370 research outputs found

    Novel arithmetic implementations using cellular neural network arrays.

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    The primary goal of this research is to explore the use of arrays of analog self-synchronized cells---the cellular neural network (CNN) paradigm---in the implementation of novel digital arithmetic architectures. In exploring this paradigm we also discover that the implementation of these CNN arrays produces very low system noise; that is, noise generated by the rapid switching of current through power supply die connections---so called di/dt noise. With the migration to sub 100 nanometer process technology, signal integrity is becoming a critical issue when integrating analog and digital components onto the same chip, and so the CNN architectural paradigm offers a potential solution to this problem. A typical example is the replacement of conventional digital circuitry adjacent to sensitive bio-sensors in a SoC Bio-Platform. The focus of this research is therefore to discover novel approaches to building low-noise digital arithmetic circuits using analog cellular neural networks, essentially implementing asynchronous digital logic but with the same circuit components as used in analog circuit design. We address our exploration by first improving upon previous research into CNN binary arithmetic arrays. The second phase of our research introduces a logical extension of the binary arithmetic method to implement binary signed-digit (BSD) arithmetic. To this end, a new class of CNNs that has three stable states is introduced, and is used to implement arithmetic circuits that use binary inputs and outputs but internally uses the BSD number representation. Finally, we develop CNN arrays for a 2-dimensional number representation (the Double-base Number System - DBNS). A novel adder architecture is described in detail, that performs the addition as well as reducing the representation for further processing; the design incorporates an innovative self-programmable array. Extensive simulations have shown that our new architectures can reduce system noise by almost 70dB and crosstalk by more than 23dB over standard digital implementations.Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .I27. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 66-11, Section: B, page: 6159. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    Aspects of algorithms and dynamics of cellular paradigms

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    Els paradigmes cel·lulars, com les xarxes neuronals cel·lulars (CNN, en anglès) i els autòmats cel·lulars (CA, en anglès), són una eina excel·lent de càlcul, al ser equivalents a una màquina universal de Turing. La introducció de la màquina universal CNN (CNN-UM, en anglès) ha permès desenvolupar hardware, el nucli computacional del qual funciona segons la filosofia cel·lular; aquest hardware ha trobat aplicació en diversos camps al llarg de la darrera dècada. Malgrat això, encara hi ha moltes preguntes a obertes sobre com definir els algoritmes d'una CNN-UM i com estudiar la dinàmica dels autòmats cel·lulars. En aquesta tesis es tracten els dos problemes: primer, es demostra que es possible acotar l'espai dels algoritmes per a la CNN-UM i explorar-lo gràcies a les tècniques genètiques; i segon, s'expliquen els fonaments de l'estudi dels CA per mitjà de la dinàmica no lineal (segons la definició de Chua) i s'il·lustra com aquesta tècnica ha permès trobar resultats innovadors.Los paradigmas celulares, como las redes neuronales celulares (CNN, eninglés) y los autómatas celulares (CA, en inglés), son una excelenteherramienta de cálculo, al ser equivalentes a una maquina universal deTuring. La introducción de la maquina universal CNN (CNN-UM, eninglés) ha permitido desarrollar hardware cuyo núcleo computacionalfunciona según la filosofía celular; dicho hardware ha encontradoaplicación en varios campos a lo largo de la ultima década. Sinembargo, hay aun muchas preguntas abiertas sobre como definir losalgoritmos de una CNN-UM y como estudiar la dinámica de los autómatascelular. En esta tesis se tratan ambos problemas: primero se demuestraque es posible acotar el espacio de los algoritmos para la CNN-UM yexplorarlo gracias a técnicas genéticas; segundo, se explican losfundamentos del estudio de los CA por medio de la dinámica no lineal(según la definición de Chua) y se ilustra como esta técnica hapermitido encontrar resultados novedosos.Cellular paradigms, like Cellular Neural Networks (CNNs) and Cellular Automata (CA) are an excellent tool to perform computation, since they are equivalent to a Universal Turing machine. The introduction of the Cellular Neural Network - Universal Machine (CNN-UM) allowed us to develop hardware whose computational core works according to the principles of cellular paradigms; such a hardware has found application in a number of fields throughout the last decade. Nevertheless, there are still many open questions about how to define algorithms for a CNN-UM, and how to study the dynamics of Cellular Automata. In this dissertation both problems are tackled: first, we prove that it is possible to bound the space of all algorithms of CNN-UM and explore it through genetic techniques; second, we explain the fundamentals of the nonlinear perspective of CA (according to Chua's definition), and we illustrate how this technique has allowed us to find novel results

    Biocompatible plasmonic nanostructures for bio-imaging applications and novel functional plasmonic materials

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    Our work addresses a novel biocompatible plasmon-enhanced nanostructure approach based on the combination of metal nanoparticles, light emitting polymer-based nanostructures, and scalable cellulose nanofiber templates via a one-step facile electrospinning process that can easily be applied to biomedical devices. In collaboration with the Team of Prof. Lee Goldstein in the Boston University medical campus, we demonstrated light emission from small-size (below 200nm) polymer nanoparticles coupled to plasmonic nanoparticles and to light-emitting biocompatible molecules. In order to fully demonstrate the potential of our novel plasmonic nanostructures we developed Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) reagent doped Polycaprolactone (Core)-Polyethylene glycol (shell) core-shell nanoparticles and studied their size distribution and dispersion properties in a phosphate buffered saline solution. Our materials were optimized in order to obtain no aggregation of the nanoparticles in solution. The presence of MRI reagent in nanoparticles were demonstrated via Inversion Recovery Sequences (IR) by characterizing the different T1 relaxation times. The concentration of Gd in the nanoparticles dispersion was estimated with different dilution of Gd commercial reagent as a reference. In addition, we combined facile electrospinning fabrication with top down nano-deposition and demonstrated a novel and scalable plasmonic resonant medium for rapid and reliable Raman scattering sensing of molecular monolayers and bacteria. Specifically, aided by PCA multivariate data analysis techniques, we demonstrated fingerprinting Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) spectra of different bacteria strains (E. Coli K12, E. coli BL21 (DE3) and E. coli DH 5α) entrapped in our novel plasmonic networks. Finally, in this thesis we have also addressed the development of novel, Si-compatible and largely tunable plasmonic materials for biosensing applications in the mid-infrared spectral range and developed a novel type of transparent conductive oxide based on the Indium Silicon Oxide (ISO) material (Indium Silicon Oxide) that features enhanced surface smoothness and thermal stability compared to Indium tin oxide (ITO) and Titanium nitride (TiN) alternative plasmonic materials. In collaboration with our collaborators at Columbia University, we demonstrated the tunability of near-field plasmonic resonances from 1.8 to 5.0 μm as a function of different annealing temperature. This work provides an enabling first-step towards the development of novel Si-compatible materials with tunable plasmon resonances for metamaterials and sensing devices that operate across the infrared spectrum.2019-07-02T00:00:00

    Convolutional neural networks for the segmentation of small rodent brain MRI

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    Image segmentation is a common step in the analysis of preclinical brain MRI, often performed manually. This is a time-consuming procedure subject to inter- and intra- rater variability. A possible alternative is the use of automated, registration-based segmentation, which suffers from a bias owed to the limited capacity of registration to adapt to pathological conditions such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). In this work a novel method is developed for the segmentation of small rodent brain MRI based on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The experiments here presented show how CNNs provide a fast, robust and accurate alternative to both manual and registration-based methods. This is demonstrated by accurately segmenting three large datasets of MRI scans of healthy and Huntington disease model mice, as well as TBI rats. MU-Net and MU-Net-R, the CCNs here presented, achieve human-level accuracy while eliminating intra-rater variability, alleviating the biases of registration-based segmentation, and with an inference time of less than one second per scan. Using these segmentation masks I designed a geometric construction to extract 39 parameters describing the position and orientation of the hippocampus, and later used them to classify epileptic vs. non-epileptic rats with a balanced accuracy of 0.80, five months after TBI. This clinically transferable geometric approach detects subjects at high-risk of post-traumatic epilepsy, paving the way towards subject stratification for antiepileptogenesis studies

    Deep learning for object detection in robotic grasping contexts

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    Dans la dernière décennie, les approches basées sur les réseaux de neurones convolutionnels sont devenus les standards pour la plupart des tâches en vision numérique. Alors qu'une grande partie des méthodes classiques de vision étaient basées sur des règles et algorithmes, les réseaux de neurones sont optimisés directement à partir de données d'entraînement qui sont étiquetées pour la tâche voulue. En pratique, il peut être difficile d'obtenir une quantité su sante de données d'entraînement ou d'interpréter les prédictions faites par les réseaux. Également, le processus d'entraînement doit être recommencé pour chaque nouvelle tâche ou ensemble d'objets. Au final, bien que très performantes, les solutions basées sur des réseaux de neurones peuvent être difficiles à mettre en place. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons des stratégies visant à contourner ou solutionner en partie ces limitations en contexte de détection d'instances d'objets. Premièrement, nous proposons d'utiliser une approche en cascade consistant à utiliser un réseau de neurone comme pré-filtrage d'une méthode standard de "template matching". Cette façon de faire nous permet d'améliorer les performances de la méthode de "template matching" tout en gardant son interprétabilité. Deuxièmement, nous proposons une autre approche en cascade. Dans ce cas, nous proposons d'utiliser un réseau faiblement supervisé pour générer des images de probabilité afin d'inférer la position de chaque objet. Cela permet de simplifier le processus d'entraînement et diminuer le nombre d'images d'entraînement nécessaires pour obtenir de bonnes performances. Finalement, nous proposons une architecture de réseau de neurones ainsi qu'une procédure d'entraînement permettant de généraliser un détecteur d'objets à des objets qui ne sont pas vus par le réseau lors de l'entraînement. Notre approche supprime donc la nécessité de réentraîner le réseau de neurones pour chaque nouvel objet.In the last decade, deep convolutional neural networks became a standard for computer vision applications. As opposed to classical methods which are based on rules and hand-designed features, neural networks are optimized and learned directly from a set of labeled training data specific for a given task. In practice, both obtaining sufficient labeled training data and interpreting network outputs can be problematic. Additionnally, a neural network has to be retrained for new tasks or new sets of objects. Overall, while they perform really well, deployment of deep neural network approaches can be challenging. In this thesis, we propose strategies aiming at solving or getting around these limitations for object detection. First, we propose a cascade approach in which a neural network is used as a prefilter to a template matching approach, allowing an increased performance while keeping the interpretability of the matching method. Secondly, we propose another cascade approach in which a weakly-supervised network generates object-specific heatmaps that can be used to infer their position in an image. This approach simplifies the training process and decreases the number of required training images to get state-of-the-art performances. Finally, we propose a neural network architecture and a training procedure allowing detection of objects that were not seen during training, thus removing the need to retrain networks for new objects

    Reservoir Computing: computation with dynamical systems

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    In het onderzoeksgebied Machine Learning worden systemen onderzocht die kunnen leren op basis van voorbeelden. Binnen dit onderzoeksgebied zijn de recurrente neurale netwerken een belangrijke deelgroep. Deze netwerken zijn abstracte modellen van de werking van delen van de hersenen. Zij zijn in staat om zeer complexe temporele problemen op te lossen maar zijn over het algemeen zeer moeilijk om te trainen. Recentelijk zijn een aantal gelijkaardige methodes voorgesteld die dit trainingsprobleem elimineren. Deze methodes worden aangeduid met de naam Reservoir Computing. Reservoir Computing combineert de indrukwekkende rekenkracht van recurrente neurale netwerken met een eenvoudige trainingsmethode. Bovendien blijkt dat deze trainingsmethoden niet beperkt zijn tot neurale netwerken, maar kunnen toegepast worden op generieke dynamische systemen. Waarom deze systemen goed werken en welke eigenschappen bepalend zijn voor de prestatie is evenwel nog niet duidelijk. Voor dit proefschrift is onderzoek gedaan naar de dynamische eigenschappen van generieke Reservoir Computing systemen. Zo is experimenteel aangetoond dat de idee van Reservoir Computing ook toepasbaar is op niet-neurale netwerken van dynamische knopen. Verder is een maat voorgesteld die gebruikt kan worden om het dynamisch regime van een reservoir te meten. Tenslotte is een adaptatieregel geïntroduceerd die voor een breed scala reservoirtypes de dynamica van het reservoir kan afregelen tot het gewenste dynamisch regime. De technieken beschreven in dit proefschrift zijn gedemonstreerd op verschillende academische en ingenieurstoepassingen

    Object Detection in 20 Years: A Survey

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    Object detection, as of one the most fundamental and challenging problems in computer vision, has received great attention in recent years. Its development in the past two decades can be regarded as an epitome of computer vision history. If we think of today's object detection as a technical aesthetics under the power of deep learning, then turning back the clock 20 years we would witness the wisdom of cold weapon era. This paper extensively reviews 400+ papers of object detection in the light of its technical evolution, spanning over a quarter-century's time (from the 1990s to 2019). A number of topics have been covered in this paper, including the milestone detectors in history, detection datasets, metrics, fundamental building blocks of the detection system, speed up techniques, and the recent state of the art detection methods. This paper also reviews some important detection applications, such as pedestrian detection, face detection, text detection, etc, and makes an in-deep analysis of their challenges as well as technical improvements in recent years.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE TPAMI for possible publicatio
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