21 research outputs found

    Power Estimation Technique for DSP Architectures.

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    The main goal of power estimation is to optimize the power consumption of a electronic design. Power is a strongly pattern dependent function. Input statistics greatly influence on average power. We solve the pattern dependence problem for intellectual property (IP) designs. In this paper, we present a power macro-modeling technique for digital signal processing (DSP) architectures in terms of the statistical knowledge of their primary inputs. During the power estimation procedure, the sequence of an input stream is generated by a genetic algorithm using input metrics. Then, a Monte Carlo zero delay simulation is performed and a power dissipation macro-model function is built from power dissipation results. From then on, this macro-model function can be used to estimate power dissipation of the system just by using the statistics of the macro-block’s primary in puts. In experiments with the DSP system, the average error is 26%

    A survey of dynamic power optimization techniques

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    One of the most important considerations for the current VLSI/SOC design is power, which can be classified into power analysis and optimization. In this survey, the main concepts of power optimization including the sources and policies are introduced. Among the various approaches, dynamic power management (DPM), which implies to change devices states when they are not working at the highest speed or at their full capacity, is the most efficient one. Our explanations accompanying the figures specify the abstract concepts of DPM. This paper briefly surveys both heuristic and stochastic policies and discusses their advantages and disadvantages


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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags are small, wireless devices capable of automated item identification, used in a variety of applications including supply chain management, asset management, automatic toll collection (EZ Pass), etc. However, the design of these types of custom systems using the traditional methods can take months for a hardware engineer to develop and debug. In this dissertation, an automated, low-power flow for the design of RFID tags has been developed, implemented and validated. This dissertation presents the RFID Compiler, which permits high-level design entry using a simple description of the desired primitives and their behavior in ANSI-C. The compiler has different back-ends capable of targeting microprocessor-based or custom hardware-based tags. For the hardware-based tag, the back-end automatically converts the user-supplied behavior in C to low power synthesizable VHDL optimized for RFID applications. The compiler also integrates a fast, high-level power macromodeling flow, which can be used to generate power estimates within 15% accuracy of industry CAD tools and to optimize the primitives and / or the behaviors, compared to conventional practices. Using the RFID Compiler, the user can develop the entire design in a matter of days or weeks. The compiler has been used to implement standards such as ANSI, ISO 18000-7, 18000-6C and 18185-7. The automatically generated tag designs were validated by targeting microprocessors such as the AD Chips EISC and FPGAs such as Xilinx Spartan 3. The corresponding ASIC implementation is comparable to the conventionally designed commercial tags in terms of the energy and area. Thus, the RFID Compiler permits the design of power efficient, custom RFID tags by a wider audience with a dramatically reduced design cycle

    Static Timing Analysis Based Transformations of Super-Complex Instruction Set Hardware Functions

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    Application specific hardware implementations are an increasingly popular way of reducing execution time and power consumption in embedded systems. This application specific hardware typically consumes a small fraction of the execution time and power consumption that the equivalent software code would require. Modern electronic design automation (EDA) tools can be used to apply a variety of transformations to hardware blocks in an effort to achieve additional performance and power savings. A number of such transformations require a tool with knowledge of the designs' timing characteristics. This thesis describes a static timing analyzer and two timing analysis based design automation tools. The static timing analyzer estimates the worst-case timing characteristics of a hardware data flow graph. These hardware data flow graphs are intermediate representations generated within a C to VHDL hardware acceleration compiler. Two EDA tools were then developed which utilize static timing analysis. An automated pipelining tool was developed to increase the throughput of large blocks of combinational logic generated by the hardware acceleration compiler. Another tool was designed in an attempt to mitigate power consumption resulting from extraneous combinational switching. By inserting special signal buffers, known as delay elements, with preselected propagation delays, combinational functional units can be kept inactive until their inputs have stabilized. The hardware descriptions generated by both tools were synthesized, simulated, and power profiled using existing commercial EDA tools. The results show that pipelining leads to an average performance increase of 3.3x, while delay elements saved between 25% and 33% of the power consumption when tested on a set of signal and image processing benchmarks

    System-Level Power Estimation Methodology for MPSoC based Platforms

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    Avec l'essor des nouvelles technologies d'intégration sur silicium submicroniques, la consommation de puissance dans les systèmes sur puce multiprocesseur (MPSoC) est devenue un facteur primordial au niveau du flot de conception. La prise en considération de ce facteur clé dès les premières phases de conception, joue un rôle primordial puisqu'elle permet d'augmenter la fiabilité des composants et de réduire le temps d'arrivée sur le marché du produit final.Shifting the design entry point up to the system-level is the most important countermeasure adopted to manage the increasing complexity of Multiprocessor System on Chip (MPSoC). The reason is that decisions taken at this level, early in the design cycle, have the greatest impact on the final design in terms of power and energy efficiency. However, taking decisions at this level is very difficult, since the design space is extremely wide and it has so far been mostly a manual activity. Efficient system-level power estimation tools are therefore necessary to enable proper Design Space Exploration (DSE) based on power/energy and timing.VALENCIENNES-Bib. électronique (596069901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Complete-Range Activity-Based RTL Power Estimation

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    In recent years, power consumption has become a major concern in the electronic industry. Power reduction can be accelerated in the design cycle by fast and accurate power estimation tools. Since the units of lower-levels of design abstraction are transistors or gates, power estimation becomes a slow process at these levels. Therefore designers need to have tools for fast and accurate power estimation at the higher levels of design abstraction such as register transfer level (RTL). A novel RTL power estimation technique called CRAB-RPE will be presented in this thesis. The CRAB power model is built upon four important properties which most of the previous RTL models did not support at the same time. First, the model is based solely on the first and second-order primary input bit-level transition probabilities which provide detailed information about the primary input bit activity dependency of the circuit. Second, the model is based on the power characterization of a microarchitecture library with a complete range of primary input bit transition probabilities without any assumptions about this activity. Third, the pairwise spatial correlations of the primary input nodes are considered by including second-order crossterms of the primary input switching probabilities. Fourth, the first-order temporal correlations of the primary input bits are considered by including 1 to 1 and binary switching transition probabilities. With the proposed model, fast power estimation can be achieved from input bit-level statistics without further simulation. The model was evaluated using the ISCAS combinational circuit benchmarks and other commonly used micro-architectural circuit blocks. Second-order terms were observed to be important for modeling the low bit activity effects on power dissipation. The CRAB power model returned under 5% of the low-level simulator estimates for either biased single, pair PIN statistics or uniform white noise, DBT-like data

    Caractérisation automatisée de la consommation de puissance des processeurs pour l'estimation au niveau système

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, la consommation de puissance est une contrainte clé et une métrique de performance essentielle lors du design des systèmes numériques. La dissipation de chaleur excessive sur les circuits intégrés diminue relativement leurs performances. Également, plus que jamais, nous avons le besoin d’augmenter le temps de vie des batteries de nouvelles électroniques portables. Avec les techniques de design classiques, RTL « Register Transfer Level », une estimation de puissance précise est possible seulement aux dernières étapes du processus de développement. Pour remédier à cette problématique, on a récemment proposé dans la littérature de hausser le niveau d’abstraction de la conception de systèmes embarqués à l’aide de la méthodologie de niveau système « Electronic System Level » (ESL). Dans cette perspective, ce travail propose une méthodologie capable de caractériser automatiquement la consommation de puissance des processeurs configurable de type « soft-processors » et de générer un modèle efficace pour l’estimation de l’énergie consommée au niveau système. À l'aide de ce modèle, une étude comparative entre trois techniques d’estimation est donc présentée. Les résultats de cinq programmes tests montrent une estimation de puissance huit mille fois plus rapide que les techniques d’estimation conventionnelles et une erreur moyenne de seulement ±3.98 % pour le processeur LEON3 et de ±10.70 % pour le processeur Microblaze.----------ABSTRACT Nowadays, power consumption is a key constraint and a digital system design essential metric of performance. Excessive heat dissipation of integrated circuits relatively decreases the performance of the system. Also, more than ever, we need to increase the battery lifetime of new portable electronics. With classical design techniques as RTL « Register Transfer Level », precise power estimation is only possible in the final stages of the development process. To solve this problem, the literature recently proposed to raise the abstraction level of embedded systems design, using ESL « Electronic System Level » methodology. In this context, this project proposes a methodology to automatically characterize configurable soft-processors power consumption and generate an effective power model for energy consumption estimation at system level. Using this model, a comparative study between three estimation techniques is also presented. The results of five benchmarks show that our power estimation is eight thousand times faster than conventional estimation techniques and an average error of only ±3.98 % for the LEON3 processor and ±10.70 % for the Microblaze processor

    Evolutionary design of digital VLSI hardware

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    Formal Power Analysis of Systems-on-Chip

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    The design methods and languages targeted to modern System-on-Chip designs are facing tremendous pressure of the ever-increasing complexity, power, and speed requirements. To estimate any of these three metrics, there is a trade-off between accuracy and abstraction level of detail in which a system under design is analyzed. The more detailed the description, the more accurate the simulation will be, but, on the other hand, the more time consuming it will be. Moreover, a designer wants to make decisions as early as possible in the design flow to avoid costly design backtracking. To answer the challenges posed upon System-on-chip designs, this thesis introduces a formal, power aware framework, its development methods, and methods to constraint and analyze power consumption of the system under design. This thesis discusses on power analysis of synchronous and asynchronous systems not forgetting the communication aspects of these systems. The presented framework is built upon the Timed Action System formalism, which offer an environment to analyze and constraint the functional and temporal behavior of the system at high abstraction level. Furthermore, due to the complexity of System-on-Chip designs, the possibility to abstract unnecessary implementation details at higher abstraction levels is an essential part of the introduced design framework. With the encapsulation and abstraction techniques incorporated with the procedure based communication allows a designer to use the presented power aware framework in modeling these large scale systems. The introduced techniques also enable one to subdivide the development of communication and computation into own tasks. This property is taken into account in the power analysis part as well. Furthermore, the presented framework is developed in a way that it can be used throughout the design project. In other words, a designer is able to model and analyze systems from an abstract specification down to an implementable specification.Siirretty Doriast


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    1998/1999Negli ultimi anni passati le applicazioni multimediali hanno visto uno sviluppo notevole, trovando applicazione in un gran numero di campi. Applicazioni come video conferenze, diagnostica medica, telefonia mobile e applicazioni militari necessitano il trattamento di una gran mole di dati ad alta velocità. Pertanto, l'elaborazione di immagini e di dati vocali è molto importante ed è stata oggetto di numerosi sforzi, nel tentativo di trovare algoritmi sempre più veloci ed efficaci. Tra gli algoritmi proposti, noi crediamo che gli operatori razionali svolgano un ruolo molto importante, grazie alla loro versatilità ed efficacia nell'elaborazione di dati. Negli ultimi anni sono stati proposti diversi algoritmi, dimostrando che questi operatori possono essere molto vantaggiosi in diverse applicazioni, producendo buoni risultati. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di realizzare alcuni di questi algoritmi e, quindi, dimostrare che i filtri razionali, in particolare, possono essere realizzati senza ricorrere a sistemi di grandi dimensioni e possono raggiungere frequenze operative molto alte. Una volta che il blocco fondamentale di un sistema basato su operatori razionali sia stato realizzato, esso pu6 essere riusato con successo in molte altre applicazioni. Dal punto di vista del progettista, è importante avere uno schema generale di studio, che lo renda capace di studiare le varie configurazioni del sistema da realizzare e di analizzare i compromessi tra le variabili di progetto. In particolare, per soddisfare l'esigenza di metodi versatili per la stima della potenza, abbiamo sviluppato una tecnica di macro modellizazione che permette al progettista di stimare velocemente ed accuratamente la potenza dissipata da un circuito. La tesi è organizzata come segue: Nel Capitolo 1 alcuni sono presentati alcuni algoritmi studiati per la realizzazione. Ne viene data solo una veloce descrizione, lasciando comunque al lettore interessato dei riferimenti bibliografici. Nel Capitolo 2 vengono discusse le architetture fondamentali usate per la realizzazione. Principalmente sono state usate architetture a pipeline, ma viene data anche una descrizione degli approcci oggigiorno disponibili per l'ottimizzazione delle temporizzazioni. Nel Capitolo 3 sono presentate le realizzazioni di due sistemi studiati per questa tesi. Gli approcci seguiti si basano su ASIC e FPGA. Richiedono tecniche e soluzioni diverse per il progetto del sistema, per cui é interessante vedere cosa pu6 essere fatto nei due casi. Infine, nel Capitolo 4, descriviamo la nostra tecnica di macro modellizazione per la stima di potenza, dando una breve visione delle tecniche finora proposte e facendo vedere quali sono i vantaggi che il nostro metodo comporta per il progetto.In the past few years, multimedia application have been growing very fast, being applied to a large variety of fields. Applications like video conference, medical diagnostic, mobile phones, military applications require to handle large amount of data at high rate. Images as well as voice data processing are therefore very important and they have been subjected to a lot of efforts in order to find always faster and effective algorithms. Among image processing algorithms, we believe that rational operators assume an important role, due to their versatility and effectiveness in data processing. In the last years, several algorithms have been proposed, demonstrating that these operators can be very suitable in different applications with very good results. The aim of this work is to implement some of these algorithm and, therefore, demonstrate that rational filters, in particular, can be implemented without requiring large sized systems and they can operate at very high frequencies. Once the basic building block of a rational based system has been implemented, it can be successfully reused in many other applications. From the designer point of view, it is important to have a general framework, which makes it able to study various configurations of the system to be implemented and analyse the trade-off among the design variables. In particular, to meet the need far versatile tools far power estimation, we developed a new macro modelling technique, which allows the designer to estimate the power dissipated by a circuit quickly and accurately. The thesis is organized as follows: In chapter 1 we present some of the algorithms which have been studied for implementation. Only a brief overview is given, leaving to the interested reader some references in literature. In chapter 2 we discuss the basic architectures used for the implementations. Pipelined structures have been mainly used for this thesis, but an overview of the nowaday available approaches for timing optimization is presented. In chapter 3 we present two of the implementation designed for this thesis. The approaches followed are ASIC driven and FPGA drive. They require different techniques and different solution for the design of the system, therefore it is interesting to see what can be done in both the cases. Finally, in chapter 4, we describe our macro modelling techniques for power estimation, giving a brief overview of the up to now proposed techniques and showing the advantages our method brings to the design.XII Ciclo1969Versione digitalizzata della tesi di dottorato cartacea