3,052 research outputs found

    Evolution and Complementarity? Traditional and Complementary Medicine as Part of the International Human Rights Law Right to Health

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    In International Human Rights Law, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights defines the right to health as the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. Millions of people use traditional and complementary medicine (‘T&CM’) to realise their right to health. This article analyses whether the scope of the right to health includes T&CM. Although not expressly provided for in the legally binding treaties, there is substantial evidence in international law to infer a right to T&CM as part of the right to health. The article analyses some of the failings of T&CM policy and regulation in Australia and offers a draft convention article in the recently proposed Framework Convention on Global Health (‘FCGH’) which codifies an express and legally binding right to T&CM. This would assist States Parties address the policy, legislative and regulatory gaps that currently exist regarding T&CM. A clear duty imposed on States Parties would ensure everyone including indigenous peoples have access to quality, safe, culturally appropriate, and effective T&CM health care facilities, goods and services. States Parties including the Australian Government might then more effectively harness the potential contribution of T&CM, and fundamentally reorientate health systems towards significantly more cost-effective wellness and people centred health care in realising the right to health for all

    Techniques for clustering gene expression data

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    Many clustering techniques have been proposed for the analysis of gene expression data obtained from microarray experiments. However, choice of suitable method(s) for a given experimental dataset is not straightforward. Common approaches do not translate well and fail to take account of the data profile. This review paper surveys state of the art applications which recognises these limitations and implements procedures to overcome them. It provides a framework for the evaluation of clustering in gene expression analyses. The nature of microarray data is discussed briefly. Selected examples are presented for the clustering methods considered

    Developing an agent-based simulation model of software evolution

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    Context In attempt to simulate the factors that affect the software evolution behaviour and possibly predict it, several simulation models have been developed recently. The current system dynamic (SD) simulation model of software evolution process was built based on actor-network theory (ANT) of software evolution by using system dynamic environment, which is not a suitable environment to reflect the complexity of ANT theory. In addition the SD model has not been investigated for its ability to represent the real-world process of software evolution. Objectives This paper aims to re-implements the current SD model to an agent-based simulation environment ‘Repast’ and checks the behaviour of the new model compared to the existing SD model. It also aims to investigate the ability of the new Repast model to represent the real-world process of software evolution. Methods a new agent-based simulation model is developed based on the current SD model's specifications and then tests similar to the previous model tests are conducted in order to perform a comparative evaluation between of these two results. In addition an investigation is carried out through an interview with an expert in software development area to investigate the model's ability to represent real-world process of software evolution. Results The Repast model shows more stable behaviour compared with the SD model. Results also found that the evolution health of the software can be calibrated quantitatively and that the new Repast model does have the ability to represent real-world processes of software evolution. Conclusion It is concluded that by applying a more suitable simulation environment (agent-based) to represent ANT theory of software evolution, that this new simulation model will show more stable bahaviour compared with the previous SD model; And it will also shows the ability to represent (at least quantatively) the real-world aspect of software evolution.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Teret troškova – financijski aspekti izbora studija i iskustva studiranja u hrvatskom visokoškolskom kontekstu

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    International higher education participation research suggests that students’ financial circumstances can constrain course choices and study experiences. This paper contributes to such findings by drawing on data collected at the University of Zagreb in the academic year 2006/2007 in order to discuss how differing levels of financial resources have shaped the higher education course choices and study experiences of selected Croatian students. The paper conceptually addresses the implications of such differing levels of financial means by drawing on Bourdieu’s differentiation between objectified and embodied capital. It is argued that this distinction is a conceptually productive way to capture both the study-related quantity aspect of economic capital (e.g. availability of funds to cover study costs), as well as its incorporated repercussions (e.g. feelings of financial security or insecurity and social distance). The reported data point to the dependence on family financial support for students in Croatia. Related to this, continuation to higher education and course choice have been recognized as restricted for students with lower levels of family financial means. The financial aspects of the university experience are described as encompassing both costs internal to the institution, such as tuition fees and study materials, as well as external costs relating to, for example, accommodation and travel. The distinction between students living at home and away is flagged as particularly relevant for understanding student experiences, since non-fee paying students living at home, irrespective of their family’s financial means, do not seem to have substantial financial concerns weighing on their progress; which is not a scenario shared by their less privileged counterparts living away from home. The paper also draws attention to processes by which institutions reinforce economic inequalities (e.g. socially insensitive tuition fees or poorly equipped library).Međunarodna istraživanja o sudjelovanju studenata u visokom obrazovanju pokazuju kako ekonomski status studenata utječe na njihov izbor studija i obrazovna iskustva. Ovaj članak doprinosi tom istraživačkom području analizom podataka prikupljenih na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu u akademskoj godini 2006./2007., s ciljem razmatranja odnosa između dostupnih financijskih sredstava i obrazovnih izbora i iskustava odabranih studenata u Hrvatskoj. Članak konceptualno uokviruje obrazovne posljedice ekonomskog statusa Bourdieuovim razlikovanjem između objektiviranog i inkorporiranog kapitala. Razlika se predlaže kao analitički produktivna za primjećivanje kvantitativnog aspekta ekonomskog kapitala vezanog uz studij (npr. dostupnost financijskih sredstava za pokrivanje troškova studija), kao i njegovih inkorporiranih posljedica (npr. osjećaji financijske sigurnosti ili nesigurnosti i socijalna distanca). Predstavljeni podaci ukazuju na ključnu ulogu obitelji u pogledu financiranja troškova studiranja u hrvatskom kontekstu, koja dovodi do ograničenja mogućnosti nastavka školovanja na visokoškolskoj razini i izbora studija za studente iz obitelji nižeg ekonomskog statusa. Financijski aspekti visokoškolskog obrazovnog iskustva prepoznati su u obliku direktnih institucionalnih troškova, kao što su školarine i nastavni i radni materijali, te u obliku indirektnih troškova koji uključuju troškove stanovanja i putovanja. Naglašava se razlika između studenata koji žive kod kuće s roditeljima te onih koji ne žive u obiteljskom domu kao značajan čimbenik za razumijevanje studentskih iskustava: intervjuirani studenti koji nisu plaćali školarine i koji žive s roditeljima nisu imali značajnije financijske brige koje bi utjecale na njihov obrazovni uspjeh, neovisno o njihovoj procjeni ekonomskog statusa obitelji, za razliku od svojih kolega iz obitelji nižeg ekonomskog statusa koji nisu živjeli u obiteljskom domu. U članku se navode i mehanizmi kojima visokoškolske institucije učvršćuju ekonomske razlike među studentima, kao što su socijalno neosjetljive školarine i slabo opremljena knjižnica

    The development of strategies for working with three-dimensional glass forms using two-dimensional waterjet cutting

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    This enquiry will suggest ways in which the scope of the artist may be expanded by the use of CAD/CAM technology, with a focus on waterjet cutting. Consideration will be given to strategies for processing three-dimensional models for the most commonly available two-dimensional water jet cutting process

    Weight of costs – the financial aspects of student course choices and study experiences in a Croatian higher education setting

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    International higher education participation research suggests that students’ financial circumstances can constrain course choices and study experiences. This paper contributes to such findings by drawing on data collected at the University of Zagreb in the academic year 2006/2007 in order to discuss how differing levels of financial resources have shaped the higher education course choices and study experiences of selected Croatian students. The paper conceptually addresses the implications of such differing levels of financial means by drawing on Bourdieu’s differentiation between objectified and embodied capital. It is argued that this distinction is a conceptually productive way to capture both the study-related quantity aspect of economic capital (e.g. availability of funds to cover study costs), as well as its incorporated repercussions (e.g. feelings of financial security or insecurity and social distance). The reported data point to the dependence on family financial support for students in Croatia. Related to this, continuation to higher education and course choice have been recognized as restricted for students with lower levels of family financial means. The financial aspects of the university experience are described as encompassing both costs internal to the institution, such as tuition fees and study materials, as well as external costs relating to, for example, accommodation and travel. The distinction between students living at home and away is flagged as particularly relevant for understanding student experiences, since non-fee paying students living at home, irrespective of their family’s financial means, do not seem to have substantial financial concerns weighing on their progress ; which is not a scenario shared by their less privileged counterparts living away from home. The paper also draws attention to processes by which institutions reinforce economic inequalities (e.g. socially insensitive tuition fees or poorly equipped library). (IN CROATIAN: Međunarodna istraživanja o sudjelovanju studenata u visokom obrazovanju pokazuju kako ekonomski status studenata utječe na njihov izbor studija i obrazovna iskustva. Ovaj članak doprinosi tom istraživačkom području analizom podataka prikupljenih na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu u akademskoj godini 2006./2007., s ciljem razmatranja odnosa između dostupnih financijskih sredstava i obrazovnih izbora i iskustava odabranih studenata u Hrvatskoj. Članak konceptualno uokviruje obrazovne posljedice ekonomskog statusa Bourdieuovim razlikovanjem između objektiviranog i inkorporiranog kapitala. Razlika se predlaže kao analitički produktivna za primjećivanje kvantitativnog aspekta ekonomskog kapitala vezanog uz studij (npr. dostupnost financijskih sredstava za pokrivanje troškova studija), kao i njegovih inkorporiranih posljedica (npr. osjećaji financijske sigurnosti ili nesigurnosti i socijalna distanca). Predstavljeni podaci ukazuju na ključnu ulogu obitelji u pogledu financiranja troškova studiranja u hrvatskom kontekstu, koja dovodi do ograničenja mogućnosti nastavka školovanja na visokoškolskoj razini i izbora studija za studente iz obitelji nižeg ekonomskog statusa. Financijski aspekti visokoškolskog obrazovnog iskustva prepoznati su u obliku direktnih institucionalnih troškova, kao što su školarine i nastavni i radni materijali, te u obliku indirektnih troškova koji uključuju troškove stanovanja i putovanja. Naglašava se razlika između studenata koji žive kod kuće s roditeljima te onih koji ne žive u obiteljskom domu kao značajan čimbenik za razumijevanje studentskih iskustava: intervjuirani studenti koji nisu plaćali školarine i koji žive s roditeljima nisu imali značajnije financijske brige koje bi utjecale na njihov obrazovni uspjeh, neovisno o njihovoj procjeni ekonomskog statusa obitelji, za razliku od svojih kolega iz obitelji nižeg ekonomskog statusa koji nisu živjeli u obiteljskom domu. U članku se navode i mehanizmi kojima visokoškolske institucije učvršćuju ekonomske razlike među studentima, kao što su socijalno neosjetljive školarine i slabo opremljena knjižnica.

    Partitioning of starter bacteria and added exogenous enzyme activities between curd and whey during Cheddar cheese manufacture

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    peer-reviewedPartitioning of starter bacteria and enzyme activities was investigated at different stages of Cheddar cheese manufacture using three exogenous commercial enzyme preparations added to milk or at salting. The enzyme preparations used were: Accelase AM317, Accelase AHC50, Accelerzyme CPG. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that AHC50 or AM317 consisted of permeabilised or dead cells and contained a range of enzyme activities. The CPG preparation contained only carboxypeptidase activity. Approximately 90% of starter bacteria cells partitioned with the curd at whey drainage. However, key enzyme activities partitioned with the bulk whey in the range of 22%–90%. An increased level of enzyme partitioning with the curd was observed for AHC50 which was added at salting, indicating that the mode of addition influenced partitioning. These findings suggest that further scope exists to optimise both bacterial and exogenous enzyme incorporation into cheese curd to accelerate ripening.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin