27,671 research outputs found

    A linear and regularized ODF estimation algorithm to recover multiple fibers in Q-Ball imaging

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    Due the well-known limitations of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), high angular resolution diffusion imaging is currently of great interest to characterize voxels containing multiple fiber crossings. In particular, Q-ball imaging (QBI) is now a popular reconstruction method to obtain the orientation distribution function (ODF) of these multiple fiber distributions. The latter captures all important angular contrast by expressing the probability that a water molecule will diffuse into any given solid angle. However, QBI and other high order spin displacement estimation methods involve non-trivial numerical computations and lack a straightforward regularization process. In this paper, we propose a simple linear and regularized analytic solution for the Q-ball reconstruction of the ODF. First, the signal is modeled with a physically meaningful high order spherical harmonic series by incorporating the Laplace-Beltrami operator in the solution. This leads to an elegant mathematical simplification of the Funk-Radon transform using the Funk-Hecke formula. In doing so, we obtain a fast and robust model-free ODF approximation. We validate the accuracy of the ODF estimation quantitatively using the multi-tensor synthetic model where the exact ODF can be computed. We also demonstrate that the estimated ODF can recover known multiple fiber regions in a biological phantom and in the human brain. Another important contribution of the paper is the development of ODF sharpening methods. We show that sharpening the measured ODF enhances each underlying fiber compartment and considerably improves the extraction of fibers. The proposed techniques are simple linear transformations of the ODF and can easily be computed using our spherical harmonics machinery

    Online orientation distribution function reconstruction in constant solid angle and its application to motion detection in HARDI

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    International audienceThe diffusion orientation distribution function (ODF) can be reconstructed from q-ball imaging (QBI) to map the complex intravoxel structure of water diffusion. As acquisition time is particularly large for high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), fast estimation algorithms have recently been proposed, as an on-line feedback on the reconstruction accuracy. Thus the acquisition could be stopped or continued on demand. We adapt these real-time algorithms to the mathematically correct definition of ODF in constant solid angle (CSA), and develop a motion detection algorithm upon this reconstruction. Results of improved fiber crossing detection by CSA ODF are shown, and motion detection was implemented and tested in vivo

    A Simplified Crossing Fiber Model in Diffusion Weighted Imaging

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a vital source of imaging data for identifying anatomical connections in the living human brain that form the substrate for information transfer between brain regions. dMRI can thus play a central role toward our understanding of brain function. The quantitative modeling and analysis of dMRI data deduces the features of neural fibers at the voxel level, such as direction and density. The modeling methods that have been developed range from deterministic to probabilistic approaches. Currently, the Ball-and-Stick model serves as a widely implemented probabilistic approach in the tractography toolbox of the popular FSL software package and FreeSurfer/TRACULA software package. However, estimation of the features of neural fibers is complex under the scenario of two crossing neural fibers, which occurs in a sizeable proportion of voxels within the brain. A Bayesian non-linear regression is adopted, comprised of a mixture of multiple non-linear components. Such models can pose a difficult statistical estimation problem computationally. To make the approach of Ball-and-Stick model more feasible and accurate, we propose a simplified version of Ball-and-Stick model that reduces parameter space dimensionality. This simplified model is vastly more efficient in the terms of computation time required in estimating parameters pertaining to two crossing neural fibers through Bayesian simulation approaches. Moreover, the performance of this new model is comparable or better in terms of bias and estimation variance as compared to existing models

    Increasing the Analytical Accessibility of Multishell and Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Data Using Generalized Q-Sampling Conversion

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    Many diffusion MRI researchers, including the Human Connectome Project (HCP), acquire data using multishell (e.g., WU-Minn consortium) and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) schemes (e.g., USC-Harvard consortium). However, these data sets are not readily accessible to high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) analysis methods that are popular in connectomics analysis. Here we introduce a scheme conversion approach that transforms multishell and DSI data into their corresponding HARDI representations, thereby empowering HARDI-based analytical methods to make use of data acquired using non-HARDI approaches. This method was evaluated on both phantom and in-vivo human data sets by acquiring multishell, DSI, and HARDI data simultaneously, and comparing the converted HARDI, from non-HARDI methods, with the original HARDI data. Analysis on the phantom shows that the converted HARDI from DSI and multishell data strongly predicts the original HARDI (correlation coefficient > 0.9). Our in-vivo study shows that the converted HARDI can be reconstructed by constrained spherical deconvolution, and the fiber orientation distributions are consistent with those from the original HARDI. We further illustrate that our scheme conversion method can be applied to HCP data, and the converted HARDI do not appear to sacrifice angular resolution. Thus this novel approach can benefit all HARDI-based analysis approaches, allowing greater analytical accessibility to non-HARDI data, including data from the HCP

    Spherical deconvolution of multichannel diffusion MRI data with non-Gaussian noise models and spatial regularization

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    Spherical deconvolution (SD) methods are widely used to estimate the intra-voxel white-matter fiber orientations from diffusion MRI data. However, while some of these methods assume a zero-mean Gaussian distribution for the underlying noise, its real distribution is known to be non-Gaussian and to depend on the methodology used to combine multichannel signals. Indeed, the two prevailing methods for multichannel signal combination lead to Rician and noncentral Chi noise distributions. Here we develop a Robust and Unbiased Model-BAsed Spherical Deconvolution (RUMBA-SD) technique, intended to deal with realistic MRI noise, based on a Richardson-Lucy (RL) algorithm adapted to Rician and noncentral Chi likelihood models. To quantify the benefits of using proper noise models, RUMBA-SD was compared with dRL-SD, a well-established method based on the RL algorithm for Gaussian noise. Another aim of the study was to quantify the impact of including a total variation (TV) spatial regularization term in the estimation framework. To do this, we developed TV spatially-regularized versions of both RUMBA-SD and dRL-SD algorithms. The evaluation was performed by comparing various quality metrics on 132 three-dimensional synthetic phantoms involving different inter-fiber angles and volume fractions, which were contaminated with noise mimicking patterns generated by data processing in multichannel scanners. The results demonstrate that the inclusion of proper likelihood models leads to an increased ability to resolve fiber crossings with smaller inter-fiber angles and to better detect non-dominant fibers. The inclusion of TV regularization dramatically improved the resolution power of both techniques. The above findings were also verified in brain data

    Spectral Clustering en IRM de diffusion pour Retrouver les Faisceaux de la Matière Blanche

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    White matter fiber clustering allows to get insight about anatomical structures in order to generate atlases, perform clear visualizations and compute statistics across subjects, all important and current neuroimaging problems. In this work, we present a Diffusion Maps clustering method applied to diffusion MRI in order to cluster and segment complex white matter fiber bundles. It is well-known that Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) is restricted in complex fiber regions with crossings and this is why recent High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) such has Q-Ball Imaging (QBI) have been introduced to overcome these limitations. QBI reconstructs the diffusion orientation distribution function (ODF), a spherical function that has its maxima agreeing with the underlying fiber populations. In this paper, we introduce the usage of the Diffusion Maps technique and show how it can be used to directly cluster set of fiber tracts, that could be obtained through a streamline tractography for instance, and how it can also help in segmenting fields of ODF images, obtained through a linear and regularized ODF estimation algorithm based on a spherical harmonics representation of the Q-Ball data. We first show the advantage of using Diffusion Maps clustering over classical methods such as N-Cuts and Laplacian Eigenmaps in both cases. In particular, our Diffusion Maps requires a smaller number of hypothesis from the input data, reduces the number of artifacts in fiber tract clustering and ODF image segmentation and automatically exhibits the number of clusters in both cases by using an adaptive scale-space parameter. We also show that our ODF Diffusion Maps clustering can reproduce published results using the diffusion tensor (DT) clustering with N-Cuts on simple synthetic images without crossings. On more complex data with crossings, we show that our ODF-based method succeeds to separate fiber bundles and crossing regions whereas the DT-based methods generate artifacts and exhibit wrong number of clusters. Finally, we illustrate the potential of our approach on a real brain dataset where we successfully segment well-known fiber bundles

    Fast Fiber Orientation Estimation in Diffusion MRI from kq-Space Sampling and Anatomical Priors

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    High spatio-angular resolution diffusion MRI (dMRI) has been shown to provide accurate identification of complex fiber configurations, albeit at the cost of long acquisition times. We propose a method to recover intra-voxel fiber configurations at high spatio-angular resolution relying on a kq-space under-sampling scheme to enable accelerated acquisitions. The inverse problem for reconstruction of the fiber orientation distribution (FOD) is regularized by a structured sparsity prior promoting simultaneously voxelwise sparsity and spatial smoothness of fiber orientation. Prior knowledge of the spatial distribution of white matter, gray matter and cerebrospinal fluid is also assumed. A minimization problem is formulated and solved via a forward-backward convex optimization algorithmic structure. Simulations and real data analysis suggest that accurate FOD mapping can be achieved from severe kq-space under-sampling regimes, potentially enabling high spatio-angular dMRI in the clinical setting.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Supplementary Material

    Bayesian uncertainty quantification in linear models for diffusion MRI

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    Diffusion MRI (dMRI) is a valuable tool in the assessment of tissue microstructure. By fitting a model to the dMRI signal it is possible to derive various quantitative features. Several of the most popular dMRI signal models are expansions in an appropriately chosen basis, where the coefficients are determined using some variation of least-squares. However, such approaches lack any notion of uncertainty, which could be valuable in e.g. group analyses. In this work, we use a probabilistic interpretation of linear least-squares methods to recast popular dMRI models as Bayesian ones. This makes it possible to quantify the uncertainty of any derived quantity. In particular, for quantities that are affine functions of the coefficients, the posterior distribution can be expressed in closed-form. We simulated measurements from single- and double-tensor models where the correct values of several quantities are known, to validate that the theoretically derived quantiles agree with those observed empirically. We included results from residual bootstrap for comparison and found good agreement. The validation employed several different models: Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI), Mean Apparent Propagator MRI (MAP-MRI) and Constrained Spherical Deconvolution (CSD). We also used in vivo data to visualize maps of quantitative features and corresponding uncertainties, and to show how our approach can be used in a group analysis to downweight subjects with high uncertainty. In summary, we convert successful linear models for dMRI signal estimation to probabilistic models, capable of accurate uncertainty quantification.Comment: Added results from a group analysis and a comparison with residual bootstra

    Left-Invariant Diffusion on the Motion Group in terms of the Irreducible Representations of SO(3)

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    In this work we study the formulation of convection/diffusion equations on the 3D motion group SE(3) in terms of the irreducible representations of SO(3). Therefore, the left-invariant vector-fields on SE(3) are expressed as linear operators, that are differential forms in the translation coordinate and algebraic in the rotation. In the context of 3D image processing this approach avoids the explicit discretization of SO(3) or S2S_2, respectively. This is particular important for SO(3), where a direct discretization is infeasible due to the enormous memory consumption. We show two applications of the framework: one in the context of diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging and one in the context of object detection