204 research outputs found

    Large-Scale Pairwise Sequence Alignments on a Large-Scale GPU Cluster

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    This paper presents design of a GPU kernel for performing pairwise sequence alignments for large-scale short sequence datasets generated by nextgeneration sequencers. This kernel principally performs batch Needleman– Wunsch global alignments. When used with its MPI-based host software, the kernel is scalable and is capable of achieving high throughput alignment when run on a CPU-GPU cluster

    High-Performance Meta-Genomic Gene Identification

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    Computational Genomics, or Computational Genetics, refers to the use of computational and statistical analysis for understanding the structure and the function of genetic material in organisms. The primary focus of research in computational genomics in the past three decades has been the understanding of genomes and their functional elements by analyzing biological sequence data. The high demand for low-cost sequencing has driven the development of highthroughput sequencing technologies, next-generation sequencing (NGS), that parallelize the sequencing process, producing thousands or millions of sequences concurrently. Moore’s Law is the observation that the number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles approximately every two years; correspondingly, the cost per transistor halves. The cost of DNA sequencing declines much faster, which implies more new DNA data will be obtained. This large-scale sequence data, produced with high throughput sequencing technologies, needs to be processed in a time-effective and cost-effective manner. In this dissertation, we present a high-performance meta-genome gene identification framework. This framework includes four modules: filter, alignment, error correction, and gene identification. The following chapters describe the proposed design and evaluation of this pipeline. The most computationally expensive kernel in the framework is the alignment procedure. Thus, the filter module is developed to determine unnecessary alignment operations. Without the filter module, the alignment module requires 1.9 hours to complete all-to-all alignment on a test file of size 512,000 sequences with each sequence average length 750 base pairs by using ten Kepler K20 NVIDIA GPU. On the other hand, when combined with the filter kernel, the total time is 11.3 minutes. Note that the ideal speedup is nearly 91.4 times faster when new alignment kernel is run on ten GPUs ( 10*9.14). We conclude that accuracy can be achieved at the expense of more resources while operating frequency can still be maintained

    MC64-ClustalWP2: A Highly-Parallel Hybrid Strategy to Align Multiple Sequences in Many-Core Architectures

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    We have developed the MC64-ClustalWP2 as a new implementation of the Clustal W algorithm, integrating a novel parallelization strategy and significantly increasing the performance when aligning long sequences in architectures with many cores. It must be stressed that in such a process, the detailed analysis of both the software and hardware features and peculiarities is of paramount importance to reveal key points to exploit and optimize the full potential of parallelism in many-core CPU systems. The new parallelization approach has focused into the most time-consuming stages of this algorithm. In particular, the so-called progressive alignment has drastically improved the performance, due to a fine-grained approach where the forward and backward loops were unrolled and parallelized. Another key approach has been the implementation of the new algorithm in a hybrid-computing system, integrating both an Intel Xeon multi-core CPU and a Tilera Tile64 many-core card. A comparison with other Clustal W implementations reveals the high-performance of the new algorithm and strategy in many-core CPU architectures, in a scenario where the sequences to align are relatively long (more than 10 kb) and, hence, a many-core GPU hardware cannot be used. Thus, the MC64-ClustalWP2 runs multiple alignments more than 18x than the original Clustal W algorithm, and more than 7x than the best x86 parallel implementation to date, being publicly available through a web service. Besides, these developments have been deployed in cost-effective personal computers and should be useful for life-science researchers, including the identification of identities and differences for mutation/polymorphism analyses, biodiversity and evolutionary studies and for the development of molecular markers for paternity testing, germplasm management and protection, to assist breeding, illegal traffic control, fraud prevention and for the protection of the intellectual property (identification/traceability), including the protected designation of origin, among other applications

    Massively parallel mapping of next generation sequence reads using GPU

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2012.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2012.Includes bibliographical refences.The high throughput sequencing (HTS) methods have already started to fundamentally revolutionize the area of genome research through low-cost and highthroughput genome sequencing. However, the sheer size of data imposes various computational challenges. For example, in the Illumina HiSeq2000, each run produces over 7-8 billion short reads and over 600 Gb of base pairs of sequence data within less than 10 days. For most applications, analysis of HTS data starts with read mapping, i.e. nding the locations of these short sequence reads in a reference genome assembly. The similarities between two sequences can be determined by computing their optimal global alignments using a dynamic programming method called the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. The Needleman-Wunsch algorithm is widely used in hash-based DNA read mapping algorithms because of its guaranteed sensitivity. However, the quadratic time complexity of this algorithm makes it highly timeconsuming and the main bottleneck in analysis. In addition to this drawback, the short length of reads ( 100 base pairs) and the large size of mammalian genomes (3.1 Gbp for human) worsens the situation by requiring several hundreds to tens of thousands of Needleman-Wunsch calculations per read. The fastest approach proposed so far avoids Needleman-Wunsch and maps the data described above in 70 CPU days with lower sensitivity. More sensitive mapping approaches are even slower. We propose that e cient parallel implementations of string comparison will dramatically improve the running time of this process. With this motivation, we propose to develop enhanced algorithms to exploit the parallel architecture of GPUs.Korkmaz, MustafaM.S

    Regular Expression Synthesis for BLAST Two-Hit Filtering

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    Genomic databases are exhibiting a growth rate that is outpacing Moore\u27s Law, which has made database search algorithms a popular application for use on emerging processor technologies. NCBI BLAST is the standard tool for performing searches against these databases, which operates by transforming each database query into a filter that is subsequently applied to the database. This requires a database scan for every query, fundamentally limiting its performance by I/O bandwidth. In this dissertation we present a functionally-equivalent variation on the NCBI BLAST algorithm that maps more suitably to an FPGA implementation. This variation of the algorithm attempts to reduce the I/O requirement by leveraging FPGA-specific capabilities, such as high pattern matching throughput and explicit on-chip memory structure and allocation. Our algorithm transforms the database—not the query—into a filter that is stored as a hierarchical arrangement of three tables, the first two of which are stored on-chip and the third off-chip. Our results show that it is possible to achieve speedups of up to 8x based on the relative reduction in I/O of our approach versus that of NCBI BLAST, with a minimal impact on sensitivity. More importantly, the performance relative to NCBI BLAST improves with larger databases and query workload sizes

    Space Efficient Sequence Alignment for SRAM-Based Computing: X-Drop on the Graphcore IPU

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    Dedicated accelerator hardware has become essential for processing AI-based workloads, leading to the rise of novel accelerator architectures. Furthermore, fundamental differences in memory architecture and parallelism have made these accelerators targets for scientific computing. The sequence alignment problem is fundamental in bioinformatics; we have implemented the XX-Drop algorithm, a heuristic method for pairwise alignment that reduces search space, on the Graphcore Intelligence Processor Unit (IPU) accelerator. The XX-Drop algorithm has an irregular computational pattern, which makes it difficult to accelerate due to load balancing. Here, we introduce a graph-based partitioning and queue-based batch system to improve load balancing. Our implementation achieves 10×10\times speedup over a state-of-the-art GPU implementation and up to 4.65×4.65\times compared to CPU. In addition, we introduce a memory-restricted XX-Drop algorithm that reduces memory footprint by 55×55\times and efficiently uses the IPU's limited low-latency SRAM. This optimization further improves the strong scaling performance by 3.6×3.6\times.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    A performance focused, development friendly and model aided parallelization strategy for scientific applications

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    The amelioration of high performance computing platforms has provided unprecedented computing power with the evolution of multi-core CPUs, massively parallel architectures such as General Purpose Graphics Processing Units (GPGPUs) and Many Integrated Core (MIC) architectures such as Intel\u27s Xeon phi coprocessor. However, it is a great challenge to leverage capabilities of such advanced supercomputing hardware, as it requires efficient and effective parallelization of scientific applications. This task is difficult mainly due to complexity of scientific algorithms coupled with the variety of available hardware and disparate programming models. To address the aforementioned challenges, this thesis presents a parallelization strategy to accelerate scientific applications that maximizes the opportunities of achieving speedup while minimizing the development efforts. Parallelization is a three step process (1) choose a compatible combination of architecture and parallel programming language, (2) translate base code/algorithm to a parallel language and (3) optimize and tune the application. In this research, a quantitative comparison of run time for various implementations of k-means algorithm, is used to establish that native languages (OpenMP, MPI, CUDA) perform better on respective architectures as opposed to vendor-neutral languages such as OpenCL. A qualitative model is used to select an optimal architecture for a given application by aligning the capabilities of accelerators with characteristics of the application. Once the optimal architecture is chosen, the corresponding native language is employed. This approach provides the best performance with reasonable accuracy (78%) of predicting a fitting combination, while eliminating the need for exploring different architectures individually. It reduces the required development efforts considerably as the application need not be re-written in multiple languages. The focus can be solely on optimization and tuning to achieve the best performance on available architectures with minimized investment in terms of cost and efforts. To verify the prediction accuracy of the qualitative model, the OpenDwarfs benchmark suite, which implements the Berkeley\u27s dwarfs in OpenCL, is used. A dwarf is an algorithmic method that captures a pattern of computation and communication. For the purpose of this research, the focus is on 9 application from various algorithmic domains that cover the seven dwarfs of symbolic computation, which were identified by Phillip Colella, as omnipresent in scientific and engineering applications. To validate the parallelization strategy collectively, a case study is undertaken. This case study involves parallelization of the Lower Upper Decomposition for the Gaussian Elimination algorithm from the linear algebra domain, using conventional trial and error methods as well as the proposed \u27Architecture First, Language Later\u27\u27 strategy. The development efforts incurred are contrasted for both methods. The aforesaid proposed strategy is observed to reduce the development efforts by an average of 50%

    Homology sequence analysis using GPU acceleration

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    A number of problems in bioinformatics, systems biology and computational biology field require abstracting physical entities to mathematical or computational models. In such studies, the computational paradigms often involve algorithms that can be solved by the Central Processing Unit (CPU). Historically, those algorithms benefit from the advancements of computing power in the serial processing capabilities of individual CPU cores. However, the growth has slowed down over recent years, as scaling out CPU has been shown to be both cost-prohibitive and insecure. To overcome this problem, parallel computing approaches that employ the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) have gained attention as complementing or replacing traditional CPU approaches. The premise of this research is to investigate the applicability of various parallel computing platforms to several problems in the detection and analysis of homology in biological sequence. I hypothesize that by exploiting the sheer amount of computation power and sequencing data, it is possible to deduce information from raw sequences without supplying the underlying prior knowledge to come up with an answer. I have developed such tools to perform analysis at scales that are traditionally unattainable with general-purpose CPU platforms. I have developed a method to accelerate sequence alignment on the GPU, and I used the method to investigate whether the Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) classification problem can be improved with such sheer amount of computational power. I have developed a method to accelerate pairwise k-mer comparison on the GPU, and I used the method to further develop PolyHomology, a framework to scaffold shared sequence motifs across large numbers of genomes to illuminate the structure of the regulatory network in yeasts. The results suggest that such approach to heterogeneous computing could help to answer questions in biology and is a viable path to new discoveries in the present and the future.Includes bibliographical reference

    Protein alignment algorithms with an efficient backtracking routine on multiple GPUs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pairwise sequence alignment methods are widely used in biological research. The increasing number of sequences is perceived as one of the upcoming challenges for sequence alignment methods in the nearest future. To overcome this challenge several GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) computing approaches have been proposed lately. These solutions show a great potential of a GPU platform but in most cases address the problem of sequence database scanning and computing only the alignment score whereas the alignment itself is omitted. Thus, the need arose to implement the global and semiglobal Needleman-Wunsch, and Smith-Waterman algorithms with a backtracking procedure which is needed to construct the alignment.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper we present the solution that performs the alignment of every given sequence pair, which is a required step for progressive multiple sequence alignment methods, as well as for DNA recognition at the DNA assembly stage. Performed tests show that the implementation, with performance up to 6.3 GCUPS on a single GPU for affine gap penalties, is very efficient in comparison to other CPU and GPU-based solutions. Moreover, multiple GPUs support with load balancing makes the application very scalable.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The article shows that the backtracking procedure of the sequence alignment algorithms may be designed to fit in with the GPU architecture. Therefore, our algorithm, apart from scores, is able to compute pairwise alignments. This opens a wide range of new possibilities, allowing other methods from the area of molecular biology to take advantage of the new computational architecture. Performed tests show that the efficiency of the implementation is excellent. Moreover, the speed of our GPU-based algorithms can be almost linearly increased when using more than one graphics card.</p