11 research outputs found

    Mutual Learning during Post-implementation. A study of designing a maternal and child health application in rural Tanzania

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    Cooperation between users and designers requires mutual learning about the information system to be developed, and research has provided guidelines and techniques for how to achieve it. However, for designers working in contexts where they experience a wide knowledge gap between themselves and prospective users, attaining mutual learning (ML) in these settings can be challenging. This study demonstrates an action research project carried out at a rural clinic in Tanzania to develop and implement an electronic medical record system. In that setting, techniques such as hands-on training, prompted reflections and extensive support after implementation helped the nurses (system users) to learn how to use the system. Similarly, these techniques helped the designers to learn about the clinical work. Large parts of the ML therefore took place during and after the system implementation when there was a real system to mutually learn from

    Travelling an unfamiliar road: Implications for the entry of design practitioners into healthcare

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    This thesis reflects on the User Experience design practice employed for the HealthMap project to create online interactive self-management plans for people with HIV. It traces the development of collaborative design understanding within the multidisciplinary team and identifies key elements in the development of a healthcare IT design practice that lay the foundation for an emerging Community of Practice for Healthcare Experience Designers

    Sotsiotehniline lĂ€henemine tehnoloogilistes juurutustes OÜ Monier lahenduste nĂ€itel

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    KĂ€esoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmĂ€rk on konkreetse juhtumianalĂŒĂŒsi pĂ”hjal hinnata, kuidas sobitub ettevĂ”ttesisese infotehnoloogilise rakenduse arendus ja disain sotsiaalinformaatika teooria ning kitsamalt sotsiotehnilise lĂ€henemise konteksti, kui rakenduse arendamisel ei ole nimetatud paradigmasid arvestatud. Sotsiotehnilise lĂ€henemismudeli kohaselt tuleb IT-rakenduse arenduse puhul asetada sĂŒsteemi tehniline ja sotsiaalne kontekst vĂ”rdsetele positsioonidele. Sotsiotehniline lĂ€henemine ei ole tehnoloogiakeskne vaid arvestab ka keskkonnaga, kuhu sĂŒsteem asetub, nt sĂŒsteemi lĂ”ppkasutaja ja muude sidusgruppidega, tööpraktikate ja organisatsiooni strateegiatega. Töö uurimisobjektiks on katusekive ning –paigaldustarvikuid tootvas ettevĂ”ttes OÜ Monier juurutatud materjalide tuvastamiseks ja laotoimingute registreerimiseks mĂ”eldud laolahenduse pilootprojekt. Lisaks OÜ Monierile on juurutusprotsessiga seotud osapooled AS ID-Balti, kui laolahenduse tarkvara ja kasutajaliidese arendaja ning seadmete tarnija ja BT Consult GmbH, kui lahenduse majandustarkvara tugi ja liidestaja. OÜ Monier on osa Monier Grupi seitsmest riigist koosnevast PĂ”hjamaade ja Baltikumi Ă€riĂŒksusest. Lahenduse pilootprojekt juurutati OÜ Monieri Kiiul asuvas laos. Organisatsiooni strateegiline plaan nĂ€gi ette, et pilootprojekti Ă”nnestumise korral vĂ€etakse lahendus kasutusele kĂ”ikides regiooni ladudes. Töö uurimustulemuste eesmĂ€rgiks ei ole hinnangute andmine uurimisobjektile ning selle projektikĂ€sitlusele, vaid analĂŒĂŒsida seda, kas ja millisel mÀÀral ettevĂ”ttesisese infotehnoloogilise lahenduse arendusprotsess antud juhtumi pĂ”hjal kattub sotsiaalinformaatika lĂ€henemismudeliga. Töö pĂ”hilisteks uurimiskĂŒsimusteks olid lahenduse juurutusprotsessi ning juhtumi sotsiotehnilise konstruktsiooni vaheliste peamiste sarnasuste ning erinevuste leidmine ning nende mĂ”jude hindamine projekti lĂ”pptulemusele. JuhtumianalĂŒĂŒsiks oli töö autoril kasutada lahenduse arenduse projektdokumentatsioon. TĂ€iendavate uurimisandmete kogumiseks kasutas autor semistruktureeritud intervjuusid ning kirjalikke avatud kĂŒsimustega ankeete. Uurimisandmete kogumiseks on kĂŒsitletud kĂ”iki projekti seotud osapooli ja vĂ”tmeisikuid. Projekti analĂŒĂŒsi tulemuste vĂ”rdlemise aluseks sotsiotehnilise lĂ€henemismudeliga oli autori poolt projektile loodud sotsiotehniline konstruktsioon. LĂ”ppjĂ€relduse objektiivsuse tagamiseks on leitud erinevustele kĂŒsitud kommentaarid Monieri laolahenduse arenduse projektijuhilt. Uurimistulemusest selgus, et töös vaadeldud IT-rakenduse arendusprotsess pigem kattus sotsiaalinformaatika ning sotsiotehnilise paradigmadega. Kuigi pĂŒstitatud eesmĂ€rgis olid Ă€rilised, siis uue laolahenduse kaardistamisel ja disainimisel lĂ€htuti peamiselt organisatsiooni standardsetest tööprotsessidest ning sellest, et uus laolahendus oleks kasutaja jaoks vĂ”imalikult kergesti omandatav, lihtne ja mugav kasutada ning, et selle kasutamine hĂ€iriks vĂ”imalikult vĂ€he tema pĂ”hitööd. Projekti arendusse olid kaasatud kasutajad, mitte kĂŒll pĂ€ris laotöötajate vaid laojuhatajate tasemel, kuid Monieri töökorraldus on ĂŒlesehitatud sellisena, et laojuhatajad teostavad samuti vajadusel kĂ”iki jooksvaid laotoiminguid. SeetĂ”ttu kĂ€sitles Monier neid antud projekti raames lĂ”ppkasutajana. Peamised erinevused ilmnesid uue lahenduse arendusprotsessi arvestamisel organisatsiooni olemasoleva tehnoloogilise infrastruktuuriga. Arenduse kĂ€igus tekkis mitmeid probleeme uue lahenduse liidestamisel olemasoleva majandustarkvaraga ning projektimeeskond ei olnud informeeritud kĂ”ikidest Monieri projektiga seotud IT-otsustest. Antud asjaolude tĂ”ttu tekkis projekti arenduse kĂ€igus vĂ€iksemaid tĂ”rkeid, mis pĂ”hjustasid seisakuid projekti ajagraafikus ning lĂŒkkasid edasi lahenduse lĂ”plikku kasutuselevĂ”ttu. Lisaks ei ole Monieril vĂ€lja töötatud lahenduse lĂ”plik tugistruktuur. Autor on juhtumi analĂŒĂŒsi tulemusena toonud vĂ€lja ka mĂ”ned soovitused analoogsete arenduste juurutusprotsessi edukaks planeerimiseks ja lĂ€biviimiseks, mis on esitatud kĂ€esoleva töö jĂ€relduste ja diskussiooni osas. Töö kokkuvĂ”ttena vĂ”ib öelda, et Monieril laolahenduse arenduse projektijuhtimine kattus mitmetes olulistes punktides sotsiotehnilise paradigma vaadetega IT-arendustele. Suuri pĂ”himĂ”ttelisi erinevusi lĂ€henemiste vahel autor ei tuvastanud. Leitud erinevused olid eeskĂ€tt vĂ€iksemates detailides. Uurimustulemused ei andnud ĂŒhest vastust sellele, palju nendest erinevustest oleks olnud vĂ”imalik juurutusprotsessi tĂ€psema planeerimisega Ă€ra hoida

    Implication des utilisateurs dans le dĂ©veloppement des innovations mĂ©dicales : une analyse sociotechnique de la collaboration et de ses enjeux pour l’organisation des soins

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    Les changements technologiques ont des effets structurants sur l’organisation des soins dans notre systĂšme de santĂ©. Les professionnels de la santĂ© et les patients – les principaux utilisateurs des innovations mĂ©dicales – sont des acteurs clĂ©s dans les trajectoires suivies par les nouvelles technologies en santĂ©. Pour dĂ©velopper des technologies mĂ©dicales plus efficaces, sĂ©curitaires et conviviales, plusieurs proposent d’intensifier la collaboration entre les utilisateurs et les dĂ©veloppeurs. Cette recherche s’intĂ©resse Ă  cette prĂ©misse sur la participation des utilisateurs dans les processus d’innovation mĂ©dicale. L'objectif gĂ©nĂ©ral de cette recherche est de mieux comprendre la collaboration entre les utilisateurs et les dĂ©veloppeurs impliquĂ©s dans la transformation des innovations mĂ©dicales. Adoptant un cadre d’analyse sociotechnique, cette thĂšse par articles s’articule autour de trois objectifs : 1) dĂ©crire comment la littĂ©rature scientifique dĂ©finit les objectifs, les mĂ©thodes et les enjeux de l’engagement des utilisateurs dans le dĂ©veloppement des innovations mĂ©dicales; 2) analyser les perspectives d’utilisateurs et de dĂ©veloppeurs de technologies mĂ©dicales quant Ă  leur collaboration dans le processus d’innovation; et 3) analyser comment sont mobilisĂ©s, en pratique, des utilisateurs dans le dĂ©veloppement d’une innovation mĂ©dicale. Le premier objectif s’appuie sur une synthĂšse structurĂ©e des Ă©crits scientifiques (n=101) portant sur le phĂ©nomĂšne de la participation des utilisateurs dans les processus d’innovation mĂ©dicale. Cette synthĂšse a dĂ©gagĂ© les mĂ©thodes appliquĂ©es ou proposĂ©es pour faire participer les utilisateurs, les arguments normatifs vĂ©hiculĂ©s ainsi que les principaux enjeux soulevĂ©s. Le deuxiĂšme objectif repose sur l’analyse de trois groupes de discussion dĂ©libĂ©ratifs et d'une plĂ©niĂšre impliquant des utilisateurs et des dĂ©veloppeurs (n=19) de technologies mĂ©dicales. L’analyse a permis d’examiner leurs perspectives Ă  l'Ă©gard de diverses approches de collaboration dans les processus d'innovation. Le troisiĂšme objectif implique l’étude d’une innovation en Ă©lectrophysiologie lors de la phase de recherche clinique. Cette Ă©tude de cas unique s'appuie sur une analyse qualitative d'Ă©tudes cliniques (n=57) et des Ă©ditoriaux et synthĂšses de connaissances dans des revues mĂ©dicales spĂ©cialisĂ©es (n=15) couvrant une pĂ©riode de dix ans (1999 Ă  2008) ainsi que des entrevues semi-dirigĂ©es avec des acteurs clĂ©s impliquĂ©s dans le processus d’innovation (n=3). Cette Ă©tude a permis de mieux comprendre comment des utilisateurs donne un sens, s’approprient et lĂ©gitiment une innovation mĂ©dicale en contexte de recherche clinique. La contribution gĂ©nĂ©rale de cette thĂšse consiste en une meilleure comprĂ©hension de l’apport des utilisateurs dans les processus d’innovation mĂ©dicale et de sa capacitĂ© Ă  aligner plus efficacement le dĂ©veloppement technologique avec les objectifs du systĂšme de santĂ©.Technological changes have major effects on health care organization. Health professionals and patients – the main users of medical innovations – are key actors in the ongoing development and refinement of new medical technologies. To develop more efficient, safe and user-friendly medical technologies, many propose enhancing collaboration between technology users and developers. This research investigates the premise of involving users in the medical innovation process. The main objective of this research is to better understand the collaboration between users and developers involved in the transformation of medical innovations. Adopting a sociotechnical approach, this thesis by article has three objectives: 1) Describe how the literature defines the objectives, methods and issues of engaging users in the development of medical innovations; 2) Analyze the perspectives of users and developers of medical technologies with regards to their collaboration in the innovation process; and 3) Analyze how users are mobilized in practice in the development of medical innovation. The first objective is addressed by a narrative synthesis of the scientific literature (n=101) on user involvement in the medical innovation process. This synthesis has identified the methods used or proposed, normative arguments conveyed, and the main issues raised by involving users. Analysis of data from three deliberative focus groups and a plenary involving users and developers (n=19) of medical technology were employed to address the second objective. The analysis details their perspectives on various modes of collaboration in the innovation process. The third objective involves a case study of an innovation in electrophysiology at the clinical research phase. This case study is based on a qualitative analysis of clinical studies (n=57), editorials and reviews in medical journals (n=15) covering a ten year period (1999-2008) and semi-structured interviews with key actors involved in the innovation process (n=3). This study provides insight into how users make sense of, appropriate and legitimize medical innovation in the context of clinical research. The overall contribution of this thesis is a better understanding of user involvement in the medical innovation process and how to more effectively align technological development with the objectives of the health system

    Front-Line Physicians' Satisfaction with Information Systems in Hospitals

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    Day-to-day operations management in hospital units is difficult due to continuously varying situations, several actors involved and a vast number of information systems in use. The aim of this study was to describe front-line physicians' satisfaction with existing information systems needed to support the day-to-day operations management in hospitals. A cross-sectional survey was used and data chosen with stratified random sampling were collected in nine hospitals. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The response rate was 65 % (n = 111). The physicians reported that information systems support their decision making to some extent, but they do not improve access to information nor are they tailored for physicians. The respondents also reported that they need to use several information systems to support decision making and that they would prefer one information system to access important information. Improved information access would better support physicians' decision making and has the potential to improve the quality of decisions and speed up the decision making process.Peer reviewe

    Development of an online self-management intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes (HeLP-Diabetes)

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    Background: The prevalence of type 2 diabetes is increasing and estimates suggest that by 2030 nearly 1 in 10 adults worldwide will be living with this condition. 10% of the NHS budget is spent on treating diabetes and related complications like heart attacks, strokes and blindness. Improving self-management in people living with type 2 diabetes is crucial in reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with this disease. Uptake of group-based self-management training is low and there is an urgent need for evidence based and effective alternatives. Computer-based interventions have the potential to provide cost-effective self-management training and improve outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes. The eHealth Unit was awarded a 5 year NIHR Programme grant for Applied Research to develop, evaluate and implement an online self-management intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes. This thesis describes my contribution towards developing the intervention. Aims/objectives: To describe the development of an online self-management intervention for adults with type 2 diabetes. Methods: The intervention development process was modelled on the MRC guidelines for developing complex interventions. This started with a systematic review of the literature on computer-based self-management interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes. Suitable theories to underpin the intervention were identified and used to construct a logic model to describe the potential mode of action. Qualitative work with people living with type 2 diabetes and health professionals was used to explore patient and professional defined wants and needs from such interventions. This data was then synthesized to inform the development of a theory-based online intervention called HeLP-Diabetes, designed to improve self-management in people living with type 2 diabetes. Conclusions: The synthesis of previous evidence with new qualitative data from patients and health professionals has helped to create a unique online intervention that will hopefully help bridge current gaps in the delivery of self-management training and improve outcomes for people with type 2 diabetes