114 research outputs found

    Analysis of GPON capacity by hybrid splitting-ratio base on customer segmentation for Indonesian market during the Covid-19 pandemic

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    During the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact on internet demand is very high throughout the world. In Indonesia, through a survey conducted, broadband users recorded 175 million people or equivalent to 64 % of the population. Based on field observations, the Passive Optical Network (PON) port utility in the Optical Line Terminal (OLT) is presently below 75 %, as opposed to the initial value, which was more than 95 % [1]. Furthermore, it was also found that more than 80 % of IndiHome customers use a maximum bandwidth of 20 Mbps with majority using 10 Mbps, which is very ineffective, especially related to network capacity. Generally, passive Optical Distribution Network (ODN) devices are not optimally used, therefore this research aims to determine the optimization level of the FTTH network by maximizing the available infrastructure capacity. This process was carried out by increasing the associate ratio of 1:32 to 1:64 while taking into account the Optical Line Terminal (OLT) capacity factor and the standard link budget with schemas A, B and C used to obtain adequate efficiency. Scheme A consists of a 1:2 passive splitter in the Optical Distribution Cabinet (ODC) & 1:32 at the Optical Distribution Point (ODP). Scheme B consists of a 1:4 (ODC) & 1:16 (ODP) passive splitter, while scheme C consists of a 1:8 (ODC) & 1:8 (ODP) passive splitter intended for the use of different customer area types. The result showed an increase in network capacity from 32 to 64 per PON port while taking into account the technical quality of the Link Budget. In conclusion, to ensure this solution functions properly, both simulation and direct measurement tests are carried out using the existing networ

    Proposta de Algoritmo de Posicionamento de Divisor de Potência Ótica para Redes GPON / Proposal for an Algorithm for Positioning of Splitter Optical Power to Networks GPON

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um método para otimizar o processo de planejamento e / ou projeto de redes GPON, dentro do recomendado pelos padrões ITU-T G.984.x .. GPON (Gigabit Passive Optical Network) para redes gigabit fibra óptica passiva. Um algoritmo para otimização destes será oferecido a partir da melhor solução para o posicionamento de separadores ópticos (divisores) e a formação de PONs. O algoritmo proposto considerará aspectos como: (i) os níveis de congestionamento de todas as PONs; (ii) o ordenamento das ONUs pertencentes a divisor congestionado e sua maior distância entre o divisor e o candidato à realocação; e (iii) o reposicionamento das ONUs

    How much energy will your NGN consume? A model for energy consumption in next generation access networks: The case of Spain

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    The contribution to global energy consumption of the information and communications technology (ICT) sector has increased considerably in the last decade, along with its growing relevance to the overall economy. This trend will continue due to the seemingly ever greater use of these technologies, with broadband data traffic generated by the usage of telecommunication networks as a primary component. In fact, in response to user demand, the telecommunications industry is initiating the deployment of next generation networks (NGNs). However, energy consumption is mostly absent from the debate on these deployments, in spite of the potential impact on both expenses and sustainability. In addition, consumers are unaware of the energy impact of their choices in ultra-broadband services. This paper focuses on forecasting energy consumption in the access part of NGNs by modelling the combined effect of the deployment of two different ultra-broadband technologies (FTTH-GPON and LTE), the evolution of traffic per user, and the energy consumption in each of the networks and user devices. Conclusions are presented on the levels of energy consumption, their cost and the impact of different network design parameters. The effect of technological developments, techno-economic and policy decisions on energy consumption is highlighted. On the consumer side, practical figures and comparisons across technologies are provided. Although the paper focuses on Spain, the analysis can be extended to similar countries

    Supporting strategic decisions in fiber-to-the-home deployments: techno-economic modeling in a multi-actor setting

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    Telecommunication Systems

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    This book is based on both industrial and academic research efforts in which a number of recent advancements and rare insights into telecommunication systems are well presented. The volume is organized into four parts: "Telecommunication Protocol, Optimization, and Security Frameworks", "Next-Generation Optical Access Technologies", "Convergence of Wireless-Optical Networks" and "Advanced Relay and Antenna Systems for Smart Networks." Chapters within these parts are self-contained and cross-referenced to facilitate further study

    Redes de nova geração e o serviço universal de telecomunicações em Portugal

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia EletrónicaThis thesis addresses the issue of Universal Service for telecommunications in the context of the access networks of next generation. This work aims to contribute to the redefinition of the concept of universal telecommunications service focusing primarily on extending it to broadband services as economic and social development factor and taking into account the degree of dependence that currently, modern societies have for the different communication and information services. Complementarily it also intended to meet some of the challenges set out in the European 2020 agenda. Universal Service is defined here as access to a telecommunications network (with obligations in terms of type and quality of service for the operator), by of all citizens at any country's geographical location, with uniform and accessible price. The approach adopted is the State as a mentor for social equity, respectful of the liberalized market dynamics but also knowledgeable of the requirements of modern telecommunications services and its relationship with the different technologies available. The possibility of subsidizing is assumed. The Universal Service´s provision is subject to open to all operators, which are assumed to possess other profitability businesses, than the Universal Service, using technologies similar to those prescribed for the respective Universal Service provision contest. Although the work has components of economic and financial analysis, the approach is the engineering point of view, looking for help to identify technical and organizational solutions which offer prospects for the dissemination and adoption of next generation network solutions. As a point of departure the work gives an overview on the state of the art access networks , trying to identify which of the differences between this reality and possible scenarios for next-generation network with potential access to the generality of the people . The case of the Portuguese reality will be given special attention, taking into account their specific characteristics in terms of geography, demography, economics and market dynamics. The main results of this work are: • Identification of possible scenarios for the evolution of existing networks, in particular in areas with deficit coverage. • Identification of possible operating models and business to the materialization of the above scenarios developed and its economic analysis in an attempt to determine the critical factors associated with sustainability and / or need for subsidies. • Contribution to the regulatory framework of new generation networks from the point of view of the constraints of technology and the specifics of the Universal Service.Esta tese aborda a questão do serviço universal de telecomunicações no contexto das redes de acesso de nova geração. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a redefinição do conceito de Serviço Universal de Telecomunicações concentrando-se principalmente em estendê-lo a serviços de banda larga como factor de desenvolvimento económico e social e tendo em conta o grau de dependência que, actualmente, as sociedades modernas têm em relação aos diferentes serviços de comunicação e informação. De forma complementar pretende-se também ir ao encontro de alguns dos desafios enunciados na Agenda Europeia 2020. Serviço Universal é aqui definido como o acesso a uma rede de telecomunicações (com obrigações em termos de tipo e qualidade de serviço para o operador), por parte de todos os cidadãos, em qualquer localização geográfica do país, a preços uniformes e acessíveis. A perspectiva adoptada é a Estatal como mentor da equidade social, respeitador das dinâmicas de mercado liberalizado mas também conhecedor dos requisitos dos modernos serviços de telecomunicações e da sua relação com as diferentes tecnologias disponíveis. A possibilidade de subsidiação é assumida. A prestação de Serviço Universal é sujeita a concurso aberto a todos os operadores, que se assume possuírem outros negócios, que não apenas o Serviço Universal, com rentabilidade e usando tecnologias semelhantes às preconizadas para a respectiva prestação de Serviço Universal. Embora o trabalho desenvolvido tenha componentes de análise económico-financeira, a abordagem utilizada é a de engenharia, procurando contribuir para a identificação de soluções técnicas e organizacionais que possam oferecer perspectivas sustentáveis para a disseminação e adopção das soluções redes de nova geração. Como ponto de partida o trabalho apresenta uma visão geral sobre o estado da arte das redes de acesso, procurando identificar quais os diferenciais existentes entre essa realidade e a de possíveis cenários de rede de próxima geração com potencial de acesso para a generalidade dos cidadãos. O caso da realidade Portuguesa será objecto de uma atenção especial, tendo em consideração as suas especificidades em termos de geografia, demografia, economia e dinâmicas do mercado. Os principais resultados deste trabalho são os seguintes: • Identificação de possíveis cenários para a evolução das redes actuais, nomeadamente em áreas com deficit de cobertura de rede. • Identificação de possíveis modelos de operação e negócio para a materialização dos cenários acima desenvolvidos e respectiva análise económica, como tentativa de determinar os factores críticos associados à sua sustentabilidade e /ou necessidade de subsidiação. • Contributo para o quadro regulatório das Redes de Nova Geração sob o ponto de vista dos constrangimentos das tecnologias e das especificidades do Serviço Universal

    Green radio communication networks applying radio-over-fibre technology for wireless access

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    Wireless communication increasingly is becoming the first choice link to enter into the global information society. It is an essential part of broadband communication networks, due to its capacity to cover the end-user domain, outdoors or indoors. The use of mobile phones and broadband has already exceeded the one of the fixed telephones and has caused tremendous changes in peoples life, as not only to be recognised in the current political overthrows. The all-around presence of wireless communication links combined with functions that support mobility will make a roaming person-bound communication network possible in the near future. This idea of a personal network, in which a user has his own communication environment available everywhere, necessitates immense numbers of radio access points to maintain the wireless links and support mobility. The progress towards “all-around wireless” needs budget and easily maintainable radio access points, with simplified signal processing and consolidation of the radio network functions in a central station. The RF energy consumption in mobile base stations is one of the main problems in the wireless communication system, which has led to the worldwide research in so called green communication, which offers an environmentally friendly and cost-effective solution. In order to extend networks and mobility support, the simplification of antenna stations and broadband communication capacity becomes an increasingly urgent demand, also the extension of the wireless signal transmission distance to consolidate the signal processing in a centralised site. Radio-over-Fibre technology (RoF) was considered and found to be the most promising solution to achieve effective delivery of wireless and baseband signals, also to reduce RF energy consumption. The overall aim of this research project was to simulate the transmission of wireless and baseband RF signals via fibre for a long distance in high quality, consuming a low-power budget. Therefore, this thesis demonstrated a green radio communication network and the advantage of transmitting signals via fibre rather than via air. The contributions of this research work were described in the follows: Firstly, a comparison of the power consumption in WiMAX via air and fibre is presented. As shown in the simulation results, the power budget for the transmission of 64 QAM WiMAX IEEE 802.16-2005 via air for a distance of 5km lies at -189.67 dB, whereas for the transmission via RoF for a distance of 140km, the power consumption ranges at 65dB. Through the deployment of a triple symmetrical compensator technique, consisting of SMF, DCF and FBG, the transmission distance of the 54 Mbps WiMAX signal can be increased to 410km without increasing the power budget of 65dB. An amendment of the triple compensator technique to SMF, DCF and CFBG allows a 120Mbps WiMAX signal transmission with a clear RF spectrum of 3.5 GHz and constellation diagram over a fibre length of 792km using a power budget of 192dB. Secondly, the thesis demonstrates a simulation setup for the deployment of more than one wireless system, namely 64 QAM WiMAX IEEE 802.16-2005 and LTE, for a data bit rate of 1Gbps via Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) RoF over a transmission distance of 1800km. The RoF system includes two triple symmetrical compensator techniques - DCF, SMF, and CFBG - to obtain a large bandwidth, power budget of 393.6dB and a high signal quality for the long transmission distance. Finally, the thesis proposed a high data bit rate and energy efficient simulation architecture, applying a passive optical component for a transmission span up to 600km. A Gigabit Optical Passive Network (GPON) based on RoF downlink 2.5 Gbps and uplink 1.25Gbps is employed to carry LTE and WiMAX, also 18 digital channels by utilising Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM). The setup achieved high data speed, a low-power budget of 151.2dB, and an increased service length of up to 600km