260 research outputs found

    Performance Modelling and Resource Allocation of the Emerging Network Architectures for Future Internet

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    With the rapid development of information and communications technologies, the traditional network architecture has approached to its performance limit, and thus is unable to meet the requirements of various resource-hungry applications. Significant infrastructure improvements to the network domain are urgently needed to guarantee the continuous network evolution and innovation. To address this important challenge, tremendous research efforts have been made to foster the evolution to Future Internet. Long-term Evolution Advanced (LTE-A), Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) have been proposed as the key promising network architectures for Future Internet and attract significant attentions in the network and telecom community. This research mainly focuses on the performance modelling and resource allocations of these three architectures. The major contributions are three-fold: 1) LTE-A has been proposed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) as a promising candidate for the evolution of LTE wireless communication. One of the major features of LTE-A is the concept of Carrier Aggregation (CA). CA enables the network operators to exploit the fragmented spectrum and increase the peak transmission data rate, however, this technical innovation introduces serious unbalanced loads among in the radio resource allocation of LTE-A. To alleviate this problem, a novel QoS-aware resource allocation scheme, termed as Cross-CC User Migration (CUM) scheme, is proposed in this research to support real-time services, taking into consideration the system throughput, user fairness and QoS constraints. 2) SDN is an emerging technology towards next-generation Internet. In order to improve the performance of the SDN network, a preemption-based packet-scheduling scheme is firstly proposed in this research to improve the global fairness and reduce the packet loss rate in SDN data plane. Furthermore, in order to achieve a comprehensive and deeper understanding of the performance behaviour of SDN network, this work develops two analytical models to investigate the performance of SDN in the presence of Poisson Process and Markov Modulated Poisson Process (MMPP) respectively. 3) NFV is regarded as a disruptive technology for telecommunication service providers to reduce the Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) and Operational Expenditure (OPEX) through decoupling individual network functions from the underlying hardware devices. While NFV faces a significant challenging problem of Service-Level-Agreement (SLA) guarantee during service provisioning. In order to bridge this gap, a novel comprehensive analytical model based on stochastic network calculus is proposed in this research to investigate end-to-end performance of NFV network. The resource allocation strategies proposed in this study significantly improve the network performance in terms of packet loss probability, global allocation fairness and throughput per user in LTE-A and SDN networks; the analytical models designed in this study can accurately predict the network performances of SDN and NFV networks. Both theoretical analysis and simulation experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms and the accuracy of the designed models. In addition, the models are used as practical and cost-effective tools to pinpoint the performance bottlenecks of SDN and NFV networks under various network conditions

    Studies on the function of PRG2/PLPPR3 in neuron morphogenesis

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    Neuron development follows a multifaceted sequence of cell migration, polarisation, neurite elongation, branching, tiling, and pruning. The implementation of this sequence differs between neuronal cell types and even in individual neurons between sub-compartments such as dendrites and axons. Membrane proteins are at a prime position in neurons to couple extrinsic morphogenetic signals with their intrinsic responses to orchestrate this defined morphological progression. The Phospholipid phosphatase-related / Plasticity-related gene (PLPPR/PRG)-family comprises five neuron-enriched and developmentally regulated membrane proteins with functions in cellular morphogenesis. At the start of this project, no publication had characterised the function of PLPPR3/PRG2 during neuron development. The presented work describes PLPPR3 as an axon-enriched protein localising to the plasma membrane and internal membrane compartments of neurons. Mutagenesis studies in cell lines establish the plasma membrane localisation of PLPPR3 as a regulator of its function to increase filopodia density (Chapter 2). Furthermore, the generation of a Plppr3-/- mouse line using CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing techniques (Chapter 3) enabled characterising endogenous phenotypes of PLPPR3 in neurons. In primary neuronal cultures, PLPPR3 was found to specifically control branch formation in a pathway with the phosphatase PTEN, without altering the overall growth capacity of neurons (Chapter 4). Loss of PLPPR3 specifically reduced branches forming from filopodia without affecting the stability of branches. This precise characterisation of PLPPR3 function unravelled the existence of parallel, independent programs for branching morphogenesis that are utilised and implemented differentially in developing axons and dendrites (Chapter 5). Furthermore, this thesis establishes multiple tools to study PLPPR3, the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol-trisphosphate, and neuron morphogenesis by providing molecular tools, protocols, and semi-automated and automated image analysis pipelines (Appendix Chapter 7) and discusses experiments to test, refine and extend models of PLPPR3 function (Chapter 6). In summary, this thesis generated and utilised several tools and a Plppr3-/- mouse model to characterise PLPPR3 as a specific regulator of neuron branching morphogenesis. This precise characterisation refined and expanded the understanding of axon-specific branching morphogenesis.Nervenzellen entwickeln ihre komplexe Morphologie durch das Zusammenwirken diverser molekularer Entwicklungs-Programme der Zellkörper-Migration, der Polarisierung und der Morphogenese durch Wachstum, Verzweigung, Stabilisierung und Koordinierung ihrer Neuriten. Dabei unterscheidet sich die exakte Implementierung zwischen Nervenzell-Typen und selbst innerhalb einzelner Zellen zwischen Axonen und Dendriten. Diese unterschiedliche Morphogenese wird dabei speziell durch Membranproteine stark beeinflusst, die durch ihre Präsenz an der Plasmamembran Zell-extrinsische Signale mit den Zell-intrinsischen Morphogeneseprogrammen verbinden und beeinflussen. Die Familie der Phospholipid phosphatase-related / Plasticity-related gene (PLPPR/PRG) Proteine umfasst fünf Nervenzell-spezifische Membranproteine mit Effekten auf die Morphologie von Zellen. Zu Beginn dieses Projektes hatte noch keine Studie die Funktion des Familienmitglieds PLPPR3/PRG2 in Nervenzellen untersucht. Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Lokalisation von PLPPR3 an der Plasmamembran und in Zell-internen Membranstrukturen von Nervenzellen. Experimente in Zellkultur zeigen eine erhöhte Filopodien-Dichte nach Überexpression von PLPPR3, Mutagenese-Studien deuten eine strikte Kontrolle der Plasmamembran-Lokalisation an (Kapitel 2). Die Generierung einer Plppr3 Knockout Mauslinie mittels CRISPR/Cas9 Genom-Modifizierung (Kapitel 3) erlaubte eine Charakterisierung der endogenen Funktion von PLPPR3 in Nervenzellen. In Primärzellkultur von Nervenzellen des murinen Hippocampus zeigte sich, dass PLPPR3 im Zusammenspiel mit der Phosphatase PTEN spezifisch die Verzweigung von Nervenzellen kontrolliert, ohne deren Wachstumspotential global zu verändern (Kapitel 4). Dadurch kann PLPPR3 als ein Schalter zwischen Verzweigung und Verlängerung eines Nervenzell-Fortsatzes agieren. Der Verlust von PLPPR3 verursachte reduzierte spezifisch die Anzahl an Verzweigungen, die aus Filopodien entstanden, ohne dabei die Stabilität dieser Verzweigungen zu beeinflussen. Die präzise Charakterisierung dieser Funktion von PLPPR3 deckte auf, dass Verzweigungen von Nervenzell-Fortsätzen durch voneinander unabhängige Entwicklungsprogramme ausgebildet und stabilisiert werden können (Kapitel 5). Diese Programme werden von Axonen und Dendriten in unterschiedlicher Weise eingesetzt. Zusätzlich etabliert diese Arbeit sowohl diverse molekulare Werkzeuge und Visualisierungs-Protokolle zur Analyse von PLPPR3 und dem Membranlipid Phosphatidylinositol-Trisphosphat, als auch automatisierte Quantifizierungssoftware zur Studie der Nervenzellmorphologie (Appendix-Kapitel 7). Abschließend entwickelt und verfeinert die Dissertation mögliche Modelle zur PLPPR3-Funktion und zeigt experimentelle Strategien auf, um diese Modelle besser charakterisieren zu können (Kapitel 6). Zusammenfassend wurden in dieser Promotionsarbeit diverse Experimental- und Analyse-Strategien und eine Plppr3-/- Mauslinie entwickelt und genutzt, um PLPPR3 als einen spezifischen Regulator der Nervenzell-Morphogenese zu etablieren. Diese präzise Charakterisierung des PLPPR3 Phänotyps erlaubte zusätzlich eine Verfeinerung und Erweiterung der Erkenntnisse zur Axon-spezifischen Entwicklung von Verzweigungen

    Recent Trends in Communication Networks

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    In recent years there has been many developments in communication technology. This has greatly enhanced the computing power of small handheld resource-constrained mobile devices. Different generations of communication technology have evolved. This had led to new research for communication of large volumes of data in different transmission media and the design of different communication protocols. Another direction of research concerns the secure and error-free communication between the sender and receiver despite the risk of the presence of an eavesdropper. For the communication requirement of a huge amount of multimedia streaming data, a lot of research has been carried out in the design of proper overlay networks. The book addresses new research techniques that have evolved to handle these challenges

    Full Automation of Air Traffic Management in High Complexity Airspace

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    The thesis is that automation of en-route Air Traffic Management in high complexity airspace can be achieved with a combination of automated tactic planning in a look-ahead time horizon of up to two hours complemented with automated tactic conflict resolution functions. The literature review reveals that no significant results have yet been obtained and that full automation could be approached with a complementary integration of automated tactic resolutions AND planning. The focus shifts to ‘planning for capacity’ and ‘planning for resolution’ and also – but not only – for ‘resolution’. The work encompasses a theoretical part on planning, and several small scale studies of empirical, mathematical or simulated nature. The theoretical part of the thesis on planning under uncertainties attempts to conceive a theoretical model which abstracts specificities of planning in Air Traffic Management into a generic planning model. The resulting abstract model treats entities like the planner, the strategy, the plan and the actions, always considering the impact of uncertainties. The work innovates in specifying many links from the theory to the application in planning of air traffic management, and especially the new fields of tactical capacity management. The second main part of the thesis comprises smaller self-containing works on different aspects of the concept grouped into a section on complexity, another on tactic planning actions, and the last on planners. The produced studies are about empirical measures of conflicts and conflict densities to get a better understanding of the complexity of air traffic; studies on traffic organisation using tactical manoeuvres like speed control, lateral offset and tactical direct using fast time simulation; and studies on airspace design like sector optimisation, dynamic sectorisation and its optimisation using optimisation techniques. In conclusion it is believed that this work will contribute to further automation attempts especially by its innovative focus which is on planning, base on a theory of planning, and its findings already influence newer developments

    The Translocal Event and the Polyrhythmic Diagram

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    This thesis identifies and analyses the key creative protocols in translocal performance practice, and ends with suggestions for new forms of transversal live and mediated performance practice, informed by theory. It argues that ontologies of emergence in dynamic systems nourish contemporary practice in the digital arts. Feedback in self-organised, recursive systems and organisms elicit change, and change transforms. The arguments trace concepts from chaos and complexity theory to virtual multiplicity, relationality, intuition and individuation (in the work of Bergson, Deleuze, Guattari, Simondon, Massumi, and other process theorists). It then examines the intersection of methodologies in philosophy, science and art and the radical contingencies implicit in the technicity of real-time, collaborative composition. Simultaneous forces or tendencies such as perception/memory, content/ expression and instinct/intellect produce composites (experience, meaning, and intuition- respectively) that affect the sensation of interplay. The translocal event is itself a diagram - an interstice between the forces of the local and the global, between the tendencies of the individual and the collective. The translocal is a point of reference for exploring the distribution of affect, parameters of control and emergent aesthetics. Translocal interplay, enabled by digital technologies and network protocols, is ontogenetic and autopoietic; diagrammatic and synaesthetic; intuitive and transductive. KeyWorx is a software application developed for realtime, distributed, multimodal media processing. As a technological tool created by artists, KeyWorx supports this intuitive type of creative experience: a real-time, translocal “jamming” that transduces the lived experience of a “biogram,” a synaesthetic hinge-dimension. The emerging aesthetics are processual – intuitive, diagrammatic and transversal

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    3D-in-2D Displays for ATC.

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    This paper reports on the efforts and accomplishments of the 3D-in-2D Displays for ATC project at the end of Year 1. We describe the invention of 10 novel 3D/2D visualisations that were mostly implemented in the Augmented Reality ARToolkit. These prototype implementations of visualisation and interaction elements can be viewed on the accompanying video. We have identified six candidate design concepts which we will further research and develop. These designs correspond with the early feasibility studies stage of maturity as defined by the NASA Technology Readiness Level framework. We developed the Combination Display Framework from a review of the literature, and used it for analysing display designs in terms of display technique used and how they are combined. The insights we gained from this framework then guided our inventions and the human-centered innovation process we use to iteratively invent. Our designs are based on an understanding of user work practices. We also developed a simple ATC simulator that we used for rapid experimentation and evaluation of design ideas. We expect that if this project continues, the effort in Year 2 and 3 will be focus on maturing the concepts and employment in a operational laboratory settings

    Моделі, алгоритми та програмне забезпечення для планування шляху для навігації мобільних роботів з уникненням перешкод на основі дерева октантів

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    Об'єкт дослідження: процес оптимізації та покращення точності руху та уникнення перешкод для навігації мобільних роботів. Предмет дослідження: моделі та методи виявлення перешкод та навігації з метою уникнення виявлених перешкод. Мета магістерської роботи: підвищення ефективності системи розпізнавання перешкод мобільними роботами для навігації у середовищі, використовуючи датчики для забезпечення дороги без зіткнень з об’єктами, які не знаходяться на одному рівні з лазерами. Методи дослідження. Для вирішення поставлених задач використані методи: пошуку шляхів, порогового значення, обробки хмари точок, генерації дерева октантів. Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що удосконалено методи системи планування шляху для навігації мобільних роботів на основі дерева октантів для якісного та точного шляху від початкової точки до заданої у просторі

    Curracurrong: a stream processing system for distributed environments

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    Advances in technology have given rise to applications that are deployed on wireless sensor networks (WSNs), the cloud, and the Internet of things. There are many emerging applications, some of which include sensor-based monitoring, web traffic processing, and network monitoring. These applications collect large amount of data as an unbounded sequence of events and process them to generate a new sequences of events. Such applications need an adequate programming model that can process large amount of data with minimal latency; for this purpose, stream programming, among other paradigms, is ideal. However, stream programming needs to be adapted to meet the challenges inherent in running it in distributed environments. These challenges include the need for modern domain specific language (DSL), the placement of computations in the network to minimise energy costs, and timeliness in real-time applications. To overcome these challenges we developed a stream programming model that achieves easy-to-use programming interface, energy-efficient actor placement, and timeliness. This thesis presents Curracurrong, a stream data processing system for distributed environments. In Curracurrong, a query is represented as a stream graph of stream operators and communication channels. Curracurrong provides an extensible stream operator library and adapts to a wide range of applications. It uses an energy-efficient placement algorithm that optimises communication and computation. We extend the placement problem to support dynamically changing networks, and develop a dynamic program with polynomially bounded runtime to solve the placement problem. In many stream-based applications, real-time data processing is essential. We propose an approach that measures time delays in stream query processing; this model measures the total computational time from input to output of a query, i.e., end-to-end delay