568 research outputs found

    In-silico-Systemanalyse von Biopathways

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    Chen M. In silico systems analysis of biopathways. Bielefeld (Germany): Bielefeld University; 2004.In the past decade with the advent of high-throughput technologies, biology has migrated from a descriptive science to a predictive one. A vast amount of information on the metabolism have been produced; a number of specific genetic/metabolic databases and computational systems have been developed, which makes it possible for biologists to perform in silico analysis of metabolism. With experimental data from laboratory, biologists wish to systematically conduct their analysis with an easy-to-use computational system. One major task is to implement molecular information systems that will allow to integrate different molecular database systems, and to design analysis tools (e.g. simulators of complex metabolic reactions). Three key problems are involved: 1) Modeling and simulation of biological processes; 2) Reconstruction of metabolic pathways, leading to predictions about the integrated function of the network; and 3) Comparison of metabolism, providing an important way to reveal the functional relationship between a set of metabolic pathways. This dissertation addresses these problems of in silico systems analysis of biopathways. We developed a software system to integrate the access to different databases, and exploited the Petri net methodology to model and simulate metabolic networks in cells. It develops a computer modeling and simulation technique based on Petri net methodology; investigates metabolic networks at a system level; proposes a markup language for biological data interchange among diverse biological simulators and Petri net tools; establishes a web-based information retrieval system for metabolic pathway prediction; presents an algorithm for metabolic pathway alignment; recommends a nomenclature of cellular signal transduction; and attempts to standardize the representation of biological pathways. Hybrid Petri net methodology is exploited to model metabolic networks. Kinetic modeling strategy and Petri net modeling algorithm are applied to perform the processes of elements functioning and model analysis. The proposed methodology can be used for all other metabolic networks or the virtual cell metabolism. Moreover, perspectives of Petri net modeling and simulation of metabolic networks are outlined. A proposal for the Biology Petri Net Markup Language (BioPNML) is presented. The concepts and terminology of the interchange format, as well as its syntax (which is based on XML) are introduced. BioPNML is designed to provide a starting point for the development of a standard interchange format for Bioinformatics and Petri nets. The language makes it possible to exchange biology Petri net diagrams between all supported hardware platforms and versions. It is also designed to associate Petri net models and other known metabolic simulators. A web-based metabolic information retrieval system, PathAligner, is developed in order to predict metabolic pathways from rudimentary elements of pathways. It extracts metabolic information from biological databases via the Internet, and builds metabolic pathways with data sources of genes, sequences, enzymes, metabolites, etc. The system also provides a navigation platform to investigate metabolic related information, and transforms the output data into XML files for further modeling and simulation of the reconstructed pathway. An alignment algorithm to compare the similarity between metabolic pathways is presented. A new definition of the metabolic pathway is proposed. The pathway defined as a linear event sequence is practical for our alignment algorithm. The algorithm is based on strip scoring the similarity of 4-hierarchical EC numbers involved in the pathways. The algorithm described has been implemented and is in current use in the context of the PathAligner system. Furthermore, new methods for the classification and nomenclature of cellular signal transductions are recommended. For each type of characterized signal transduction, a unique ST number is provided. The Signal Transduction Classification Database (STCDB), based on the proposed classification and nomenclature, has been established. By merging the ST numbers with EC numbers, alignments of biopathways are possible. Finally, a detailed model of urea cycle that includes gene regulatory networks, metabolic pathways and signal transduction is demonstrated by using our approaches. A system biological interpretation of the observed behavior of the urea cycle and its related transcriptomics information is proposed to provide new insights for metabolic engineering and medical care

    Modeling formalisms in systems biology

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    Systems Biology has taken advantage of computational tools and high-throughput experimental data to model several biological processes. These include signaling, gene regulatory, and metabolic networks. However, most of these models are specific to each kind of network. Their interconnection demands a whole-cell modeling framework for a complete understanding of cellular systems. We describe the features required by an integrated framework for modeling, analyzing and simulating biological processes, and review several modeling formalisms that have been used in Systems Biology including Boolean networks, Bayesian networks, Petri nets, process algebras, constraint-based models, differential equations, rule-based models, interacting state machines, cellular automata, and agent-based models. We compare the features provided by different formalisms, and discuss recent approaches in the integration of these formalisms, as well as possible directions for the future.Research supported by grants SFRH/BD/35215/2007 and SFRH/BD/25506/2005 from the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT) and the MIT-Portugal Program through the project "Bridging Systems and Synthetic Biology for the development of improved microbial cell factories" (MIT-Pt/BS-BB/0082/2008)

    09091 Abstracts Collection -- Formal Methods in Molecular Biology

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    From 23. February to 27. February 2009, the Dagstuhl Seminar 09091 ``Formal Methods in Molecular Biology \u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available

    Reconstruction of extended Petri nets from time series data and its application to signal transduction and to gene regulatory networks

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Network inference methods reconstruct mathematical models of molecular or genetic networks directly from experimental data sets. We have previously reported a mathematical method which is exclusively data-driven, does not involve any heuristic decisions within the reconstruction process, and deliveres all possible alternative minimal networks in terms of simple place/transition Petri nets that are consistent with a given discrete time series data set.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We fundamentally extended the previously published algorithm to consider catalysis and inhibition of the reactions that occur in the underlying network. The results of the reconstruction algorithm are encoded in the form of an extended Petri net involving control arcs. This allows the consideration of processes involving mass flow and/or regulatory interactions. As a non-trivial test case, the phosphate regulatory network of enterobacteria was reconstructed using <it>in silico</it>-generated time-series data sets on wild-type and <it>in silico </it>mutants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The new exact algorithm reconstructs extended Petri nets from time series data sets by finding all alternative minimal networks that are consistent with the data. It suggested alternative molecular mechanisms for certain reactions in the network. The algorithm is useful to combine data from wild-type and mutant cells and may potentially integrate physiological, biochemical, pharmacological, and genetic data in the form of a single model.</p

    Structural modelling and robustness analysis of complex metabolic networks and signal transduction cascades

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    The dissertation covers the topic of structural robustness of metabolic networks on the basis of the concept of elementary flux modes (EFMs). It is shown that the number of EFMs does not reflect the topology of a network sufficiently. Thus, new methods are developed to determine the structural robustness of metabolic networks. These methods are based on systematic in-silico knockouts and the subsequent calculation of dropped out EFMs. Thereby, together with single knockouts also double and multiple knockouts can be used. After evaluation of these methods they are applied to metabolic networks of human erythrocyte and hepatocyte as well as to a metabolic network of Escherichia coli (E. coli). It is found that the erythrocyte has the lowest structural robustness, followed by the hepatocyte and E. coli. These results coincide very well with the circumstance that human erythrocyte and hepatocyte and E. coli are able to adapt to conditions with increasing diversity. In a further part of the dissertation the concept of EFMs is expanded to signal transduction pathways consisting of kinase cascades. The concept of EFMs is based on the steady-state condition for metabolic pathways. It is shown that under certain circumstances this steady-state condition also holds for signalling cascades. Furthermore, it is shown that it is possible to deduce minimal conditions for signal transduction without knowledge about the kinetics involved. On the basis of these assumptions it is possible to calculate EFMs for signalling cascades. But due to the fact that these EFMs do no longer just have mass flux but also information flux, they are now called elementary signalling modes (ESMs).Die Dissertation behandelt die strukturelle Robustheit von metabolischen Netzwerken auf der Basis des Konzepts der elementaren Flussmoden (EFMen). Es wird gezeigt, dass die Anzahl der EFMen die Topologie eines metabolischen Netzes nicht ausreichend widerspiegelt. Darauf aufbauend werden neue Methoden entwickelt, um die strukturelle Robustheit metabolischer Netze zu bestimmen. Diese Methoden beruhen auf systematischen in-silico-Knockouts und der anschließenden Bestimmung des Anteils an weggefallenen EFMen. Dabei können neben Einfach-Knockouts auch Doppel- oder Mehrfach-Knockouts verwendet werden. Nach der Evaluierung werden diese Methoden auf metabolische Netzwerke des menschlichen Erythrozyten und Hepatozyten, sowie des Bakteriums Escherichia coli (E. coli) angewendet. Es zeigt sich, dass der Erythrozyt die im Vergleich geringste strukturelle Robustheit besitzt, gefolgt vom Hepatozyten und E. coli. Diese Ergebnisse stimmen sehr gut mit der Beobachtung ĂŒberein, dass sich die menschlichen Erythrozyten und Hepatozyten, sowie E. coli an zunehmend verschiedene Bedingungen anpassen können. In einem weiteren Teil der Dissertation wird das Konzept der EFMen auf Signaltransduktionswege bestehend aus Kinase-Kaskaden erweitert. Das Konzept der EFMen beruht auf der Annahme eines quasi-stationĂ€ren Zustands fĂŒr metabolische Netzwerke. Es wird gezeigt, dass dieser quasi-stationĂ€re Zustand unter bestimmten Bedingungen auch in Signal-Kaskaden angenommen werden kann. Weiterhin wird gezeigt, dass man ohne Kenntnis der beteiligten Kinetiken Minimalbedingungen fĂŒr die Signalweiterleitung ableiten kann. Auf Basis dieser Annahmen lassen sich fĂŒr Signal-Kaskaden EFMen berechnen. Aber aufgrund der Tatsache, dass sie nicht mehr nur Masse-, sondern auch Informationsfluss beschreiben, werden sie nun als elementare Signalmoden (ESMen) bezeichnet

    BioSilicoSystems - A Multipronged Approach Towards Analysis and Representation of Biological Data (PhD Thesis)

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    The rising field of integrative bioinformatics provides the vital methods to integrate, manage and also to analyze the diverse data and allows gaining new and deeper insights and a clear understanding of the intricate biological systems. The difficulty is not only to facilitate the study of heterogeneous data within the biological context, but it also more fundamental, how to represent and make the available knowledge accessible. Moreover, adding valuable information and functions that persuade the user to discover the interesting relations hidden within the data is, in itself, a great challenge. Also, the cumulative information can provide greater biological insight than is possible with individual information sources. Furthermore, the rapidly growing number of databases and data types poses the challenge of integrating the heterogeneous data types, especially in biology. This rapid increase in the volume and number of data resources drive for providing polymorphic views of the same data and often overlap in multiple resources. &#xd;&#xa;&#xd;&#xa;In this thesis a multi-pronged approach is proposed that deals with various methods for the analysis and representation of the diverse biological data which are present in different data sources. This is an effort to explain and emphasize on different concepts which are developed for the analysis of molecular data and also to explain its biological significance. The hypotheses proposed are in context with various other results and findings published in the past. The approach demonstrated also explains different ways to integrate the molecular data from various sources along with the need for a comprehensive understanding and clear projection of the concept or the algorithm and its results, but with simple means and methods. The multifarious approach proposed in this work comprises of different tools or methods spanning significant areas of bioinformatics research such as data integration, data visualization, biological network construction / reconstruction and alignment of biological pathways. Each tool deals with a unique approach to utilize the molecular data for different areas of biological research and is built based on the kernel of the thesis. Furthermore these methods are combined with graphical representation that make things simple and comprehensible and also helps to understand with ease the underlying biological complexity. Moreover the human eye is often used to and it is more comfortable with the visual representation of the facts

    Novel modeling formalisms and simulation tools in computational biosystems

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    Tese de doutoramento em BioengenhariaThe goal of Systems Biology is to understand the complex behavior that emerges from the interaction among the cellular components. Industrial biotechnology is one of the areas of application, where new approaches for metabolic engineering are developed, through the creation of new models and tools for simulation and optimization of the microbial metabolism. Although whole-cell modeling is one of the goals of Systems Biology, so far most models address only one kind of biological network independently. This work explores the integration of di erent kinds of biological networks with a focus on the improvement of simulation of cellular metabolism. The bacterium Escherichia coli is the most well characterized model organism and is used as our case-study. An extensive review of modeling formalisms that have been used in Systems Biology is presented in this work. It includes several formalisms, including Boolean networks, Bayesian networks, Petri nets, process algebras, constraint-based models, di erential equations, rule-based models, interacting state machines, cellular automata and agent-based models. We compare the features provided by these formalisms and classify the most suitable ones for the creation of a common framework for modeling, analysis and simulation of integrated biological networks. Currently, there is a separation between dynamic and constraint-based modeling of metabolism. Dynamic models are based on detailed kinetic reconstructions of central metabolic pathways, whereas constraint-based models are based on genome-scale stoichiometric reconstructions. Here, we explore the gap between both formulations and evaluate how dynamic models can be used to reduce the solution space of constraint-based models in order to eliminate kinetically infeasible solutions. The limitations of both kinds of models are leading to new approaches to build kinetic models at the genome-scale. The generation of kinetic models from stoichiometric reconstructions can be performed within the same framework as a transformation from discrete to continuous Petri nets. However, the size of these networks results in models with a large number of parameters. In this scope, we develop and implement structural reduction methods that adjust the level of detail of metabolic networks without loss of information, which can be applied prior to the kinetic inference to build dynamic models with a smaller number of parameters. In order to account for enzymatic regulation, which is not present in constraint-based models, we propose the utilization of Extended Petri nets. This results in a better sca old for the kinetic inference process. We evaluate the impact of accounting for enzymatic regulation in the simulation of the steady-state phenotype of mutant strains by performing knockouts and adjustment of enzyme expression levels. It can be observed that in some cases the impact is signi cant and may reveal new targets for rational strain design. In summary, we have created a solid framework with a common formalism and methods for metabolic modeling. This will facilitate the integration with gene regulatory networks, as we have already addressed many issues also associated with these networks, such as the trade-o between size and detail, and the representation of regulatory interactions.O objectivo da Biologia de Sistemas Ă© compreender os comportamentos que resultam das complexas interacçÔes entre todos os componentes celulares. A biotecnologia industrial Ă© uma das ĂĄreas de aplicação, onde novas abordagens para a engenharia metabĂłlica sĂŁo desenvolvidas atravĂ©s da criação de novos modelos e ferramentas de simulação e optimização do metabolismo microbiano. Apesar de um dos principais objectivos da Biologia de Sistemas ser a criação de um modelo completo de uma cĂ©lula, atĂ© ao momento a maioria dos modelos desenvolvidos incorpora de forma separada cada tipo de rede biolĂłgica. Este trabalho explora a integração de diferentes tipos de redes biolĂłgicas, focando melhorar a simulação do metabolismo celular. A bactĂ©ria Escherichia coli Ă© o organismo modelo que estĂĄa melhor caracterizado e Ă© usado como caso de estudo. Neste trabalho Ă© elaborada uma extensa revisĂŁo dos formalismos de modela ção que tĂȘm sido utilizados em Biologia de Sistemas. SĂŁo considerados vĂĄrios formalismos tais como, redes Booleanas, redes Bayesianas, redes de Petri, ĂĄlgebras de processos, modelos baseados em restriçÔes, equaçÔes diferenciais, modelos baseados em regras, mĂĄquinas de interacção de estados, autĂłmatos celulares e modelos baseados em agentes. As funcionalidades inerentes a estes formalismos sĂŁo analisadas de forma a classificar os mesmos pelo seu potencial em servir de base Ă  criação de uma plataforma para modela ção, anĂĄlise e simulação de redes biolĂłgicas integradas. Actualmente, existe uma separação entre modelação dinĂąmica e modelação baseada em restriçÔes para o metabolismo celular. Os modelos dinĂąmicos consistem em reconstruçÔes cinĂ©ticas detalhadas de vias centrais do metabolismo, enquanto que os modelos baseados em restriçÔes sĂŁo construĂ­dos Ă  escala genĂłmica com base apenas na estequiometria das reacçÔoes. Neste trabalho explora-se a separação entre os dois tipos de formulação e Ă© avaliada a forma como os modelos dinĂąmicos podem ser utilizados para reduzir o espaço de soluçÔes de modelos baseados em restriçÔes de forma a eliminar soluçÔes inalcançåveis. As limitaçÔes impostas por ambos os tipos de modelos estĂŁo a conduzir Ă  criação de novas abordagens para a construção de modelos cinĂ©ticos Ă  escala genĂłmica. A geração de modelos cinĂ©ticos a partir de reconstruçÔes estequiomĂ©tricas pode ser feita dentro de um mesmo formalismo atravĂ©s da transformação de redes de Petri discretas em redes de Petri contĂ­nuas. No entanto, devido ao tamanho destas redes, os modelos resultantes incluem um nĂșmero extremamente grande de parĂąmetros. Neste trabalho sĂŁo implementados mĂ©todos para a redução estrutural de redes metabĂłlicas sem perda de informação, que permitem ajustar o nĂ­vel de detalhe das redes. Estes mĂ©todos podem ser aplicados Ă  inferĂȘncia de cinĂ©ticas, de forma a gerar modelos dinĂąmicos com um menor nĂșmero de parĂąmetros. De forma a considerar efeitos de regulação enzimĂĄtica, os quais nĂŁo sĂŁo representados em modelos baseados em restriçÔes, propĂ”e-se a utilização de redes de Petri complementadas com arcos regulatĂłrios. Este formalismo Ă© utilizado como base para o processo de inferĂȘncia cinĂ©tica. A influĂȘncia da regulação enzimĂĄtica na determinação do estado estacionĂĄrio de estirpes mutantes Ă© avaliada atravĂ©s da anĂĄlise da remoção de reacçÔes e da variação dos nĂ­veis de expressĂŁo enzimĂĄtica. Observa-se que em alguns casos esta influĂȘncia Ă© significativa e pode ser utilizada para obter novas estratĂ©gias de manipulação de estirpes. Em suma, neste trabalho foi criada uma plataforma sĂłlida para modelação do metabolismo baseada num formalismo comum. Esta plataforma facilitarĂĄ a integração com redes de regulação genĂ©tica, pois foram abordados vĂĄrios problemas que tambĂ©m se colocam nestas redes, tais como o ajuste entre o tamanho da rede e o seu nĂ­vel de detalhe, bem como a representação de interacçÔes regulatĂłrias entre componentes da rede

    SBML qualitative models: a model representation format and infrastructure to foster interactions between qualitative modelling formalisms and tools

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    Background: Qualitative frameworks, especially those based on the logical discrete formalism, are increasingly used to model regulatory and signalling networks. A major advantage of these frameworks is that they do not require precise quantitative data, and that they are well-suited for studies of large networks. While numerous groups have developed specific computational tools that provide original methods to analyse qualitative models, a standard format to exchange qualitative models has been missing. Results: We present the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) Qualitative Models Package (“qual”), an extension of the SBML Level 3 standard designed for computer representation of qualitative models of biological networks. We demonstrate the interoperability of models via SBML qual through the analysis of a specific signalling network by three independent software tools. Furthermore, the collective effort to define the SBML qual format paved the way for the development of LogicalModel, an open-source model library, which will facilitate the adoption of the format as well as the collaborative development of algorithms to analyse qualitative models. Conclusions: SBML qual allows the exchange of qualitative models among a number of complementary software tools. SBML qual has the potential to promote collaborative work on the development of novel computational approaches, as well as on the specification and the analysis of comprehensive qualitative models of regulatory and signalling networks

    The Signaling Petri Net-Based Simulator: A Non-Parametric Strategy for Characterizing the Dynamics of Cell-Specific Signaling Networks

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    Reconstructing cellular signaling networks and understanding how they work are major endeavors in cell biology. The scale and complexity of these networks, however, render their analysis using experimental biology approaches alone very challenging. As a result, computational methods have been developed and combined with experimental biology approaches, producing powerful tools for the analysis of these networks. These computational methods mostly fall on either end of a spectrum of model parameterization. On one end is a class of structural network analysis methods; these typically use the network connectivity alone to generate hypotheses about global properties. On the other end is a class of dynamic network analysis methods; these use, in addition to the connectivity, kinetic parameters of the biochemical reactions to predict the network's dynamic behavior. These predictions provide detailed insights into the properties that determine aspects of the network's structure and behavior. However, the difficulty of obtaining numerical values of kinetic parameters is widely recognized to limit the applicability of this latter class of methods

    04281 Abstracts Collection -- Integrative Bioinformatics - Aspects of the Virtual Cell

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    From 04.07.04 to 09.07.04, the Dagstuhl Seminar 04281 ``Integrative Bioinformatics - Aspects of the Virtual Cell\u27\u27 was held in the International Conference and Research Center (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar as well as abstracts of seminar results and ideas are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general. Links to extended abstracts or full papers are provided, if available
