17 research outputs found

    Situating social games in the everyday: an Australian perspective

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    This paper explores some of the ways in which social games - games played with others through social network sites such as Facebook - are situated within the everyday. It argues that social games are more than just games; they perform a range of interactive and integrative functions across and within people's lives and therefore need to be investigated as such. Social games en-able spaces for and practices of creative expression, and identity management. They also form a mechanism through which relations can be enacted and maintained across and outside of the game environment. This argument requires the researcher to consider the panoply of ways in which people integrate social games within their lives and everyday practices. Part of a larger project, this paper explores some findings from an exploratory survey of Australian game play-ers about their management and integration of game play within the everyday with a particular focus on gender

    How different generations contact and search for brands on social media? Comparing gen X and Y

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    This research intends to examine if there were significant differences on the brand engagement and on the electronic word of mouth (e-WOM)1 referral intention through Facebook between Generation X and Generation Y (also called millennials). Also, this study intends to examine if there are differences in the motivations that drive these generations to interact with brands through Facebook. Results indicated that Generation Y members consumed more content on Facebook brands’ pages than Generation X. Also, they were more likely to have an e-WOM referral intention as well as being more driven by brand affiliation and opportunity seeking. Finally, currently employed individuals were found to contribute with more content than students. This study fills the gap in the literature by addressing how marketing professionals should market their brand and interact and engage with their customers, based on customers’ generational cohort

    Do men post and women view? The role of gender, personality and emotions in online social activity

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    According to Nadkarni and Hofmann’s model (2012), a major motivator of social networking sites (SNS) use is the need to belong, i.e., the basic drive to form and maintain relationships. This need can be fulfilled through two kinds of belongingness-related behaviours: information-seeking (using SNS to learn about others) and communication (using SNS to communicate with others). The present study aimed at examining the role of gender, personality traits and emotional competence on each of these two belongingness-related behaviours. A total of 995 self-selected Italian Internet users (67.1% women; age range: 18-56) participated in the study. Results showed that the two online behaviours are influenced by different variables. Among them, the most relevant appear to be emotional competences, as managing emotions reduces both behaviours, using emotions fosters communication, and understanding emotions decreases information-seeking. Extraversion plays a key role as well, promoting both behaviours in women and information-seeking in men, whereas openness to experiences is positively linked to viewing others’ profiles. Finally, men use social networking sites to communicate and express their opinions more often than women. Implications are discussed

    Social Media Marketing

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    Red. nauk. Wydziału Organizacji i Zarządzania: Lewandowski, Jerzy.Globalizacja rynków oraz dynamiczny rozwój technologii informacyjno komunikacyjnych sprawiają, że przedsiębiorstwa muszą systematycznie dostosowywać się do nowych warunków działania. W konsekwencji w warunkach współczesnego rynku, nowe media stały się istotnym obszarem działalności marketingowej przedsiębiorstw. Internet jest obecnie kluczowym kanałem komunikacyjnym, przez co stanowi wyzwanie dla menadżerów. Regularnie zwiększa się liczba abonentów, użytkowników, reklamodawców i firm docierających do klientów drogą elektroniczną, co sprawia, że Internet umożliwia skuteczną promocję przedsiębiorstw. Budowanie i umacnianie relacji z konsumentami – będące stałym elementem budowania przewagi konkurencyjnej na rynku – jest w dzisiejszych czasach możliwe między innymi dzięki możliwości współtworzenia wartości dodanej dla konsumenta w ramach działań szeroko pojętego marketingu społecznościowego, zwanego także social media marketing.Social media marketing is a rapidly growing form of virtual marketing and can be classified in context of Web 2.0. philosophy based on a specific, twoway form of communication carried out via social media. As a result, users of social media are not only customers, but also full-fledged creators of the published content and active participants of the marketing communications activities. The main objective of this work is to present a comprehensive concept of social media marketing and its critical analysis, with particular emphasis on the importance of social media in brand management, virtual communities creation and brand promotion

    Reasons for facebook usage: Data from 46 countries

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    Seventy-nine percent of internet users use Facebook, and on average they access Facebook eight times a day (Greenwood et al., 2016). To put these numbers into perspective, according to Clement (2019), around 30% of the world\u2019s population uses this Online Social Network (OSN) site. Despite the constantly growing body of academic research on Facebook (Chou et al., 2009; Back et al., 2010; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010; McAndrew and Jeong, 2012; Wilson et al., 2012; Krasnova et al., 2017), there remains limited research regarding the motivation behind Facebook use across different cultures. Our main goal was to collect data from a large cross-cultural sample of Facebook users to examine the roles of sex, age, and, most importantly, cultural differences underlying Facebook use

    Facebook “verde amarelo” e preferência de uso da rede para os brasileiros

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    The social network Facebook comprises a large web users worldwide, corresponding to approximately 1,4 billions of users. The Brazil is the second most visited site by Internet users and the preferred network among those who seek interaction, sociability and entertainment. In this context, the object of the study was to analyse the usability of Facebook among brazilians users in online environments, given that intense connection share content and range of information available on the organizations website. Two complementary qualitative methods were developed, with the first based on netnographic research and the second applying questionnaires via Facebook and email. Results show seven (7) categories of users that emphasize the different behaviors of use and treat the values that stimulate or repress the usability. In this context, these groups of users open approaches to the various possibilities of organizations to reach consumers generating insights for marketing.A rede social Facebook compreende uma grande teia de usuários no mundo, correspondendo a aproximadamente 1,4 bilhões de usuários. No Brasil é o segundo site mais visitado pelos internautas e é a rede preferida entre aqueles que buscam interação, sociabilidade e entretenimento. Neste contexto, o objetivo do estudo foi identificar a usabilidade do Facebook entre os usuários brasileiros nos ambientes online, dada essa intensa conexão, compartilhamento conteúdos e a ampla gama de informações disponíveis no site às organizações. Foram utilizados dois métodos qualitativos e complementares, o primeiro com a pesquisa netnográfica e o segundo aplicando questionários abertos via Facebook e email. Os resultados encontrados apresentam 7 (sete) categorias de usuários, que enfatizam os diferentes comportamentos de uso e tratam dos valores que estimulam ou reprimem a usabilidade. Neste contexto, estes grupos de usuários abrem enfoques sobre as diversas possibilidades das organizações alcançarem os consumidores, que estão nessas redes gerando insights para o marketing

    Machine learning and semantic analysis of in-game chat for cyber bullying

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    One major problem with cyberbullying research is the lack of data, since researchers are traditionally forced to rely on survey data where victims and perpetrators self-report their impressions. In this paper, an automatic data collection system is presented that continuously collects in-game chat data from one of the most popular online multi-player games: World of Tanks. The data was collected and combined with other information about the players from available online data services. It presents a scoring scheme to enable identification of cyberbullying based on current research. Classification of the collected data was carried out using simple feature detection with SQL database queries and compared to classification from AI-based sentiment text analysis services that have recently become available and further against manually classified data using a custom-built classificationclient built for this paper. The simple SQL classification proved to be quite useful at identifying some features of toxic chat such as the use of bad language or racist sentiments, however the classification by the more sophisticated online sentiment analysis services proved to be disappointing. The results were then examined for insights into cyberbullying within this game and it was shown that it should be possible to reduce cyberbullying within the World of Tanks game by a significant factor by simply freezing the player’s ability to communicate through the in-game chat function for a short period after the player is killed within a match. It was also shown that very new players are much less likely to engage in cyberbullying, suggesting that it may be a learned behaviour from other players

    Diseño de una intervención de enfermería para la promoción de la actividad física a través de una herramienta TIC

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    Objetivo: Diseñar una intervención de enfermería para la promoción de la actividad física a través de una herramienta TIC. Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio metodológico, donde se diseñó una intervención de enfermería para la promoción de la actividad física con el respaldo de los siete conceptos establecidos en la teoría de autoeficacia de Bárbara Resnick para el diseño de programas para la promoción de la actividad física, esto a través de la estructuración de una página web. Para el análisis de los resultados se utilizaron dos metodologías, la evaluación por expertos quienes realizaron la validación de evidencia de concepto en la plataforma y grupo focal para realizar testeo de la plataforma. Resultados: Se estructuró una página web denominada WWW.SAM.NET.CO la cual despliega la intervención de enfermería, esto mediante el enfoque teórico de Bárbara Resnick de la teoría de autoeficacia bajo las premisas de la promoción de la actividad física, así mismo se incorpora los elementos teóricos del concepto de gamificación, el cual se constituye es uno de los aspectos principales para el desarrollo de páginas web innovadoras y creativas. Se aplicó la metodología de validación de jueces, mediante la validación de evidencia de concepto. Frente a los resultados del grupo focal participaron 6 estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional y se obtuvieron a partir de los dos grupos una serie de observaciones y recomendaciones que se deben programar para los respectivos ajustes de la página web, la cual se constituye en una intervención de enfermería que promociona la actividad física. Conclusión: Dentro de uno de los resultados importantes, es reconocer que mediante esta intervención de enfermería se está siendo coherente y obedece a las metas 2021 del Plan Decenal de Salud Pública. Asimismo, con el fin de garantizar intervenciones integrales en salud, se debe fortalecer el trabajo interdisciplinario con enfermería, sistemas, nutrición, fisioterapia, psicología y entrenadores físicos para el diseño y ejecución de intervenciones en salud efectivas y consolidadas de acuerdo a los requerimientos del actual sistema de salud, y esto con el enfoque teórico de BR para la promoción de la actividad física.Abstract. Objective: Designing a nursing intervention to promote physical activity through an ICT tool. Method: A methodological study where a nursing intervention to promote physical activity with the support of the seven concepts established in the theory of self-efficacy Barbara Resnick for designing programs for the promotion of physical activity was designed was conducted , this by structuring a web page. For analysis of the results two methodologies were used, evaluation by experts who conducted the validation of evidence on the platform concept and focus group testing for the platform. Results: A so-called web page which displays WWW.SAM.NET.CO nursing intervention was structured, this theoretical approach by Barbara Resnick of the theory of self-efficacy under the premise of promoting physical activity, also joined the theoretical elements of the concept of Gamification, which constitutes one of the main aspects for the development of innovative and creative web pages. Validation methodology applied judges, by validating evidence concept. Faced with the results of focus group they participated 6 students of the National University and obtained from the two groups a series of observations and recommendations should be scheduled for the respective settings of the web page, which constitutes an intervention nursing that promotes physical activity. Conclusion: Inside one of the important results is to recognize that through this nursing intervention is being consistent and obeys the 2021 goals of the Ten-Year Public Health. Furthermore, in order to ensure comprehensive health interventions must be strengthened interdisciplinary work with nursing , systems, nutrition, physiotherapy , psychology and physical for the design and implementation of interventions effective and consolidated health according trainers requirements the current health system , and this with the BR theoretical approach to promoting physical activity.Maestrí

    Social aspects of social network gaming

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    Diplomová práce nazvaná "Sociální aspekty hraní na sociálních sítích" se zaměřuje na aktuálně velmi diskutované téma současné digitální éry. V úvodní části představuje definice souvisejících termínů, objasňuje vágnost pojmu hra na sociálních sítích a uvádí několik možných dělení těchto her. V neposlední řadě zmiňuje i vývoj daného jevu, jehož existence je patrná teprve ve 21. století. Prostřední část reflektuje nazírání her na sociálních sítích pohledem dosavadních výzkumů ve světě a zobrazuje rozsah hraní pomocí aktuálních statistik. Empirická část diplomové práce zahrnuje představení metodologie, která byla stanovena na základě studia dostupné literatury tak, aby dosáhla stanovených cílů práce. Těmi se rozumí jednak vytvoření charakteristiky hráče na sociálních sítích a zjištění jeho hráčského stylu, zadruhé pak prozkoumání vlivu motivace hráče na jeho herní aktivitu. Výzkum je prováděn na vybraném vzorku české populace pomocí dotazníkového šetření. Výsledky jsou dále konfrontovány s výsledky zahraničních výzkumů pro větší komplexnost získaného obrazu o hrách na sociálních sítích. V závěru je zaznamenána autorčina reflexe výzkumu a jsou naznačeny oblasti vhodné pro další zkoumání. Klíčová slova dotazníkové šetření, hraní na Facebooku, motivace hráčů, sociální hra, sociální sítě, hry na sociálních...The thesis entitled "Social aspects of gaming on social networks" focuses on the currently much discussed topic of contemporary digital era. The introductory section presents definitions of related terms, explains the vagueness of the concept of the game on the social networks and presents several possible partitions of these games. Finally, it mentions the development of the phenomenon, whose existence is evident only in the 21st century. The middle part reflects the perception of games on social networks in the perspective of current research in the world and displays a range of gaming using the current statistics. The empirical part of the thesis includes the performance of methodology, which was laid down, by studying the available literature, to achieve the set objectives of this work. These goals are firstly, to establish player's features and find his gaming (on social network) style and, secondly, to investigate the influence of motivation on the player's gaming activity. Research is conducted on a sample of Czech population using questionnaires. The results are compared with the results of the international research for the greater complexity of the obtained image of the games on social networks. In the conclusion there are summary of the author's research and then the obvious...Ústav informačních studií - studia nových médiíInstitute of Information Studies and Librarianship - New Media StudiesFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult