182 research outputs found

    Self-Calibrated, Low-Jitter and Low-Reference-Spur Injection-Locked Clock Multipliers

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    Department of Electrical EngineeringThis dissertation focuses primarily on the design of calibrators for the injection-locked clock multiplier (ILCM). ILCMs have advantage to achieve an excellent jitter performance at low cost, in terms of area and power consumption. The wide loop bandwidth (BW) of the injection technique could reject the noise of voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), making it thus suitable for the rejection of poor noise of a ring-VCO and a high frequency LC-VCO. However, it is difficult to use without calibrators because of its sensitiveness in process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variations. In Chapter 2, conventional frequency calibrators are introduced and discussed. This dissertation introduces two types of calibrators for low-power high-frequency LC-VCO-based ILFMs in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 and high-performance ring-VCO-based ILCM in Chapter 5. First, Chapter 3 presents a low power and compact area LC-tank-based frequency multiplier. In the proposed architecture, the input signals have a pulsed waveform that involves many high-order harmonics. Using an LC-tank that amplifies only the target harmonic component, while suppressing others, the output signal at the target frequency can be obtained. Since the core current flows for a very short duration, due to the pulsed input signals, the average power consumption can be dramatically reduced. Effective removal of spurious tones due to the damping of the signal is achieved using a limiting amplifier. In this work, a prototype frequency tripler using the proposed architecture was designed in a 65 nm CMOS process. The power consumption was 950 ??W, and the active area was 0.08 mm2. At a 3.12 GHz frequency, the phase noise degradation with respect to the theoretical bound was less than 0.5 dB. Second, Chapter 4 presents an ultra-low-phase-noise ILFM for millimeter wave (mm-wave) fifth-generation (5G) transceivers. Using an ultra-low-power frequency-tracking loop (FTL), the proposed ILFM is able to correct the frequency drifts of the quadrature voltage-controlled oscillator of the ILFM in a real-time fashion. Since the FTL is monitoring the averages of phase deviations rather than detecting or sampling the instantaneous values, it requires only 600??W to continue to calibrate the ILFM that generates an mm-wave signal with an output frequency from 27 to 30 GHz. The proposed ILFM was fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS process. The 10-MHz phase noise of the 29.25-GHz output signal was ???129.7 dBc/Hz, and its variations across temperatures and supply voltages were less than 2 dB. The integrated phase noise from 1 kHz to 100 MHz and the rms jitter were???39.1 dBc and 86 fs, respectively. Third, Chapter 5 presents a low-jitter, low-reference-spur ring voltage-controlled oscillator (ring VCO)-based ILCM. Since the proposed triple-point frequency/phase/slope calibrator (TP-FPSC) can accurately remove the three root causes of the frequency errors of ILCMs (i.e., frequency drift, phase offset, and slope modulation), the ILCM of this work is able to achieve a low-level reference spur. In addition, the calibrating loop for the frequency drift of the TP-FPSC offers an additional suppression to the in-band phase noise of the output signal. This capability of the TP-FPSC and the naturally wide bandwidth of the injection-locking mechanism allows the ILCM to achieve a very low RMS jitter. The ILCM was fabricated in a 65-nm CMOS technology. The measured reference spur and RMS jitter were ???72 dBc and 140 fs, respectively, both of which are the best among the state-of-the-art ILCMs. The active silicon area was 0.055 mm2, and the power consumption was 11.0 mW.clos

    Low power low voltage quadrature RC oscillators for modern RF receivers

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    Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de ComputadoresThis thesis proposes a study of three different RC oscillators, two relaxation and a ring oscillator. All the circuits are implemented using UMC 130 nm CMOS technology with a supply voltage of 1.2 V. We present a wideband MOS current/voltage controlled quadrature oscillator constituted by two multivibrators. Two different forms of coupling named, soft (traditional)and hard (proposed) are differentiated and investigated. It is found that hard coupling reduces the quadrature error and results in a low phase-noise (about 2 dB improvement) with respect to soft coupling. The behaviour of the singular and coupled multivibrators is investigated, when an external synchronizing harmonic is applied. We introduce a new RC relaxation oscillator with pulse self biasing, to reduce power consumption, and with harmonic ltering and resistor feedback, to reduce phase-noise. The designed circuit has a very low phase-noise, -132.6 dBc/Hz @ 10 MHz offset, and the power consumption is only 1 mW, which leads to a gure of merit (FOM) of -159.1 dBc/Hz. The nal circuit is a two integrator fully implemented in CMOS technology, with low power consumption. The respective layout is made and occupies a total area of5.856x10-3 mm2, post-layout simulation is also done

    Design of high performance frequency synthesizers in communication systems

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    Frequency synthesizer is a key building block of fully-integrated wireless communication systems. Design of a frequency synthesizer requires the understanding of not only the circuit-level but also of the transceiver system-level considerations. This dissertation presents a full cycle of the synthesizer design procedure starting from the interpretation of standards to the testing and measurement results. A new methodology of interpreting communication standards into low level circuit specifications is developed to clarify how the requirements are calculated. A detailed procedure to determine important design variables is presented incorporating the fundamental theory and non-ideal effects such as phase noise and reference spurs. The design procedure can be easily adopted for different applications. A BiCMOS frequency synthesizer compliant for both wireless local area network (WLAN) 802.11a and 802.11b standards is presented as a design example. The two standards are carefully studied according to the proposed standard interpretation method. In order to satisfy stringent requirements due to the multi-standard architecture, an improved adaptive dual-loop phase-locked loop (PLL) architecture is proposed. The proposed improvements include a new loop filter topology with an active capacitance multiplier and a tunable dead zone circuit. These improvements are crucial for monolithic integration of the synthesizer with no off-chip components. The proposed architecture extends the operation limit of conventional integerN type synthesizers by providing better reference spur rejection and settling time performance while making it more suitable for monolithic integration. It opens a new possibility of using an integer-N architecture for various other communication standards, while maintaining the benefit of the integer-N architecture; an optimal performance in area and power consumption

    Rotary travelling wave oscillator with differential nonlinear transmission lines

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    A methodology for the harmonic-balance analysis and design of rotary-traveling wave oscillator is presented. Two different implementations are compared. The first one is the standard configuration based on a distributed transmission lines. The second one is a new configuration based on a differential nonlinear transmission line (NLTL), which enables the generation of square waveforms with reduced number of stages, while still maintaining the capability to produce multiphase signals. The possible coexistence of oscillation modes is investigated with a detailed bifurcation analysis versus practical parameters such as the device bias voltage. The phase-noise spectrum is predicted from the variance of the common phase deviation. The parameters that determine this variance are identified with the conversion-matrix approach. The two prototypes, based on a distributed transmission line and a differential NLTL, have been manufactured and characterized experimentally, obtaining very good agreement between simulations and measurements.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through project TEC2011-29264-C03-01

    Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Volume II

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    Research on radiation tolerant electronics has increased rapidly over the last few years, resulting in many interesting approaches to model radiation effects and design radiation hardened integrated circuits and embedded systems. This research is strongly driven by the growing need for radiation hardened electronics for space applications, high-energy physics experiments such as those on the large hadron collider at CERN, and many terrestrial nuclear applications, including nuclear energy and safety management. With the progressive scaling of integrated circuit technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems, their ionizing radiation susceptibility has raised many exciting challenges, which are expected to drive research in the coming decade.After the success of the first Special Issue on Radiation Tolerant Electronics, the current Special Issue features thirteen articles highlighting recent breakthroughs in radiation tolerant integrated circuit design, fault tolerance in FPGAs, radiation effects in semiconductor materials and advanced IC technologies and modelling of radiation effects

    Quadrature Phase-Domain ADPLL with Integrated On-line Amplitude Locked Loop Calibration for 5G Multi-band Applications

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    5th generation wireless systems (5G) have expanded frequency band coverage with the low-band 5G and mid-band 5G frequencies spanning 600 MHz to 4 GHz spectrum. This dissertation focuses on a microelectronic implementation of CMOS 65 nm design of an All-Digital Phase Lock Loop (ADPLL), which is a critical component for advanced 5G wireless transceivers. The ADPLL is designed to operate in the frequency bands of 600MHz-930MHz, 2.4GHz-2.8GHz and 3.4GHz-4.2GHz. Unique ADPLL sub-components include: 1) Digital Phase Frequency Detector, 2) Digital Loop Filter, 3) Channel Bank Select Circuit, and 4) Digital Control Oscillator. Integrated with the ADPLL is a 90-degree active RC-CR phase shifter with on-line amplitude locked loop (ALL) calibration to facilitate enhanced image rejection while mitigating the effects of fabrication process variations and component mismatch. A unique high-sensitivity high-speed dynamic voltage comparator is included as a key component of the active phase shifter/ALL calibration subsystem. 65nm CMOS technology circuit designs are included for the ADPLL and active phase shifter with simulation performance assessments. Phase noise results for 1 MHz offset with carrier frequencies of 600MHz, 2.4GHz, and 3.8GHz are -130, -122, and -116 dBc/Hz, respectively. Monte Carlo simulations to account for process variations/component mismatch show that the active phase shifter with ALL calibration maintains accurate quadrature phase outputs when operating within the frequency bands 600MHz-930MHz, 2.4GHz-2.8GHz and 3.4GHz-4.2GHz

    Analysis and Design of Robust Multi-Gb/s Clock and Data Recovery Circuits

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    The bandwidth demands of modern computing systems have been continually increasing and the recent focus on parallel processing will only increase the demands placed on data communication circuits. As data rates enter the multi-Gb/s range, serial data communication architectures become attractive as compared to parallel architectures. Serial architectures have long been used in fibre optic systems for long-haul applications, however, in the past decade there has been a trend towards multi-Gb/s backplane interconnects. The integration of clock and data recovery (CDR) circuits into monolithic integrated circuits (ICs) is attractive as it improves performance and reduces the system cost, however it also introduces new challenges, one of which is robustness. In serial data communication systems the CDR circuit is responsible for recovering the data from an incoming data stream. In recent years there has been a great deal of research into integrating CDR circuits into monolithic ICs. Most research has focused on increasing the bandwidth of the circuits, however in order to integrate multi-Gb/s CDR circuits robustness, as well as performance, must be considered. In this thesis CDR circuits are analyzed with respect to their robustness. The phase detector is a critical block in a CDR circuit and its robustness will play a significant role in determining the overall performance in the presence of process non-idealities. Several phase detector architectures are analyzed to determine the effects of process non-idealities. Static phase offsets are introduced as a figure of merit for phase detectors and a mathematical framework is described to characterize the negative effects of static phase offsets on CDR circuits. Two approaches are taken to improve the robustness of CDR circuits. First, calibration circuits are introduced which correct for static phase offsets in CDR circuits. Secondly, phase detector circuits are introduced which have been designed to optimize both performance and robustness. Several prototype chips which implement these schemes will be described and measured results will be presented. These results show that while CDR circuits are vulnerable to the effects of process non-idealities, there are circuit techniques which can mitigate many of these concerns

    Advanced CMOS Integrated Circuit Design and Application

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    The recent development of various application systems and platforms, such as 5G, B5G, 6G, and IoT, is based on the advancement of CMOS integrated circuit (IC) technology that enables them to implement high-performance chipsets. In addition to development in the traditional fields of analog and digital integrated circuits, the development of CMOS IC design and application in high-power and high-frequency operations, which was previously thought to be possible only with compound semiconductor technology, is a core technology that drives rapid industrial development. This book aims to highlight advances in all aspects of CMOS integrated circuit design and applications without discriminating between different operating frequencies, output powers, and the analog/digital domains. Specific topics in the book include: Next-generation CMOS circuit design and application; CMOS RF/microwave/millimeter-wave/terahertz-wave integrated circuits and systems; CMOS integrated circuits specially used for wireless or wired systems and applications such as converters, sensors, interfaces, frequency synthesizers/generators/rectifiers, and so on; Algorithm and signal-processing methods to improve the performance of CMOS circuits and systems