38 research outputs found

    Parameterized Complexity Dichotomy for Steiner Multicut

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    The Steiner Multicut problem asks, given an undirected graph G, terminals sets T1,...,Tt \subseteq V(G) of size at most p, and an integer k, whether there is a set S of at most k edges or nodes s.t. of each set Ti at least one pair of terminals is in different connected components of G \ S. This problem generalizes several graph cut problems, in particular the Multicut problem (the case p = 2), which is fixed-parameter tractable for the parameter k [Marx and Razgon, Bousquet et al., STOC 2011]. We provide a dichotomy of the parameterized complexity of Steiner Multicut. That is, for any combination of k, t, p, and the treewidth tw(G) as constant, parameter, or unbounded, and for all versions of the problem (edge deletion and node deletion with and without deletable terminals), we prove either that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable or that the problem is hard (W[1]-hard or even (para-)NP-complete). We highlight that: - The edge deletion version of Steiner Multicut is fixed-parameter tractable for the parameter k+t on general graphs (but has no polynomial kernel, even on trees). We present two proofs: one using the randomized contractions technique of Chitnis et al, and one relying on new structural lemmas that decompose the Steiner cut into important separators and minimal s-t cuts. - In contrast, both node deletion versions of Steiner Multicut are W[1]-hard for the parameter k+t on general graphs. - All versions of Steiner Multicut are W[1]-hard for the parameter k, even when p=3 and the graph is a tree plus one node. Hence, the results of Marx and Razgon, and Bousquet et al. do not generalize to Steiner Multicut. Since we allow k, t, p, and tw(G) to be any constants, our characterization includes a dichotomy for Steiner Multicut on trees (for tw(G) = 1), and a polynomial time versus NP-hardness dichotomy (by restricting k,t,p,tw(G) to constant or unbounded).Comment: As submitted to journal. This version also adds a proof of fixed-parameter tractability for parameter k+t using the technique of randomized contraction

    Parameterized Complexity of Equality MinCSP

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    We study the parameterized complexity of MinCSP for so-called equality languages, i.e., for finite languages over an infinite domain such as ?, where the relations are defined via first-order formulas whose only predicate is =. This is an important class of languages that forms the starting point of all study of infinite-domain CSPs under the commonly used approach pioneered by Bodirsky, i.e., languages defined as reducts of finitely bounded homogeneous structures. Moreover, MinCSP over equality languages forms a natural class of optimisation problems in its own right, covering such problems as Edge Multicut, Steiner Multicut and (under singleton expansion) Edge Multiway Cut. We classify MinCSP(?) for every finite equality language ?, under the natural parameter, as either FPT, W[1]-hard but admitting a constant-factor FPT-approximation, or not admitting a constant-factor FPT-approximation unless FPT=W[2]. In particular, we describe an FPT case that slightly generalises Multicut, and show a constant-factor FPT-approximation for Disjunctive Multicut, the generalisation of Multicut where the "cut requests" come as disjunctions over O(1) individual cut requests s_i ? t_i. We also consider singleton expansions of equality languages, enriching an equality language with the capability for assignment constraints (x = i) for either a finite or infinitely many constants i, and fully characterize the complexity of the resulting MinCSP

    Parameterized Complexity of Critical Node Cuts

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    We consider the following natural graph cut problem called Critical Node Cut (CNC): Given a graph GG on nn vertices, and two positive integers kk and xx, determine whether GG has a set of kk vertices whose removal leaves GG with at most xx connected pairs of vertices. We analyze this problem in the framework of parameterized complexity. That is, we are interested in whether or not this problem is solvable in f(κ)nO(1)f(\kappa) \cdot n^{O(1)} time (i.e., whether or not it is fixed-parameter tractable), for various natural parameters κ\kappa. We consider four such parameters: - The size kk of the required cut. - The upper bound xx on the number of remaining connected pairs. - The lower bound yy on the number of connected pairs to be removed. - The treewidth ww of GG. We determine whether or not CNC is fixed-parameter tractable for each of these parameters. We determine this also for all possible aggregations of these four parameters, apart from w+kw+k. Moreover, we also determine whether or not CNC admits a polynomial kernel for all these parameterizations. That is, whether or not there is an algorithm that reduces each instance of CNC in polynomial time to an equivalent instance of size κO(1)\kappa^{O(1)}, where κ\kappa is the given parameter

    Efficient Enumerations for Minimal Multicuts and Multiway Cuts

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    Let G=(V,E)G = (V, E) be an undirected graph and let BV×VB \subseteq V \times V be a set of terminal pairs. A node/edge multicut is a subset of vertices/edges of GG whose removal destroys all the paths between every terminal pair in BB. The problem of computing a {\em minimum} node/edge multicut is NP-hard and extensively studied from several viewpoints. In this paper, we study the problem of enumerating all {\em minimal} node multicuts. We give an incremental polynomial delay enumeration algorithm for minimal node multicuts, which extends an enumeration algorithm due to Khachiyan et al. (Algorithmica, 2008) for minimal edge multicuts. Important special cases of node/edge multicuts are node/edge {\em multiway cuts}, where the set of terminal pairs contains every pair of vertices in some subset TVT \subseteq V, that is, B=T×TB = T \times T. We improve the running time bound for this special case: We devise a polynomial delay and exponential space enumeration algorithm for minimal node multiway cuts and a polynomial delay and space enumeration algorithm for minimal edge multiway cuts

    A Survey on Approximation in Parameterized Complexity: Hardness and Algorithms

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    Parameterization and approximation are two popular ways of coping with NP-hard problems. More recently, the two have also been combined to derive many interesting results. We survey developments in the area both from the algorithmic and hardness perspectives, with emphasis on new techniques and potential future research directions

    Parameterized Algorithms for Min-Max Multiway Cut and List Digraph Homomorphism

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    In this paper we design {\sf FPT}-algorithms for two parameterized problems. The first is \textsc{List Digraph Homomorphism}: given two digraphs GG and HH and a list of allowed vertices of HH for every vertex of GG, the question is whether there exists a homomorphism from GG to HH respecting the list constraints. The second problem is a variant of \textsc{Multiway Cut}, namely \textsc{Min-Max Multiway Cut}: given a graph GG, a non-negative integer \ell, and a set TT of rr terminals, the question is whether we can partition the vertices of GG into rr parts such that (a) each part contains one terminal and (b) there are at most \ell edges with only one endpoint in this part. We parameterize \textsc{List Digraph Homomorphism} by the number ww of edges of GG that are mapped to non-loop edges of HH and we give a time 2O(logh+2log)n4logn2^{O(\ell\cdot\log h+\ell^2\cdot \log \ell)}\cdot n^{4}\cdot \log n algorithm, where hh is the order of the host graph HH. We also prove that \textsc{Min-Max Multiway Cut} can be solved in time 2O((r)2logr)n4logn2^{O((\ell r)^2\log \ell r)}\cdot n^{4}\cdot \log n. Our approach introduces a general problem, called {\sc List Allocation}, whose expressive power permits the design of parameterized reductions of both aforementioned problems to it. Then our results are based on an {\sf FPT}-algorithm for the {\sc List Allocation} problem that is designed using a suitable adaptation of the {\em randomized contractions} technique (introduced by [Chitnis, Cygan, Hajiaghayi, Pilipczuk, and Pilipczuk, FOCS 2012]).Comment: An extended abstract of this work will appear in the Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC), Patras, Greece, September 201

    On Computing the Maximum Parsimony Score of a Phylogenetic Network

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    Phylogenetic networks are used to display the relationship of different species whose evolution is not treelike, which is the case, for instance, in the presence of hybridization events or horizontal gene transfers. Tree inference methods such as Maximum Parsimony need to be modified in order to be applicable to networks. In this paper, we discuss two different definitions of Maximum Parsimony on networks, "hardwired" and "softwired", and examine the complexity of computing them given a network topology and a character. By exploiting a link with the problem Multicut, we show that computing the hardwired parsimony score for 2-state characters is polynomial-time solvable, while for characters with more states this problem becomes NP-hard but is still approximable and fixed parameter tractable in the parsimony score. On the other hand we show that, for the softwired definition, obtaining even weak approximation guarantees is already difficult for binary characters and restricted network topologies, and fixed-parameter tractable algorithms in the parsimony score are unlikely. On the positive side we show that computing the softwired parsimony score is fixed-parameter tractable in the level of the network, a natural parameter describing how tangled reticulate activity is in the network. Finally, we show that both the hardwired and softwired parsimony score can be computed efficiently using Integer Linear Programming. The software has been made freely available

    A survey of parameterized algorithms and the complexity of edge modification

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    The survey is a comprehensive overview of the developing area of parameterized algorithms for graph modification problems. It describes state of the art in kernelization, subexponential algorithms, and parameterized complexity of graph modification. The main focus is on edge modification problems, where the task is to change some adjacencies in a graph to satisfy some required properties. To facilitate further research, we list many open problems in the area.publishedVersio

    Designing FPT algorithms for cut problems using randomized contractions

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    We introduce a new technique for designing fixed-parameter algorithms for cut problems, namely randomized contractions. We apply our framework to obtain the first FPT algorithm for the Unique Label Cover problem and new FPT algorithms with exponential speed up for the Steiner Cut and Node Multiway Cut-Uncut problems. More precisely, we show the following: • We prove that the parameterized version of the Unique Label Cover problem, which is the base of the Unique Games Conjecture, can be solved in 2O(k 2 log |Σ|)n4 log n deterministic time (even in the stronger, vertex-deletion variant) where k is the number of unsatisfied edges and |Σ | is the size of the alphabet. As a consequence, we show that one can in polynomial time solve instances of Unique Games where the number of edges allowed not to be satisfied is upper bounded by O( log n) to optimality, which improves over the trivial O(1) upper bound