568 research outputs found

    Procedural feature generation for volumetric terrains

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    © 2017 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). In this work we present separate procedural methods to generate features that are found in natural terrains which are difficult to reproduce with heightmap-based methods. We approximate overhangs, arches and caves using procedural functions and a reduced set of parameters. This produces visually plausible terrain feature topologies as well as a high degree of artistic control. Our approach is more intuitive and art-directable than other existing volumetric methods that are more complex to integrate into existing voxel engines, due to the framework changes necessary, or rely on automatic procedural generation, thus reducing the ability to provide creative input

    Procedural feature generation for volumetric terrains using voxel grammars

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    © 2018 Terrain generation is a fundamental requirement of many computer graphics simulations, including computer games, flight simulators and environments in feature films. There has been a considerable amount of research in this domain, which ranges between fully automated and semi-automated methods. Voxel representations of 3D terrains can create rich features that are not found in other forms of terrain generation techniques, such as caves and overhangs. In this article, we introduce a semi-automated method of generating features for volumetric terrains using a rule-based procedural generation system. Features are generated by selecting subsets of a voxel grid as input symbols to a grammar, composed of user-created operators. This results in overhangs and caves generated from a set of simple rules. The feature generation runs on the CPU and the GPU is utilised to extract a robust mesh from the volumetric dataset

    Procedural generation of features for volumetric terrains using a rule-based approach.

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    Terrain generation is a fundamental requirement of many computer graphics simulations, including computer games, flight simulators and environments in feature films. Volumetric representations of 3D terrains can create rich features that are either impossible or very difficult to construct in other forms of terrain generation techniques, such as overhangs, arches and caves. While a considerable amount of literature has focused on procedural generation of terrains using heightmap-based implementations, there is little research found on procedural terrains utilising a voxel-based approach. This thesis contributes two methods to procedurally generate features for terrains that utilise a volumetric representation. The first method is a novel grammar-based approach to generate overhangs and caves from a set of rules. This voxel grammar provides a flexible and intuitive method of manipulating voxels from a set of symbol/transform pairs that can provide a variety of different feature shapes and sizes. The second method implements three parametric functions for overhangs, caves and arches. This generates a set of voxels procedurally based on the parameters of a function selected by the user. A small set of parameters for each generator function yields a widely varied set of features and provides the user with a high degree of expressivity. In order to analyse the expressivity, this thesis’ third contribution is an original method of quantitatively valuing a result of a generator function. This research is a collaboration with Sony Interactive Entertainment and their proprietary game engine PhyreEngineTM. The methods presented have been integrated into the engine’s terrain system. Thus, there is a focus on real-time performance so as to be feasible for game developers to use while adhering to strict sub-second frame times of modern computer games

    A hybrid representation for modeling, interactive editing, and real-time visualization of terrains with volumetric features

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.Terrain rendering is a crucial part of many real-time applications. The easiest way to process and visualize terrain data in real time is to constrain the terrain model in several ways. This decreases the amount of data to be processed and the amount of processing power needed, but at the cost of expressivity and the ability to create complex terrains. The most popular terrain representation is a regular 2D grid, where the vertices are displaced in a third dimension by a displacement map, called a heightmap. This is the simplest way to represent terrain, and although it allows fast processing, it cannot model terrains with volumetric features. Volumetric approaches sample the 3D space by subdividing it into a 3D grid and represent the terrain as occupied voxels. They can represent volumetric features but they require computationally intensive algorithms for rendering, and their memory requirements are high. We propose a novel representation that combines the voxel and heightmap approaches, and is expressive enough to allow creating terrains with caves, overhangs, cliffs, and arches, and efficient enough to allow terrain editing, deformations, and rendering in real time

    Methods for Procedural Terrain Generation

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    Procedural generation has been utilized in the automatic generation of data for a long time. This automated processing has been utilized in the entertainment industry as well as in research work in order to be able to quickly produce large amounts of just the kind of data needed, for example, in system testing. In this thesis, we examine different ways to utilize procedural generation to produce different synthetic terrains. First, we will take a closer look at what procedural generation is, where it originally started, and where it was utilized. From this we move on to look at how this technology is utilized in the creation of terrains and what terrain is generally visually required. From this we move on to look at different ways to implement terrain generation. As part of this thesis, we have selected three methods and implemented our own implementations for terrain generation. We look at the performance of these implementations, and what a test group thinks about those synthetic terrains. The results obtained from this are analyzed and presented at the end of the thesis.Proseduraalista generointia on hyödynnetty datan automaattisessa tuottamisessa jo pitkään. Tätä automatisoitua prosessointia on niin hyödynnetty viihdeteollisuudessa kuin tutkimustyössä, jotta ollaan voitu tuottaa nopeasti suuria määriä juuri sellaista dataa kuin tarvitaan esimerkiksi järjestelmän testauksessa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erilaisia tapoja hyödyntää proseduraalista generointia erilaisten synteettisten maastojen tuottamiseksi. Aluksi tutustutaan hieman tarkemmin siihen mitä proseduraalinen generointi on, mistä se on alunperin lähtenyt ja mihin sitä on hyödynnetty. Tästä siirrytään tarkastelemaan miten kyseistä tekniikkaa hyödynnetään maastojen luomisessa ja mitä maastoilta yleensä visuaalisesti vaaditaan. Tästä siirrytään tarkastelemaan eri tapoja toteuttaa maaston generointia. Osana tätä tutkielmaa, on valittu kolme menetelmää ja laadittu niistä kullekin oma toteutus maaston generointiin. Työssä tarkastellaan näiden toteutusten suoritustuloksia, ja mitä mieltä testiryhmä on kyseisistä synteettisistä maastoista. Saadut tulokset ja niiden analyyysi esitellään tutkielman lopussa

    Realistic reconstruction and rendering of detailed 3D scenarios from multiple data sources

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    During the last years, we have witnessed significant improvements in digital terrain modeling, mainly through photogrammetric techniques based on satellite and aerial photography, as well as laser scanning. These techniques allow the creation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM) that can be streamed over the network and explored through virtual globe applications like Google Earth or NASA WorldWind. The resolution of these 3D scenes has improved noticeably in the last years, reaching in some urban areas resolutions up to 1m or less for DEM and buildings, and less than 10 cm per pixel in the associated aerial imagery. However, in rural, forest or mountainous areas, the typical resolution for elevation datasets ranges between 5 and 30 meters, and typical resolution of corresponding aerial photographs ranges between 25 cm to 1 m. This current level of detail is only sufficient for aerial points of view, but as the viewpoint approaches the surface the terrain loses its realistic appearance. One approach to augment the detail on top of currently available datasets is adding synthetic details in a plausible manner, i.e. including elements that match the features perceived in the aerial view. By combining the real dataset with the instancing of models on the terrain and other procedural detail techniques, the effective resolution can potentially become arbitrary. There are several applications that do not need an exact reproduction of the real elements but would greatly benefit from plausibly enhanced terrain models: videogames and entertainment applications, visual impact assessment (e.g. how a new ski resort would look), virtual tourism, simulations, etc. In this thesis we propose new methods and tools to help the reconstruction and synthesis of high-resolution terrain scenes from currently available data sources, in order to achieve realistically looking ground-level views. In particular, we decided to focus on rural scenarios, mountains and forest areas. Our main goal is the combination of plausible synthetic elements and procedural detail with publicly available real data to create detailed 3D scenes from existing locations. Our research has focused on the following contributions: - An efficient pipeline for aerial imagery segmentation - Plausible terrain enhancement from high-resolution examples - Super-resolution of DEM by transferring details from the aerial photograph - Synthesis of arbitrary tree picture variations from a reduced set of photographs - Reconstruction of 3D tree models from a single image - A compact and efficient tree representation for real-time rendering of forest landscapesDurant els darrers anys, hem presenciat avenços significatius en el modelat digital de terrenys, principalment gràcies a tècniques fotogramètriques, basades en fotografia aèria o satèl·lit, i a escàners làser. Aquestes tècniques permeten crear Models Digitals d'Elevacions (DEM) i Models Digitals de Superfícies (DSM) que es poden retransmetre per la xarxa i ser explorats mitjançant aplicacions de globus virtuals com ara Google Earth o NASA WorldWind. La resolució d'aquestes escenes 3D ha millorat considerablement durant els darrers anys, arribant a algunes àrees urbanes a resolucions d'un metre o menys per al DEM i edificis, i fins a menys de 10 cm per píxel a les fotografies aèries associades. No obstant, en entorns rurals, boscos i zones muntanyoses, la resolució típica per a dades d'elevació es troba entre 5 i 30 metres, i per a les corresponents fotografies aèries varia entre 25 cm i 1m. Aquest nivell de detall només és suficient per a punts de vista aeris, però a mesura que ens apropem a la superfície el terreny perd tot el realisme. Una manera d'augmentar el detall dels conjunts de dades actuals és afegint a l'escena detalls sintètics de manera plausible, és a dir, incloure elements que encaixin amb les característiques que es perceben a la vista aèria. Així, combinant les dades reals amb instàncies de models sobre el terreny i altres tècniques de detall procedural, la resolució efectiva del model pot arribar a ser arbitrària. Hi ha diverses aplicacions per a les quals no cal una reproducció exacta dels elements reals, però que es beneficiarien de models de terreny augmentats de manera plausible: videojocs i aplicacions d'entreteniment, avaluació de l'impacte visual (per exemple, com es veuria una nova estació d'esquí), turisme virtual, simulacions, etc. En aquesta tesi, proposem nous mètodes i eines per ajudar a la reconstrucció i síntesi de terrenys en alta resolució partint de conjunts de dades disponibles públicament, per tal d'aconseguir vistes a nivell de terra realistes. En particular, hem decidit centrar-nos en escenes rurals, muntanyes i àrees boscoses. El nostre principal objectiu és la combinació d'elements sintètics plausibles i detall procedural amb dades reals disponibles públicament per tal de generar escenes 3D d'ubicacions existents. La nostra recerca s'ha centrat en les següents contribucions: - Un pipeline eficient per a segmentació d'imatges aèries - Millora plausible de models de terreny a partir d'exemples d’alta resolució - Super-resolució de models d'elevacions transferint-hi detalls de la fotografia aèria - Síntesis d'un nombre arbitrari de variacions d’imatges d’arbres a partir d'un conjunt reduït de fotografies - Reconstrucció de models 3D d'arbres a partir d'una única fotografia - Una representació compacta i eficient d'arbres per a navegació en temps real d'escenesPostprint (published version

    Combining Procedural and Hand Modeling Techniques for Creating Animated Digital 3D Natural Environments

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    This thesis focuses on a systematic solution for rendering 3D photorealistic natural environments using Maya\u27s procedural methods and ZBrush. The methods used in this thesis started with comparing two industry specific procedural applications, Vue and Maya\u27s Paint Effects, to determine which is better suited for applying animated procedural effects with the highest level of fidelity and expandability. Generated objects from Paint Effects contained the highest potential through object attributes, texturing and lighting. To optimize results further, compatibility with sculpting programs such as ZBrush are required to sculpt higher levels of detail. The final combination workflow produces results used in the short film Fall. The need for producing these effects is attributed to the growth of the visual effect industry\u27s ability to deliver realistic simulated complexities of nature and as such, the public\u27s insatiable need to see them on screen. Usually, however, the requirements for delivering a photorealistic digital environment fall under tight deadlines due to various phases of the visual effects project being interconnected across multiple production houses, thereby requiring the need for effective methods to deliver a high-end visual presentation. The use of a procedural system, such as an L-system, is often an initial step within a workflow leading toward creating photorealistic vegetation for visual effects environments. Procedure-based systems, such as Maya\u27s Paint Effects, feature robust controls that can generate many natural objects. A balance is thus created between being able to model objects quickly, but with limited detail, and control. Other methods outside this system must be used to achieve higher levels of fidelity through the use of attributes, expressions, lighting and texturing. Utilizing the procedural engine within Maya\u27s Paint Effects allows the beginning stages of modeling a 3D natural environment. ZBrush\u27s manual system approach can further bring the aesthetics to a much finer degree of fidelity. The benefit in leveraging both types of systems results in photorealistic objects that preserve all of the procedural and dynamic forces specified within the Paint Effects procedural engine

    Procedural modelling of terrains with constraints

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    Terrain is an essential part of any outdoor environment and, consequently, many techniques have appeared that deal with the problem of its automatic generation, such as procedural modeling. One form to create terrains is using noise functions because its low computational cost and its random result. However, the randomness of these functions also makes it difficult to have any control over the result obtained. In order to solve the problem of lack of control, this paper presents a new method noise-based that allows procedural terrains creation with elevation constraints (GPS routes, points of interest and areas of interest). For this, the method establishes the restrictions as fixed values in the heightmap function and creates a system of equations to obtain all points that they depend this restrictions. In this way, the terrain obtained maintains the random noise, but including the desired restrictions. The paper also includes how we apply this method on large terrain models without losing resolution or increasing the computational cost excessively. The results show that our method makes it possible to integrate this kind of constraints with high accuracy and realism while preserving the natural appearance of the procedural generation

    Realistic simulation and animation of clouds using SkewT-LogP diagrams

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    Nuvens e clima são tópicos importantes em computação gráfica, nomeadamente na simulação e animação de fenómenos naturais. Tal deve-se ao facto de a simulação de fenómenos naturais−onde as nuvens estão incluídas−encontrar aplicações em filmes, jogos e simuladores de voo. Contudo, as técnicas existentes em computação gráfica apenas permitem representações de nuvens simplificadas, tornadas possíveis através de dinâmicas fictícias que imitam a realidade. O problema que este trabalho pretende abordar prende-se com a simulação de nuvens adequadas para utilização em ambientes virtuais, isto é, nuvens com dinâmica baseada em física que variam ao longo do tempo. Em meteorologia é comum usar técnicas de simulação de nuvens baseadas em leis da física, contudoossistemasatmosféricosdeprediçãonuméricasãocomputacionalmente pesados e normalmente possuem maior precisão numérica do que o necessário em computação gráfica. Neste campo, torna-se necessário direcionar e ajustar as características físicas ou contornar a realidade de modo a atingir os objetivos artísticos, sendo um fator fundamental que faz com que a computação gráfica se distinga das ciências físicas. Contudo, simulações puramente baseadas em física geram soluções de acordo com regras predefinidas e tornam-se notoriamente difíceis de controlar. De modo a enfrentar esses desafios desenvolvemos um novo método de simulação de nuvens baseado em física que possui a característica de ser computacionalmente leve e simula as propriedades dinâmicas relacionadas com a formação de nuvens. Este novo modelo evita resolver as equações físicas, ao apresentar uma solução explícita para essas equações através de diagramas termodinâmicos SkewT/LogP. O sistema incorpora dados reais de forma a simular os parâmetros necessários para a formação de nuvens. É especialmente adequado para a simulação de nuvens cumulus que se formam devido ao um processo convectivo. Esta abordagem permite não só reduzir os custos computacionais de métodos baseados em física, mas também fornece a possibilidade de controlar a forma e dinâmica de nuvens através do controlo dos níveis atmosféricos existentes no diagrama SkewT/LogP. Nestatese,abordámostambémumoutrodesafio,queestárelacionadocomasimulação de nuvens orográficas. Do nosso conhecimento, esta é a primeira tentativa de simular a formação deste tipo de nuvens. A novidade deste método reside no fato de este tipo de nuvens serem não convectivas, oque se traduz nocálculodeoutrosníveis atmosféricos. Além disso, atendendo a que este tipo de nuvens se forma sobre montanhas, é também apresentadoumalgoritmoparadeterminarainfluênciadamontanhasobreomovimento da nuvem. Em resumo, esta dissertação apresenta um conjunto de algoritmos para a modelação e simulação de nuvens cumulus e orográficas, recorrendo a diagramas termodinâmicos SkewT/LogP pela primeira vez no campo da computação gráfica.Clouds and weather are important topics in computer graphics, in particular in the simulation and animation of natural phenomena. This is so because simulation of natural phenomena−where clouds are included−find applications in movies, games and flight simulators. However, existing techniques in computer graphics only offer the simplified cloud representations, possibly with fake dynamics that mimic the reality. The problem that this work addresses is how to find realistic simulation of cloud formation and evolution, that are suitable for virtual environments, i.e., clouds with physically-based dynamics over time. It happens that techniques for cloud simulation are available within the area of meteorology, but numerical weather prediction systems based on physics laws are computationally expensive and provide more numerical accuracy than the required accuracy in computer graphics. In computer graphics, we often need to direct and adjust physical features, or even to bend the reality, to meet artistic goals, which is a key factor that makes computer graphics distinct from physical sciences. However, pure physically-based simulations evolve their solutions according to pre-set physics rules that are notoriously difficult to control. In order to face these challenges we have developed a new lightweight physically-based cloudsimulationschemethatsimulatesthedynamicpropertiesofcloudformation. This new model avoids solving the physically-based equations typically used to simulate the formation of clouds by explicitly solving these equations using SkewT/LogP thermodynamic diagrams. The system incorporates a weather model that uses real data to simulate parameters related to cloud formation. This is specially suitable to the simulation of cumulus clouds, which result from a convective process. This approach not only reduces the computational costs of previous physically-based methods, but also provides a technique to control the shape and dynamics of clouds by handling the cloud levels in SkewT/LogP diagrams. In this thesis, we have also tackled a new challenge, which is related to the simulation oforographic clouds. From ourknowledge, this isthefirstattempttosimulatethis type of cloud formation. The novelty in this method relates to the fact that these clouds are non-convective, so that different atmospheric levels have to be determined. Moreover, since orographic clouds form over mountains, we have also to determine the mountain influence in the cloud motion. In summary, this thesis presents a set of algorithms for the modelling and simulation of cumulus and orographic clouds, taking advantage of the SkewT/LogP diagrams for the first time in the field of computer graphics