95 research outputs found

    Geometric properties and algorithms for rational q-BĂ©zier curves and surfaces

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    In this paper, properties and algorithms of q-BĂ©zier curves and surfaces are analyzed. It is proven that the only q-BĂ©zier and rational q-BĂ©zier curves satisfying the boundary tangent property are the BĂ©zier and rational BĂ©zier curves, respectively. Evaluation algorithms formed by steps in barycentric form for rational q-BĂ©zier curves and surfaces are provided

    Extensions to OpenGL for CAGD.

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    Many computer graphic API’s, including OpenGL, emphasize modeling with rectangular patches, which are especially useful in Computer Aided Geomeric Design (CAGD). However, not all shapes are rectangular; some are triangular or more complex. This paper extends the OpenGL library to support the modeling of triangular patches, Coons patches, and Box-splines patches. Compared with the triangular patch created from degenerate rectangular Bezier patch with the existing functions provided by OpenGL, the triangular Bezier patches can be used in certain design situations and allow designers to achieve high-quality results that are less CPU intense and require less storage space. The addition of Coons patches and Box splines to the OpenGL library also give it more functionality. Both patch types give CAGD users more flexibility in designing surfaces. A library for all three patch types was developed as an addition to OpenGL

    Algorithms for curve design and accurate computations with totally positive matrices

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    Esta tesis doctoral se enmarca dentro de la teoría de la Positividad Total. Las matrices totalmente positivas han aparecido en aplicaciones de campos tan diversos como la Teoría de la Aproximación, la Biología, la Economía, la Combinatoria, la Estadística, las Ecuaciones Diferenciales, la Mecånica, el Diseño Geométrico Asistido por Ordenador o el Álgebra Numérica Lineal. En esta tesis nos centraremos en dos de los campos que estån relacionados con matrices totalmente positivas.This doctoral thesis is framed within the theory of Total Positivity. Totally positive matrices have appeared in applications from fields as diverse as Approximation Theory, Biology, Economics, Combinatorics, Statistics, Differential Equations, Mechanics, Computer Aided Geometric Design or Linear Numerical Algebra. In this thesis, we will focus on two of the fields that are related to totally positive matrices.<br /

    Bernstein Polynomial-Based Method for Solving Optimal Trajectory Generation Problems

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s22051869This paper presents a method for the generation of trajectories for autonomous system operations. The proposed method is based on the use of Bernstein polynomial approximations to transcribe infinite dimensional optimization problems into nonlinear programming problems. These, in turn, can be solved using off-the-shelf optimization solvers. The main motivation for this approach is that Bernstein polynomials possess favorable geometric properties and yield computationally efficient algorithms that enable a trajectory planner to efficiently evaluate and enforce constraints along the vehiclesïżœ trajectories, including maximum speed and angular rates as well as minimum distance between trajectories and between the vehicles and obstacles. By virtue of these properties and algorithms, feasibility and safety constraints typically imposed on autonomous vehicle operations can be enforced and guaranteed independently of the order of the polynomials. To support the use of the proposed method we introduce BeBOT (Bernstein/Bïżœzier Optimal Trajectories), an open-source toolbox that implements the operations and algorithms for Bernstein polynomials. We show that BeBOT can be used to efficiently generate feasible and collision-free trajectories for single and multiple vehicles, and can be deployed for real-time safety critical applications in complex environments.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research, grants N000141912106, N000142112091 and N0001419WX00155. Antonio Pascoal was supported by H2020-EU.1.2.2-FET Proactive RAMONES, under Grant GA 101017808 and LARSyS-FCT under Grant UIDB/50009/2020. Isaac Kaminer was supported by the Office of Naval Research grant N0001421WX01974.This research was supported by the Office of Naval Research, grants N000141912106, N000142112091 and N0001419WX00155. Antonio Pascoal was supported by H2020-EU.1.2.2-FET Proactive RAMONES, under Grant GA 101017808 and LARSyS-FCT under Grant UIDB/50009/2020. Isaac Kaminer was supported by the Office of Naval Research grant N0001421WX01974

    Polynomial cubic splines with tension properties

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    In this paper we present a new class of spline functions with tension properties. These splines are composed by polynomial cubic pieces and therefore are conformal to the standard, NURBS based CAD/CAM systems

    A novel parallel algorithm for surface editing and its FPGA implementation

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophySurface modelling and editing is one of important subjects in computer graphics. Decades of research in computer graphics has been carried out on both low-level, hardware-related algorithms and high-level, abstract software. Success of computer graphics has been seen in many application areas, such as multimedia, visualisation, virtual reality and the Internet. However, the hardware realisation of OpenGL architecture based on FPGA (field programmable gate array) is beyond the scope of most of computer graphics researches. It is an uncultivated research area where the OpenGL pipeline, from hardware through the whole embedded system (ES) up to applications, is implemented in an FPGA chip. This research proposes a hybrid approach to investigating both software and hardware methods. It aims at bridging the gap between methods of software and hardware, and enhancing the overall performance for computer graphics. It consists of four parts, the construction of an FPGA-based ES, Mesa-OpenGL implementation for FPGA-based ESs, parallel processing, and a novel algorithm for surface modelling and editing. The FPGA-based ES is built up. In addition to the Nios II soft processor and DDR SDRAM memory, it consists of the LCD display device, frame buffers, video pipeline, and algorithm-specified module to support the graphics processing. Since there is no implementation of OpenGL ES available for FPGA-based ESs, a specific OpenGL implementation based on Mesa is carried out. Because of the limited FPGA resources, the implementation adopts the fixed-point arithmetic, which can offer faster computing and lower storage than the floating point arithmetic, and the accuracy satisfying the needs of 3D rendering. Moreover, the implementation includes BĂ©zier-spline curve and surface algorithms to support surface modelling and editing. The pipelined parallelism and co-processors are used to accelerate graphics processing in this research. These two parallelism methods extend the traditional computation parallelism in fine-grained parallel tasks in the FPGA-base ESs. The novel algorithm for surface modelling and editing, called Progressive and Mixing Algorithm (PAMA), is proposed and implemented on FPGA-based ES’s. Compared with two main surface editing methods, subdivision and deformation, the PAMA can eliminate the large storage requirement and computing cost of intermediated processes. With four independent shape parameters, the PAMA can be used to model and edit freely the shape of an open or closed surface that keeps globally the zero-order geometric continuity. The PAMA can be applied independently not only FPGA-based ESs but also other platforms. With the parallel processing, small size, and low costs of computing, storage and power, the FPGA-based ES provides an effective hybrid solution to surface modelling and editing

    Preserving Positivity And Monotonicity Of Real Data Using BĂ©zier-Ball Function And Radial Basis Function

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    In this thesis, a rational cubic BĂ©zier-Ball function which refers to a rational cubic BĂ©zier function expressed in terms of Ball control points and weights are used to preserve positivity and monotonicity of real data sets. Four shape parameters are proposed to preserve the characteristics of the data. A rational Bi-Cubic BĂ©zier-Ball function is introduced to preserve the positivity of surface generated from real data set and from known functions. Eight shape parameters proposed can be modified to preserve the positivity of the surface. Interpolating 2D and 3D real data using radial basis function (RBF) is proposed as an alternative method to preserve the positivity of the data. Two types of RBF which are Multiquadric (MQ) function and Gaussian function, which contains a shape parameter are used. The boundaries (lower and upper limit) of the shape parameter which preserves the positivity of real data are proposed. Comparisons are made using the root-mean-square (RMS) error between the proposed interpolation methods with existing works in literature. It was found that MQ function and rational cubic BĂ©zier-Ball is comparable with existing literature in preserving positivity for both curves and surfaces. For preserving monotonicity, the rational cubic BĂ©zier-Ball is comparable but the MQ quasi-interpolation introduced can only linearly interpolate the curve and the RMS values are big. Gaussian function is able to preserve positivity of curves and surfaces but with unwanted oscillations which result to unsmooth curves

    A new class of trigonometric B-Spline Curves

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    We construct one-frequency trigonometric spline curves with a de Boor-like algorithm for evaluation and analyze their shape-preserving properties. The convergence to quadratic B-spline curves is also analyzed. A fundamental tool is the concept of the normalized B-basis, which has optimal shape-preserving properties and good symmetric properties

    Path Planning Based on Parametric Curves

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    Parametric curves are extensively used in engineering. The most commonly used parametric curves are, BĂ©zier, B-splines, (NURBSs), and rational BĂ©zier. Each and every one of them has special features, being the main difference between them the complexity of their mathematical definition. While BĂ©zier curves are the simplest ones, B-splines or NURBSs are more complex. In mobile robotics, two main problems have been addressed with parametric curves. The first one is the definition of an initial trajectory for a mobile robot from a start location to a goal. The path has to be a continuous curve, smooth and easy to manipulate, and the properties of the parametric curves meet these requirements. The second one is the modification of the initial trajectory in real time attending to the dynamic properties of the environment. Parametric curves are capable of enhancing the trajectories produced by path planning algorithms adapting them to the kinematic properties of the robot. In order to avoid obstacles, the shape modification of parametric curves is required. In this chapter, an algorithm is proposed for computing an initial BĂ©zier trajectory of a mobile robot and subsequently modifies it in real time in order to avoid obstacles in a dynamic environment

    Distributed cooperative trajectory generation for multiple autonomous vehicles using Pythagorean Hodograph BĂ©zier curves

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    This dissertation presents a framework for multi-vehicle trajectory generation that enables efficient computation of sets of feasible, collision-free trajectories for teams of autonomous vehicles executing cooperative missions with common objectives. Existing methods for multi-vehicle trajectory generation generally rely on discretization in time or space and, therefore, ensuring safe separation between the paths comes at the expense of an increase in computational complexity. On the contrary, the proposed framework is based on a three-dimensional geometric-dynamic approach that uses continuous BĂ©zier curves with Pythagorean hodographs, a class of polynomial functions with attractive mathematical properties and a collection of highly efficient computational procedures associated with them. The use of these curves is critical to generate cooperative trajectories that are guaranteed to satisfy minimum separation distances, a key feature from a safety standpoint. By the differential flatness property of the dynamic system, the dynamic constraints can be expressed in terms of the trajectories and, therefore, in terms of BĂ©zier polynomials. This allows the proposed framework to efficiently evaluate and, hence, observe the dynamic constraints of the vehicles, and satisfy mission-specific assignments such as simultaneous arrival at predefined locations. The dissertation also addresses the problem of distributing the computation of the trajectories over the vehicles, in order to prevent a single point of failure, inherently present in a centralized approach. The formulated cooperative trajectory-generation framework results in a semi-infinite programming problem, that falls under the class of nonsmooth optimization problems. The proposed distributed algorithm combines the bundle method, a widely used solver for nonsmooth optimization problems, with a distributed nonlinear programming method. In the latter, a distributed formulation is obtained by introducing local estimates of the vector of optimization variables and leveraging on a particular structure, imposed on the local minimizer of an equivalent centralized optimization problem
