542 research outputs found

    Solutions pour l'auto-adaptation des systèmes sans fil

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    The current demand on ubiquitous connectivity imposes stringent requirements on the fabrication of Radio-Frequency (RF) circuits. Designs are consequently transferred to the most advanced CMOS technologies that were initially introduced to improve digital performance. In addition, as technology scales down, RF circuits are more and more susceptible to a lot of variations during their lifetime, as manufacturing process variability, temperature, environmental conditions, aging… As a result, the usual worst-case circuit design is leading to sub-optimal conditions, in terms of power and/or performance most of the time for the circuit. In order to counteract these variations, increasing the performances and also reduce power consumption, adaptation strategies must be put in place.More importantly, the fabrication process introduces more and more performance variability, which can have a dramatic impact on the fabrication yield. That is why RF designs are not easily fabricated in the most advanced CMOS technologies, as 32nm or 22nm nodes for instance. In this context, the performances of RF circuits need to be calibrated after fabrication so as to take these variations into account and recover yield loss.This thesis work is presenting on a post-fabrication calibration technique for RF circuits. This technique is performed during production testing with minimum extra cost, which is critical since the cost of test can be comparable to the cost of fabrication concerning RF circuits and cannot be further raised. Calibration is enabled by equipping the circuit with tuning knobs and sensors. Optimal tuning knob identification is achieved in one-shot based on a single test step that involves measuring the sensor outputs once. For this purpose, we rely on variation-aware sensors which provide measurements that remain invariant under tuning knob changes. As an auxiliary benefit, the variation-aware sensors are non-intrusive and totally transparent to the circuit.Our proposed methodology has first been demonstrated with simulation data with an RF power amplifier as a case study. Afterwards, a silicon demonstrator has then been fabricated in a 65nm technology in order to fully demonstrate the methodology. The fabricated dataset of circuits is extracted from typical and corner wafers. This feature is very important since corner circuits are the worst design cases and therefore the most difficult to calibrate. In our case, corner circuits represent more than the two third of the overall dataset and the calibration can still be proven. In details, fabrication yield based on 3 sigma performance specifications is increased from 21% to 93%. This is a major performance of the technique, knowing that worst case circuits are very rare in industrial fabrication.La demande courante de connectivité instantanée impose un cahier des charges très strict sur la fabrication des circuits Radio-Fréquences (RF). Les circuits doivent donc être transférées vers les technologies les plus avancées, initialement introduites pour augmenter les performances des circuits purement numériques. De plus, les circuits RF sont soumis à de plus en plus de variations et cette sensibilité s’accroît avec l’avancées des technologies. Ces variations sont par exemple les variations du procédé de fabrication, la température, l’environnement, le vieillissement… Par conséquent, la méthode classique de conception de circuits “pire-cas” conduit à une utilisation non-optimale du circuit dans la vaste majorité des conditions, en termes de performances et/ou de consommation. Ces variations doivent donc être compensées, en utilisant des techniques d’adaptation.De manière plus importante encore, le procédé de fabrication des circuits introduit de plus en plus de variabilité dans les performances des circuits, ce qui a un impact important sur le rendement de fabrication des circuits. Pour cette raison, les circuits RF sont difficilement fabriqués dans les technologies CMOS les plus avancées comme les nœuds 32nm ou 22nm. Dans ce contexte, les performances des circuits RF doivent êtres calibrées après fabrication pour prendre en compte ces variations et retrouver un haut rendement de fabrication.Ce travail de these présente une méthode de calibration post-fabrication pour les circuits RF. Cette méthodologie est appliquée pendant le test de production en ajoutant un minimum de coût, ce qui est un point essentiel car le coût du test est aujourd’hui déjà comparable au coût de fabrication d’un circuit RF et ne peut être augmenté d’avantage. Par ailleurs, la puissance consommée est aussi prise en compte pour que l’impact de la calibration sur la consommation soit minimisé. La calibration est rendue possible en équipant le circuit avec des nœuds de réglages et des capteurs. L’identification de la valeur de réglage optimale du circuit est obtenue en un seul coup, en testant les performances RF une seule et unique fois. Cela est possible grâce à l’utilisation de capteurs de variations du procédé de fabrication qui sont invariants par rapport aux changements des nœuds de réglage. Un autre benefice de l’utilisation de ces capteurs de variation sont non-intrusifs et donc totalement transparents pour le circuit sous test. La technique de calibration a été démontrée sur un amplificateur de puissance RF utilisé comme cas d’étude. Une première preuve de concept est développée en utilisant des résultats de simulation.Un démonstrateur en silicium a ensuite été fabriqué en technologie 65nm pour entièrement démontrer le concept de calibration. L’ensemble des puces fabriquées a été extrait de trois types de wafer différents, avec des transistors aux performances lentes, typiques et rapides. Cette caractéristique est très importante car elle nous permet de considérer des cas de procédé de fabrication extrêmes qui sont les plus difficiles à calibrer. Dans notre cas, ces circuits représentent plus des deux tiers des puces à disposition et nous pouvons quand même prouver notre concept de calibration. Dans le détails, le rendement de fabrication passe de 21% avant calibration à plus de 93% après avoir appliqué notre méthodologie. Cela constitue une performance majeure de notre méthodologie car les circuits extrêmes sont très rares dans une fabrication industrielle

    Investigation of variables for wireless capacitive strain sensing on a CNC mill

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    As demand in the manufacturing sector increases, so does the need for greater process throughput and reduced component variability. These two objectives can be achieved by a process known as \u27smart machining\u27. Smart machining utilizes sensors inside the machining environment to relay information to the machine controller. Most sensor systems adversely affect the machine dynamics, by reducing the machining envelope or reducing the machine\u27s stiffness, or require physical connections to conditioning electronics. In this research, variables regarding a resonantly coupled wireless capacitive strain sensor were investigated. A parallel plate capacitive sensor prototype system yielded a strain sensitivity five times greater than analytical predictions. Experimental investigations were performed on probe design, sensor design, and application dynamics. Computer simulations were performed for the change in capacitance of an interdigitated comb capacitor for simplified loading cases. Finally, a simplified resonance detection circuit attached to the probe loop was designed, assembled, and successfully tested

    Characterisation of on-chip electrostatic discharge waveforms with sub-nanosecond resolution: design of a differential high voltage probe with high bandwidth

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    Bliksem werd tot aan de ontdekking van de bliksemafleider (18e eeuw) gezien als een van de gevaarlijkste bedreigingen voor het stadsleven. Door het gebruik van micro-elektronica werden ingenieurs gewaar dat ditzelfde fysische verschijnsel, elektrostatische ontlading of ESD genoemd, zich ook op microscopische schaal voordoet. In de jaren zeventig was meer dan 30% van al het chipfalen te wijten aan ESD. Om dit tegen te gaan werd met het onderzoek naar ESD-protecties en -meetsystemen aangevangen. Om meer informatie over het gedrag van een ESD-protectie te verkrijgen wordt een ESD-puls op dit systeem losgelaten. Het antwoord van de protectie op deze puls wordt dan bepaald m.b.v. spannings- en stroomgolfvormmetingen. In dit werk wordt een nieuwe nauwkeurige ESD-golfvormmeettechniek voorgesteld die directe metingen op protecties kan uitvoeren. De karakterisering van ESD-golfvormen op chip wordt enorm bemoeilijkt door de grote hoeveelheid elektromagnetische interferentie die de ESD-puls veroorzaakt. Dit wordt omzeild door het gewenste signaal naar een veilige omgeving te transporteren, waar een standaard meettoestel de meting kan uitvoeren. Dit transport wordt gerealiseerd m.b.v. optische communicatie, wat immuun is voor elektromagnetische interferentie. Zo kan nauwkeurige in-situ-informatie worden verkregen waarmee de ESD-protecties in de toekomst verbeterd kunnen worden.Up to the 18th century, lightning was considered one of nature’s most dangerous threats in city life. This all ended with the lightning rod, protecting thousands of homes during lightning storms. The large-scale use of microelectronics has made engineers aware of the same physical phenomenon occuring on a microscopic scale. This phenomenon is called electrostatic discharge or ESD. In the seventies, more than 30% of all chip failure was attributed to static electricity. To counter this effect, the research for on-chip ESD protections was born. Today ESD is a buzzing line of research, as with new and faster chip technologies comes a higher ESD vulnerability. This makes ESD protection and measurement increasingly important. Although ESD is now a major subject in chip design, it copes with a lack of accurate device models. To gain more information on the exact operation of an ESD protection, an ESD pulse is unleashed upon this device. The response of the protection on this pulse is then assessed by performing voltage or current waveform measurements. This work presents a waveform measurement technique able to accurately perform direct measurements on the ESD protection. Due to the high amount of electromagnetic interference caused by the ESD pulse, direct waveform characterisation near the protection is hard. This is solved by transporting the target signal into a clean area, where the measurement is performed by standard lab equipment. The key is that this transportation is realized by means of optical communication, which is immune to electromagnetic interference. This way, accurate in situ information can be used to protect tomorrow’s chips

    Impedance Sensors for Fast Multiphase Flow Measurement and Imaging

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    Multiphase flow denotes the simultaneous flow of two or more physically distinct and immiscible substances and it can be widely found in several engineering applications, for instance, power generation, chemical engineering and crude oil extraction and processing. In many of those applications, multiphase flows determine safety and efficiency aspects of processes and plants where they occur. Therefore, the measurement and imaging of multiphase flows has received much attention in recent years, largely driven by a need of many industry branches to accurately quantify, predict and control the flow of multiphase mixtures. Moreover, multiphase flow measurements also form the basis in which models and simulations can be developed and validated. In this work, the use of electrical impedance techniques for multiphase flow measurement has been investigated. Three different impedance sensor systems to quantify and monitor multiphase flows have been developed, implemented and metrologically evaluated. The first one is a complex permittivity needle probe which can detect the phases of a multiphase flow at its probe tip by simultaneous measurement of the electrical conductivity and permittivity at up to 20 kHz repetition rate. Two-dimensional images of the phase distribution in pipe cross section can be obtained by the newly developed capacitance wire-mesh sensor. The sensor is able to discriminate fluids with different relative permittivity (dielectric constant) values in a multiphase flow and achieves frame frequencies of up to 10 000 frames per second. The third sensor introduced in this thesis is a planar array sensor which can be employed to visualize fluid distributions along the surface of objects and near-wall flows. The planar sensor can be mounted onto the wall of pipes or vessels and thus has a minimal influence on the flow. It can be operated by a conductivity-based as well as permittivity-based electronics at imaging speeds of up to 10 000 frames/s. All three sensor modalities have been employed in different flow applications which are discussed in this thesis. The main contribution of this research work to the field of multiphase flow measurement technology is therefore the development, characterization and application of new sensors based on electrical impedance measurement. All sensors present high-speed capability and two of them allow for imaging phase fraction distributions. The sensors are furthermore very robust and can thus easily be employed in a number of multiphase flow applications in research and industry

    Advanced Occupancy Measurement Using Sensor Fusion

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    With roughly about half of the energy used in buildings attributed to Heating, Ventilation, and Air conditioning (HVAC) systems, there is clearly great potential for energy saving through improved building operations. Accurate knowledge of localised and real-time occupancy numbers can have compelling control applications for HVAC systems. However, existing technologies applied for building occupancy measurements are limited, such that a precise and reliable occupant count is difficult to obtain. For example, passive infrared (PIR) sensors commonly used for occupancy sensing in lighting control applications cannot differentiate between occupants grouped together, video sensing is often limited by privacy concerns, atmospheric gas sensors (such as CO2 sensors) may be affected by the presence of electromagnetic (EMI) interference, and may not show clear links between occupancy and sensor values. Past studies have indicated the need for a heterogeneous multi-sensory fusion approach for occupancy detection to address the short-comings of existing occupancy detection systems. The aim of this research is to develop an advanced instrumentation strategy to monitor occupancy levels in non-domestic buildings, whilst facilitating the lowering of energy use and also maintaining an acceptable indoor climate. Accordingly, a novel multi-sensor based approach for occupancy detection in open-plan office spaces is proposed. The approach combined information from various low-cost and non-intrusive indoor environmental sensors, with the aim to merge advantages of various sensors, whilst minimising their weaknesses. The proposed approach offered the potential for explicit information indicating occupancy levels to be captured. The proposed occupancy monitoring strategy has two main components; hardware system implementation and data processing. The hardware system implementation included a custom made sound sensor and refinement of CO2 sensors for EMI mitigation. Two test beds were designed and implemented for supporting the research studies, including proof-of-concept, and experimental studies. Data processing was carried out in several stages with the ultimate goal being to detect occupancy levels. Firstly, interested features were extracted from all sensory data collected, and then a symmetrical uncertainty analysis was applied to determine the predictive strength of individual sensor features. Thirdly, a candidate features subset was determined using a genetic based search. Finally, a back-propagation neural network model was adopted to fuse candidate multi-sensory features for estimation of occupancy levels. Several test cases were implemented to demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed occupancy detection approach. Results have shown the potential of the proposed heterogeneous multi-sensor fusion based approach as an advanced strategy for the development of reliable occupancy detection systems in open-plan office buildings, which can be capable of facilitating improved control of building services. In summary, the proposed approach has the potential to: (1) Detect occupancy levels with an accuracy reaching 84.59% during occupied instances (2) capable of maintaining average occupancy detection accuracy of 61.01%, in the event of sensor failure or drop-off (such as CO2 sensors drop-off), (3) capable of utilising just sound and motion sensors for occupancy levels monitoring in a naturally ventilated space, (4) capable of facilitating potential daily energy savings reaching 53%, if implemented for occupancy-driven ventilation control

    Sensitivity analysis of the secondary heat balance at Koeberg Nuclear Power Station

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    At Koeberg Nuclear Power Station, the reactor thermal power limit is one of the most important quantities specified in the operating licence, which is issued to Eskom by the National Nuclear Regulator (NNR). The reactor thermal power is measured using different methodologies, with the most important being the Secondary Heat Balance (SHB) test which has been programmed within the central Koeberg computer and data processing system (KIT). Improved accuracy in the SHB will result in a more accurate representation of the thermal power generated in the core. The input variables have a significant role to play in determining the accuracy of the measured power. The main aim of this thesis is to evaluate the sensitivity of the SHB to the changes in all input variables that are important in the determination of the reactor power. The guidance provided by the Electric Power Research institute (EPRI) is used to determine the sensitivity. To aid with the analysis, the SHB test was duplicated using alternate software. Microsoft Excel VBA and Python were used. This allowed the inputs to be altered so that the sensitivity can be determined. The new inputs included the uncertainties and errors of the instrumentation and measurement systems. The results of these alternate programmes were compared with the official SHB programme. At any power station, thermal efficiency is essential to ensure that the power station can deliver the maximum output power while operating as efficiently as possible. Electricity utilities assign performance criteria to all their stations. At Koeberg, the thermal performance programme is developed to optimize the plant steam cycle performance and focusses on the turbine system. This thesis evaluates the thermal performance programme and turbine performance. The Primary Heat Balance (PHB) test also measures reactor power but uses instrumentation within the reactor core. Due to its location inside the reactor coolant system, the instrumentation used to calculate the PHB is subject to large temperature fluctuations and therefore has an impact on its reliability. To quantify the effects of these fluctuations, the sensitivity of the PHB was determined. The same principle, which was used for the SHB sensitivity analysis, was applied to the PHB. The impact of each instrument on the PHB test result was analysed using MS Excel. The use of the software could be useful in troubleshooting defects in the instrumentation. A sample of previously authorised tests and associated data were used in this thesis. The data for these tests are available from the Koeberg central computer and data processing system

    Quantum Cascade Laser Absorption Spectroscopy as a Plasma Diagnostic Tool: An Overview

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    The recent availability of thermoelectrically cooled pulsed and continuous wave quantum and inter-band cascade lasers in the mid-infrared spectral region has led to significant improvements and new developments in chemical sensing techniques using in-situ laser absorption spectroscopy for plasma diagnostic purposes. The aim of this article is therefore two-fold: (i) to summarize the challenges which arise in the application of quantum cascade lasers in such environments, and, (ii) to provide an overview of recent spectroscopic results (encompassing cavity enhanced methods) obtained in different kinds of plasma used in both research and industry

    SSTAC/ARTS review of the draft Integrated Technology Plan (ITP). Volume 8: Aerothermodynamics Automation and Robotics (A/R) systems sensors, high-temperature superconductivity

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    Viewgraphs of briefings presented at the SSTAC/ARTS review of the draft Integrated Technology Plan (ITP) on aerothermodynamics, automation and robotics systems, sensors, and high-temperature superconductivity are included. Topics covered include: aerothermodynamics; aerobraking; aeroassist flight experiment; entry technology for probes and penetrators; automation and robotics; artificial intelligence; NASA telerobotics program; planetary rover program; science sensor technology; direct detector; submillimeter sensors; laser sensors; passive microwave sensing; active microwave sensing; sensor electronics; sensor optics; coolers and cryogenics; and high temperature superconductivity
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