptualizing, applying, analysing and synthesizing skills. The main goal of critical thinking that is accentuated at various levels of educational institutions is to produce students who are competent with future job challenges. Although its role is recognized across disciplines, its importance is still not taken seriously in teacher education. Currently, teacher education programs are widely criticized for being impractical and ineffective in shaping critical thinking generation. This qualitative research aims to explore how critical thinking is applied by lecturers in their teaching practices at one of the teacher education institutes in the northern region of Peninsular Malaysia. A total of six lecturers who teach Science and Mathematics were selected as participants for this study. The data supporting this research were obtained through interviews, observations of teaching activities as well as from relevant documents. Data were then analysed using Atlas-ti software Version 7.0. The findings indicated that majority of the participants showed a positive disposition towards applying critical thinking in their teaching practices. This is translated in their understanding, willingness, and commitment shown in applying relevant elements in their teaching practices. Meanwhile, in the aspect of teaching practices, the participants were found to apply critical thinking through questioning oriented teaching method, group discussions, explanations, demonstrations and simulations. In general, participants had a positive disposition and were able to apply critical thinking in their teaching practices in their teacher education institution. Among the issues that arise in developing critical thinking in their institution include aspects of cognitive development, teaching practices, professional development, time constraints and standard assessment practices. Critical thinking has to be inculcated, developed and practised systematically by IPG lecturers through active learning strategies such as projects, simulations, oral discourses, concept maps and role-plays which are capable of stimulating critical thinking among students effectivel

    Summary of Research 1994

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    The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense or the U.S. Government.This report contains 359 summaries of research projects which were carried out under funding of the Naval Postgraduate School Research Program. A list of recent publications is also included which consists of conference presentations and publications, books, contributions to books, published journal papers, and technical reports. The research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Mechanical Engineering, Meteorology, National Security Affairs, Oceanography, Operations Research, Physics, and Systems Management. This also includes research by the Command, Control and Communications (C3) Academic Group, Electronic Warfare Academic Group, Space Systems Academic Group, and the Undersea Warfare Academic Group

    Sixth Biennial Report : August 2001 - May 2003

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