17 research outputs found

    Fabric defect detection using the wavelet transform in an ARM processor

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    Small devices used in our day life are constructed with powerful architectures that can be used for industrial applications when requiring portability and communication facilities. We present in this paper an example of the use of an embedded system, the Zeus epic 520 single board computer, for defect detection in textiles using image processing. We implement the Haar wavelet transform using the embedded visual C++ 4.0 compiler for Windows CE 5. The algorithm was tested for defect detection using images of fabrics with five types of defects. An average of 95% in terms of correct defect detection was obtained, achieving a similar performance than using processors with float point arithmetic calculations

    Optimization of discrete wavelet transform features using artificial bee colony algorithm for texture image classification

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    Selection of appropriate image texture properties is one of the major issues in texture classification. This paper presents an optimization technique for automatic selection of multi-scale discrete wavelet transform features using artificial bee colony algorithm for robust texture classification performance. In this paper, an artificial bee colony algorithm has been used to find the best combination of wavelet filters with the correct number of decomposition level in the discrete wavelet transform.  The multi-layered perceptron neural network is employed as an image texture classifier.  The proposed method tested on a high-resolution database of UMD texture. The texture classification results show that the proposed method could provide an automated approach for finding the best input parameters combination setting for discrete wavelet transform features that lead to the best classification accuracy performance

    Estimación de la frecuencia fundamental de señales de voz usando transfromada wavelet

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    En la estimación de la frecuencia fundamental de señales de voz usando transformada Wavelet es común usar el hecho de que ocurren máximos locales a través de las escalas de descomposición en la vecindad del instante de cierre glótico (Glottal Closure Instant-GCI). Dichos métodos se basan en la correlación de las posiciones de los máximos locales para varias escalas de descomposición; pero ello no es tan simple porque existen muchos máximos locales en una señal de voz y, además, las escalas correspondientes a las frecuencias altas son fácilmente afectadas por el ruido. Se propone un método basado en la determinación y correlación de las distancias para cada escala de descomposición, el cual funciona ante perturbaciones de ruido blanco gausiano. Su desempeño se compara respecto a la base de datos Keele Pitch Database con el método SIFT(Simplified Inverse Filtering Tracking) el cual es un método de estimación de la frecuencia fundamental comúnmente usado en sistemas comerciales

    Fabric defect detection using the wavelet transform in an ARM processor

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    Texture-adaptive mother wavelet selection for texture analysis

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    We discuss the use of texture-adaptive mother wavelets in an adaptive probabilistic wavelet packet approach to texture analysis. First, we present the use of adaptive biorthogonal wavelet packet bases in such ananalysis, thus combining the advantages of biorthogonal wavelets (FIR,linearphase) with those of a coherent texture model. In this case, the computation of the probability uses both the primal and dual coefficient of the adapted biorthogonal wavelet packet basis. The computation of the biorthogonal wavelet packet coefficient is done using a lifting scheme, which is very efficien in terms of reducing the computational complexity and achieving an intrinsic parameterization of wavelet filters Then we include the mother wavelet parameter into this model, in order to fin the optimal mother wavelet for a given texture using this model. The model is applied to the classificatio of mosaics of Brodatz textures, the results showing improvement over the performance of the corresponding orthogonal wavelets

    New Brodatz-Based Image Databases for Grayscale Color and Multiband Texture Analysis

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    Selection of Wavelet Basis Function for Image Compression : a Review

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    Wavelets are being suggested as a platform for various tasks in image processing. The advantage of wavelets lie in its time frequency resolution. The use of different basis functions in the form of different wavelets made the wavelet analysis as a destination for many applications. The performance of a particular technique depends on the wavelet coefficients arrived after applying the wavelet transform. The coefficients for a specific input signal depends on the basis functions used in the wavelet transform. Hence in this paper toward this end, different basis functions and their features are presented. As the image compression task depends on wavelet transform to large extent from few decades, the selection of basis function for image compression should be taken with care. In this paper, the factors influencing the performance of image compression are presented

    N-way modeling for wavelet filter determination in Multivariate Image Analysis

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    Additional information may be found in the online version of this article at the publisher’s web site[EN] When trying to analyze spatial relationships in image analysis, wavelets appear as one of the state-of-the-art tools. However, image analysis is a problem-dependent issue, and different applications might require different wavelets in order to gather the main sources of variation in the acquired images with respect to the specific task to be performed. This paper provides a methodology based on N-way modeling for properly selecting the best wavelet choice to use or at least to provide a range of possible wavelet choices (in terms of families, filters, and decomposition levels), for each image and problem at hand. The methodology has been applied on two different data sets with exploratory and monitoring objectives. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.This research work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project DPI2011-28112-C04-02.Prats-Montalbán, JM.; Cocchi, M.; Ferrer Riquelme, AJ. (2015). N-way modeling for wavelet filter determination in Multivariate Image Analysis. Journal of Chemometrics. 29:379-388. https://doi.org/10.1002/cem.2717S37938829Prats-Montalbán, J. M., de Juan, A., & Ferrer, A. (2011). Multivariate image analysis: A review with applications. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 107(1), 1-23. doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2011.03.002Liu, J. J., & MacGregor, J. F. (2007). On the extraction of spectral and spatial information from images. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 85(1), 119-130. doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2006.05.011Liu, J. J., & MacGregor, J. F. (2006). Estimation and monitoring of product aesthetics: application to manufacturing of «engineered stone» countertops. 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