41 research outputs found

    Identifying Lecturer–Student Interaction and Preference Toward Four English Skills

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    Abstract: Identifying lecturer–student interaction and preference toward four english skills. Objectives: The aim of this research was to find out the patterns of classroom interaction and preference toward four English skills for students of  Islamic Financial Banking Department. Methods: The data collection procedures in the research were based on classroom participant observation, student interviews, and questionnaire. The language that used for student interviews was English, and sometimes combined with Indonesia language. The last instrument was questionnaire used to know the students’ preference toward four English skills. Findings: The findings of this research indicated that the classroom interaction can be created through mutual understanding and appriciating between lecturer and student, in form of the manner of lecturer’s performance in the classroom, presenting interested and motivated materials, and applying reinforcement. Conclusions: The students’ preference toward four English skills indicated that 61 (61%) students liked reading skill very much.Keywords: Lecturer-student interaction, four English skills, interview. Abstrak: Mengidentifikasi interaksi dosen-mahasiswa dan kecenderungan terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa inggris. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan pola-pola interaksi dalam kelas dan mengidentifikasi kecenderungan terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa Inggris bagi mahasiswa jurusan Perbankan Syariah. Metode: Metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Wawancara menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan dalam hal tertentu menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Angket digunakan untuk mengetahui tingkat kecenderungan mahasiswa terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa Inggris. Temuan: Interaksi dalam kelas dapat tercipta karena adanya saling memahami dan menghargai antara dosen dan mahasiswa, dalam hal ini dosen menampilkan performa yang layak dan meyakinkan dalam menyajikan materi ajar dan memotivasi mahasiswa, serta menerapkan metode reinforcement. Kesimpulan: Kecenderungan mahasiswa terhadap empat keterampilan berbahasa Inggris ditunjukkan dengan 61% mahasiswa cenderung menyukai keterampilan membaca. Kata kunci: Interaksi dosen-mahasiswa, empat keterampilan berbahasa inggris, wawancara. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/jpp.v9.i2.20191

    Context interaction systems for learning support

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    The interaction with context has undergone major transformations over time, all thanks to advances in nanotechnology that have facilitated the creation of much more robust hardware in terms of processing capacity, storage and high-speed telecommunications systems. Allowing a migration from explicit interactions that were only limited to navigation interfaces between the user and the devices to other types of interactions (implicit and peripheral)

    Language learning in tourism through mobile devices in higher education

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    In the digital age, millions of people use mobile phones to communicate. However, these devices are also being used for educational purposes. This paper attempts to show an overview of the use of mobile devices in the process of learning English as a second language by a class of higher education Tourism students, in Portugal. The paper refers to an initial research study that explores the overt and covert uses the students give to mobile devices and their attitude towards their use in an educational setting. A survey was conducted to glean this information and we present the results which show that this technology is not used by most of the students in educational settings and that they are very aware of their teachers’ penalising attitudes towards it.After the survey was conducted, a few language learning activities were tried out within and outside the classroom and, in general, students appreciated these and wish for more such activities in the future.Na era digital, milhões de pessoas usam telemóveis para comunicar. No entanto, estes dispositivos também estão a ser usados para fins educativos. Este texto apresenta possibilidades de utilização de dispositivos móveis no processo de aprendizagem de Inglês, como língua não materna, através do trabalho desenvolvido com uma turma de alunos de Turismo do ensino superior, em Portugal. O artigo reporta-se a um estudo em fase inicial que explora a utilização de dispositivos móveis pelos alunos e a sua atitude perante a mesma, num ambiente de aprendizagem. Os alunos foram inquiridos acerca do uso da tecnologia móvel em contexto de sala de aula e os resultados mostram que esta não é usada pela maioria dos alunos em contextos educativos. Para além disso, observou-se que os alunos estranham a utilização de dispositivos móveis, em contexto de aprendizagem, pelo seu uso estar proibido noutros níveis de ensino. Depois de aplicado o inquérito, foram desenvolvidas algumas atividades de aprendizagem de língua, dentro e fora da sala de aula que, em geral, foram apreciadas. Para além disso, foi demonstrado, por parte destes alunos, o desejo de continuar a desenvolver atividades com dispositivos móveis, em particular o telemóvel.publishe

    Cultural Matters in an English Course: Beyond Local Versus Target Language Cultural Matters

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    This study aims at finding out whether materials in an English course embrace local and/or target language culture. To investigate this issue, learning materials of the course were analysed. This learning materials were seen in the syllabus, lesson plan, and the learning sources used in the course. The results of the analysis show that the course embed both local and target language cultures. Interestingly, the materials also embed global cultures which means the contexts discussed are not merely limited to local and/or target language contexts but also contexts in various countries. Both local and target language cultures can be found in the examples used in grammar materials. Meanwhile, global contexts can be seen in language skills contents. Beside of discussing the example uses of local and target language cultures, this article also discusses several debated points of the use of these cultures. Then, at the end of this article a reflective conclusion is presented

    New method for summative evaluation of UML class diagrams based on graph similarities

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    This paper deals with the problem of the evaluation of the student's productions during the construction of a UML class diagram from textual speciations, which can be a tedious task for teachers. The main objective is to propose a method of summative and semi-automatic evaluation of the class diagrams produced by the students, in order to provide an educational reaction on the learning process, and to reduce the evaluation work for the teachers. To achieve this objective, we must analyze these productions and study the transformation, matching, similarity measurement and comparison of several UML graphs. From this study, we adopted a method based on the comparison and matching of the components of several UML diagrams. This proposal is applied to evaluate UML class diagrams and focuses on the structural and semantic aspects of the UML graph produced by students compared to several solutions proposed by the teacher


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    One of the trends in modern education is the creation of conditions for activities’ individualizationin the education process. The topicality of the work is determined by the introduction ofelements of individualized training into language faculties as they have a complex of linguistic,translation and intercultural aspects.The purpose of the article is to analyze and evaluate the experience of the application of methodsto individualize the education activity of students of linguistic faculties (within the practice of the second language learning L1 and monitor’s activity). The methods described are goodvibes, activation of culturally relevant information using Baader–Meinhof effect, prepared monologueson a free topic, individualized extensive reading. These methods, which can be both complementaryand regular, increase awareness, motivation and improve the intragroup atmosphere.Research methods include theoretical methods of analysis and synthesis, experimentalwork in 2010–2020, diagnostic methods, surveys, analysis of student activities, generalizationof feedback.The results show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques and may be useful to teachersand practitioners of higher education in the humanities. The above examples can diversifyclasses, rally the team, increase the personal motivation of students.Одним из трендов современного образования является создание условий для индиви-дуализации образовательной деятельности обучающихся в процессе обучения и воспита-ния. Комплексная межкультурная специфика определяет особенности включения прие-мов индивидуализированного обучения языковых специальностей. Целью статьи являетсяанализ и оценка опыта практического применения авторских приемов индивидуализацииобразовательной деятельности обучающихся языковых специальностей в рамках предме-та «Практикум по культуре речевого общения первого иностранного языка», а также вкураторской деятельности. Описаны приемы goodvibes (лист впечатлений), активизациякультурно-релевантной информации посредством применения эффекта Баадера–Майнхоф,подготовленные монологические высказывания на свободную тему, а также индивидуа-лизированное экстенсивное чтение.В качестве методов исследования выбраны теоретические методы анализа и синтеза,непосредственно опытно-экспериментальная работа в 2010–2020 гг.; в рамках диагности-ческих методов были проведены опросы, анализ деятельности обучающихся, обобщениеобратной связи. Обобщенные результаты, описанные в статье, показывают эффектив-ность предложенных приемов и могут быть полезны преподавателям-практикам высшегообразования гуманитарных специальностей

    Formative Research in Ubiquitous and Virtual Environments in Higher Education

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    La formación en investigación es fundamental en la calidad de la Educación Superior, y en este contexto, la mediación tecnológica resulta esencial para alcanzar objetivos de aprendizaje centrados en el estudiante en cualquier momento y lugar. Se presentan los hallazgos de un estudio cuyo propósito ha sido evaluar los resultados de la investigación formativa de dos grupos de alumnos que han interactuado en ambientes de aprendizaje E-learning y U-learning. La investigación obedece a un estudio cuasi-experimental con un diseño de series cronológicas y tratamiento múltiple, enmarcada en tres etapas definidas como referenciación, sistematización y análisis. La muestra ha estado constituida por 189 estudiantes de cuarto año de Licenciatura en Educación Infantil de la Universidad El Bosque en Bogotá (Colombia). Los resultados revelan que los ambientes U-learning fortalecen la evaluación y consolidan la investigación formativa como un proceso permanente para aprender investigación educativa por medio de la personalización, adaptación y el aprendizaje situacional, marcando diferencias significativas con respecto a los ambientes E-learning durante la etapa de sistematización. La intervención con ambientes U-learning ha traído consigo retos y oportunidades de innovación en el currículo académico, tales como el fortalecimiento del vínculo entre la evaluación y la investigación educativa en los campos de práctica profesional, así como la inclusión de la tecnología hasta convertirla en algo natural, adaptable e interoperable, de modo que los alumnos pueden utilizarla sin tan siquiera pensar en ellaAcademic training in research is fundamental in the quality of higher education and within this context, technological mediation becomes pivotal to reach student-centered learning objectives in any moment and at any time. The findings of a study, the purpose of which has been to evaluate the results of the formative research of two groups of students that have interacted in learning environments (E-learning and U-learning), are presented. The research follows a quasi-experimental study with a design of chronological series and multiple treatment, framed in three stages that were defined as referencing, systematization, and analysis. The sample consisted of 189 fourth-year students of the Early Childhood Education degree, at El Bosque University in Bogotá, Colombia. The results reveal that U-learning environments strengthen and consolidate formative research as an ongoing process for undertaking educational research through personalization, adaptation, and situational learning, marking meaningful differences with respect to E-learning environments during the systematization stage. The intervention with U-learning environments has revealed challenges and needs in the academic curriculum such as strengthening the link between evaluation and educational research in the field of professional practice, as well as the incorporation of technology with the purpose of making it something natural, adaptable, and interoperable, that students are able to use it without even thinking about i

    Tendencias de investigación en el aprendizaje ubicuo: un micro estudio de publicaciones seleccionadas del 2000 al 2015

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    This article analyzes trends in ubiquitous learning research during the period 2000-2015. We searched for articles in English and Spanish that specifically addressed the topics of "ubiquitous learning" or "aprendizaje ubicuo". The selected papers were analyzed in the following categories: target population, subject area, type of contribution, country, publication media and type of paper. The results indicate that most of the initiatives are directed towards primary education; they do not address a specific subject area; and they contribute to the ubiquitous learning domain with the development of technology platforms. The country that has a dominant presence is Taiwan; the more prevalent publication journals are Computers and Education and Journal of Educational Technology & Society; and the kind of articles that are published have an orientation towards practical applications. The results serve as reference for educators and researchers who wish to contribute to this domain of knowledge, and for government authorities and educational institutions planning to promote and facilitate ubiquitous learning.Este artículo analiza el alcance de la investigación en el aprendizaje ubicuo durante el período 2000-2015, para lo cual se revisaron artículos en inglés y en español que abordaran expresamente el tópico de “ubiquitous learning” o “aprendizaje ubicuo”.  Los artículos seleccionados se analizaron en las siguientes categorías: población meta, área temática abordada, tipo de contribución, país, medio de publicación y tipo de artículo. Los resultados indican que la mayor parte de las iniciativas están dirigidas hacia la educación primaria, no abordan un área temática específica y contribuyen al aprendizaje ubicuo con el desarrollo de plataformas tecnológicas. El país que tiene una presencia dominante es Taiwán, los medios de mayor publicación son Computers and Education y Journal of Educational Technology & Society, y el tipo de artículos que más se publica tiene una orientación hacia la propuesta de aplicaciones prácticas. Los resultados obtenidos sirven de referencia para quienes desde la docencia e investigación desean contribuir con este dominio del conocimiento, y para las autoridades gubernamentales y de instituciones educativas que planeen promover y facilitar el aprendizaje ubicuo