104 research outputs found

    A Study of the Robustness Against SEUs of Digital Circuits Implemented with FPGA DSPs

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    In this paper we present an experimental validation of the reliability increase of digital circuits implemented in XilinxTMFPGAs when they are implemented using the DSPs (Digital Signal Processors) that are available in the reconfigurable device. For this purpose, we have used a fault-injection platform developed by our research group, NESSY [1]. The presented experiments demonstrate that the probability of occurrence of a SEU effect is similar both in the circuits implemented with and without using embedded DSPs. However, the former are more efficient in terms of area usage, which leads to a decrease in the probability of a SEU occurrence

    Homeostatic Fault Tolerance in Spiking Neural Networks : A Dynamic Hardware Perspective

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    Fault tolerance is a remarkable feature of biological systems and their self-repair capability influence modern electronic systems. In this paper, we propose a novel plastic neural network model, which establishes homeostasis in a spiking neural network. Combined with this plasticity and the inspiration from inhibitory interneurons, we develop a fault-resilient robotic controller implemented on an FPGA establishing obstacle avoidance task. We demonstrate the proposed methodology on a spiking neural network implemented on Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA. The system is able to maintain stable firing (tolerance ±10%) with a loss of up to 75% of the original synaptic inputs to a neuron. Our repair mechanism has minimal hardware overhead with a tuning circuit (repair unit) which consumes only three slices/neuron for implementing a threshold voltage-based homeostatic fault-tolerant unit. The overall architecture has a minimal impact on power consumption and, therefore, supports scalable implementations. This paper opens a novel way of implementing the behavior of natural fault tolerant system in hardware establishing homeostatic self-repair behavior

    Multi-core devices for safety-critical systems: a survey

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    Multi-core devices are envisioned to support the development of next-generation safety-critical systems, enabling the on-chip integration of functions of different criticality. This integration provides multiple system-level potential benefits such as cost, size, power, and weight reduction. However, safety certification becomes a challenge and several fundamental safety technical requirements must be addressed, such as temporal and spatial independence, reliability, and diagnostic coverage. This survey provides a categorization and overview at different device abstraction levels (nanoscale, component, and device) of selected key research contributions that support the compliance with these fundamental safety requirements.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant TIN2015-65316-P, Basque Government under grant KK-2019-00035 and the HiPEAC Network of Excellence. The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness has also partially supported Jaume Abella under Ramon y Cajal postdoctoral fellowship (RYC-2013-14717).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Enhancing Real-time Embedded Image Processing Robustness on Reconfigurable Devices for Critical Applications

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    Nowadays, image processing is increasingly used in several application fields, such as biomedical, aerospace, or automotive. Within these fields, image processing is used to serve both non-critical and critical tasks. As example, in automotive, cameras are becoming key sensors in increasing car safety, driving assistance and driving comfort. They have been employed for infotainment (non-critical), as well as for some driver assistance tasks (critical), such as Forward Collision Avoidance, Intelligent Speed Control, or Pedestrian Detection. The complexity of these algorithms brings a challenge in real-time image processing systems, requiring high computing capacity, usually not available in processors for embedded systems. Hardware acceleration is therefore crucial, and devices such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) best fit the growing demand of computational capabilities. These devices can assist embedded processors by significantly speeding-up computationally intensive software algorithms. Moreover, critical applications introduce strict requirements not only from the real-time constraints, but also from the device reliability and algorithm robustness points of view. Technology scaling is highlighting reliability problems related to aging phenomena, and to the increasing sensitivity of digital devices to external radiation events that can cause transient or even permanent faults. These faults can lead to wrong information processed or, in the worst case, to a dangerous system failure. In this context, the reconfigurable nature of FPGA devices can be exploited to increase the system reliability and robustness by leveraging Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration features. The research work presented in this thesis focuses on the development of techniques for implementing efficient and robust real-time embedded image processing hardware accelerators and systems for mission-critical applications. Three main challenges have been faced and will be discussed, along with proposed solutions, throughout the thesis: (i) achieving real-time performances, (ii) enhancing algorithm robustness, and (iii) increasing overall system's dependability. In order to ensure real-time performances, efficient FPGA-based hardware accelerators implementing selected image processing algorithms have been developed. Functionalities offered by the target technology, and algorithm's characteristics have been constantly taken into account while designing such accelerators, in order to efficiently tailor algorithm's operations to available hardware resources. On the other hand, the key idea for increasing image processing algorithms' robustness is to introduce self-adaptivity features at algorithm level, in order to maintain constant, or improve, the quality of results for a wide range of input conditions, that are not always fully predictable at design-time (e.g., noise level variations). This has been accomplished by measuring at run-time some characteristics of the input images, and then tuning the algorithm parameters based on such estimations. Dynamic reconfiguration features of modern reconfigurable FPGA have been extensively exploited in order to integrate run-time adaptivity into the designed hardware accelerators. Tools and methodologies have been also developed in order to increase the overall system dependability during reconfiguration processes, thus providing safe run-time adaptation mechanisms. In addition, taking into account the target technology and the environments in which the developed hardware accelerators and systems may be employed, dependability issues have been analyzed, leading to the development of a platform for quickly assessing the reliability and characterizing the behavior of hardware accelerators implemented on reconfigurable FPGAs when they are affected by such faults

    Radiation Tolerant Electronics, Volume II

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    Research on radiation tolerant electronics has increased rapidly over the last few years, resulting in many interesting approaches to model radiation effects and design radiation hardened integrated circuits and embedded systems. This research is strongly driven by the growing need for radiation hardened electronics for space applications, high-energy physics experiments such as those on the large hadron collider at CERN, and many terrestrial nuclear applications, including nuclear energy and safety management. With the progressive scaling of integrated circuit technologies and the growing complexity of electronic systems, their ionizing radiation susceptibility has raised many exciting challenges, which are expected to drive research in the coming decade.After the success of the first Special Issue on Radiation Tolerant Electronics, the current Special Issue features thirteen articles highlighting recent breakthroughs in radiation tolerant integrated circuit design, fault tolerance in FPGAs, radiation effects in semiconductor materials and advanced IC technologies and modelling of radiation effects

    Conception de systèmes embarqués fiables et auto-réglables : applications sur les systèmes de transport ferroviaire

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    During the last few decades, a tremendous progress in the performance of semiconductor devices has been accomplished. In this emerging era of high performance applications, machines need not only to be efficient but also need to be dependable at circuit and system levels. Several works have been proposed to increase embedded systems efficiency by reducing the gap between software flexibility and hardware high-performance. Due to their reconfigurable aspect, Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) represented a relevant step towards bridging this performance/flexibility gap. Nevertheless, Dynamic Reconfiguration (DR) has been continuously suffering from a bottleneck corresponding to a long reconfiguration time.In this thesis, we propose a novel medium-grained high-speed dynamic reconfiguration technique for DSP48E1-based circuits. The idea is to take advantage of the DSP48E1 slices runtime reprogrammability coupled with a re-routable interconnection block to change the overall circuit functionality in one clock cycle. In addition to the embedded systems efficiency, this thesis deals with the reliability chanllenges in new sub-micron electronic systems. In fact, as new technologies rely on reduced transistor size and lower supply voltages to improve performance, electronic circuits are becoming remarkably sensitive and increasingly susceptible to transient errors. The system-level impact of these errors can be far-reaching and Single Event Transients (SETs) have become a serious threat to embedded systems reliability, especially for especially for safety critical applications such as transportation systems. The reliability enhancement techniques that are based on overestimated soft error rates (SERs) can lead to unnecessary resource overheads as well as high power consumption. Considering error masking phenomena is a fundamental element for an accurate estimation of SERs.This thesis proposes a new cross-layer model of circuits vulnerability based on a combined modeling of Transistor Level (TLM) and System Level Masking (SLM) mechanisms. We then use this model to build a self adaptive fault tolerant architecture that evaluates the circuit’s effective vulnerability at runtime. Accordingly, the reliability enhancement strategy is adapted to protect only vulnerable parts of the system leading to a reliable circuit with optimized overheads. Experimentations performed on a radar-based obstacle detection system for railway transportation show that the proposed approach allows relevant reliability/resource utilization tradeoffs.Un énorme progrès dans les performances des semiconducteurs a été accompli ces dernières années. Avec l’´émergence d’applications complexes, les systèmes embarqués doivent être à la fois performants et fiables. Une multitude de travaux ont été proposés pour améliorer l’efficacité des systèmes embarqués en réduisant le décalage entre la flexibilité des solutions logicielles et la haute performance des solutions matérielles. En vertu de leur nature reconfigurable, les FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) représentent un pas considérable pour réduire ce décalage performance/flexibilité. Cependant, la reconfiguration dynamique a toujours souffert d’une limitation liée à la latence de reconfiguration.Dans cette thèse, une nouvelle technique de reconfiguration dynamiqueau niveau ”grain-moyen” pour les circuits à base de blocks DSP48E1 est proposée. L’idée est de profiter de la reprogrammabilité des blocks DSP48E1 couplée avec un circuit d’interconnection reconfigurable afin de changer la fonction implémentée par le circuit en un cycle horloge. D’autre part, comme les nouvelles technologies s’appuient sur la réduction des dimensions des transistors ainsi que les tensions d’alimentation, les circuits électroniques sont devenus de plus en plus susceptibles aux fautes transitoires. L’impact de ces erreurs au niveau système peut être catastrophique et les SETs (Single Event Transients) sont devenus une menace tangible à la fiabilité des systèmes embarqués, en l’occurrence pour les applications critiques comme les systèmes de transport. Les techniques de fiabilité qui se basent sur des taux d’erreurs (SERs) surestimés peuvent conduire à un gaspillage de ressources et par conséquent un cout en consommation de puissance électrique. Il est primordial de prendre en compte le phénomène de masquage d’erreur pour une estimation précise des SERs.Cette thèse propose une nouvelle modélisation inter-couches de la vulnérabilité des circuits qui combine les mécanismes de masquage au niveau transistor (TLM) et le masquage au niveau Système (SLM). Ce modèle est ensuite utilisé afin de construire une architecture adaptative tolérante aux fautes qui évalue la vulnérabilité effective du circuit en runtime. La stratégie d’amélioration de fiabilité est adaptée pour ne protéger que les parties vulnérables du système, ce qui engendre un circuit fiable avec un cout optimisé. Les expérimentations effectuées sur un système de détection d’obstacles à base de radar pour le transport ferroviaire montre que l’approche proposée permet d’´établir un compromis fiabilité/ressources utilisées

    Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Fabrics for In-circuit Training and Evaluation of Neuromorphic Architectures

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    A heterogeneous device technology reconfigurable logic fabric is proposed which leverages the cooperating advantages of distinct magnetic random access memory (MRAM)-based look-up tables (LUTs) to realize sequential logic circuits, along with conventional SRAM-based LUTs to realize combinational logic paths. The resulting Hybrid Spin/Charge FPGA (HSC-FPGA) using magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ) devices within this topology demonstrates commensurate reductions in area and power consumption over fabrics having LUTs constructed with either individual technology alone. Herein, a hierarchical top-down design approach is used to develop the HSCFPGA starting from the configurable logic block (CLB) and slice structures down to LUT circuits and the corresponding device fabrication paradigms. This facilitates a novel architectural approach to reduce leakage energy, minimize communication occurrence and energy cost by eliminating unnecessary data transfer, and support auto-tuning for resilience. Furthermore, HSC-FPGA enables new advantages of technology co-design which trades off alternative mappings between emerging devices and transistors at runtime by allowing dynamic remapping to adaptively leverage the intrinsic computing features of each device technology. HSC-FPGA offers a platform for fine-grained Logic-In-Memory architectures and runtime adaptive hardware. An orthogonal dimension of fabric heterogeneity is also non-determinism enabled by either low-voltage CMOS or probabilistic emerging devices. It can be realized using probabilistic devices within a reconfigurable network to blend deterministic and probabilistic computational models. Herein, consider the probabilistic spin logic p-bit device as a fabric element comprising a crossbar-structured weighted array. The Programmability of the resistive network interconnecting p-bit devices can be achieved by modifying the resistive states of the array\u27s weighted connections. Thus, the programmable weighted array forms a CLB-scale macro co-processing element with bitstream programmability. This allows field programmability for a wide range of classification problems and recognition tasks to allow fluid mappings of probabilistic and deterministic computing approaches. In particular, a Deep Belief Network (DBN) is implemented in the field using recurrent layers of co-processing elements to form an n x m1 x m2 x ::: x mi weighted array as a configurable hardware circuit with an n-input layer followed by i ≥ 1 hidden layers. As neuromorphic architectures using post-CMOS devices increase in capability and network size, the utility and benefits of reconfigurable fabrics of neuromorphic modules can be anticipated to continue to accelerate

    Characterization of Interconnection Delays in FPGAS Due to Single Event Upsets and Mitigation

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    RÉSUMÉ L’utilisation incessante de composants électroniques à géométrie toujours plus faible a engendré de nouveaux défis au fil des ans. Par exemple, des semi-conducteurs à mémoire et à microprocesseur plus avancés sont utilisés dans les systèmes avioniques qui présentent une susceptibilité importante aux phénomènes de rayonnement cosmique. L'une des principales implications des rayons cosmiques, observée principalement dans les satellites en orbite, est l'effet d'événements singuliers (SEE). Le rayonnement atmosphérique suscite plusieurs préoccupations concernant la sécurité et la fiabilité de l'équipement avionique, en particulier pour les systèmes qui impliquent des réseaux de portes programmables (FPGA). Les FPGA à base de cellules de mémoire statique (SRAM) présentent une solution attrayante pour mettre en oeuvre des systèmes complexes dans le domaine de l’avionique. Les expériences de rayonnement réalisées sur les FPGA ont dévoilé la vulnérabilité de ces dispositifs contre un type particulier de SEE, à savoir, les événements singuliers de changement d’état (SEU). Un SEU est considérée comme le changement de l'état d'un élément bistable (c'est-à-dire, un bit-flip) dû à l'effet d'un ion, d'un proton ou d’un neutron énergétique. Cet effet est non destructif et peut être corrigé en réécrivant la partie de la SRAM affectée. Les changements de délai (DC) potentiels dus aux SEU affectant la mémoire de configuration de routage ont été récemment confirmés. Un des objectifs de cette thèse consiste à caractériser plus précisément les DC dans les FPGA causés par les SEU. Les DC observés expérimentalement sont présentés et la modélisation au niveau circuit de ces DC est proposée. Les circuits impliqués dans la propagation du délai sont validés en effectuant une modélisation précise des blocs internes à l'intérieur du FPGA et en exécutant des simulations. Les résultats montrent l’origine des DC qui sont en accord avec les mesures expérimentales de délais. Les modèles proposés au niveau circuit sont, aux meilleures de notre connaissance, le premier travail qui confirme et explique les délais combinatoires dans les FPGA. La conception d'un circuit moniteur de délai pour la détection des DC a été faite dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse. Ce moniteur permet de détecter un changement de délai sur les sections critiques du circuit et de prévenir les pannes de synchronisation engendrées par les SEU sans utiliser la redondance modulaire triple (TMR).----------ABSTRACT The unrelenting demand for electronic components with ever diminishing feature size have emerged new challenges over the years. Among them, more advanced memory and microprocessor semiconductors are being used in avionic systems that exhibit a substantial susceptibility to cosmic radiation phenomena. One of the main implications of cosmic rays, which was primarily observed in orbiting satellites, is single-event effect (SEE). Atmospheric radiation causes several concerns regarding the safety and reliability of avionics equipment, particularly for systems that involve field programmable gate arrays (FPGA). SRAM-based FPGAs, as an attractive solution to implement systems in aeronautic sector, are very susceptible to SEEs in particular Single Event Upset (SEU). An SEU is considered as the change of the state of a bistable element (i.e., bit-flip) due to the effect of an energetic ion or proton. This effect is non-destructive and may be fixed by rewriting the affected part. Sensitivity evaluation of SRAM-based FPGAs to a physical impact such as potential delay changes (DC) has not been addressed thus far in the literature. DCs induced by SEU can affect the functionality of the logic circuits by disturbing the race condition on critical paths. The objective of this thesis is toward the characterization of DCs in SRAM-based FPGAs due to transient ionizing radiation. The DCs observed experimentally are presented and the circuit-level modeling of those DCs is proposed. Circuits involved in delay propagation are reverse-engineered by performing precise modeling of internal blocks inside the FPGA and executing simulations. The results show the root cause of DCs that are in good agreement with experimental delay measurements. The proposed circuit level models are, to the best of our knowledge, the first work on modeling of combinational delays in FPGAs.In addition, the design of a delay monitor circuit for DC detection is investigated in the second part of this thesis. This monitor allowed to show experimentally cumulative DCs on interconnects in FPGA. To this end, by avoiding the use of triple modular redundancy (TMR), a mitigation technique for DCs is proposed and the system downtime is minimized. A method is also proposed to decrease the clock frequency after DC detection without interrupting the process
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