560 research outputs found

    Orchestrating Service Migration for Low Power MEC-Enabled IoT Devices

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    Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) is a key enabling technology for Fifth Generation (5G) mobile networks. MEC facilitates distributed cloud computing capabilities and information technology service environment for applications and services at the edges of mobile networks. This architectural modification serves to reduce congestion, latency, and improve the performance of such edge colocated applications and devices. In this paper, we demonstrate how reactive service migration can be orchestrated for low-power MEC-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Here, we use open-source Kubernetes as container orchestration system. Our demo is based on traditional client-server system from user equipment (UE) over Long Term Evolution (LTE) to the MEC server. As the use case scenario, we post-process live video received over web real-time communication (WebRTC). Next, we integrate orchestration by Kubernetes with S1 handovers, demonstrating MEC-based software defined network (SDN). Now, edge applications may reactively follow the UE within the radio access network (RAN), expediting low-latency. The collected data is used to analyze the benefits of the low-power MEC-enabled IoT device scheme, in which end-to-end (E2E) latency and power requirements of the UE are improved. We further discuss the challenges of implementing such schemes and future research directions therein

    Architecting Efficient Data Centers.

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    Data center power consumption has become a key constraint in continuing to scale Internet services. As our society’s reliance on “the Cloud” continues to grow, companies require an ever-increasing amount of computational capacity to support their customers. Massive warehouse-scale data centers have emerged, requiring 30MW or more of total power capacity. Over the lifetime of a typical high-scale data center, power-related costs make up 50% of the total cost of ownership (TCO). Furthermore, the aggregate effect of data center power consumption across the country cannot be ignored. In total, data center energy usage has reached approximately 2% of aggregate consumption in the United States and continues to grow. This thesis addresses the need to increase computational efficiency to address this grow- ing problem. It proposes a new classes of power management techniques: coordinated full-system idle low-power modes to increase the energy proportionality of modern servers. First, we introduce the PowerNap server architecture, a coordinated full-system idle low- power mode which transitions in and out of an ultra-low power nap state to save power during brief idle periods. While effective for uniprocessor systems, PowerNap relies on full-system idleness and we show that such idleness disappears as the number of cores per processor continues to increase. We expose this problem in a case study of Google Web search in which we demonstrate that coordinated full-system active power modes are necessary to reach energy proportionality and that PowerNap is ineffective because of a lack of idleness. To recover full-system idleness, we introduce DreamWeaver, architectural support for deep sleep. DreamWeaver allows a server to exchange latency for full-system idleness, allowing PowerNap-enabled servers to be effective and provides a better latency- power savings tradeoff than existing approaches. Finally, this thesis investigates workloads which achieve efficiency through methodical cluster provisioning techniques. Using the popular memcached workload, this thesis provides examples of provisioning clusters for cost-efficiency given latency, throughput, and data set size targets.Ph.D.Computer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91499/1/meisner_1.pd

    Resource management of replicated service systems provisioned in the cloud

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    Service providers seek scalable and cost-effective cloud solutions for hosting their applications. Despite significant recent advances facilitating the deployment and management of services on cloud platforms, a number of challenges still remain. Service providers are confronted with time-varying requests for the provided applications, inter- dependencies between different components, performance variability of the procured virtual resources, and cost structures that differ from conventional data centers. Moreover, fulfilling service level agreements, such as the throughput and response time percentiles, becomes of paramount importance for ensuring business advantages.In this thesis, we explore service provisioning in clouds from multiple points of view. The aim is to best provide service replicas in the form of VMs to various service applications, such that their tail throughput and tail response times, as well as resource utilization, meet the service level agreements in the most cost effective manner. In particular, we develop models, algorithms and replication strategies that consider multi-tier composed services provisioned in clouds. We also investigate how a service provider can opportunistically take advantage of observed performance variability in the cloud. Finally, we provide means of guaranteeing tail throughput and response times in the face of performance variability of VMs, using Markov chain modeling and large deviation theory. We employ methods from analytical modeling, event-driven simulations and experiments. Overall, this thesis provides not only a multi-faceted approach to exploring several crucial aspects of hosting services in clouds, i.e., cost, tail throughput, and tail response times, but our proposed resource management strategies are also rigorously validated via trace-driven simulation and extensive experiment

    Toward Energy Efficient Systems Design For Data Centers

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    Surge growth of numerous cloud services, Internet of Things, and edge computing promotes continuous increasing demand for data centers worldwide. Significant electricity consumption of data centers has tremendous implications on both operating and capital expense. The power infrastructure, along with the cooling system cost a multi-million or even billion dollar project to add new data center capacities. Given the high cost of large-scale data centers, it is important to fully utilize the capacity of data centers to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership. The data center is designed with a space budget and power budget. With the adoption of high-density rack designs, the capacity of a modern data center is usually limited by the power budget. So the core of the challenge is scaling up power infrastructure capacity. However, resizing the initial power capacity for an existing data center can be a task as difficult as building a new data center because of a non-scalable centralized power provisioning scheme. Thus, how to maximize the power utilization and optimize the performance per power budget is critical for data centers to deliver enough computation ability. To explore and attack the challenges of improving the power utilization, we have planned to work on different levels of data center, including server level, row level, and data center level. For server level, we take advantage of modern hardware to maximize power efficiency of each server. For rack level, we propose Pelican, a new power scheduling system for large-scale data centers with heterogeneous workloads. For row level, we present Ampere, a new approach to improve throughput per watt by provisioning extra servers. By combining these studies on different levels, we will provide comprehensive energy efficient system designs for data center

    Cloud Workload Allocation Approaches for Quality of Service Guarantee and Cybersecurity Risk Management

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    It has become a dominant trend in industry to adopt cloud computing --thanks to its unique advantages in flexibility, scalability, elasticity and cost efficiency -- for providing online cloud services over the Internet using large-scale data centers. In the meantime, the relentless increase in demand for affordable and high-quality cloud-based services, for individuals and businesses, has led to tremendously high power consumption and operating expense and thus has posed pressing challenges on cloud service providers in finding efficient resource allocation policies. Allowing several services or Virtual Machines (VMs) to commonly share the cloud\u27s infrastructure enables cloud providers to optimize resource usage, power consumption, and operating expense. However, servers sharing among users and VMs causes performance degradation and results in cybersecurity risks. Consequently, how to develop efficient and effective resource management policies to make the appropriate decisions to optimize the trade-offs among resource usage, service quality, and cybersecurity loss plays a vital role in the sustainable future of cloud computing. In this dissertation, we focus on cloud workload allocation problems for resource optimization subject to Quality of Service (QoS) guarantee and cybersecurity risk constraints. To facilitate our research, we first develop a cloud computing prototype that we utilize to empirically validate the performance of different proposed cloud resource management schemes under a close to practical, but also isolated and well-controlled, environment. We then focus our research on the resource management policies for real-time cloud services with QoS guarantee. Based on queuing model with reneging, we establish and formally prove a series of fundamental principles, between service timing characteristics and their resource demands, and based on which we develop several novel resource management algorithms that statically guarantee the QoS requirements for cloud users. We then study the problem of mitigating cybersecurity risk and loss in cloud data centers via cloud resource management. We employ game theory to model the VM-to-VM interdependent cybersecurity risks in cloud clusters. We then conduct a thorough analysis based on our game-theory-based model and develop several algorithms for cybersecurity risk management. Specifically, we start our cybersecurity research from a simple case with only two types of VMs and next extend it to a more general case with an arbitrary number of VM types. Our intensive numerical and experimental results show that our proposed algorithms can significantly outperform the existing methodologies for large-scale cloud data centers in terms of resource usage, cybersecurity loss, and computational effectiveness

    Qos-aware fine-grained power management in networked computing systems

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    Power is a major design concern of today\u27s networked computing systems, from low-power battery-powered mobile and embedded systems to high-power enterprise servers. Embedded systems are required to be power efficiency because most embedded systems are powered by battery with limited capacity. Similar concern of power expenditure rises as well in enterprise server environments due to cooling requirement, power delivery limit, electricity costs as well as environment pollutions. The power consumption in networked computing systems includes that on circuit board and that for communication. In the context of networked real-time systems, the power dissipation on wireless communication is more significant than that on circuit board. We focus on packet scheduling for wireless real-time systems with renewable energy resources. In such a scenario, it is required to transmit data with higher level of importance periodically. We formulate this packet scheduling problem as an NP-hard reward maximization problem with time and energy constraints. An optimal solution with pseudo polynomial time complexity is presented. In addition, we propose a sub-optimal solution with polynomial time complexity. Circuit board, especially processor, power consumption is still the major source of system power consumption. We provide a general-purposed, practical and comprehensive power management middleware for networked computing systems to manage circuit board power consumption thus to affect system-level power consumption. It has the functionalities of power and performance monitoring, power management (PM) policy selection and PM control, as well as energy efficiency analysis. This middleware includes an extensible PM policy library. We implemented a prototype of this middleware on Base Band Units (BBUs) with three PM policies enclosed. These policies have been validated on different platforms, such as enterprise servers, virtual environments and BBUs. In enterprise environments, the power dissipation on circuit board dominates. Regulation on computing resources on board has a significant impact on power consumption. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) is an effective technique to conserve energy consumption. We investigate system-level power management in order to avoid system failures due to power capacity overload or overheating. This management needs to control the power consumption in an accurate and responsive manner, which cannot be achieve by the existing black-box feedback control. Thus we present a model-predictive feedback controller to regulate processor frequency so that power budget can be satisfied without significant loss on performance. In addition to providing power guarantee alone, performance with respect to service-level agreements (SLAs) is required to be guaranteed as well. The proliferation of virtualization technology imposes new challenges on power management due to resource sharing. It is hard to achieve optimization in both power and performance on shared infrastructures due to system dynamics. We propose vPnP, a feedback control based coordination approach providing guarantee on application-level performance and underlying physical host power consumption in virtualized environments. This system can adapt gracefully to workload change. The preliminary results show its flexibility to achieve different levels of tradeoffs between power and performance as well as its robustness over a variety of workloads. It is desirable for improve energy efficiency of systems, such as BBUs, hosting soft-real time applications. We proposed a power management strategy for controlling delay and minimizing power consumption using DVFS. We use the Robbins-Monro (RM) stochastic approximation method to estimate delay quantile. We couple a fuzzy controller with the RM algorithm to scale CPU frequency that will maintain performance within the specified QoS

    Machine-Learning-Powered Cyber-Physical Systems

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    In the last few years, we witnessed the revolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm and the consequent growth of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs). IoT devices, which include a plethora of smart interconnected sensors, actuators, and microcontrollers, have the ability to sense physical phenomena occurring in an environment and provide copious amounts of heterogeneous data about the functioning of a system. As a consequence, the large amounts of generated data represent an opportunity to adopt artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques that can be used to make informed decisions aimed at the optimization of such systems, thus enabling a variety of services and applications across multiple domains. Machine learning processes and analyses such data to generate a feedback, which represents a status the environment is in. A feedback given to the user in order to make an informed decision is called an open-loop feedback. Thus, an open-loop CPS is characterized by the lack of an actuation directed at improving the system itself. A feedback used by the system itself to actuate a change aimed at optimizing the system itself is called a closed-loop feedback. Thus, a closed-loop CPS pairs feedback based on sensing data with an actuation that impacts the system directly. In this dissertation, we propose several applications in the context of CPS. We propose open-loop CPSs designed for the early prediction, diagnosis, and persistency detection of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) in dairy calves, and for gait activity recognition in horses.These works use sensor data, such as pedometers and automated feeders, to perform valuable real-field data collection. Data are then processed by a mix of state-of-the-art approaches as well as novel techniques, before being fed to machine learning algorithms for classification, which informs the user on the status of their animals. Our work further evaluates a variety of trade-offs. In the context of BRD, we adopt optimization techniques to explore the trade-offs of using sensor data as opposed to manual examination performed by domain experts. Similarly, we carry out an extensive analysis on the cost-accuracy trade-offs, which farmers can adopt to make informed decisions on their barn investments. In the context of horse gait recognition we evaluate the benefits of lighter classifications algorithms to improve energy and storage usage, and their impact on classification accuracy. With respect to closed-loop CPS we proposes an incentive-based demand response approach for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) designed for peak load reduction in the context of smart grids. Specifically, our approach uses machine learning to process power data from smart thermostats deployed in user homes, along with their personal temperature preferences. Our machine learning models predict power savings due to thermostat changes, which are then plugged into our optimization problem that uses auction theory coupled with behavioral science. This framework selects the set of users who fulfill the power saving requirement, while minimizing financial incentives paid to the users, and, as a consequence, their discomfort. Our work on BRD has been published on IEEE DCOSS 2022 and Frontiers in Animal Science. Our work on gait recognition has been published on IEEE SMARTCOMP 2019 and Elsevier PMC 2020, and our work on energy management and energy prediction has been published on IEEE PerCom 2022 and IEEE SMARTCOMP 2022. Several other works are under submission when this thesis was written, and are included in this document as well

    Allocation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centers - A Survey of Problem Models and Optimization Algorithms

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    Data centers in public, private, and hybrid cloud settings make it possible to provision virtual machines (VMs) with unprecedented flexibility. However, purchasing, operating, and maintaining the underlying physical resources incurs significant monetary costs and also environmental impact. Therefore, cloud providers must optimize the usage of physical resources by a careful allocation of VMs to hosts, continuously balancing between the conflicting requirements on performance and operational costs. In recent years, several algorithms have been proposed for this important optimization problem. Unfortunately, the proposed approaches are hardly comparable because of subtle differences in the used problem models. This paper surveys the used problem formulations and optimization algorithms, highlighting their strengths and limitations, also pointing out the areas that need further research in the future

    Wind Energy Management

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    The book "Wind Energy Management" is a required part of pursuing research work in the field of Renewable Energy at most universities. It provides in-depth knowledge to the subject for the beginners and stimulates further interest in the topic. The salient features of this book include: - Strong coverage of key topics - User friendly and accessible presentation to make learning interesting as much as possible - Its approach is explanatory and language is lucid and communicable - Recent research papers are incorporate