308 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamics of Suspensions of Passive and Active Rigid Particles: A Rigid Multiblob Approach

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    We develop a rigid multiblob method for numerically solving the mobility problem for suspensions of passive and active rigid particles of complex shape in Stokes flow in unconfined, partially confined, and fully confined geometries. As in a number of existing methods, we discretize rigid bodies using a collection of minimally-resolved spherical blobs constrained to move as a rigid body, to arrive at a potentially large linear system of equations for the unknown Lagrange multipliers and rigid-body motions. Here we develop a block-diagonal preconditioner for this linear system and show that a standard Krylov solver converges in a modest number of iterations that is essentially independent of the number of particles. For unbounded suspensions and suspensions sedimented against a single no-slip boundary, we rely on existing analytical expressions for the Rotne-Prager tensor combined with a fast multipole method or a direct summation on a Graphical Processing Unit to obtain an simple yet efficient and scalable implementation. For fully confined domains, such as periodic suspensions or suspensions confined in slit and square channels, we extend a recently-developed rigid-body immersed boundary method to suspensions of freely-moving passive or active rigid particles at zero Reynolds number. We demonstrate that the iterative solver for the coupled fluid and rigid body equations converges in a bounded number of iterations regardless of the system size. We optimize a number of parameters in the iterative solvers and apply our method to a variety of benchmark problems to carefully assess the accuracy of the rigid multiblob approach as a function of the resolution. We also model the dynamics of colloidal particles studied in recent experiments, such as passive boomerangs in a slit channel, as well as a pair of non-Brownian active nanorods sedimented against a wall.Comment: Under revision in CAMCOS, Nov 201

    Efficient p-multigrid spectral element model for water waves and marine offshore structures

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    In marine offshore engineering, cost-efficient simulation of unsteady water waves and their nonlinear interaction with bodies are important to address a broad range of engineering applications at increasing fidelity and scale. We consider a fully nonlinear potential flow (FNPF) model discretized using a Galerkin spectral element method to serve as a basis for handling both wave propagation and wave-body interaction with high computational efficiency within a single modellingapproach. We design and propose an efficientO(n)-scalable computational procedure based on geometric p-multigrid for solving the Laplace problem in the numerical scheme. The fluid volume and the geometric features of complex bodies is represented accurately using high-order polynomial basis functions and unstructured meshes with curvilinear prism elements. The new p-multigrid spectralelement model can take advantage of the high-order polynomial basis and thereby avoid generating a hierarchy of geometric meshes with changing number of elements as required in geometric h-multigrid approaches. We provide numerical benchmarks for the algorithmic and numerical efficiency of the iterative geometric p-multigrid solver. Results of numerical experiments are presented for wave propagation and for wave-body interaction in an advanced case for focusing design waves interacting with a FPSO. Our study shows, that the use of iterative geometric p-multigrid methods for theLaplace problem can significantly improve run-time efficiency of FNPF simulators.Comment: Submitted to an international journal for peer revie

    On the stable discretization of strongly anisotropic phase field models with applications to crystal growth

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    We introduce unconditionally stable finite element approximations for anisotropic Allen--Cahn and Cahn--Hilliard equations. These equations frequently feature in phase field models that appear in materials science. On introducing the novel fully practical finite element approximations we prove their stability and demonstrate their applicability with some numerical results. We dedicate this article to the memory of our colleague and friend Christof Eck (1968--2011) in recognition of his fundamental contributions to phase field models.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Parallel algorithms for computational fluid dynamics on unstructured meshes

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    La simulació numèrica directa (DNS) de fluxos complexes és actualment una utopia per la majoria d'aplicacions industrials ja que els requeriments computacionals son massa elevats. Donat un flux, la diferència entre els recursos computacionals necessaris i els disponibles és cobreix mitjançant la modelització/simplificació d'alguns termes de les equacions originals que regeixen el seu comportament. El creixement continuat dels recursos computacionals disponibles, principalment en forma de super-ordinadors, contribueix a reduir la part del flux que és necessari aproximar. De totes maneres, obtenir la eficiència esperada dels nous super-ordinadors no és una tasca senzilla i, per aquest motiu, part de la recerca en el camp de la Mecànica de Fluids Computacional es centra en aquest objectiu. En aquest sentit, algunes contribucions s'han presentat en el marc d'aquesta tesis. El primer objectiu va ser el desenvolupament d'un codi de CFD de propòsit general i paral·lel, basat en la metodologia de volums finits en malles no estructurades, per resoldre problemes de multi-física. Aquest codi, anomenat TermoFluids (TF), té un disseny orientat a objectes i pensat per ser usat de forma altament eficient en els super-ordinadors actuals. Amb el temps, ha esdevingut pel grup una eina fonamental en projectes tant de recerca bàsica com d'interès industrial. En el context d'aquesta tesis, el treball s'ha focalitzat en el desenvolupament de dos de les llibreries més bàsiques de TermoFluids: i) La Basics Objects Library (BOL), que es una plataforma de software sobre la qual estan programades la resta de llibreries del codi, i que conté els mètodes algebraics i geomètrics fonamentals per la implementació paral·lela dels algoritmes de discretització, ii) la Linear Solvers Library (LSL), que conté un gran nombre de mètodes per resoldre els sistemes d'equacions lineals derivats de les discretitzacions. El primer capítol d'aquesta tesi conté les principals idees subjacents al disseny i la implementació de la BOL i la LSL, juntament amb alguns exemples i algunes aplicacions industrials. En els capítols posteriors hi ha una explicació detallada de solvers específics per algunes aplicacions concretes. En el segon capítol, es presenta un solver paral·lel i directe per la resolució de l'equació de Poisson per casos en els quals una de les direccions del domini té condicions d'homogeneïtat. En la simulació de fluxos incompressibles, l'equació de Poisson es resol almenys una vegada en cada pas de temps, convertint-se en una de les parts més costoses i difícils de paral·lelitzar del codi. El mètode que proposem és una combinació d'una descomposició directa de Schur (DDS) i una diagonalització de Fourier. La darrera descompon el sistema original en un conjunt de sub-sistemes 2D independents que es resolen mitjançant l'algorisme DDS. Atès que no s'imposen restriccions a les direccions no periòdiques del domini, aquest mètode és aplicable a la resolució de problemes discretitzats mitjançat l'extrusió de malles 2D no estructurades. L'escalabilitat d'aquest mètode ha estat provada amb èxit amb un màxim de 8192 CPU per malles de fins a ~10⁹ volums de control. En el darrer capitol capítol, es presenta un mètode de resolució per l'equació de Transport de Boltzmann (BTE). La estratègia emprada es basa en el mètode d'Ordenades Discretes i pot ser aplicat en discretitzacions no estructurades. El flux per a cada ordenada angular es resol amb un mètode de substitució equivalent a la resolució d'un sistema lineal triangular. La naturalesa seqüencial d'aquest procés fa de la paral·lelització de l'algoritme el principal repte. Diversos algorismes de substitució han estat analitzats, esdevenint una de les heurístiques proposades la millor opció en totes les situacions analitzades, amb excel·lents resultats. Els testos d'eficiència paral·lela s'han realitzat usant fins a 2560 CPU.Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) of complex flows is currently an utopia for most of industrial applications because computational requirements are too high. For a given flow, the gap between the required and the available computing resources is covered by modeling/simplifying of some terms of the original equations. On the other hand, the continuous growth of the computing power of modern supercomputers contributes to reduce this gap, reducing hence the unresolved physics that need to be attempted with approximated models. This growth, widely relies on parallel computing technologies. However, getting the expected performance from new complex computing systems is becoming more and more difficult, and therefore part of the CFD research is focused on this goal. Regarding to it, some contributions are presented in this thesis. The first objective was to contribute to the development of a general purpose multi-physics CFD code. referred to as TermoFluids (TF). TF is programmed following the object oriented paradigm and designed to run in modern parallel computing systems. It is also intensively involved in many different projects ranging from basic research to industry applications. Besides, one of the strengths of TF is its good parallel performance demonstrated in several supercomputers. In the context of this thesis, the work was focused on the development of two of the most basic libraries that compose TF: I) the Basic Objects Library (BOL), which is a parallel unstructured CFD application programming interface, on the top of which the rest of libraries that compose TF are written, ii) the Linear Solvers Library (LSL) containing many different algorithms to solve the linear systems arising from the discretization of the equations. The first chapter of this thesis contains the main ideas underlying the design and the implementation of the BOL and LSL libraries, together with some examples and some industrial applications. A detailed description of some application-specific linear solvers included in the LSL is carried out in the following chapters. In the second chapter, a parallel direct Poisson solver restricted to problems with one uniform periodic direction is presented. The Poisson equation is solved, at least, once per time-step when modeling incompressible flows, becoming one of the most time consuming and difficult to parallelize parts of the code. The solver here proposed is a combination of a direct Schur-complement based decomposition (DSD) and a Fourier diagonalization. The latter decomposes the original system into a set of mutually independent 2D sub-systems which are solved by means of the DSD algorithm. Since no restrictions are imposed in the non-periodic directions, the overall algorithm is well-suited for solving problems discretized on extruded 2D unstructured meshes. The scalability of the solver has been successfully tested using up to 8192 CPU cores for meshes with up to 10 9 grid points. In the last chapter, a solver for the Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE) is presented. It can be used to solve radiation phenomena interacting with flows. The solver is based on the Discrete Ordinates Method and can be applied to unstructured discretizations. The flux for each angular ordinate is swept across the computational grid, within a source iteration loop that accounts for the coupling between the different ordinates. The sequential nature of the sweep process makes the parallelization of the overall algorithm the most challenging aspect. Several parallel sweep algorithms, which represent different options of interleaving communications and calculations, are analyzed. One of the heuristics proposed consistently stands out as the best option in all the situations analyzed. With this algorithm, good scalability results have been achieved regarding both weak and strong speedup tests with up to 2560 CPUs

    Hybridizable compatible finite element discretizations for numerical weather prediction: implementation and analysis

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    There is a current explosion of interest in new numerical methods for atmospheric modeling. A driving force behind this is the need to be able to simulate, with high efficiency, large-scale geophysical flows on increasingly more parallel computer systems. Many current operational models, including that of the UK Met Office, depend on orthogonal meshes, such as the latitude-longitude grid. This facilitates the development of finite difference discretizations with favorable numerical properties. However, such methods suffer from the ``pole problem," which prohibits the model to make efficient use of a large number of computing processors due to excessive concentration of grid-points at the poles. Recently developed finite element discretizations, known as ``compatible" finite elements, avoid this issue while maintaining the key numerical properties essential for accurate geophysical simulations. Moreover, these properties can be obtained on arbitrary, non-orthogonal meshes. However, the efficient solution of the resulting discrete systems depend on transforming the mixed velocity-pressure (or velocity-pressure-buoyancy) system into an elliptic problem for the pressure. This is not so straightforward within the compatible finite element framework due to inter-element coupling. This thesis supports the proposition that systems arising from compatible finite element discretizations can be solved efficiently using a technique known as ``hybridization." Hybridization removes inter-element coupling while maintaining the desired numerical properties. This permits the construction of sparse, elliptic problems, for which fast solver algorithms are known, using localized algebra. We first introduce the technique for compatible finite element discretizations of simplified atmospheric models. We then develop a general software abstraction for the rapid implementation and composition of hybridization methods, with an emphasis on preconditioning. Finally, we extend the technique for a new compatible method for the full, compressible atmospheric equations used in operational models.Open Acces

    Scalable domain decomposition methods for finite element approximations of transient and electromagnetic problems

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    The main object of study of this thesis is the development of scalable and robust solvers based on domain decomposition (DD) methods for the linear systems arising from the finite element (FE) discretization of transient and electromagnetic problems. The thesis commences with a theoretical review of the curl-conforming edge (or Nédélec) FEs of the first kind and a comprehensive description of a general implementation strategy for h- and p- adaptive elements of arbitrary order on tetrahedral and hexahedral non-conforming meshes. Then, a novel balancing domain decomposition by constraints (BDDC) preconditioner that is robust for multi-material and/or heterogeneous problems posed in curl-conforming spaces is presented. The new method, in contrast to existent approaches, is based on the definition of the ingredients of the preconditioner according to the physical coefficients of the problem and does not require spectral information. The result is a robust and highly scalable preconditioner that preserves the simplicity of the original BDDC method. When dealing with transient problems, the time direction offers itself an opportunity for further parallelization. Aiming to design scalable space-time solvers, first, parallel-in-time parallel methods for linear and non-linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) are proposed, based on (non-linear) Schur complement efficient solvers of a multilevel partition of the time interval. Then, these ideas are combined with DD concepts in order to design a two-level preconditioner as an extension to space-time of the BDDC method. The key ingredients for these new methods are defined such that they preserve the time causality, i.e., information only travels from the past to the future. The proposed schemes are weakly scalable in time and space-time, i.e., one can efficiently exploit increasing computational resources to solve more time steps in (approximately) the same time-to-solution. All the developments presented herein are motivated by the driving application of the thesis, the 3D simulation of the low-frequency electromagnetic response of High Temperature Superconductors (HTS). Throughout the document, an exhaustive set of numerical experiments, which includes the simulation of a realistic 3D HTS problem, is performed in order to validate the suitability and assess the parallel performance of the High Performance Computing (HPC) implementation of the proposed algorithms.L’objecte principal d’estudi d’aquesta tesi és el desenvolupament de solucionadors escalables i robustos basats en mètodes de descomposició de dominis (DD) per a sistemes lineals que sorgeixen en la discretització mitjançant elements finits (FE) de problemes transitoris i electromagnètics. La tesi comença amb una revisió teòrica dels FE d’eix (o de Nédélec) de la primera família i una descripció exhaustiva d’una estratègia d’implementació general per a elements h- i p-adaptatius d’ordre arbitrari en malles de tetraedres i hexaedres noconformes. Llavors, es presenta un nou precondicionador de descomposició de dominis balancejats per restricció (BDDC) que és robust per a problemes amb múltiples materials i/o heterogenis definits en espais curl-conformes. El nou mètode, en contrast amb els enfocaments existents, està basat en la definició dels ingredients del precondicionador segons els coeficients físics del problema i no requereix informació espectral. El resultat és un precondicionador robust i escalable que preserva la simplicitat del mètode original BDDC. Quan tractem amb problemes transitoris, la direcció temporal ofereix ella mateixa l’oportunitat de seguir explotant paral·lelisme. Amb l’objectiu de dissenyar precondicionadors en espai-temps, primer, proposem solucionadors paral·lels en temps per equacions diferencials lineals i no-lineals, basats en un solucionador eficient del complement de Schur d’una partició multinivell de l’interval de temps. Seguidament, aquestes idees es combinen amb conceptes de DD amb l’objectiu de dissenyar precondicionadors com a extensió a espai-temps dels mètodes de BDDC. Els ingredients clau d’aquests nous mètodes es defineixen de tal manera que preserven la causalitat del temps, on la informació només viatja de temps passats a temps futurs. Els esquemes proposats són dèbilment escalables en temps i en espai-temps, és a dir, es poden explotar eficientment recursos computacionals creixents per resoldre més passos de temps en (aproximadament) el mateix temps transcorregut de càlcul. Tots els desenvolupaments presentats aquí són motivats pel problema d’aplicació de la tesi, la simulació de la resposta electromagnètica de baixa freqüència dels superconductors d’alta temperatura (HTS) en 3D. Al llarg del document, es realitza un conjunt exhaustiu d’experiments numèrics, els quals inclouen la simulació d’un problema de HTS realista en 3D, per validar la idoneïtat i el rendiment paral·lel de la implementació per a computació d’alt rendiment dels algorismes proposatsPostprint (published version

    Interstitial-Scale Modeling of Packed-Bed Reactors

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    Packed-beds are common to adsorption scrubbers, packed bed reactors, and trickle-bed reactors widely used across the petroleum, petrochemical, and chemical industries. The micro structure of these packed beds is generally very complex and has tremendous influence on heat, mass, and momentum transport phenomena on the micro and macro length scales within the bed. On a reactor scale, bed geometry strongly influences overall pressure drop, residence time distribution, and conversion of species through domain-fluid interactions. On the interstitial scale, particle boundary layer formation, fluid to particle mass transfer, and local mixing are controlled by turbulence and dissipation existing around packed particles. In the present research, a CFD model is developed using OpenFOAM: www.openfoam.org) to directly resolve momentum and scalar transport in both laminar and turbulent flow-fields, where the interstitial velocity field is resolved using the Navier-Stokes equations: i.e. no pseudo-continuum based assumptions. A discussion detailing the process of generating the complex domain using a Monte-Carlo packing algorithm is provided, along with relevant details required to generate an arbitrary polyhedral mesh describing the packed-bed. Lastly, an algorithm coupling OpenFOAM with a linear system solver using the graphics processing unit: GPU) computing paradigm was developed and will be discussed in detail