770 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Similarity Digest Algorithms for Binary Code Similarity in Memory Forensic Analysis

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    Hoy en dı́a, cualquier organización que esté conectada a Internet es susceptible de sufrir incidentes de ciberseguridad y por tanto, debe contar con un plan de respuesta a incidentes. Este plan ayuda a prevenir, detectar, priorizar y gestionar los incidentes de ciberseguridad. Uno de los pasos para gestionar estos incidentes es la fase de eliminación, que se encarga de neutralizar la persistencia de los ataques, evaluar el alcance de los mismos e identificar el grado de compromiso. Uno de los puntos clave de esta fase es la identicación mediante triaje de la información que es relevante en el incidente. Esto suele hacerse comparando los elementos disponibles con información conocida, centrándose ası́ en aquellos elementos que tienen relevancia para la investigación (llamados evidencias).Este objetivo puede alcanzarse estudiando dos fuentes de información. Por un lado, mediante el análisis de los datos persistentes, como los datos de los discos duros o los dispositivos USB. Por otro lado, mediante el análisis de los datos volátiles, como los datos de la memoria RAM. A diferencia del análisis de datos persistentes, el análisis de datos volátiles permite determinar el alcance de algunos tipos de ataque que no guardan su código en dispositivos de persistencia o cuando los archivos ejecutables almacenados en el disco están cifrados; cuyo código sólo se muestra cuando está en la memoria y se está ejecutado.Existe una limitación en el uso de hashes criptográficos, comúnmente utilizados en el caso de identificación de evidencias en datos persistentes, para identificar evidencias de memoria. Esta limitación se debe a que las evidencias nunca serán idénticas porque la ejecución modifica el contenido de la memoria constantemente. Además, es imposible adquirir la memoria más de una vez con todos los programas en el mismo punto de ejecución. Por lo tanto, los hashes son un método de identificación inválido para el triaje de memoria. Como solución a este problema, en esta tesis se propone el uso de algoritmos de similitud de digest, que miden la similitud entre dos entradas de manera aproximada.Las principales aportaciones de esta tesis son tres. En primer lugar, se realiza un estudio del dominio del problema en el que se evalúa la gestión de la memoria y la modificación de la misma en ejecución. A continuación, se estudian los algoritmos de similitud de digest, desarrollando una clasificación de sus fases y de los ataques contra estos algoritmos, correlacionando las caracterı́sticas de la primera clasificación con los ataques identificados. Por último, se proponen dos métodos de preprocesamiento del contenido de volcados de memoria para mejorar la identificación de los elementos de interés para el análisis.Como conclusión, en esta tesis se muestra que la modificación de bytes dispersos afecta negativamente a los cálculos de similitud entre evidencias de memoria. Esta modificación se produce principalmente por el gestor de memoria del sistema operativo. Además, se muestra que las técnicas propuestas para preprocesar el contenido de volcados de memoria permiten mejorar el proceso de identificación de evidencias en memoria.<br /

    Novel fault tolerant Multi-Bit Upset (MBU) Error-Detection and Correction (EDAC) architecture

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    Desde el punto de vista de seguridad, la certificación aeronáutica de aplicaciones críticas de vuelo requiere diferentes técnicas que son usadas para prevenir fallos en los equipos electrónicos. Los fallos de tipo hardware debido a la radiación solar que existe a las alturas standard de vuelo, como SEU (Single Event Upset) y MCU (Multiple Bit Upset), provocan un cambio de estado de los bits que soportan la información almacenada en memoria. Estos fallos se producen, por ejemplo, en la memoria de configuración de una FPGA, que es donde se definen todas las funcionalidades. Las técnicas de protección requieren normalmente de redundancias que incrementan el coste, número de componentes, tamaño de la memoria y peso. En la fase de desarrollo de aplicaciones críticas de vuelo, generalmente se utilizan una serie de estándares o recomendaciones de diseño como ABD100, RTCA DO-160, IEC62395, etc, y diferentes técnicas de protección para evitar fallos del tipo SEU o MCU. Estas técnicas están basadas en procesos tecnológicos específicos como memorias robustas, codificaciones para detección y corrección de errores (EDAC), redundancias software, redundancia modular triple (TMR) o soluciones a nivel sistema. Esta tesis está enfocada a minimizar e incluso suprimir los efectos de los SEUs y MCUs que particularmente ocurren en la electrónica de avión como consecuencia de la exposición a radiación de partículas no cargadas (como son los neutrones) que se encuentra potenciada a las típicas alturas de vuelo. La criticidad en vuelo que tienen determinados sistemas obligan a que dichos sistemas sean tolerantes a fallos, es decir, que garanticen un correcto funcionamiento aún cuando se produzca un fallo en ellos. Es por ello que soluciones como las presentadas en esta tesis tienen interés en el sector industrial. La Tesis incluye una descripción inicial de la física de la radiación incidente sobre aeronaves, y el análisis de sus efectos en los componentes electrónicos aeronaúticos basados en semiconductor, que desembocan en la generación de SEUs y MCUs. Este análisis permite dimensionar adecuadamente y optimizar los procedimientos de corrección que se propongan posteriormente. La Tesis propone un sistema de corrección de fallos SEUs y MCUs que permita cumplir la condición de Sistema Tolerante a Fallos, a la vez que minimiza los niveles de redundancia y de complejidad de los códigos de corrección. El nivel de redundancia es minimizado con la introducción del concepto propuesto HSB (Hardwired Seed Bits), en la que se reduce la información esencial a unos pocos bits semilla, neutros frente a radiación. Los códigos de corrección requeridos se reducen a la corrección de un único error, gracias al uso del concepto de Distancia Virtual entre Bits, a partir del cual será posible corregir múltiples errores simultáneos (MCUs) a partir de códigos simples de corrección. Un ejemplo de aplicación de la Tesis es la implementación de una Protección Tolerante a Fallos sobre la memoria SRAM de una FPGA. Esto significa que queda protegida no sólo la información contenida en la memoria sino que también queda auto-protegida la función de protección misma almacenada en la propia SRAM. De esta forma, el sistema es capaz de auto-regenerarse ante un SEU o incluso un MCU, independientemente de la zona de la SRAM sobre la que impacte la radiación. Adicionalmente, esto se consigue con códigos simples tales como corrección por bit de paridad y Hamming, minimizando la dedicación de recursos de computación hacia tareas de supervisión del sistema.For airborne safety critical applications certification, different techniques are implemented to prevent failures in electronic equipments. The HW failures at flying heights of aircrafts related to solar radiation such as SEU (Single-Event-Upset) and MCU (Multiple Bit Upset), causes bits alterations that corrupt the information at memories. These HW failures cause errors, for example, in the Configuration-Code of an FPGA that defines the functionalities. The protection techniques require classically redundant functionalities that increases the cost, components, memory space and weight. During the development phase for airborne safety critical applications, different aerospace standards are generally recommended as ABD100, RTCA-DO160, IEC62395, etc, and different techniques are classically used to avoid failures such as SEU or MCU. These techniques are based on specific technology processes, Hardened memories, error detection and correction codes (EDAC), SW redundancy, Triple Modular Redundancy (TMR) or System level solutions. This Thesis is focussed to minimize, and even to remove, the effects of SEUs and MCUs, that particularly occurs in the airborne electronics as a consequence of its exposition to solar radiation of non-charged particles (for example the neutrons). These non-charged particles are even powered at flying altitudes due to aircraft volume. The safety categorization of different equipments/functionalities requires a design based on fault-tolerant approach that means, the system will continue its normal operation even if a failure occurs. The solution proposed in this Thesis is relevant for the industrial sector because of its Fault-tolerant capability. Thesis includes an initial description for the physics of the solar radiation that affects into aircrafts, and also the analyses of their effects into the airborne electronics based on semiconductor components that create the SEUs and MCUs. This detailed analysis allows the correct sizing and also the optimization of the procedures used to correct the errors. This Thesis proposes a system that corrects the SEUs and MCUs allowing the fulfilment of the Fault-Tolerant requirement, reducing the redundancy resources and also the complexity of the correction codes. The redundancy resources are minimized thanks to the introduction of the concept of HSB (Hardwired Seed Bits), in which the essential information is reduced to a few seed bits, neutral to radiation. The correction codes required are reduced to the correction of one error thanks to the use of the concept of interleaving distance between adjacent bits, this allows the simultaneous multiple error correction with simple single error correcting codes. An example of the application of this Thesis is the implementation of the Fault-tolerant architecture of an SRAM-based FPGA. That means that the information saved in the memory is protected but also the correction functionality is auto protected as well, also saved into SRAM memory. In this way, the system is able to self-regenerate the information lost in case of SEUs or MCUs. This is independent of the SRAM area affected by the radiation. Furthermore, this performance is achieved by means simple error correcting codes, as parity bits or Hamming, that minimize the use of computational resources to this supervision tasks for system.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y AutomáticaPresidente: Luis Alfonso Entrena Arrontes.- Secretario: Pedro Reviriego Vasallo.- Vocal: Mª Luisa López Vallej

    Low power VLSI implementation schemes for DCT-based image compression

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    Big data analytics and processing for urban surveillance systems

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    Urban surveillance systems will be more demanding in the future towards smart city to improve the intelligence of cities. Big data analytics and processing for urban surveillance systems become increasingly important research areas because of infinite generation of massive data volumes all over the world. This thesis focused on solving several challenging big data issues in urban surveillance systems. First, we proposed several simple yet efficient video data recoding algorithms to be used in urban surveillance systems. The key idea is to record the important video frames when cutting the number of unimportant video frames. Second, since the DCT based JPEG standard encounters problems such as block artifacts, we proposed a very simple but effective method which results in better quality than widely used filters while consuming much less computer CPU resources. Third, we designed a novel filter to detect either the vehicle license plates or the vehicles from the images captured by the digital camera imaging sensors. We are the first to design this kind of filter to detect the vehicle/license plate objects. Fourth, we proposed novel grate filter to identify whether there are objects in these images captured by the cameras. In this way the background images can be updated from time to time when no object is detected. Finally, we combined image hash with our novel density scan method to solve the problem of retrieving similar duplicate images

    Engineering systematic musicology : methods and services for computational and empirical music research

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    One of the main research questions of *systematic musicology* is concerned with how people make sense of their musical environment. It is concerned with signification and meaning-formation and relates musical structures to effects of music. These fundamental aspects can be approached from many different directions. One could take a cultural perspective where music is considered a phenomenon of human expression, firmly embedded in tradition. Another approach would be a cognitive perspective, where music is considered as an acoustical signal of which perception involves categorizations linked to representations and learning. A performance perspective where music is the outcome of human interaction is also an equally valid view. To understand a phenomenon combining multiple perspectives often makes sense. The methods employed within each of these approaches turn questions into concrete musicological research projects. It is safe to say that today many of these methods draw upon digital data and tools. Some of those general methods are feature extraction from audio and movement signals, machine learning, classification and statistics. However, the problem is that, very often, the *empirical and computational methods require technical solutions* beyond the skills of researchers that typically have a humanities background. At that point, these researchers need access to specialized technical knowledge to advance their research. My PhD-work should be seen within the context of that tradition. In many respects I adopt a problem-solving attitude to problems that are posed by research in systematic musicology. This work *explores solutions that are relevant for systematic musicology*. It does this by engineering solutions for measurement problems in empirical research and developing research software which facilitates computational research. These solutions are placed in an engineering-humanities plane. The first axis of the plane contrasts *services* with *methods*. Methods *in* systematic musicology propose ways to generate new insights in music related phenomena or contribute to how research can be done. Services *for* systematic musicology, on the other hand, support or automate research tasks which allow to change the scope of research. A shift in scope allows researchers to cope with larger data sets which offers a broader view on the phenomenon. The second axis indicates how important Music Information Retrieval (MIR) techniques are in a solution. MIR-techniques are contrasted with various techniques to support empirical research. My research resulted in a total of thirteen solutions which are placed in this plane. The description of seven of these are bundled in this dissertation. Three fall into the methods category and four in the services category. For example Tarsos presents a method to compare performance practice with theoretical scales on a large scale. SyncSink is an example of a service

    Protocols for calibrating multibeam sonar

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    Development of protocols for calibrating multibeam sonar by means of the standard-target method is documented. Particular systems used in the development work included three that provide the water-column signals, namely the SIMRAD SM2000/90- and 200-kHz sonars and RESON SeaBat 8101 sonar, with operating frequency of 240 kHz. Two facilities were instrumented specifically for the work: a sea well at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and a large, indoor freshwater tank at the University of New Hampshire. Methods for measuring the transfer characteristics of each sonar, with transducers attached, are described and illustrated with measurement results. The principal results, however, are the protocols themselves. These are elaborated for positioning the target, choosing the receiver gain function, quantifying the system stability, mapping the directionality in the plane of the receiving array and in the plane normal to the central axis, measuring the directionality of individual beams, and measuring the nearfield response. General preparations for calibrating multibeam sonars and a method for measuring the receiver response electronically are outlined. Advantages of multibeam sonar calibration and outstanding problems, such as that of validation of the performance of multibeam sonars as configured for use, are mentioned

    Behaviour analysis in binary SoC data

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    Memristive Computing

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    Memristive computing refers to the utilization of the memristor, the fourth fundamental passive circuit element, in computational tasks. The existence of the memristor was theoretically predicted in 1971 by Leon O. Chua, but experimentally validated only in 2008 by HP Labs. A memristor is essentially a nonvolatile nanoscale programmable resistor — indeed, memory resistor — whose resistance, or memristance to be precise, is changed by applying a voltage across, or current through, the device. Memristive computing is a new area of research, and many of its fundamental questions still remain open. For example, it is yet unclear which applications would benefit the most from the inherent nonlinear dynamics of memristors. In any case, these dynamics should be exploited to allow memristors to perform computation in a natural way instead of attempting to emulate existing technologies such as CMOS logic. Examples of such methods of computation presented in this thesis are memristive stateful logic operations, memristive multiplication based on the translinear principle, and the exploitation of nonlinear dynamics to construct chaotic memristive circuits. This thesis considers memristive computing at various levels of abstraction. The first part of the thesis analyses the physical properties and the current-voltage behaviour of a single device. The middle part presents memristor programming methods, and describes microcircuits for logic and analog operations. The final chapters discuss memristive computing in largescale applications. In particular, cellular neural networks, and associative memory architectures are proposed as applications that significantly benefit from memristive implementation. The work presents several new results on memristor modeling and programming, memristive logic, analog arithmetic operations on memristors, and applications of memristors. The main conclusion of this thesis is that memristive computing will be advantageous in large-scale, highly parallel mixed-mode processing architectures. This can be justified by the following two arguments. First, since processing can be performed directly within memristive memory architectures, the required circuitry, processing time, and possibly also power consumption can be reduced compared to a conventional CMOS implementation. Second, intrachip communication can be naturally implemented by a memristive crossbar structure.Siirretty Doriast