34 research outputs found

    A SigmaDelta modulator for digital hearing instruments using 0.18 mum CMOS technology.

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    This thesis develops the design methodology for a low-voltage low-power SigmaDelta Modulator, realized using a switched op-amp technique that can be used in a hearing instrument. Switched op-amp implementation allows scaling down the design to the latest CMOS technology. A single-loop second-order SigmaDelta Modulator topology is chosen. The modulator circuit features reduced complexity, area reduction and low conversion energy. The modulator has a sampling rate of 8.2 MHz with an over-sampling ratio (OSR) of 256 to provide an audio bandwidth of 16 kHz. The modulator is implemented in a 0.18 mum digital CMOS technology with metal-to-metal sandwich structure capacitors. The modulator operates with a supply voltage of 1.8 V. The active area is 0.403 mm2. The modulator achieves a 98 dB signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) and a 100 dB dynamic range (DR) at a Nyquist conversion rate of 32 kHz and consumes 1321 muW with a joule/conversion figure of merit equal to 161 x 10-12 J/s. The design methodology is developed through the extensive use of simulation tools. The behaviour simulation is carried out using Matlab/SIMULINK while circuits are simulated with Hspice using the Cadence design tools. Full-custom layout for the analog and the digital circuits is performed using the Cadence design tool. Post-processing simulation of the extracted modulator with parasitic verifies that results meet the requirements. The design has been sent to CMC for fabrication. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 43-03, page: 0947. Adviser: W. C. Miller. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2004

    Fiabilisation de Convertisseurs Analogique-Num´erique a Modulation Sigma-Delta

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    Due to the continuously scaling down of CMOS technology, system-on-chips (SoCs) reliability becomes important in sub-90 nm CMOS node. Integrated circuits and systems applied to aerospace, avionic, vehicle transport and biomedicine are highly sensitive to reliability problems such as ageing mechanisms and parametric process variations. Novel SoCs with new materials and architectures of high complexity further aggravate reliability as a critical aspect of process integration. For instance, random and systematic defects as well as parametric process variations have a large influence on quality and yield of the manufactured ICs, right after production. During ICs usage time, time-dependent ageing mechanisms such as negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) and hot carrier injection (HCI) can significantly degrade ICs performance.La fiabilit´e des ICs est d´efinie ainsi : la capacit´e d’un circuit ou un syst`eme int´egr´e `amaintenir ses param`etres durant une p´eriode donn´ee sous des conditions d´efinies. Les rapportsITRS 2011 consid`ere la fiabilit´e comme un aspect critique du processus d’int´egration.Par cons´equent, il faut faire appel des m´ethodologies innovatrices prenant en comptela fiabilit´e afin d’assurer la fonctionnalit´e du SoCs et la fiabilit´e dans les technologiesCMOS `a l’´echelle nanom´etrique. Cela nous permettra de d´evelopper des m´ethodologiesind´ependantes du design et de la technologie CMOS, en revanche, sp´ecialis´ees en fiabilit´e

    Fiabilisation de convertisseurs analogique-numérique à modulation Sigma-Delta

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    This thesis concentrates on reliability-aware methodology development, reliability analysis based on simulation as well as failure prediction of CMOS 65nm analog and mixed signal (AMS) ICs. Sigma-Delta modulators are concerned as the object of reliability study at system level. A hierarchical statistical approach for reliability is proposed to analysis the performance of Sigma-Delta modulators under ageing effects and process variations. Statistical methods are combined into this analysis flow.Ce travail de thèse a porté sur des problèmes de fiabilité de circuits intégrés en technologie CMOS 65 nm, en particulier sur la conception en vue de la fiabilité, la simulation et l'amélioration de la fiabilité. Les mécanismes dominants de vieillissement HCI et NBTI ainsi que la variation du processus ont été étudiés et évalués quantitativement au niveau du circuit et au niveau du système. Ces méthodes ont été appliquées aux modulateurs Sigma-Delta afin de déterminer la fiabilité de ce type de composant qui est très utilisé

    Disseny microelectrnic de circuits discriminadors de polsos pel detector LHCb

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    The aim of this thesis is to present a solution for implementing the front end system of the Scintillator Pad Detector (SPD) of the calorimeter system of the LHCb experiment that will start in 2008 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The requirements of this specific system are discussed and an integrated solution is presented, both at system and circuit level. We also report some methodological achievements. In first place, a method to study the PSRR (and any transfer function) in fully differential circuits taking into account the effect of parameter mismatch is proposed. Concerning noise analysis, a method to study time variant circuits in the frequency domain is presented and justified. This would open the possibility to study the effect of 1/f noise in time variants circuits. In addition, it will be shown that the architecture developed for this system is a general solution for front ends in high luminosity experiments that must be operated with no dead time and must be robust against ballistic deficit

    Dopamiinin hapettumisen lukija-anturirajapinta 65 nm CMOS teknologialla

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    Sensing and monitoring of neural activities within the central nervous system has become a fast-growing area of research due to the need to understand more about how neurons communicate. Several neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Schizophrenia, Alzeihmers and Epilepsy have been reported to be associated with imbalance in the concentration of neurotransmitters such as glutamate and dopamine [1] - [5]. Hence, this thesis proposes a solution for the measurement of dopamine concentration in the brain during neural communication. The proposed design of the dopamine oxidation readout sensor interface is based on a mixed-signal front-end architecture for minimizing noise and high resolution of detected current signals. The analog front-end is designed for acquisition and amplification of current signals resulting from oxidation and reduction at the biosensor electrodes in the brain. The digital signal processing (DSP) block is used for discretization of detected dopamine oxidation and reduction current signals that can be further processed by an external system. The results from the simulation of the proposed design show that the readout circuit has a current resolution of 100 pA and can detect minimum dopamine concentration of 10 μMol based on measured data from novel diamond-like carbon electrodes [6]. Higher dopamine concentration can be detected from the sensor interface due to its support for a wide current range of 1.2 μA(±600 nA). The digital code representation of the detected dopamine has a resolution of 14.3-bits with RMS conversion error of 0.18 LSB which results in an SNR of 88 dB at full current range input. However, the attained ENOB is 8-bits due to the effect of nonlinearity in the oscillator based ADC. Nonetheless, the achieved resolution of the readout circuit provides good sensitivity of released dopamine in the brain which is useful for further understanding of neurotransmitters and fostering research into improved treatments of related neurodegenerative diseases.Keskushermoston aktiivisuuden havainnointi ja tarkkailu on muodostunut tärkeäksi tutkimusalaksi, sillä tarve ymmärtää neuronien viestintää on kasvanut. Monien hermostollisten sairauksien kuten Parkinsonin taudin, skitsofrenian, Alzheimerin taudin ja epilepsian on huomattu aiheuttavan muutoksia välittäjäaineiden, kuten glutamaatin ja dopamiinin, pitoisuuksissa [1] - [5]. Aiheeseen liittyen tässä työssä esitetään ratkaisu dopamiinipitoisuuden mittaamiseksi aivoista. Esitetty dopamiinipitoisuuden lukijapiiri perustuu sekamuotoiseen etupäärakenteeseen, jolla saavutetaan matala kohinataso ja hyvä tarkkuus signaalien ilmaisemisessa. Suunniteltu analoginen etupää kykenee lukemaan ja vahvistamaan dopamiinipitoisuuden muutosten aiheuttamia virran muutoksia aivoihin asennetuista elektrodeista. Digitaalisen signaalinkäsittelyn avulla voidaan havaita dopamiinin hapettumis-ja pelkistymisvirtasignaalit, ja välittää ne edelleen ulkoisen järjestelmän muokattavaksi. Simulaatiotulokset osoittavat, että suunniteltu piiri saavuttaa 100 pA virran erottelukyvyn. Simuloinnin perustuessa hiilipohjaisiin dopamiinielektrodeihin piiri voi havaita 10 μMol dopamiinipitoisuuden [6]. Myös suurempia dopamiinipitoisuuksia voidaan havaita, sillä etupäärajapinta tukee 1.2 μA(±600 nA) virta-aluetta. Digitaalinen esitysmuoto tukee 14.3 bitin esitystarkkuutta 0.18 bitin RMS virheellä saavuttaen 88 dB dynaamisen virta-alueen. Saavutettu ENOB (tehollinen bittimäärä) on kuitenkin 8 bittiä oskillaattoripohjaisen ADC:n (analogia-digitaalimuuntimen) epälineaarisuuden takia. Saavutettu tarkkuus tuottaa hyvän herkkyyden dopamiinin havaitsemiseksi ja hyödyttää siten välittäjäainetutkimusta ja uusien hoitomuotojen kehittämistä hermostollisiin sairauksiin

    Low Power High Dynamic Range A/D Conversion Channel

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    Transimpedance amplifier for early detection of breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer worldwide. The effectiveness of its treatment depends on early stage detection, as well as on the accuracy of its diagnosis. Recently, diagnosis techniques have been submitted to relevant breakthroughs with the upcoming of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Ultrasound Sonograms and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans, among others. The work presented here is focused on studying the application of a PET system to a Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) system. A PET/PEM system works under the principle that a scintillating crystal will detect a gamma-ray pulse, originated at the cancerous cells, converting it into a correspondent visible light pulse. The latter must then be converted into an electrical current pulse by means of a Photo- -Sensitive Device (PSD). After the PSD there must be a Transimpedance Amplifier (TIA) in order to convert the current pulse into a suitable output voltage, in a time period lower than 40 ns. In this Thesis, the PSD considered is a Silicon Photo-Multiplier (SiPM). The usage of this recently developed type of PSD is impracticable with the conventional TIA topologies, as it will be proven. Therefore, the usage of the Regulated Common-Gate (RCG) topology will be studied in the design of the amplifier. There will be also presented two RCG variations, comprising a noise response improvement and differential operation of the circuit. The mentioned topology will also be tested in a Radio-Frequency front-end, showing the versatility of the RCG. A study comprising a low-voltage self-biasing feedback TIA will also be shown. The proposed circuits will be simulated with standard CMOS technology (UMC 130 nm), using a 1.2 V power supply. A power consumption of 0.34 mW with a signal-to-noise ratio of 43 dB was achieved

    Low-voltage low-power continuous-time delta-sigma modulator designs

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    Linearization and Efficiency Enhancement Techniques for RF and Baseband Analog Circuits

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    High linearity transmitters and receivers should be used to efficiently utilize the available channel bandwidth. Power consumption is also a critical factor that determines the battery life of portable devices and wireless sensors. Three base-band and RF building blocks are designed with the focus of high linearity and low power consumption. An architectural attenuation-predistortion linearization scheme for a wide range of operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs) is proposed and demonstrated with a transconductance-capacitor (Gm-C) filter. The linearization technique utilizes two matched OTAs to cancel output harmonics, creating a robust architecture. Compensation for process variations and frequency-dependent distortion based on Volterra series analysis is achieved by employing a delay equalization scheme with on-chip programmable resistors. The distortion-cancellation technique enables an IM3 improvement of up to 22dB compared to a commensurate OTA without linearization. A proof-of-concept lowpass filter with the linearized OTAs has a measured IM3 < -70dB and 54.5dB dynamic range over its 195MHz bandwidth. Design methodology for high efficiency class D power amplifier is presented. The high efficiency is achieved by using higher current harmonic to achieve zero voltage switching (ZVS) in class D power amplifier. The matching network is used as a part of the output filter to remove the high order harmonics. Optimum values for passive circuit elements and transistor sizes have been derived in order to achieve the highest possible efficiency. The proposed power amplifier achieves efficiency close to 60 percent at 400 MHz for -2dBm of output power. High efficiency class A power amplifier using dynamic biasing technique is presented. The power consumption of the power amplifier changes dynamically according to the output signal level. Effect of dynamic bias on class A power amplifier linearity is analyzed and the results were verified using simulations. The linearity of the dynamically biased amplifier is improved by adjusting the preamplifier gain to guarantee constant overall gain for different input signal levels