69 research outputs found

    Parametric timed model checking for guaranteeing timed opacity

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    Information leakage can have dramatic consequences on systems security. Among harmful information leaks, the timing information leakage is the ability for an attacker to deduce internal information depending on the system execution time. We address the following problem: given a timed system, synthesize the execution times for which one cannot deduce whether the system performed some secret behavior. We solve this problem in the setting of timed automata (TAs). We first provide a general solution, and then extend the problem to parametric TAs, by synthesizing internal timings making the TA secure. We study decidability, devise algorithms, and show that our method can also apply to program analysis.Comment: This is the author (and extended) version of the manuscript of the same name published in the proceedings of ATVA 2019. This work is partially supported by the ANR national research program PACS (ANR-14-CE28-0002), the ANR-NRF research program (ProMiS) and by ERATO HASUO Metamathematics for Systems Design Project (No. JPMJER1603), JS

    Configuring Timing Parameters to Ensure Execution-Time Opacity in Timed Automata

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    Timing information leakage occurs whenever an attacker successfully deduces confidential internal information by observing some timed information such as events with timestamps. Timed automata are an extension of finite-state automata with a set of clocks evolving linearly and that can be tested or reset, making this formalism able to reason on systems involving concurrency and timing constraints. In this paper, we summarize a recent line of works using timed automata as the input formalism, in which we assume that the attacker has access (only) to the system execution time. First, we address the following execution-time opacity problem: given a timed system modeled by a timed automaton, given a secret location and a final location, synthesize the execution times from the initial location to the final location for which one cannot deduce whether the secret location was visited. This means that for any such execution time, the system is opaque: either the final location is not reachable, or it is reachable with that execution time for both a run visiting and a run not visiting the secret location. We also address the full execution-time opacity problem, asking whether the system is opaque for all execution times; we also study a weak counterpart. Second, we add timing parameters, which are a way to configure a system: we identify a subclass of parametric timed automata with some decidability results. In addition, we devise a semi-algorithm for synthesizing timing parameter valuations guaranteeing that the resulting system is opaque. Third, we report on problems when the secret has itself an expiration date, thus defining expiring execution-time opacity problems. We finally show that our method can also apply to program analysis with configurable internal timings.Comment: In Proceedings TiCSA 2023, arXiv:2310.18720. This invited paper mainly summarizes results on opacity from two recent works published in ToSEM (2022) and at ICECCS 2023, providing unified notations and concept names for the sake of consistency. In addition, we prove a few original results absent from these work

    Modeling and formal verification of probabilistic reconfigurable systems

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    In this thesis, we propose a new approach for formal modeling and verification of adaptive probabilistic systems. Dynamic reconfigurable systems are the trend of all future technological systems, such as flight control systems, vehicle electronic systems, and manufacturing systems. In order to meet user and environmental requirements, such a dynamic reconfigurable system has to actively adjust its configuration at run-time by modifying its components and connections, while changes are detected in the internal/external execution environment. On the other hand, these changes may violate the memory usage, the required energy and the concerned real-time constraints since the behavior of the system is unpredictable. It might also make the system's functions unavailable for some time and make potential harm to human life or large financial investments. Thus, updating a system with any new configuration requires that the post reconfigurable system fully satisfies the related constraints. We introduce GR-TNCES formalism for the optimal functional and temporal specification of probabilistic reconfigurable systems under resource constraints. It enables the optimal specification of a probabilistic, energetic and memory constraints of such a system. To formally verify the correctness and the safety of such a probabilistic system specification, and the non-violation of its properties, an automatic transformation from GR-TNCES models into PRISM models is introduced. Moreover, a new approach XCTL is also proposed to formally verify reconfigurable systems. It enables the formal certification of uncompleted and reconfigurable systems. A new version of the software ZIZO is also proposed to model, simulate and verify such GR-TNCES model. To prove its relevance, the latter was applied to case studies; it was used to model and simulate the behavior of an IPV4 protocol to prevent the energy and memory resources violation. It was also used to optimize energy consumption of an automotive skid conveyor.In dieser Arbeit wird ein neuer Ansatz zur formalen Modellierung und Verifikation dynamisch rekonfigurierbarer Systeme vorgestellt. Dynamische rekonfigurierbare Systeme sind in vielen aktuellen und zukünftigen Anwendungen, wie beispielsweise Flugsteuerungssystemen, Fahrzeugelektronik und Fertigungssysteme zu finden. Diese Systeme weisen ein probabilistisches, adaptives Verhalten auf. Um die Benutzer- und Umgebungsbedingungen kontinuierlich zu erfüllen, muss ein solches System seine Konfiguration zur Laufzeit aktiv anpassen, indem es seine Komponenten, Verbindungen zwischen Komponenten und seine Daten modifiziert (adaptiv), sobald Änderungen in der internen oder externen Ausführungsumgebung erkannt werden (probabilistisch). Diese Anpassungen dürfen Beschränkungen bei der Speichernutzung, der erforderlichen Energie und bestehende Echtzeitbedingungen nicht verletzen. Eine nicht geprüfte Rekonfiguration könnte dazu führen, dass die Funktionen des Systems für einige Zeit nicht verfügbar wären und potenziell menschliches Leben gefährdet würde oder großer finanzieller Schaden entstünde. Somit erfordert das Aktualisieren eines Systems mit einer neuen Konfiguration, dass das rekonfigurierte System die zugehörigen Beschränkungen vollständig einhält. Um dies zu überprüfen, wird in dieser Arbeit der GR-TNCES-Formalismus, eine Erweiterung von Petrinetzen, für die optimale funktionale und zeitliche Spezifikation probabilistischer rekonfigurierbarer Systeme unter Ressourcenbeschränkungen vorgeschlagen. Die entstehenden Modelle sollen über probabilistische model checking verifiziert werden. Dazu eignet sich die etablierte Software PRISM. Um die Verifikation zu ermöglichen wird in dieser Arbeit ein Verfahren zur Transformation von GR-TNCES-Modellen in PRISM-Modelle beschrieben. Eine neu eingeführte Logik (XCTL) erlaubt zudem die einfache Beschreibung der zu prüfenden Eigenschaften. Die genannten Schritte wurden in einer Softwareumgebung für den automatisierten Entwurf, die Simulation und die formale Verifikation (durch eine automatische Transformation nach PRISM) umgesetzt. Eine Fallstudie zeigt die Anwendung des Verfahren

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 11561 and 11562 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019, held in New York City, USA, in July 2019. The 52 full papers presented together with 13 tool papers and 2 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 258 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: automata and timed systems; security and hyperproperties; synthesis; model checking; cyber-physical systems and machine learning; probabilistic systems, runtime techniques; dynamical, hybrid, and reactive systems; Part II: logics, decision procedures; and solvers; numerical programs; verification; distributed systems and networks; verification and invariants; and concurrency

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 11561 and 11562 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019, held in New York City, USA, in July 2019. The 52 full papers presented together with 13 tool papers and 2 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 258 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: automata and timed systems; security and hyperproperties; synthesis; model checking; cyber-physical systems and machine learning; probabilistic systems, runtime techniques; dynamical, hybrid, and reactive systems; Part II: logics, decision procedures; and solvers; numerical programs; verification; distributed systems and networks; verification and invariants; and concurrency

    Variants of acceptance specifications for modular system design

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    Les programmes informatiques prennent une place de plus en plus importante dans nos vies. Certains de ces programmes, comme par exemple les systèmes de contrôle de centrales électriques, d'avions ou de systèmes médicaux sont critiques : une panne ou un dysfonctionnement pourraient causer la perte de vies humaines ou des dommages matériels ou environnementaux importants. Les méthodes formelles visent à offrir des moyens de concevoir et vérifier de tels systèmes afin de garantir qu'ils fonctionneront comme prévu. Au fil du temps, ces systèmes deviennent de plus en plus évolués et complexes, ce qui est source de nouveaux défis pour leur vérification. Il devient nécessaire de développer ces systèmes de manière modulaire afin de pouvoir distribuer la tâche d'implémentation à différentes équipes d'ingénieurs. De plus, il est important de pouvoir réutiliser des éléments certifiés et les adapter pour répondre à de nouveaux besoins. Aussi les méthodes formelles doivent évoluer afin de s'adapter à la conception et à la vérification de ces systèmes modulaires de taille toujours croissante. Nous travaillons sur une approche algébrique pour la conception de systèmes corrects par construction. Elle définit un formalisme pour exprimer des spécifications de haut niveau et permet de les raffiner de manière incrémentale en des spécifications plus concrètes tout en préservant leurs propriétés, jusqu'à ce qu'une implémentation soit atteinte. Elle définit également plusieurs opérations permettant de construire des systèmes complexes à partir de composants plus simples en fusionnant différents points de vue d'un même système ou en composant plusieurs sous-systèmes ensemble, ainsi que de décomposer une spécification complexe afin de réutiliser des composants existants et de simplifier la tâche d'implémentation. Le formalisme de spécification que nous utilisons est basé sur des spécifications modales. Intuitivement, une spécification modale est un automate doté de deux types de transitions permettant d'exprimer des comportements optionnels ou obligatoires. Raffiner une spécification modale revient à décider si les parties optionnelles devraient être supprimées ou rendues obligatoires. Cette thèse contient deux principales contributions théoriques basées sur une extension des spécifications modales appelée " spécifications à ensembles d'acceptation ". La première contribution est l'identification d'une sous-classe des spécifications à ensembles d'acceptation, appelée " spécifications à ensembles d'acceptation convexes ", qui permet de définir des opérations bien plus efficaces tout en gardant un haut niveau d'expressivité. La seconde contribution est la définition d'un nouveau formalisme, appelé " spécifications à ensembles d'acceptation marquées ", qui permet d'exprimer des propriétés d'atteignabilité. Ceci peut, par exemple, être utilisé pour s'assurer qu'un système termine ou exprimer une propriété de vivacité dans un système réactif. Les opérations usuelles sont définies sur ce nouveau formalisme et elles garantissent la préservation des propriétés d'atteignabilité. Cette thèse présente également des résultats d'ordre plus pratique. Tous les résultats théoriques sur les spécifications à ensembles d'acceptation convexes ont été prouvés en utilisant l'assistant de preuves Coq. L'outil MAccS a été développé pour implémenter les formalismes et opérations présentés dans cette thèse. Il permet de les tester aisément sur des exemples, ainsi que d'étudier leur efficacité sur des cas concrets.Software programs are taking a more and more important place in our lives. Some of these programs, like the control systems of power plants, aircraft, or medical devices for instance, are critical: a failure or malfunction could cause loss of human lives, damages to equipments, or environmental harm. Formal methods aim at offering means to design and verify such systems in order to guarantee that they will work as expected. As time passes, these systems grow in scope and size, yielding new challenges. It becomes necessary to develop these systems in a modular fashion to be able to distribute the implementation task to engineering teams. Moreover, being able to reuse some trustworthy parts of the systems and extend them to answer new needs in functionalities is increasingly required. As a consequence, formal methods also have to evolve in order to accommodate both the design and the verification of these larger, modular systems and thus address their scalability challenge. We promote an algebraic approach for the design of correct-by-construction systems. It defines a formalism to express high-level specifications of systems and allows to incrementally refine these specifications into more concrete ones while preserving their properties, until an implementation is reached. It also defines several operations allowing to assemble complex systems from simpler components, by merging several viewpoints of a specific system or composing several subsystems together, as well as decomposing a complex specification in order to reuse existing components and ease the implementation task. The specification formalism we use is based on modal specifications. In essence, a modal specification is an automaton with two kinds of transitions allowing to express mandatory and optional behaviors. Refining a modal specification amounts to deciding whether some optional parts should be removed or made mandatory. This thesis contains two main theoretical contributions, based on an extension of modal specifications called acceptance specifications. The first contribution is the identification of a subclass of acceptance specifications, called convex acceptance specifications, which allows to define much more efficient operations while maintaining a high level of expressiveness. The second contribution is the definition of a new formalism, called marked acceptance specifications, that allows to express some reachability properties. This could be used for example to ensure that a system is terminating or to express a liveness property for a reactive system. Usual operations are defined on this new formalism and guarantee the preservation of the reachability properties as well as independent implementability. This thesis also describes some more practical results. All the theoretical results on convex acceptance specifications have been proved using the Coq proof assistant. The tool MAccS has been developed to implement the formalisms and operations presented in this thesis. It allows to test them easily on some examples, as well as run some experimentations and benchmarks

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005)

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    The present report contains the pre-proceedings of the third international Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005), held in Newcastle upon Tyne, 18-19 July 2005. FAST is an event affliated with the Formal Methods 2005 Congress (FM05). The third international Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005) aims at continuing the successful effort of the previous two FAST workshop editions for fostering the cooperation among researchers in the areas of security and trust. The new challenges offered by the so-called ambient intelligence space, as a future paradigm in the information society, demand for a coherent and rigorous framework of concepts, tools and methodologies to provide user\u27s trust&confidence on the underlying communication/interaction infrastructure. It is necessary to address issues relating to both guaranteeing security of the infrastructure and the perception of the infrastructure being secure. In addition, user confidence on what is happening must be enhanced by developing trust models effective but also easily comprehensible and manageable by users

    Formal Aspects in Security and Trust

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    his book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust, FAST 2005, held in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK in July 2005. The 17 revised papers presented together with the extended abstract of 1 invited paper were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers focus on formal aspects in security and trust policy models, security protocol design and analysis, formal models of trust and reputation, logics for security and trust, distributed trust management systems, trust-based reasoning, digital assets protection, data protection, privacy and ID issues, information flow analysis, language-based security, security and trust aspects in ubiquitous computing, validation/analysis tools, web service security/trust/privacy, GRID security, security risk assessment, and case studies

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 13371 and 13372 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 34rd International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2022, which was held in Haifa, Israel, in August 2022. The 40 full papers presented together with 9 tool papers and 2 case studies were carefully reviewed and selected from 209 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Invited papers; formal methods for probabilistic programs; formal methods for neural networks; software Verification and model checking; hyperproperties and security; formal methods for hardware, cyber-physical, and hybrid systems. Part II: Probabilistic techniques; automata and logic; deductive verification and decision procedures; machine learning; synthesis and concurrency. This is an open access book