9 research outputs found

    Objects as session-typed processes

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    A key idea in object-oriented programming is that objects encapsulate state and interact with each other by message exchange. This perspective suggests a model of computation that is inherently concurrent (to facilitate simultaneous mes-sage exchange) and that accounts for the effect of message exchange on an object’s state (to express valid sequences of state transitions). In this paper we show that such a model of computation arises naturally from session-based commu-nication. We introduce an object-oriented programming lan-guage that has processes as its only objects and employs lin-ear session types to express the protocols of message ex-change and to reason about concurrency and state. Based on various examples we show that our language supports the typical patterns of object-oriented programming (e.g., en-capsulation, dynamic dispatch, and subtyping) while guar-anteeing session fidelity in a concurrent setting. In addition, we show that our language facilitates new forms of expres-sion (e.g., type-directed reuse, internal choice), which are not available in current object-oriented languages. We have implemented our language in a prototype compiler

    Lightweight session programming in scala

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    Designing, developing and maintaining concurrent applications is an error-prone and time-consuming task; most difficulties arise because compilers are usually unable to check whether the inputs/outputs performed by a program at runtime will adhere to a given protocol specification. To address this problem, we propose lightweight session programming in Scala: we leverage the native features of the Scala type system and standard library, to introduce (1) a representation of session types as Scala types, and (2) a library, called lchannels, with a convenient API for session-based programming, supporting local and distributed communication. We generalise the idea of Continuation-Passing Style Protocols (CPSPs), studying their formal relationship with session types. We illustrate how session programming can be carried over in Scala: how to formalise a communication protocol, and represent it using Scala classes and lchannels, letting the compiler help spotting protocol violations. We attest the practicality of our approach with a complex use case, and evaluate the performance of lchannels with a series of benchmarks

    Value-dependent session design in a dependently typed language

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    Session Types offer a typing discipline that allows protocol specifications to be used during type-checking, ensuring that implementations adhere to a given specification. When looking to realise global session types in a dependently typed language care must be taken that values introduced in the description are used by roles that know about the value. We present Sessions, a Resource Dependent Embedded Domain Specific Language (EDSL) for describing global session descriptions in the dependently typed language Idris. As we construct session descriptions the values parameterising the EDSLs’ type keeps track of roles and messages they have encountered. We can use this knowledge to ensure that message values are only used by those who know the value. Sessions supports protocol descriptions that are computable, composable, higher-order, and value-dependent. We demonstrate Sessions expressiveness by describing the TCP Handshake, a multi-modal server providing echo and basic arithmetic operations, and a Higher-Order protocol that supports an authentication interaction step.Publisher PD

    Actor programming with static guarantees

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    This thesis discusses two methodologies for applying type discipline to concurrent programming with actors: process types, and session types. A system based on each of the two is developed, and used as the basis for a comprehensive overview of process- and session- type merits and limitations. In particular, we analyze the trade-offs of the two approaches with regard to the expressiveness of the resulting calculi, versus the nature of the static guarantees offered. The first system discussed is based on the notion of a \emph{typestate}, that is, a view of an actor's internal state that can be statically tracked. The typestates used here capture what each actor handle \emph{may} be used for, as well as what it \emph{must} be used for. This is done by associating two kinds of tokens with each actor handle: tokens of the first kind are consumed when the actor receives a message, and thus dictate the types of messages that can be sent through the handle; tokens of the second kind dictate messaging obligations, and the type system ensures that related messages have been sent through the handle by the end of its lifetime. The next system developed here adapts session types to suit actor programming. Session types come from the world of process calculi, and are a means to statically check the messaging taking place over communication channels against a pre-defined protocol. Since actors do not use channels, one needs to consider pairs of actors as participants in multiple, concurrently executed---and thus interleaving---protocols. The result is a system with novel, parameterized type constructs to capture communication patterns that prior work cannot handle, such as the sliding window protocol. Although this system can statically verify the implementation of complicated messaging patterns, it requires deviations from industry-standard programming models---a problem that is true for all session type systems in the literature. This work argues that the typestate-based system, while not enforcing protocol fidelity as the session-inspired one does, is nevertheless more suitable for model actor calculi adopted by practical, already established frameworks such as Erlang and Akka

    Mechanized Reasoning About how Using Functional Programs And Embeddings

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    Embedding describes the process of encoding a program\u27s syntax and/or semantics in another language---typically a theorem prover in the context of mechanized reasoning. Among different embedding styles, deep embeddings are generally preferred as they enable the most faithful modeling of the original language. However, deep embeddings are also the most complex, and working with them requires additional effort. In light of that, this dissertation aims to draw more attention to alternative styles, namely shallow and mixed embeddings, by studying their use in mechanized reasoning about programs\u27 properties that are related to how . More specifically, I present a simple shallow embedding for reasoning about computation costs of lazy programs, and a class of mixed embeddings that are useful for reasoning about properties of general computation patterns in effectful programs. I show the usefulness of these embedding styles with examples based on real-world applications

    Programming Languages and Systems

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    This open access book constitutes the proceedings of the 28th European Symposium on Programming, ESOP 2019, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, in April 2019, held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2019

    Message from the Chairs - AGERE 2015 - Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Programming Based on Actors, Agents, and Decentralized Control

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    The proceedings contain 6 papers. The topics discussed include: deny capabilities for safe, fast actors; objects as session-typed processes; exploring AOP from an OOP perspective; Jacco: more efficient model checking toolset for Java actor programs; manyfold actors: extending the C++ actor framework to heterogeneous many-core machines using openCL; and Akka.js: towards a portable actor runtime environment