747 research outputs found

    How the Small Object Detection via Machine Learning and UAS-Based Remote-Sensing Imagery Can Support the Achievement of SDG2: A Case Study of Vole Burrows

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    Small mammals, and particularly rodents, are common inhabitants of farmlands, where they play key roles in the ecosystem, but when overabundant, they can be major pests, able to reduce crop production and farmers' incomes, with tangible effects on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals no 2 (SDG2, Zero Hunger) of the United Nations. Farmers do not currently have a standardized, accurate method of detecting the presence, abundance, and locations of rodents in their fields, and hence do not have environmentally efficient methods of rodent control able to promote sustainable agriculture oriented to reduce the environmental impacts of cultivation. New developments in unmanned aerial system (UAS) platforms and sensor technology facilitate cost-effective data collection through simultaneous multimodal data collection approaches at very high spatial resolutions in environmental and agricultural contexts. Object detection from remote-sensing images has been an active research topic over the last decade. With recent increases in computational resources and data availability, deep learning-based object detection methods are beginning to play an important role in advancing remote-sensing commercial and scientific applications. However, the performance of current detectors on various UAS-based datasets, including multimodal spatial and physical datasets, remains limited in terms of small object detection. In particular, the ability to quickly detect small objects from a large observed scene (at field scale) is still an open question. In this paper, we compare the efficiencies of applying one- and two-stage detector models to a single UAS-based image and a processed (via Pix4D mapper photogrammetric program) UAS-based orthophoto product to detect rodent burrows, for agriculture/environmental applications as to support farmer activities in the achievements of SDG2. Our results indicate that the use of multimodal data from low-cost UASs within a self-training YOLOv3 model can provide relatively accurate and robust detection for small objects (mAP of 0.86 and an F1-score of 93.39%), and can deliver valuable insights for field management with high spatial precision able to reduce the environmental costs of crop production in the direction of precision agriculture management

    PetroSurf3D - A Dataset for high-resolution 3D Surface Segmentation

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    The development of powerful 3D scanning hardware and reconstruction algorithms has strongly promoted the generation of 3D surface reconstructions in different domains. An area of special interest for such 3D reconstructions is the cultural heritage domain, where surface reconstructions are generated to digitally preserve historical artifacts. While reconstruction quality nowadays is sufficient in many cases, the robust analysis (e.g. segmentation, matching, and classification) of reconstructed 3D data is still an open topic. In this paper, we target the automatic and interactive segmentation of high-resolution 3D surface reconstructions from the archaeological domain. To foster research in this field, we introduce a fully annotated and publicly available large-scale 3D surface dataset including high-resolution meshes, depth maps and point clouds as a novel benchmark dataset to the community. We provide baseline results for our existing random forest-based approach and for the first time investigate segmentation with convolutional neural networks (CNNs) on the data. Results show that both approaches have complementary strengths and weaknesses and that the provided dataset represents a challenge for future research.Comment: CBMI Submission; Dataset and more information can be found at http://lrs.icg.tugraz.at/research/petroglyphsegmentation

    A Deep Learning Model for Automatic Plastic Mapping Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Data

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    [EN] Although plastic pollution is one of the most noteworthy environmental issues nowadays, there is still a knowledge gap in terms of monitoring the spatial distribution of plastics, which is needed to prevent its negative effects and to plan mitigation actions. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can provide suitable data for mapping floating plastic, but most of the methods require visual interpretation and manual labeling. The main goals of this paper are to determine the suitability of deep learning algorithms for automatic floating plastic extraction from UAV orthophotos, testing the possibility of differentiating plastic types, and exploring the relationship between spatial resolution and detectable plastic size, in order to define a methodology for UAV surveys to map floating plastic. Two study areas and three datasets were used to train and validate the models. An end-to-end semantic segmentation algorithm based on U-Net architecture using the ResUNet50 provided the highest accuracy to map different plastic materials (F1-score: Oriented Polystyrene (OPS): 0.86; Nylon: 0.88; Polyethylene terephthalate (PET): 0.92; plastic (in general): 0.78), showing its ability to identify plastic types. The classification accuracy decreased with the decrease in spatial resolution, performing best on 4 mm resolution images for all kinds of plastic. The model provided reliable estimates of the area and volume of the plastics, which is crucial information for a cleaning campaign.S

    Informal settlement segmentation using VHR RGB and height information from UAV imagery: a case study of Nepal

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    Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial TechnologiesInformal settlement in developing countries are complex. They are contextually and radiometrically very similar to formal settlement. Resolution offered by Remote sensing is not sufficient to capture high variations and feature size in informal settlements in these situations. UAV imageries offers solution with higher resolution. Incorporating UAV image and normalized DSM obtained from UAV provides an opportunity of including information on 3D space. This can be a crucial factor for informal settlement extraction in countries like Nepal. While formal and informal settlements have similar texture, they differ significantly in height. In this regard, we propose segmentation of informal settlement of Nepal using UAV and normalized DSM, against traditional approach of orthophoto only or orthophoto and DSM. Absolute height, normalized DSM(nDSM) and vegetation index from visual band added to 8 bit RGB channels are used to locate informal settlements. Segmentation including nDSM resulted in 6 % increment in Intersection over Union for informal settlements. IoU of 85% for informal settlement is obtained using nDSM trained end to end on Resnet18 based Unet. Use of threshold value had same effect as using absolute height, meaning use of threshold does not alter result from using absolute nDSM. Integration of height as additional band showed better performance over model that trained height separately. Interestingly, benefits of vegetation index is limited to settlements with small huts partly covered with vegetation, which has no or negative effect elsewhere

    Framework to Create Cloud-Free Remote Sensing Data Using Passenger Aircraft as the Platform

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    Cloud removal in optical remote sensing imagery is essential for many Earth observation applications.Due to the inherent imaging geometry features in satellite remote sensing, it is impossible to observe the ground under the clouds directly; therefore, cloud removal algorithms are always not perfect owing to the loss of ground truth. Passenger aircraft have the advantages of short visitation frequency and low cost. Additionally, because passenger aircraft fly at lower altitudes compared to satellites, they can observe the ground under the clouds at an oblique viewing angle. In this study, we examine the possibility of creating cloud-free remote sensing data by stacking multi-angle images captured by passenger aircraft. To accomplish this, a processing framework is proposed, which includes four main steps: 1) multi-angle image acquisition from passenger aircraft, 2) cloud detection based on deep learning semantic segmentation models, 3) cloud removal by image stacking, and 4) image quality enhancement via haze removal. This method is intended to remove cloud contamination without the requirements of reference images and pre-determination of cloud types. The proposed method was tested in multiple case studies, wherein the resultant cloud- and haze-free orthophotos were visualized and quantitatively analyzed in various land cover type scenes. The results of the case studies demonstrated that the proposed method could generate high quality, cloud-free orthophotos. Therefore, we conclude that this framework has great potential for creating cloud-free remote sensing images when the cloud removal of satellite imagery is difficult or inaccurate

    Residual Shuffling Convolutional Neural Networks for Deep Semantic Image Segmentation Using Multi-Modal Data

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    In this paper, we address the deep semantic segmentation of aerial imagery based on multi-modal data. Given multi-modal data composed of true orthophotos and the corresponding Digital Surface Models (DSMs), we extract a variety of hand-crafted radiometric and geometric features which are provided separately and in different combinations as input to a modern deep learning framework. The latter is represented by a Residual Shuffling Convolutional Neural Network (RSCNN) combining the characteristics of a Residual Network with the advantages of atrous convolution and a shuffling operator to achieve a dense semantic labeling. Via performance evaluation on a benchmark dataset, we analyze the value of different feature sets for the semantic segmentation task. The derived results reveal that the use of radiometric features yields better classification results than the use of geometric features for the considered dataset. Furthermore, the consideration of data on both modalities leads to an improvement of the classification results. However, the derived results also indicate that the use of all defined features is less favorable than the use of selected features. Consequently, data representations derived via feature extraction and feature selection techniques still provide a gain if used as the basis for deep semantic segmentation

    Deep neural networks based automated extraction of dugong feeding trails from UAV images in the intertidal seagrass beds

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    Dugongs (Dugong dugon) are seagrass specialists distributed in shallow coastal waters in tropical and subtropical seas. The area and distribution of the dugongs’ feeding trails, which are unvegetated winding tracks left after feeding, have been used as an indicator of their feeding ground utilization. However, current ground-based measurements of these trails require a large amount of time and effort. Here, we developed effective methods to observe the dugongs’ feeding trails using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) images (1) by extracting the dugong feeding trails using deep neural networks. Furthermore, we demonstrated two applications as follows; (2) extraction of the daily new feeding trails with deep neural networks and (3) estimation the direction of the feeding trails. We obtained aerial photographs from the intertidal seagrass bed at Talibong Island, Trang Province, Thailand. The F1 scores, which are a measure of binary classification model’s accuracy taking false positives and false negatives into account, for the method (1) were 89.5% and 87.7% for the images with ground sampling resolutions of 1 cm/pixel and 0.5 cm/pixel, respectively, while the F1 score for the method (2) was 61.9%. The F1 score for the method (1) was high enough to perform scientific studies on the dugong. However, the method (2) should be improved, and there remains a need for manual correction. The mean area of the extracted daily new feeding trails from September 12–27, 2019, was 187.8 m2 per day (n = 9). Total 63.9% of the feeding trails was estimated to have direction within a range of 112.5° and 157.5°. These proposed new methods will reduce the time and efforts required for future feeding trail observations and contribute to future assessments of the dugongs’ seagrass habitat use